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Three Indian army Generals indicted in land corruption scandal:Inquiry report

The Hindu : Front Page : Military Secretary faces court martial

Military Secretary faces court martial

Special Correspondent

NEW DELHI: Chief of the Army Staff General Deepak Kapoor, on Friday accepted the advice of Defence Minister A.K. Antony by ordering court martial proceedings against Military Secretary Lieutenant General Avadesh Prakash for his alleged involvement in a land scam in the Darjeeling area of West Bengal. He would be the first three-star general to face such action.

General Kapoor was overruled by Mr. Antony who felt the alleged misdemeanours of General Prakash were serious enough to merit a court martial and not just disciplinary proceedings preferred by the Army chief.

As Military Secretary, General Prakash is one of the closest aides to the Army chief in dealing with daily matters and policy planning. The general is due to retire in a couple of days.

General Prakash was indicted in an internal probe at the command level along with the then 33 Corps Commander Lieutenant General P.K. Rath, his Chief of Staff at that time, Lieutenant General Ramesh Halgali and then Brigadier Administration Major General P.C. Sen. Following a court of inquiry, Eastern Army Commander Lieutenant General V.K. Singh, who will be the next Army chief, had recommended termination of service of General Prakash and administrative action against the other officers.

The controversy arose after General Kapoor recommended court martial proceedings against Lieutenant General Rath and issued show-cause notice to others for administrative action. It was felt by many in the Army that General Kapoor was being unfair as all four officers should have been meted out the same punishment. Mr. Antony overruled the Army chief.

The officers were found culpable by an internal probe for overruling their predecessors and issuing a no objection certificate to a private developer to lease 71 acres of land next to the Sukna military station near Darjeeling. The developer was also found to have falsely represented that he would open an educational institution affiliated to the prestigious Mayo College, Ajmer.

The probe at the command level had allegedly indicted Lieutenant General Rath for inking a pact with the property developer provided a certain percentage of seats was reserved for children of armed forces personnel. Lieutenant General Prakash was seen as being too interested in the case and persuading his juniors to pursue the deal.

Lieutenant General Halgali was alleged to have suppressed information from his seniors and Major General P.C. Sen was said to have played an active role in discussions with the developer during his tenure at the 33 Corps headquarters.


The Hindu : Front Page : Military Secretary faces court martial

Military Secretary faces court martial

Special Correspondent

NEW DELHI: Chief of the Army Staff General Deepak Kapoor, on Friday accepted the advice of Defence Minister A.K. Antony by ordering court martial proceedings against Military Secretary Lieutenant General Avadesh Prakash for his alleged involvement in a land scam in the Darjeeling area of West Bengal. He would be the first three-star general to face such action.

General Kapoor was overruled by Mr. Antony who felt the alleged misdemeanours of General Prakash were serious enough to merit a court martial and not just disciplinary proceedings preferred by the Army chief.

As Military Secretary, General Prakash is one of the closest aides to the Army chief in dealing with daily matters and policy planning. The general is due to retire in a couple of days.

General Prakash was indicted in an internal probe at the command level along with the then 33 Corps Commander Lieutenant General P.K. Rath, his Chief of Staff at that time, Lieutenant General Ramesh Halgali and then Brigadier Administration Major General P.C. Sen. Following a court of inquiry, Eastern Army Commander Lieutenant General V.K. Singh, who will be the next Army chief, had recommended termination of service of General Prakash and administrative action against the other officers.

The controversy arose after General Kapoor recommended court martial proceedings against Lieutenant General Rath and issued show-cause notice to others for administrative action. It was felt by many in the Army that General Kapoor was being unfair as all four officers should have been meted out the same punishment. Mr. Antony overruled the Army chief.

The officers were found culpable by an internal probe for overruling their predecessors and issuing a no objection certificate to a private developer to lease 71 acres of land next to the Sukna military station near Darjeeling. The developer was also found to have falsely represented that he would open an educational institution affiliated to the prestigious Mayo College, Ajmer.

