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Three countries condemn Philippine's murder of unarmed Taiwanese fisherman


Dec 15, 2009
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Like the growing list of seven U.S. Congressmen, the number of nations condemning the Philippine's brutal killing of an unarmed Taiwanese fisherman continues to grow.


China condemns fisherman's death | China Daily

"China condemns fisherman's death
Updated: 2013-05-11 00:36
By An Baijie (China Daily)


An undated handout photo released on Friday by the Liuqiu fishing committee in Taiwan's Pingtung county, shows the Guang Ta Hsin 28 fishing vessel at a harbor in Liuqiu. [Photo/Agencies]

Philippine military vessel fired on unarmed fishing boat from Taiwan

China strongly condemned the Philippines' "barbaric" fatal shooting of a 65-year-old fisherman from Taiwan on Thursday, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Friday.

"We strongly urge again that the Philippines investigate the case immediately and handle the issue properly. We will keep a close watch on the development of the incident," said Hua Chunying, spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at a daily news conference.

China expressed deep concern over the Philippines' repeated attacks against unarmed fishermen, Hua said.

"We wish to express deep grief over the death of the Taiwan fisherman and give condolences to the victim's family," Hua said.

Responding to a Philippine news report stating that some Chinese vessels were spotted near Ren'ai Jiao, Hua said China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters.

The shooting occurred at about 10 am on Thursday in an area about 160 nautical miles southeast of the southernmost tip of the island of Taiwan, according to Taiwan's coast guard authority.

The victim was identified as 65-year-old Hung Shih-cheng. Four seamen were on the boat, the Guang Ta Hsin 28. The other three — the victim's son, his son-in-law and an Indonesian fisherman —were all injured, the Beijing Times reported.

The Philippine vessel fired nearly 40 shots at the fishing boat.

After killing the fisherman, the Philippine armed vessel continued to chase and fire at the fishing boat for another hour and a half, according to reports carried by Taiwan media outlets."


Swaziland condemns Manila over shooting | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

"Swaziland condemns Manila over shooting
By Hsu Mei-yu and Maia Huang
2013/05/21 22:12:06


Taipei, May 21 (CNA) The Kingdom of Swaziland, a diplomatic ally of Taiwan in southern Africa, issued a statement Monday condemning the Philippines over an incident in which a Taiwanese fisherman was shot and killed by a government vessel May 9.

Describing the incident as "cold-blooded murder," Swaziland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said such criminal behavior is considered intolerable by the world.

It expressed hope in a letter that the dispute between Taiwan and the Philippines can be resolved peacefully as soon as possible.

A businessmen's association in the African country also voiced support for Taiwan's government and urged the Philippines to act as a civilized country and respond to Taiwan's demands.

Meanwhile, Slovak parliamentarian and chairman of the Slovak-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group Ivan Stefanec said that the Philippine government's patrol vessel violated international maritime law by firing upon an innocent fishing boat and that such violent conduct should be punished.

In a letter to David Lee, Taiwan's representative to Slovakia, Stefanec said it is understandable that Taiwan has decided to impose sanctions on the Philippines because the country lacks sincerity in shouldering its responsibilities.

Offering his condolences to the family of Hung Shih-cheng, the 65-year-old fishermen who was killed, Stefanec urged the two countries to resolve the issue soon."


Federation condemns killing of Taiwan fisherman by Philippine coast guard

"Federation condemns killing of Taiwan fisherman by Philippine coast guard
Published: 5/22/2013


St. Kitts and Nevis' Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas (left) and Taiwan's Resident Ambassador to St. Kitts and Nevis, His Excellency Miguel Tsao (Photo by Erasmus Williams)

St. Kitts and Nevis has expressed condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of China and in particular, to the family members of a Taiwan fisherman killed by the Pilipino Coast Guard, in the southern part of the ROC Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas in a message to the Resident Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) said the news caught his attention through International media and the Embassy of the Republic of China to St. Kitts and Nevis.

