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Three days after traveling to China, the Indian girl said: I don't want to leave at all, I envy Chin

Everyone says no. You can just make up a title and make it head of state. There are many examples like Captain Regent ,Supreme leader ,Chancellor etc.
China didn't have "presidents" till the early 80s which according you means China didn't have a Head of State and even Chairman Mao wasn't a head state because he was a "Chairman" and not "president". Well it seems you are severely lacking both education and common sense. I guess the Indian education system is that bad

Her position at the time played the role of Head of State in China and thus she is considered as the head of State, you shouting isn't going to re-write history. You saying the world is flat doesn't mean its flat and its pretty much the same here
Illiterate peasant.
Read this list.

I can't make it simpler than this.
Illiterate peasant.
Read this list.

I can't make it simpler than this.
:crazy: Thank you for proving me right. The moment I saw your post I burst out laughing in front my friends. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::sarcastic::sarcastic:
I am not sure how I am illiterate when the same article says.

The office, called 国家主席 (Guójiā Zhǔxí) in Chinese, was created in 1954 when the 1st Constitution consolidated the system of government in the People's Republic of China. At the time, the title was translated into English as State Chairman. The position was abolished between 1975 and 1982 with the functions of head of state being performed by the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The presidency was revived under the fourth constitution in 1982.

And guess who is in the list?:nana::nana::nana:

You do NEED to be President or a Monarch to be Head of State.

That is Civics 101 in Primary School.

How old are you?
Deng Xiaoping was never president or general secretary of CCP,BUT he was the supreme leader of China from1978 to 1992!


We don’t do stupid things like the Great Leap Forward, the biggest mass suicide in history.
yes you Indian loves very much India Bhopal gas leak case like accidents!

Another hare brain Chinese rant.
Democracy isn't a Western "thing" - it is a universal value.
Maybe in Communist China they peddle such lies to their simple minded citizens who believe such garbage.

Cresson served as Prime Minister of France - it is amazing how little you simple minded Chinese people know.
universal lmao,....democracy is universal BUT democracy defined BUT westerns and Indians is not!
CHINA has democracy on its own ways idiot,if not,there are would be too much rebels to be stopped,on the contrary,Chineses now enjoy there most rapid and one of the safest society humanly possible!
I thank CCP for creating a peaceful and prosperous society for me and my family,under China CCP leadership,we shall never live like Iraq,Syria,lybia people status quo!
:crazy: Thank you for proving me right. The moment I saw your post I burst out laughing in front my friends. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::sarcastic::sarcastic:
I am not sure how I am illiterate when the same article says.

The office, called 国家主席 (Guójiā Zhǔxí) in Chinese, was created in 1954 when the 1st Constitution consolidated the system of government in the People's Republic of China. At the time, the title was translated into English as State Chairman. The position was abolished between 1975 and 1982 with the functions of head of state being performed by the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The presidency was revived under the fourth constitution in 1982.

And guess who is in the list?:nana::nana::nana:
View attachment 491836
Lol. Please continue to display your stupidity and entertain me. If she was really ever Head of State, it would not be required to bestow an Honorary title upon her. But please continue to make me laugh.

Deng Xiaoping was never president or general secretary of CCP,BUT he was the supreme leader of China from1978 to 1992!

View attachment 491879

yes you Indian loves very much India Bhopal gas leak case like accidents!

universal lmao,....democracy is universal BUT democracy defined BUT westerns and Indians is not!
CHINA has democracy on its own ways idiot,if not,there are would be too much rebels to be stopped,on the contrary,Chineses now enjoy there most rapid and one of the safest society humanly possible!
I thank CCP for creating a peaceful and prosperous society for me and my family,under China CCP leadership,we shall never live like Iraq,Syria,lybia people status quo!
Interesting. Now try typing your rant in comprehensible English.
Lol. Please continue to display your stupidity and entertain me. If she was really ever Head of State, it would not be required to bestow an Honorary title upon her. But please continue to make me laugh.