The probe at the command level had allegedly indicted Lieutenant General Rath for inking a pact with the property developer provided a certain percentage of seats was reserved for children of armed forces personnel. Lieutenant General Prakash was seen as being too interested in the case and persuading his juniors to pursue the deal.

Lieutenant General Halgali was alleged to have suppressed information from his seniors and Major General P.C. Sen was said to have played an active role in discussions with the developer during his tenure at the 33 Corps headquarters.


The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan

Indian Army Chief licks his own spit

— General Deepak Kapoor succumbs to General VK Singh’s onslaught
— Orders Court Martial against Lt Gen Prakash, reversing his orders of Administrative action
— Indian Army’s Military Secretary ends career with outrageous stains on uniform
— The Daily Mail remains the first to have broken the news about “War of Generals in Indian Army”

From Christina Palmer & Ajay Mehta

New Delhi—The War of generals in Indian Army seems to be lingering on with full sensation with Indian Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor submitting to the latest onslaught of the Army Chief designate Lt. General Vijay Kumar Singh as General Kapoor was left with no other option but to lick his own spit when following Defence Minister’s clear cut orders the Indian Army Chief reversed his own orders of initiating Administrative Action against the Military Secretary Lt. General Avadesh Prakash and finally, on Friday, issued revised orders of commencing Disciplinary Action by convening the Court Martial against the disgraced Military Secretary, involved in corruption through wrongful sale of military lands, reveal the findings of The Daily Mail.
Acting on the “advice” of Defence Minister A.K. Antony, Indian Army Chief Gen. Deepak Kapoor has ordered a Court Martial of his top aide Lt. Gen. Avadesh Prakash for his involvement in a land scam in West Bengal’s Sukhna cantonment, a defence officials announced here on Friday.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that the Indian Defence Minister had overturned the Army Chief’s earlier orders of initiating ‘administrative’ action against his top aide Prakash, especially since the indicted officer has been accused of being the kingpin in the entire conspiracy to aid the transfer of a 71-acre tea estate adjacent to Sukhna military station to his family friend and real estate developer Dilip Agarwal. These findings indicate that although Lt Gen Prakash retires from army service tomorrow (January 31), he will still be governed by the Army Act and can face a court martial. His punishment could vary from dismissal from service to cut of pay and pension. Depending on the severity of the offence, he could even face imprisonment.

