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Threat of major terror attack in Kashmir reason behind deploying 10,000 troops: Govt


Looks like it's time.

Cheers, Doc
Amarnath Yatra and elections coming so nothing is there to see. :taz:

What does 35A state?
Article 35A of the Indian Constitution is an article that allows the Jammu and Kashmir state's legislature to define “permanent resident” of the state. It was added to the Constitution through a situationary Presidential Order.

So meaning Indian can reside in India after all.

Give Kashmiri their freedom and no more Indians will have to die there .
Many Indians already died there it's time for funeral and heavens.
Many Indians already died there it's time for funeral and heavens.

There is always a price for Occupation , Your Soldiers are dying for a Lost cause and to keep the land/people who hate you from their guts . Basically your Soldiers are dying Haram Mauts in Kashmir , and not just Kashmiri's killing them but they are committing suicides as well . If India love their soldiers and respect the uniform than India will imitate a Peaceful Dialog process with Pakistan and Kashmiri leadership to solve this problem once and for all , Cause as long as Kashmir is standing your soldiers will keep dying there .
There is always a price for Occupation , Your Soldiers are dying for a Lost cause and to keep the land/people who hate you from their guts . Basically your Soldiers are dying Haram Mauts in Kashmir , and not just Kashmiri's killing them but they are committing suicides as well . If India love their soldiers and respect the uniform than India will imitate a Peaceful Dialog process with Pakistan and Kashmiri leadership to solve this problem once and for all , Cause as long as Kashmir is standing your soldiers will keep dying there .
We will have peace ,war whatever with our people and not with Pakistan as there is no way we can have a deal.

In a deal you have to give some and take some but all your request are about taking all so it will never happen.
gives undue privillege to state government of j and k and authority over state assests, property, exployment. like people from other states cant buy property, cant get a job in public office, etc.

Where did you read history that u say occupation ? You know why J n k was acceded to India right ? Becoz of some warmongers trying to forcefully claim the independent state. As far as occupation goes, think about balochistan and wajiristan.

Aby Pehle wazirstan bolna tu seekh phir ana .. Kashmir was Muslim majority state with a hindu leader, who first started crackdown on Muslims who were Asking Maharaja to Join Pakistan, later when Tribal's enters the fight to help their Kashmiri brothers, that Pu$$y Maharaja went to India for help . Kashmiri's hate you, they kill your soldiers, they want you gone from their land, and you are holding it with around 300,000+ Troops with extensive force, you don't give them referendum this is the very definition of Occupation .

Baluchistan is Pakistan's Internal Matter , Kashmir is UN designated disputed Territory only Brain dead Bharti can compare them both, secondly Wazirstan was infested with Terrorists we clean it up , no one wants Independence there you dumb . Try come to Wazirstan and ask the people, they will play Muskashi with you .
There is always a price for Occupation , Your Soldiers are dying for a Lost cause and to keep the land/people who hate you from their guts . Basically your Soldiers are dying Haram Mauts in Kashmir , and not just Kashmiri's killing them but they are committing suicides as well . If India love their soldiers and respect the uniform than India will imitate a Peaceful Dialog process with Pakistan and Kashmiri leadership to solve this problem once and for all , Cause as long as Kashmir is standing your soldiers will keep dying there .
Aby Pehle wazirstan bolna tu seekh phir ana .. Kashmir was Muslim majority state with a hindu leader, who first started crackdown on Muslims who were Asking Maharaja to Join Pakistan, later when Tribal's enters the fight to help their Kashmiri brothers, that Pu$$y Maharaja went to India for help . Kashmiri's hate you, they kill your soldiers, they want you gone from their land, and you are holding it with around 300,000+ Troops with extensive force, you don't give them referendum this is the very definition of Occupation .

Baluchistan is Pakistan's Internal Matter , Kashmir is UN designated disputed Territory only Brain dead Bharti can compare them both, secondly Wazirstan was infested with Terrorists we clean it up , no one wants Independence there you dumb . Try come to Wazirstan and ask the people, they will play Muskashi with you .
Ya lol, so try and take kashmir, its been 70 years, articles 35A and 370 are going, people can cry about it but its going. There will be deveopment there and people will have a better life tha throwing stones by getting money from pakistan. No one cares in India what pakistan has to say about it. We dont even have dialogue with you regarding it.
We will have peace ,war whatever with our people and not with Pakistan as there is no way we can have a deal.

In a deal you have to give some and take some but all your request are about taking all so it will never happen.

By our people if you mean Kashmiri's , than they are not your people .. they never were and never will be your people cause they hate you, they want you go back , thousands of Kashmiri's died because they want you get the F out , and thousands of Kashmiri's still struggling .

As for your second Part, Pakistan is not the one who promise to give Referendum to Kashmiri people , You are not giving anything to Pakistan you are giving Kashmiri people right to decide . What you fear is that Kashmiri's will vote to join Pakistan, and you want to keep Kashmir as leverage against Pakistan, your military wants to keep Kashmir so they can extract Billions of dollars from Indian Govt in the name of holding/Maintaining peace in Kashmir . but for that Indians will and are paying the price , over the 7 decades nothing change , Thousands and thousands of Kashmiri's still hate you and your Govt and want their rights back . The sooner we solve the problem the better .

Ya lol, so try and take kashmir, its been 70 years, articles 35A and 370 are going, people can cry about it but its going. There will be deveopment there and people will have a better life tha throwing stones by getting money from pakistan. No one cares in India what pakistan has to say about it. We dont even have dialogue with you regarding it.