Interesting. Now try typing your rant in comprehensible English.
I have 0 time for brainwashed shindians idiots!
Lol. Please continue to display your stupidity and entertain me. If she was really ever Head of State, it would not be required to bestow an Honorary title upon her. But please continue to make me laugh.

Interesting. Now try typing your rant in comprehensible English.

I can't help if you can't read your own links to Wikipedia. That pretty much repeated everything I said and calls her the head of State. Ranting nonsense when your own articles not only claim that Chinese presidency was formed in the 80s but she was the Head of State of China has well.
I can't help if you can't read your own links to Wikipedia. That pretty much repeated everything I said and calls her the head of State. Ranting nonsense when your own articles not only claim that Chinese presidency was formed in the 80s but she was the Head of State of China has well.
Lol. Read it again. It says "acting head of state". Dick Cheney was briefly "acting Head of State" of USA. That doesn't make him "Head of State". I can't help it if you are too daft to understand this basic yet vast difference.
Lol. Read it again. It says "acting head of state". Dick Cheney was briefly "acting Head of State" of USA. That doesn't make him "Head of State". I can't help it if you are too daft to understand this basic yet vast difference.

Well it can't be helped that you are continuously lying out of your a$$, I never expect any higher of most Indians. By the time she became acting Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress she already had served as Head of State, its rather pointless to bring that or her time as honorary president up. Even if she didn't take the acting chairman or if she the Chinese didn't make her honorary president when she was at her deathbed she was still a head of state.

Honestly is it that hard to accept reality? You tried to say China is sexist and the only thing you could bring up was that China never had a female head of state when it was clearly wrong. You are the only whole in the entire planet that says she was not head of state. Why? because you are a typical Indian who can't deal with the fact that China is better than India. China is the 30s in the Gender Inequality Index while your pathetic sh*thole is below 120. When the only thing that you could bring up against India was proven false you resort to trolling like little kid. Why? Thats because its the only thing Indians can do!

The entire world consider her a former head of state of China yet a pathetic little brainwashed Indian who things the land of rapists and misogynists is a paradise can't deal with it.

@Chinese-Dragon @AndrewJin @Beast @wanglaokan

Deng Xiaoping was never president or general secretary of CCP,BUT he was the supreme leader of China from1978 to 1992!


He can't deal with reality. I mean if he could how can he live seeing the situation of India!
The entire world says he is wrong but he is going.

When their delusions are crushed by someone who shows them the reality they go
My current gf is chinese. I have had a chinese gf before when I was in Dubai as well. This ex now has bought a Porsche in China. Kicking myself to have broken up with her now. :S
Now resorting to trolling eh? Honestly you still can't accept reality? Well it can't be helped considering if Indians became aware of reality most of the country will be committing mass suicide
View attachment 491830 Reality will not change just to please you, grow up and learn to Deal With It. Regardless of how much you troll, rant or lie the pathetic situation of Indian women will not change and China will not fall down to India's level
Like y r u replying him then? Hes a well known troll prowling the fat east forums with anti-china propaganda.

His inferiority complex for the Chinese is so fucking great in his inner self that u can analysis n deduce by looking at his avatar, which he changed from the tiananmen tanks.

My current gf is chinese. I have had a chinese gf before when I was in Dubai as well. This ex now has bought a Porsche in China. Kicking myself to have broken up with her now. :S


U could had gotten a trophy wife.

Oh well.
First you said a woman has never been Head of State or Government in China and when it is wrong you try ranting about the post of president and rant about me lying like a complete clown.
I wonder do a female Emperor (not a Empress) count as a head of State? if yes then China had a female head of State back in the Tang Dynasty. Empress Dowager Cixi of Qing Dynasty also overpowered the Guangxu Emperor and ruled China as a only sovereign, even she did not have title of Emperor. For me, title doesn't mean a thing while power is everything. Since this is easy to place a female "President" as a puppet ruler for a show.
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