Licking his own spit, Indian Army Chief
General Deepak Kapoor

Disgraced with stains on uniform,
Lt Gen Avadesh Prakash​

The Daily Mail’s findings further indicate that indicate that the Eastern Army Commander, Lt Gen V K Singh who is also the Indian Army Chief designate, had recommended tough action against Lt Gen Prakash and other accused officials on the basis of a Court of Inquiry which indicted them for issuing a no-objection certificate (NOC) for sale of military land adjacent to Sukna military station in West Bengal’s Darjeeling. However, General Deepak Kapoor, instead, by passing the recommendations of Judge Advocate General (JAG) branch, initiated and Administrative action and not a Disciplinary action when he was pressurized by the Defence Ministry to initiate swift action against the involved army officers in the said land scam.
The Daily Mail’s findings further indicate that General Singh held two detailed meetings with Defence Minister Antony as the Fort Williams boss visited New Delhi in connection with the Republic Day engagements, after being formally nominated by the government as the upcoming Army Chief. These findings indicate that during his meetings, General Singh forced the Defence Minister to order General Kapoor to reverse his (Kapoor’s) earlier orders of initiating Administrative action against the top army officers, including the Military Secretary of the Indian army, Lt. General Prakash. The sources told this scribe that General Singh was told by the Defence Minister that since General Prakash was going to retire any way within a week’s time and was already facing an Administrative action so there was no need to punish him any harder. But General Singh showed no flexibility in his demand and insisted for conversion of Administrative action orders into Disciplinary action orders against Prakash by Kapoor after which Defense Minister ordered general Kapoor for the same.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that earlier, on 14th of this month, General Deepak Kapoor had ordered an Administrative action instead of disciplinary action against the Generals, proved guilty of compromising India’s national security through a massive military land scam, defying the recommendations of Military Headquarters’ Judge Advocate Generall (JAG) branch, the commander of the Eastern Command of the Indian Army, Lt, General V.K Singh insists for a disciplinary action against the guilty Generals as he stands by the findings and recommendations of the Court of Inquiry (CoI), convened by him These findings indicate that investigations by the Eastern Command of the Indian Army did find that senior officers, including the top aide to the army chief, overrode national security concerns to strike a deal with a realtor in north Bengal’s Siliguri Corridor, the strategic “Chicken’s Neck” that runs between three international boundaries and connects the Northeast with the rest of the country.
These findings indicate that Army Headquarters, on special directives of Army Chief General Kapoor, issued show-cause notices for administrative action against Military Secretary Lt Gen. Avadhesh Prakash, Lt Gen. Ramesh Halgali and Maj. Gen. P. Sen and disciplinary proceedings (that may lead to a court martial) against Lt Gen. P.K. Rath while till Sunday all of them were facing disciplinary action under the same charges
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that the information that dripped out on the “Sukna land scam” from Army Headquarters clearly painted a story of corruption while, sources in army headquarters insist that there was no “scam”, a view that reflects the opinion of the realtor, Dilip Agarwal, the contractor, too.
The Daily Mail’s findings reveal the outcomes and the opinion of the Court of Inquiry that was convened by the Eastern Army Commander, Lt Gen. V.K. Singh, in Fort William invest far greater strategic importance in the case.
These findings indicate that the 33 Corps, headquartered in Sukna, was facilitating underhand commerce in a corridor it is tasked to protect militarily. The area of responsibility of the 33 Corps is on the China front and includes territory in Sikkim, north Bengal and Bhutan.
However the Officers Commanding it and the Military Secretary, in charge of posting the officers and troops, not only ignored security concerns in allowing a commercial project on land adjacent to its headquarters but also actively facilitated Agarwal’s venture.
These findings reveal that they bent rules, altered policies, escorted the realtor, ignored the higher (Eastern) command, tailored formal agreements to suit the deal and put pressure on juniors to hurry it through while they kept suppressing evidence, the Court of Inquiry had found. All the while, the Military Secretary was in constant touch with Agarwal. Lt Gen. Prakash introduced Agarwal to the 33 Corps Commander and deputy chief-designate (now the appointment has been cancelled), Lt Gen. Rath, as a family friend, the court of inquiry says in its report forwarded to army headquarters.
These findings further reveal that Agarwal used to visit the Military Secretary in his house in Delhi. Agarwal and Lt Gen. Prakash were likely to have met when the military secretary served as commander of the Indian Military Training Team (Imtrat) in Bhutan, within the 33 Corps’ area of responsibility.
Agarwal issued a media release in Siliguri on December 31, 2009 in which he said: “The question of an ‘army land scam’ does not arise. The land never belonged to the army and the controversy is unnecessary.” However, toeing Agarwal’s line, a day after the show-cause notices were issued, Army Headquarters officials said that they did not know why the Eastern Army commander had recommended such strong action (“termination of service”) against the military secretary because “we never owned the land and, therefore, there is no scam. Only you guys and the General and Fort Williams appear to be knowing about it”, said at senior officer at the Army Headquarters when contacted by this scribe.