“We are saddened by this unfortunate development that has seemingly heightened tensions at the diplomatic level and could result in the untimely escalation of conflict between both countries. We express our firm solidarity with your Government, your beloved country and people at this difficult time,” said Dr. Douglas.

He said as a strong ally and close international partner of the Republic of China, the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis stands unequivocally in its support to the decisive measures taken by the Taiwan government in response to the atrocity which demonstrated frivolous disregard for human life.

“Notwithstanding, in the interest of peace and security, St. Kitts and Nevis would like to recommend that both parties exercise restraint. We are of the view that this maritime boundary dispute could be settled through collaboration and without recourse to military force or coercion, which could result in further loss of lives, if not resolved amicably,” said the Prime Minister.

“St. Kitts and Nevis expresses continues support for the Government and people of the Republic of China and looks forward to the timely resolution of this matter,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Government of Taiwan in its latest statement on the matter said negotiations have taken place between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in the Philippines and the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) in Taiwan.

Philippine officials met, as had been promised, with TECO officials and Ministry of Justice Head Prosecutor Yang Wan-li at the Philippine National on the Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on the morning of May 20.

The two sides held working-level consultations on procedural issues with respect to mutual legal assistance in the case of the shooting attack on Taiwan fishing boat Guang Da Xing No. 28 (GDX 28) by a Philippine government vessel. During the two-hour meeting, the two sides agreed to provide mutual legal assistance when requested, which laid the groundwork for cooperating on the investigation into the incident."
Except China. Why only 2? all small countries with diplomatic relations with Taiwan should follow and condemn the Philippines for their support to Taiwan or else they will not get any financial assistance or help.

Africa (4 states)

Burkina Faso* (1961–1973, 1994)
Gambia* (1968–1974, 1995)
São Tomé and Príncipe* (1997)
Swaziland* (1968)

Europe (1 state)

Vatican City* (The Holy See) (1942)

Oceania (6 states)

Kiribati (2003)
Marshall Islands* (1998)
Nauru (1980–2002, 2005)
Palau* (1999)
Solomon Islands* (1983)
Tuvalu (1979)*

Central and South America, and Caribbean Community (12 states)

Belize* (1989)
Dominican Republic* (1957)
El Salvador* (1961)
Guatemala* (1960)
Haiti* (1956)
Honduras* (1965)
Nicaragua* (1962–1985,1990)
Panama* (1909)
Paraguay* (1957)
Saint Kitts and Nevis* (1983)
Saint Lucia (1984–1997, 2007)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1981)
This is getting more pathetic everyday with the constant whining and begging for an apology from the Pinoy. :argh: Add to the fact that the Pinoy do not take order from the U.S President (see 2005 Iraq hostage crisis); let alone some Joe Blow party members

Only the weak and pathetic would seek apology.
This is getting more pathetic everyday with the constant whining and begging for an apology from the Pinoy. :argh: Add to the fact that the Pinoy do not take order from the U.S President (see 2005 Iraq hostage crisis); let alone some Joe Blow party members

Only the weak and pathetic would seek apology.

You are correct, Taiwan should blockade Luzon until compensation of $30 million is paid to the murdered family. All ships running the blockade will be fired upon.
You are correct, Taiwan should blockade Luzon until compensation of $30 million is paid to the murdered family. All ships running the blockade will be fired upon.
Where do you get your $30-million figure from? Life insurance payout to U.S soldiers who died in Iraq was $250k max and most American do not even have life insurance payout anywhere near $250k.
Taiwan must keep the pressure on Philippine and do not give up until the Philippines beg for forgiveness
To U.S, TW is far less important than Phil. I dont think ur pressure can be strong enough to make US and its allies stand on ur side .
To U.S, TW is far less important than Phil. I dont think ur pressure can be strong enough to make US and its allies stand on ur side .

