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Threat to Pakistan from PGMs/CM

India’s stand off capabilities are scatterred accross its excessively diverse fleet. Its Russian weapons are incompatible with any of its existing western systems so it is forced to go the opposite route and integrate western systems onto its Russian equipment.

Stand off capability for aircraft is loosely defined as being able to avoid SHORAD(SHOrt Range Air Defense) and now encompasses Medium range in the ADGE(air defense ground environment).It can also count for air cover but that can be subjective as stand off for a WVR equipped threat is 20km but for a BVR equipped threat it can be 100km.

General Purpose Air to Ground Weapons that India possess that qualify as saving the platform from Shorads are the Spice(highly dependent upon deployment altitude),popeye, CBU-105(highly dependent upon deployment altitude) and KH-25ML which equip the Jaguar,MKI,M2k and the latter the Mig27. A future highly capable stand off system that India is buying is the AASM hammer for the Rafale which it can also equip its MKi fleet with.

Although in fairness the LGB’s that India possesses can also qualify as Standoff when launched at altitude, that is dependent upon lack of high altitude cover in the form of SAMs or CAP.

Stand off weapons that qualify as “true” stand off weapons for India are the Brahmos for the MKI and Scalp for Rafale.. these offer ranger that keep the launch aircraft completely out of any air threats targeting radius.
Since the Brahmos is limited to 50 or so odd MKI’s it is not a true fleetwide capabity.

India does have a large stockpile of stand off Anti-Radiation weapons (odd overkill since its primary threat does not possess much in the way of ground based emitter coverage) including the KH-31 which have a limited inertial AGM capacity.
pakistan have threat from massive i crease of pakistani population afghan refugees global warming economic crunch corruption and then indian missiles
Khan Saheb
That is why we are trying to fight a war with India. Radical population planning we call it.
Existing: CBU-105, KH-series missiles, Popeye, KAB-series LGBs, Spice PGM
Upcoming Imports: BrahMos ALCM, SCALP, Hammer
Upcoming Local: SAAW, Garuthmaa (both having 100km SOR)

Personally, I believe CBU-105 is the most lethal as of now. BrahMos & SCALP possibly in parallel with SAAW & Garuthmaa will be devastating.
Existing: CBU-105, KH-series missiles, Popeye, KAB-series LGBs, Spice PGM
Upcoming Imports: BrahMos ALCM, SCALP, Hammer
Upcoming Local: SAAW, Garuthmaa (both having 100km SOR)

Personally, I believe CBU-105 is the most lethal as of now. BrahMos & SCALP possibly in parallel with SAAW & Garuthmaa will be devastating.

Does it warrant a C-RAM/Ground CIWS system for critical airbases, C&C nodes and Infrastructure?
Does it warrant a C-RAM/Ground CIWS system for critical airbases, C&C nodes and Infrastructure?
Absolutely, its already too late. SAAW will soon evolve into an equivalent of SDB, imagine that raining on airbases in dozens by a group of only 3-4 jets. Similar is the case with other SOWs. If nothing is done soon regarding robust CIWS systems and MR/LRSAMs, Pakistan's land-based strategic assets will be at a major risk in case of a future conflict. The Indian military having the confidence of executing a decapitation strike will set a deadly precedence for the region.
PAF's airbases are already sitting ducks. Compare them with SRSAM, camouflaged runways & dual-exit HASs -equipped IAF airbases...you'll get a good picture.
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Absolutely, its already too late. SAAW will soon evolve into an equivalent of SDB, imagine that raining on airbases in dozens by a group of only 3-4 jets. Similar is the case with other SOWs. If nothing is done soon regarding a robust CIWS systems and MR/LRSAMs, Pakistan's land-based strategic assets will be at a major risk in case of a future conflict. The Indian military having the confidence of executing a decapitation strike will set a deadly precedence for the region.
PAF's airbases are already sitting ducks. Compare them with SRSAM, camouflaged runways & dual-exit HASs -equipped IAF airbases...you'll get a good picture.
Frankly, the we have plans attitude of the PAF shows a serious lack of initiative or clear understanding by most who sit at the top.

The ground based radars of the PAF will barely last 48-72 hours if the IAF truly unleashed everything in its ARM arsenal; most airbases are within range of both IAF standoff systems and 15 minute warning -low-hi strikes by IAF aircraft.
Unlike 71, the PA may face a severe mauling from both ground and air without any effective support; ensuring that the conflict goes nuclear.

what about ways to counter these threats
Assets like the Pantsir S1 are capable of engaging such munitions. Although reports during the recent strikes in Syria are mixed.
Frankly, the we have plans attitude of the PAF shows a serious lack of initiative or clear understanding by most who sit at the top.

The ground based radars of the PAF will barely last 48-72 hours if the IAF truly unleashed everything in its ARM arsenal; most airbases are within range of both IAF standoff systems and 15 minute warning -low-hi strikes by IAF aircraft.
Unlike 71, the PA may face a severe mauling from both ground and air without any effective support; ensuring that the conflict goes nuclear.
To its credit, the PA is beginning to understand. Yes, the LY-80 is a SARH design (reliant on its radar for mid-course and terminal-stage), it builds on China's massive scale (i.e. lower-cost) and isn't fixed. You can reinforce and reduce Lo-MADS coverage based on needs via the LY-80.

Interestingly though, the PA left the door open to the industry on a second GBADS, i.e. a truly mobile one (to which MBDA tried offering the Spada 2000 during IDEAS 2016, part-way through the LY-80 induction).

Personally, I'm guessing a thought has been given to emulating the SPYDER via an analogous, mobile LoMADS. In 2016 the PN even requested info about the Umkhonto, so it'd be really interesting if the PA and PN Marines get one solution in this regard (building upon the synergy of the LY-80 across land and sea).

Speaking of IDEAS 2016, the PA also began inquiring about the Aselsan Korkut SPAAG which, again worth noting, the Turks have integrated into a mobile LoMADS via the Hisar-A (15 km) and Hisar-O (25 km).
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