The Daily Mail’s findings disclose that what Indian Army Headquarters’ spin maestros are conveniently ignoring is that the force was actually in the process of acquiring the land from the Bengal government because of security concerns. The Bengal government appreciated these concerns and had conveyed to the army that it was “favourably disposed” towards transferring the land.
These findings further disclose that controversy relates to a “tea tourism” project to build villas and malls in an estate surrounded by army units. When construction was stopped, an “education” project was proposed to get around the ban.
The Court of Inquiry found that Agarwal had floated the Geetanjali Education Trust registered in Ghaziabad in 2001. “It has not functioned in a true sense and has constructed no school or college so far,” the report said. Agarwal was “reluctant to part with information regarding his companies”. Yet, the 33 Corps Headquarters entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with him after deleting “Paragraph 17” of the draft. The report describes this clause as “the most potent” paragraph because it gave rights to the army to terminate the MoU “on security grounds”.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that in their review of the case, the investigators reported that the Chumta Tea Estate spread over 2,711 acres was on a 33-year lease from the Bengal government. It is inside the Sukna military station and is surrounded by army units.
Of this land, nearly 72 acres were barren and was handed over to the Bengal government. The Bengal government in turn offered it on lease to four firms (Mata Vaishnodevi Mercantile Pvt Ltd, Sheetla Vyapaar Pvt Ltd, Akshara Vanijya Pvt Ltd and JF Low and Co Ltd) represented by S. Bajoria.
“The barren portion of 71.55 acres is enclosed like a lobe within the tea garden, with one side literally bordering the (33) Corps Headquarters,” the CoI report said and pointed out that “the sensitivities of the Siliguri Corridor also necessitated that no civil construction be permitted in the close proximity of the Corps Headquarters”.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that in February 2008, the army discovered in newspaper reports that the barren land was being developed for “tea tourism” and would include a film city, villas and malls. The then Commander of 33rd Corps, Lt Gen. Deepak Raj, informed the Eastern Army Commander and told the Bengal government’s Chief Secretary that all construction on the land must be stopped. The Bengal government agreed and gave the orders accordingly.
“The army’s objections to civilian construction on Chumta Tea Estate were based on security implications, arising out of proximity of the site to corps headquarters and Ascon (the army’s dedicated telecommunications network) node,” the CoI report said.
In July-August 2008, Agarwal went to Bajoria and with him proposed building a girls’ school at the site while on December 29, 2008, Lt Gen. Rath, who was then the 33 Corps Commander, received a request for a “no-objection certificate” to establish a residential school with a franchise of Mayo College.
The Daily mail’s findings disclose that the next month, Agarwal and Bajoria met Rath. Rath forwarded the proposal from Agarwal with a note “Please examine, a new angle project we may consider” to the administration in charge, Brigadier (now Maj. Gen.) Sen.
In between, in October 2008, Military Secretary Prakash visited Sukna on an official trip and met Agarwal. He introduced Agarwal to Rath and Lt Gen. Ramesh Halgali, who was Chief of Staff of the Corps, as a friend. In July 2008, Prakash and Agarwal were said to have met Gaj Singh of Jodhpur.
The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that this set the ball rolling till the MoU was signed in talks between March 18 and 20, 2009. In those three days, Agarwal and Lt Gen. Prakash were in constant touch, according to telephone records called by the investigators who describe this connection as the “influencing factor”.
These findings indicate that the Eastern Army Commander, Lt Gen. V.K. Singh, grew suspicious and called off the deal. He convened the Court of Inquiry on September 30 which finally came up with the conclusion that the generals were proved guilty and recommended disciplinary action against them. The findings of the CoI were dispatched to JAG branch and Adjutant General’s branch and JAG branch also agreed with the recommendations of the CoI of the Eastern Command but it highly irked the Army Chief General Kapoor who straight away approached the Defence Minister but to no avail. He finally managed to convince the Defence Minister Antony to handle the matter his way and on Monday, transformed orders of disciplinary action into Administration action while the Commander Eastern Command is not satisfied with this climax of the case.
Talking to The Daily Mail Lt. General (rtd) Kamal Davar said that the action should have been taken in the light of the recommendation of the CoI of the Eastern Command as it was the only body that examined and investigated the matter. He said that transformation of disciplinary action into Administration action by Army Chief against those who were found guilty of compromising national security would come up with nothing else but as source of encouragement for such elements in the Indian army in future.
So are they actually going to jail or they would be just be 'disgraced' and then left to 'rot' in paradise?