So basically you have no Argument .. hence you go banana's , Trust me India will feel and pay the price of this occupation , actually just look at the numbers of Soldiers that died in Kashmir , and for what ? to keep a Occupation . Keep Kashmir as long as you can hold it, because the coming Generations will be even more ruthless in their actions against the IA forces, and in return you will kill more Kashmiri's and hence the circle will go on . If your Govt don't want dialog over Kashmir it means your Govt don't give a F about their Soldiers and they are just pawns who are sent to a place where everyone hates them just to occupy and die .
There is always a price for Occupation , Your Soldiers are dying for a Lost cause and to keep the land/people who hate you from their guts . Basically your Soldiers are dying Haram Mauts in Kashmir , and not just Kashmiri's killing them but they are committing suicides as well . If India love their soldiers and respect the uniform than India will imitate a Peaceful Dialog process with Pakistan and Kashmiri leadership to solve this problem once and for all , Cause as long as Kashmir is standing your soldiers will keep dying there .

This is a great point. But India is an empire - it sees solidiers as fodder not citizens. They are usually a completely different caste than the burecrat in delhi who sends them to their death by illegitimately occupying a region.

By the way it is not only deaths. I heard almost 50 percent of Indian budget is tied to Kashmir in one way or the other. But India doesnt care.
By our people if you mean Kashmiri's , than they are not your people .. they never were and never will be your people cause they hate you, they want you go back , thousands of Kashmiri's died because they want you get the F out , and thousands of Kashmiri's still struggling .

As for your second Part, Pakistan is not the one who promise to give Referendum to Kashmiri people , You are not giving anything to Pakistan you are giving Kashmiri people right to decide . What you fear is that Kashmiri's will vote to join Pakistan, and you want to keep Kashmir as leverage against Pakistan, your military wants to keep Kashmir so they can extract Billions of dollars from Indian Govt in the name of holding/Maintaining peace in Kashmir . but for that Indians will and are paying the price , over the 7 decades nothing change , Thousands and thousands of Kashmiri's still hate you and your Govt and want their rights back . The sooner we solve the problem the better .

So basically you have no Argument .. hence you go banana's , Trust me India will feel and pay the price of this occupation , actually just look at the numbers of Soldiers that died in Kashmir , and for what ? to keep a Occupation . Keep Kashmir as long as you can hold it, because the coming Generations will be even more ruthless in their actions against the IA forces, and in return you will kill more Kashmiri's and hence the circle will go on . If your Govt don't want dialog over Kashmir it means your Govt don't give a F about their Soldiers and they are just pawns who are sent to a place where everyone hates them just to occupy and die .
I would have given befitting reply but there is no need as we already made up our mind. Do as you wish brother and we will hatch our chickens when time is right.
This is a great point. But India is an empire - it sees solidiers as fodder not citizens. They are usually a completely different caste than the burecrat in delhi who sends them to their death by illegitimately occupying a region.

By the way it is not only deaths. I heard almost 50 percent of Indian budget is tied to Kashmir in one way or the other. But India doesnt care.

India has around 10+ separatist Movements going on , From Kashmiri resistance fighters to Maoist and Assami and Khalistani , They fear if Kashmir got its independence than other will force their hands to .

I would have given befitting reply but there is no need as we already made up our mind. Do as you wish brother and we will hatch our chickens when time is right.

I am for Peace in Kashmir , no matter who wins or lose, but its neither Pakistan or India we should care , the land belongs to Kashmiri people and its their right to decide for themselves .

As 2nd Caliph of Islam Umar Ibn Khattab said, How can you enslave someone who's born free .. Freedom is a basic human right .

If Pak can spare 90 k lives for US war we can spare 900k lives for our war.

Good, which proves my Point that India has no regard for their own soldiers .:enjoy::tup:
This is a great point. But India is an empire - it sees solidiers as fodder not citizens. They are usually a completely different caste than the burecrat in delhi who sends them to their death by illegitimately occupying a region.

By the way it is not only deaths. I heard almost 50 percent of Indian budget is tied to Kashmir in one way or the other. But India doesnt care.

Do you really know what the budget of India before even commenting that 50% story to others???...Or it is simply pdf that empowers you with a sense of security to bluff what you would like to say here..

This is a great point. But India is an empire - it sees solidiers as fodder not citizens. They are usually a completely different caste than the burecrat in delhi who sends them to their death by illegitimately occupying a region.

By the way it is not only deaths. I heard almost 50 percent of Indian budget is tied to Kashmir in one way or the other. But India doesnt care.

Do you really know what the budget of India before even commenting that 50% story to others???...Or it is simply pdf that empowers you with a sense of security to bluff what you would like to say here..
Do you really know what the budget of India before even commenting that 50% story to others???...Or it is simply pdf that empowers you with a sense of security to bluff what you would like to say here..

Do you really know what the budget of India before even commenting that 50% story to others???...Or it is simply pdf that empowers you with a sense of security to bluff what you would like to say here..

So how much is spent on kashmir you think.

The troops are actually called for riot control contrary what people are thinking as against a terrorist attack. Probably some decision regarding Article 35A and 370.

Indians know whats coming. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Yeh a good drumming for the Indians .
Whenever there is a threat like this; India is again at something in lines of false attack. Seems like Doval is preparing for yet another excuse to disrupt regional peace as well as an attempt to change Indian Occupied Kashmir status by any-mean especially after Trump offer as per Modi request.
They deployed troops in Kashmir before balakot.this time,they want to attack our kashmir.they will make loc hot ( which is already hot) and I believe they want to alter the loc.looks like cold start type of stuff.false attack or no attack,this time India will attack because afghan deal is done deal and they want to sabotage this deal.
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