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Thousands of troops face freezing winter in Ladakh as talks fail to thaw relations between India, China


Sep 26, 2018
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Talks between India and China have yet to make headway to end a standoff on a disputed section of their Himalayan border, India’s defence minister said on Wednesday, as thousands of troops from both sides faced a freezing winter in the mountains.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said there had been “no meaningful result” from several rounds of diplomatic and military talks aimed at de-escalating the worst border confrontation between the nuclear-armed neighbours in decades.

“If the status quo continues, it is obvious that the deployment won’t come down,” Singh said during an interview with Reuters partner ANI.
But, he said, both sides were still exchanging messages over the border situation and another round of military talks was in the offing.

Tensions soared in June, after troops clashed in hand-to-hand combat in the Galwan valley in Ladakh, abutting the Chinese-held Tibetan plateau.
Twenty Indian soldiers were killed, with China suffering an undisclosed number of casualties, and both sides ramped up their military presence, moving men, weapons and supplies to the high-altitude desert region.

Officials in New Delhi said last month that Indian and Chinese officials had held several parleys to discuss ways to implement a staggered withdrawal.
“Our expectation is that some positive result can be achieved through talks,” Singh said.

India has positioned around 50,000 troops in the contested area, some at altitudes of over 15,000 feet, where scarce oxygen and freezing winter temperatures can be life-threatening.
India and China share an undemarcated 3,800-km long border, where their troops previously adhered to long-standing protocols to avoid the use of any firearms on the frontier.
But tensions have flared since the Galwan incident and both militaries, who fought a border war in 1962, accused each other of firing in the air in September.

I think China is there permanently, as long as there is a threat of India trying
to cut off Azad Kashmir and Gilgit/baltistan area to cut off CPEC. This way
Indian Army will be stretched thin on both borders.
They are being given money, food, clothes, shelter and gas, right? So it is like winning the lottery for most Indians.
Reason for the stand off? Chinese knew the global economy was collapsing so the Chinese economy had to find something else to occupy their hordes of workers. A pretend WAR, thus a stand off. If the workers have nothing to do they might get angry and kill off the false rich and their privileged servants.
This is pretty obvious. China will keep and further push up the pressure along the LAC to attract more Indian troops on the plateaus in order to create an ever bleeding wound on India's economy.
Indians lack the ability to keep thousands of soldiers on the LAC especially during winter, it's a frozen deathtrap for them

China has the luxury of doing so

India simply wants a deal with China it can sell to its public as a victory so it can pull the poor fuckers out of the frozen LAC otherwise it will be forced to waste possibly billions in trying to create the infrastructure to support thousands of soldiers year after year on the LAC
Indians lack the ability to keep thousands of soldiers on the LAC especially during winter, it's a frozen deathtrap for them

China has the luxury of doing so

India simply wants a deal with China it can sell to its public as a victory so it can pull the poor fuckers out of the frozen LAC otherwise it will be forced to waste possibly billions in trying to create the infrastructure to support thousands of soldiers year after year on the LAC

well they seem to be doing a pretty good job of keeping 50000 troops in.ladakh since October.

and this notion of lacking ability is this because our defence budget is only 60 billion dollars a year or our forex only 580 billion dollars..currently

you Pakistani think like Pakistanis ie we can't afford this or that or other where will we get the money from.

well this is India and we are maintaining a huge military presence in ladakh and have world class equipment in the artic conditions .
and this is well pissing pakistan off
well they seem to be doing a pretty good job of keeping 50000 troops in.ladakh since October.

Wonderful ! Keep up the good work.
I am sure your troops love it up
there. They will be there till October

and this notion of lacking ability is this because our defence budget is only 60 billion dollars a year or our forex only 580 billion dollars..currently

Fantastic! I am sure that money is extremely well spent. The troops need rest and relaxation. At 16,000' 50,000 troops can have luxury resorts with ski trails, jacuzzis, bars and outdoor barbecues . Will beat any Swiss Alpine resort hollow.

you Pakistani think like Pakistanis ie we can't afford this or that or other where will we get the money from.

Oh, you have plenty of money. Far more than the poor starving Chinese, shivering to death in their miserable shacks.
All you need to do is watch them die.

well this is India and we are maintaining a huge military presence in ladakh and have world class equipment in the artic conditions .
and this is well pissing pakistan off
Sure... you are just great. More whiskey in your glasses.
Could you inform us pissed off Pakistanis why you are talking to the poor defeated freezing starving Chinese ? Talking to them for the 9th time ?
No defecating on the streets for the Gov'ts soldiers. Like America, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany soldiers get the best everyone else gets looted. All ended VERY badly for the Japanese, Germans and as we can see America going to the dogs looks like the Americans too.

We are well positioned to deal with a bully
No defecating on the streets for the Gov'ts soldiers. Like America, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany soldiers get the best everyone else gets looted. All ended VERY badly for the Japanese, Germans and as we can see America going to the dogs looks like the Americans too.

We will defend ladakh and adequately supply our military

Fan boy aside we don't have winter clothes even.
But this stand off has and will continue to force govt to buy more.

2hich is good for commen soldier who is last in the chain to receive anything. So in case of future war with china atleast they would have proper clothes to fight.

Fanboys here forgot the Kargil war where soldiers climbed uphill without hiking shoes and used common slippery shoes not even protecting from severe cold.
It seems nothing has changed. But this standoff has forced India to think about common soldier instead of rafael only. As people are as much interested in rafael as how soldier are living there

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