Either way, I believe its a very positive development not only for INdia but for the whole of our corruption plagued subcontinent. Its a precedent thats being set. A general getting court martialled for Corruption. Punishment is actually irrelevent...
It's sad that the Indian Army chief was defending a fellow officer and did not recommend disciplinary action inspite of clear evidence.
Gen Kapoor has been a bad COAS overall. I am waiting for his retirement.
The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan

Indian Army Chief licks his own spit

— General Deepak Kapoor succumbs to General VK Singh’s onslaught
— Orders Court Martial against Lt Gen Prakash, reversing his orders of Administrative action
— Indian Army’s Military Secretary ends career with outrageous stains on uniform
— The Daily Mail remains the first to have broken the news about “War of Generals in Indian Army”

From Christina Palmer & Ajay Mehta


The Daily Mail’s findings further indicate that indicate that the Eastern Army Commander, Lt Gen V K Singh who is also the Indian Army Chief designate, had recommended tough action against Lt Gen Prakash and other accused officials on the basis of a Court of Inquiry which indicted them for issuing a no-objection certificate (NOC) for sale of military land adjacent to Sukna military station in West Bengal’s Darjeeling. However, General Deepak Kapoor, instead, by passing the recommendations of Judge Advocate General (JAG) branch, initiated and Administrative action and not a Disciplinary action when he was pressurized by the Defence Ministry to initiate swift action against the involved army officers in the said land scam.


There is mistake in Daily mail report , NOC was not issued for the sale of military land, It was a 70 acre pvt land near Army station. About the author Christina Palmer, there is no journalist exist in Delhi with the name Christina Palmer [Daily mail says she(?) is their delhi Correspondent]
Now an article from Dawn

Well done, Mr Antony

Three lieutenant generals of the Indian army are to be tried by court martial for their part in an alleged land scam. The orders to try them were passed by Defence Minister A.K. Antony when he saw that the army chief was trying to whitewash the alleged crime of one of the accused, just two days before Lt Gen Avadesh Prasad went into retirement.
Prasad was military secretary at the army HQ and was therefore close to the army chief, Gen Deepak Kapoor. It is to be noted that whilst the inquiry officer, Lt Gen P.K. Singh (who is also India’s next COAS), had recommended that Prasad face a court martial for his part in the scam, Kapoor had disagreed with him. In stepped their boss, the defence minister.

By golly, can we even begin to imagine that Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar would have the nerve to do likewise? Or that our Rommels and Guderians would submit to the will of the elected leadership made up of ‘bloody civilians’? Not in a month of Sundays. Indeed, if our government had taken any such step, the ‘media Taliban’ (how I love this term!) would have gone into overdrive screaming blue murder against the elected government, shouting: ‘security risks’, ‘traitors’, ‘Indian-Israeli-American agents’ and so on.
The Prasad case has not damaged the Indian army; to the contrary, it has shown the world that India is a practising democracy in which the mighty too are subject to the law. It has shown that whilst there may be a few rotten eggs in the army, its high command still has people like Gen P.K. Singh who will stand up for principles. It has shown that India has people like A.K. Antony who are not afraid of doing the right thing. What we have to ask ourselves is this: is it possible that our government and its generals will draw some lessons from what is happening in India? Will they see and appreciate the openness with which this case has been handled, and the resultant good press that the process has received not only in India but across the world? Or will they continue to remain in their hull-down positions, a law unto themselves?

That seems to be the case. Why else is it that we hear nothing about the many earth-shaking incidents that have happened in our country? Such as the surrender of over 250 men along with their commanding officer to less than a dozen militants in Waziristan something like three years ago?

Yes, the Commando was ruling the roost then, in more ways than one. Were those responsible for the disgraceful episode proceeded against? What were the findings of the inquiry if any was held? Was anyone punished? Did the inquiry find that the appropriate standard operating procedures for operating in hostile territory were being followed when the catastrophe struck? Was the unit properly trained in ‘advance to contact’ in hilly terrain?