Wrong, Taiwan is the bastion of democracy that will have political affects if Taiwan ever come under the control of China. Its as a important of an ally as Israel.
Wrong, Taiwan is the bastion of democracy that will have political affects if Taiwan ever come under the control of China. Its as a important of an ally as Israel.

Sorry to tell u the truth that: TW is just US's dog, if your leader doesn't listen to US, then they will kill your leader and find another dog for this position, and TW will still stay in US's side:coffee:

I bet that US and its allies wont give a damn to your lost coz TW is far less important than Phil
Wrong, Taiwan is the bastion of democracy that will have political affects if Taiwan ever come under the control of China. Its as a important of an ally as Israel.

What a cretinous statement. Taiwan is substantially inferior compared to Israel in regards to our geopolitical interests. Taiwan is a sacrificial pawn. Israel is akin to a rook for us.
Sorry to tell u the truth that: TW is just US's dog, if your leader doesn't listen to US, then they will kill your leader and find another dog for this position, and TW will still stay in US's side:coffee:

I bet that US and its allies wont give a damn to your lost coz TW is far less important than Phil


Let's look at historical premise, shall we? In 1944, the United States launched the largest naval invasion in the history of human civilization to retake the Philippine Islands from the Japs. In 1944, the United States Navy launched the Battle of Leyte Gulf, sending 200,000 Americans to retake the Philippines. We sustained 60,000 casualties to retake the Philippines. In the process, we also eradicated the entire Imperial Japanese 14th Area Army (a force of some 336,000), which was pulverized by the United States 3rd and 6th Armies.

The United States Navy and Army bypassed Taiwan. As she was of no strategic value to us.

To this day, Taiwan is of INFERIOR strategic value for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

To this day, the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, are of core strategic value for the United States Pacific Command.

United States Naval Invasion to Retake the Philippines, 1944:




it's actually an interesting point you bring up regarding the strategic importance of the Philippines vs Taiwan during WW2

Admirals King and Nimitz argued for an invasion for Taiwan (consisting of mainly Navy and Marines) while General MacArthur pushed for the invasion of the Philippines (consisting of mainly Army units); many would argue that the Philippines invasion was ultimately chosen more for political reasons, MacArthur's own ego and his personal promise to Filipino people rather than better overall strategical benefits and that it was a waste of time, resources and American lives to clear the entire Philippines of Japanese troops
Taiwan must keep the pressure on Philippine and do not give up until the Philippines beg for forgiveness

hahaha so your going to bet up on workers again maybe its about time for a pull out i mean your not really important to the Philippines hack you dont even pay well so your so called us begging is not laughable at best
it's actually an interesting point you bring up regarding the strategic importance of the Philippines vs Taiwan during WW2

Admirals King and Nimitz argued for an invasion for Taiwan (consisting of mainly Navy and Marines) while General MacArthur pushed for the invasion of the Philippines (consisting of mainly Army units); many would argue that the Philippines invasion was ultimately chosen more for political reasons, MacArthur's own ego and his personal promise to Filipino people rather than better overall strategical benefits and that it was a waste of time, resources and American lives to clear the entire Philippines of Japanese troops

Really you do realized that the Philippines was the major supply base of the Japanese in both ways one it supplied troops to the occupied areas to it was a base of operation to bring resources to the Japanese home islands and not only that my country service as fortress heck were in the middle of West Philippine sea and the Pacific only an idiot would not think of occupying the Philippines because you can use the country as military base (repair station, resupply base, launching area to defend to deter the Allies from retaking and invade the rest South East Asia and Australia, New Zealand so your theory of my country not having any importance is very bias well your chinese after all! Was next to useless in the war heck they could not even hold their own you had every military advantage in terms of Weapons and troops than the Japanese heck even the Philippine Commonwealth Army along with US Philippine Department (USEFEE) hold on far longer and the Philippine Commonwealth Army was poorly armed, trained and under supplied compare to the Nationalist Army of China and yet they held long enough for the Allies to hold on Australia and later to reorganized and win and other fact most the intelligence coup happen in the Philippines and as i said earlier that the Japanese use the Philippines be their main base of operations a lot of documents that was great importance were given to the Allies by Filipino Guerrillas one of them is the code use of the Japanse especially USEFEE Guerrillas who harass the Japanese like crazy and provided the intelligence for the allies to win the war.