Did it use the ‘one leg on the ground’ method of movement, sending up pickets to look for hostiles lurking about before the main body advanced into a defile? So many questions, but we heard not a peep about the matter. It was as if nothing had happened, and all was hunky dory. It was shamelessness compounded manifold.

What, please, is this thing about our brass hats? Why do they consider everyone else inferior to themselves, despite the fact that they do not have much to show for all the billions that the country spends on keeping them in splendour that would make the nabobs envious? Why are they as arrogant as they are? These are questions that we must have answers to if the country is to progress to a better tomorrow. If the brass hats continue to feel that they can walk over anyone, any institution including the superior courts of the country, we are done for.

Witness the open defiance of the Peshawar High Court by the ‘agencies’ of the army in refusing to answer questions relating to the disappeared. This does not bode well for anyone: the government or the opposition or the judiciary. For if it is the government which is being defied today, it will be the opposition which will be defied tomorrow, when it comes into government.

Let me one more time request the country’s two largest political parties, the PPP and the PML-N to stop their point-scoring against each other and to face their common adversary, the enemy of popular democracy. Asif Zardari is hardly the biggest problem facing the country today; he is but one individual. Our problem is an arrogant, sinister and secretive security establishment that looms darkly over the country’s future.

Which reminds me, for the nth time, where is the cruel and sadistic Muslim Khan, the chief spokesman of the cruel and sadistic Mullah Fazlullah, the butcher of Swat? And the actual butcher whose name slips my mind but who was said by the ISPR to have been the person who used to slaughter people with a blunt knife on video? Why have they not been put on trial so many months after their capture? What is going on? Why this ambivalence when dealing with these confirmed yahoos?

Or are we right to assume that Muslim Khan & co are being kept wrapped in cotton wool for other missions at some future date?

Might one, at the end, ask why the PPP is playing footsie with Sheikh Rashid ‘Tulli’ in the Rawalpindi by-election? Is it meant to be a poke in the PML-N’s eye? Has the PPP forgotten the vile rudeness employed by Master ‘Tulli’ whenever referring to the Bhuttos, particularly to Benazir? Has it been forgotten that he has openly said he is the security establishment’s man?

DAWN.COM | Columnists | Well done, Mr Antony

I personally dont support Media trial on Military personnel. Our defence minister played for the gallery and won applause
Is it possible that Pakistani government and its generals will draw some lessons from what is happening in India?

Three lieutenant generals of the Indian army are to be tried by court martial for their part in an alleged land scam. The orders to try them were passed by Defence Minister A.K. Antony when he saw that the army chief was trying to whitewash the alleged crime of one of the accused, just two days before Lt Gen Avadesh Prasad went into retirement.

Prasad was military secretary at the army HQ and was therefore close to the army chief, Gen Deepak Kapoor. It is to be noted that whilst the inquiry officer, Lt Gen P.K. Singh (who is also India’s next COAS), had recommended that Prasad face a court martial for his part in the scam, Kapoor had disagreed with him. In stepped their boss, the defence minister.

By golly, can we even begin to imagine that Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar would have the nerve to do likewise? Or that our Rommels and Guderians would submit to the will of the elected leadership made up of ‘bloody civilians’? Not in a month of Sundays. Indeed, if our government had taken any such step, the ‘media Taliban’ (how I love this term!) would have gone into overdrive screaming blue murder against the elected government, shouting: ‘security risks’, ‘traitors’, ‘Indian-Israeli-American agents’ and so on.

The Prasad case has not damaged the Indian army; to the contrary, it has shown the world that India is a practising democracy in which the mighty too are subject to the law. It has shown that whilst there may be a few rotten eggs in the army, its high command still has people like Gen P.K. Singh who will stand up for principles. It has shown that India has people like A.K. Antony who are not afraid of doing the right thing. What we have to ask ourselves is this: is it possible that our government and its generals will draw some lessons from what is happening in India? Will they see and appreciate the openness with which this case has been handled, and the resultant good press that the process has received not only in India but across the world? Or will they continue to remain in their hull-down positions, a law unto themselves?

That seems to be the case. Why else is it that we hear nothing about the many earth-shaking incidents that have happened in our country? Such as the surrender of over 250 men along with their commanding officer to less than a dozen militants in Waziristan something like three years ago?

Yes, the Commando was ruling the roost then, in more ways than one. Were those responsible for the disgraceful episode proceeded against? What were the findings of the inquiry if any was held? Was anyone punished? Did the inquiry find that the appropriate standard operating procedures for operating in hostile territory were being followed when the catastrophe struck? Was the unit properly trained in ‘advance to contact’ in hilly terrain?

Did it use the ‘one leg on the ground’ method of movement, sending up pickets to look for hostiles lurking about before the main body advanced into a defile? So many questions, but we heard not a peep about the matter. It was as if nothing had happened, and all was hunky dory. It was shamelessness compounded manifold.

What, please, is this thing about our brass hats? Why do they consider everyone else inferior to themselves, despite the fact that they do not have much to show for all the billions that the country spends on keeping them in splendour that would make the nabobs envious? Why are they as arrogant as they are? These are questions that we must have answers to if the country is to progress to a better tomorrow. If the brass hats continue to feel that they can walk over anyone, any institution including the superior courts of the country, we are done for.

Witness the open defiance of the Peshawar High Court by the ‘agencies’ of the army in refusing to answer questions relating to the disappeared. This does not bode well for anyone: the government or the opposition or the judiciary. For if it is the government which is being defied today, it will be the opposition which will be defied tomorrow, when it comes into government.

Let me one more time request the country’s two largest political parties, the PPP and the PML-N to stop their point-scoring against each other and to face their common adversary, the enemy of popular democracy. Asif Zardari is hardly the biggest problem facing the country today; he is but one individual. Our problem is an arrogant, sinister and secretive security establishment that looms darkly over the country’s future.

Which reminds me, for the nth time, where is the cruel and sadistic Muslim Khan, the chief spokesman of the cruel and sadistic Mullah Fazlullah, the butcher of Swat? And the actual butcher whose name slips my mind but who was said by the ISPR to have been the person who used to slaughter people with a blunt knife on video? Why have they not been put on trial so many months after their capture? What is going on? Why this ambivalence when dealing with these confirmed yahoos?

Or are we right to assume that Muslim Khan & co are being kept wrapped in cotton wool for other missions at some future date?

Might one, at the end, ask why the PPP is playing footsie with Sheikh Rashid ‘Tulli’ in the Rawalpindi by-election? Is it meant to be a poke in the PML-N’s eye? Has the PPP forgotten the vile rudeness employed by Master ‘Tulli’ whenever referring to the Bhuttos, particularly to Benazir? Has it been forgotten that he has openly said he is the security establishment’s man?



Kamran Shafi the Deserter on loose!

i'll love that we should take heed from the indian example, but not from you Shafi, not from you!
Indian Lt Gen (retd) found guilty in land scam

NEW DELHI: Former military secretary, Lt Gen (retd) Avadesh Prakash was held guilty in the infamous Sukna land scam, Indian media reported.

Avadesh Prakash, whose court martial proceedings in Guwahati got over Friday, was held guilty on three counts, including misuse of official position.

He is likely to be sentenced in the case today itself.

The scam involved transfer of 71 acres of land adjacent to Sukna military station in West Bengal.

The Army had in January this year punished another senior officer and former 33 Corps Commander Lt Gen PK Rath in the same case and had awarded punishment involving loss of seniority and some part of his pension.

Both Avadesh Prakash and Rath had been earlier indicted by a court of inquiry constituted by the Army in 2010.

The scam dates back to 2008 when the alleged move to transfer the land in Siliguri district of West Bengal to a private educational trust came out in the open, leading to the Army initiating the disciplinary proceedings against senior Army officials, including Avadesh Prakash and Rath.

Though the then Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor wanted to let off Avadesh Prakash lightly with just an administrative action, Defence Minister AK Antony had intervened and ordered his court-martial.

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