Its true that MacArthur was a egotistic jerk but the importance of the Philippines in the war is unmistakeable don't get me wrong Nimitz plans was great too but getting the Japanese out of the Philippines was not a simply promise but it was the right choice cutting a major supply center of the enemy is vital in terms of military strategy if you remove the moral cause to retake the Philippines and of course there was a lot of American Prisoners here knowing the Americans it will not look good for them if they can save other people but can not save their own?

So your idea is simply a bias opinion just everything you imperials have suggested face it you just posted this to try to make people think less of the Philippines but in reality we are important in the world so just face, heck we are all important but in terms of importance between the Philippines and Taiwan your not really that important to us i mean you don't even pay well for most Filipinos Taiwan is a stepping stone for China (sad to say but due to the similarities of language and culture) and Japan and Korea and other destinations for job experiences and to start in saving money but in truth they can go straight to those places no problem it would nick the Philippines but it will not hurt it in fact it would hurt Taiwan more especially the health and manufacturing than the Philippines for one your people are too proud to work on those areas and its hard to find replacements for 87,000 plus workers and filipinos are preferred for many reasons something others and local works lacks of so my countrymen are very important to your country's economy so please do so if you can carry your plans good then one less problem out our hairs really i mean majority of foreign crimes here are committed majority Taiwanese and Chinese Mainlanders and they are pest to the economy too smuggling goods in and out of the country is one and not paying taxes so it would be blessing for the Philippines if you people left heck if we lose the Americans, The Europeans and the Koreans and the Japanese then the Philippines is really in trouble but to you guys i say farewell to bad rubbish and hello renaissance of the Philippine economy.
Really you do realized that the Philippines was the major supply base of the Japanese in both ways one it supplied troops to the occupied areas to it was a base of operation to bring resources to the Japanese home islands and not only that my country service as fortress heck were in the middle of West Philippine sea and the Pacific only an idiot would not think of occupying the Philippines because you can use the country as military base (repair station, resupply base, launching area to defend to deter the Allies from retaking and invade the rest South East Asia and Australia, New Zealand so your theory of my country not having any importance is very bias well your chinese after all! Was next to useless in the war heck they could not even hold their own you had every military advantage in terms of Weapons and troops than the Japanese heck even the Philippine Commonwealth Army along with US Philippine Department (USEFEE) hold on far longer and the Philippine Commonwealth Army was poorly armed, trained and under supplied compare to the Nationalist Army of China and yet they held long enough for the Allies to hold on Australia and later to reorganized and win and other fact most the intelligence coup happen in the Philippines and as i said earlier that the Japanese use the Philippines be their main base of operations a lot of documents that was great importance were given to the Allies by Filipino Guerrillas one of them is the code use of the Japanse especially USEFEE Guerrillas who harass the Japanese like crazy and provided the intelligence for the allies to win the war.

Its true that MacArthur was a egotistic jerk but the importance of the Philippines in the war is unmistakeable don't get me wrong Nimitz plans was great too but getting the Japanese out of the Philippines was not a simply promise but it was the right choice cutting a major supply center of the enemy is vital in terms of military strategy if you remove the moral cause to retake the Philippines and of course there was a lot of American Prisoners here knowing the Americans it will not look good for them if they can save other people but can not save their own?

where in my post did I say the Philippines had no importance? You're jumping to conclusions and putting words in my mouth, I simply pointed out that unlike some people here have suggested, Taiwan was the other considered major point of invasion before moving onto Japan; obviously both plans had their own pros and cons

your other points regarding the status of the OFWs are not relevant to my original post, so I will leave that to the others if they wish to debate those points with you

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