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Thousands in Washington join second Women's March against Trum

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Women’s March draws thousands as Trump term enters second year
ARAB NEWS | Published — Saturday 20 January 2018

Power to the Polls: Women’s March 2.0 aims to harness Trump opposition
WASHINGTON: Thousands of protesters turned out across the nation for the second Women’s March on Saturday, marking the first anniversary of President Donald Trump’s
inauguration with rallies aimed at channeling female activism into political gains in elections this year.
The coordinated rallies in Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and about 250 other cities are a reprise of the mass protests that marked the beginning of Trump’s presidency. Sister rallies were also planned in Britain, Japan and other countries.
“We will make our message heard at the polls this fall,” Emily Patton, a rally organizer, told thousands of demonstrators at the Reflecting Pool on Washington’s National Mall. “That is why we are urging people to register to vote today.”
The rallies also come during what has been seen as a pivotal year for women’s rights with the #MeToo and #TimesUp social media effort against sexual harassment and abuse that was born out of a string of scandals in Hollywood, Washington and elsewhere.
Meanwhile, President Trump tweeted that it was a "perfect day" for women to march to celebrate the "economic success and wealth creation" that's happened during his first year in office.
Donald J. Trump


Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!

But people participating in the rallies and marches across the US and around the world denounced Trump's views on immigration, abortion, LGBT rights, women's rights and more.
The Washington rally featured Democratic politicians from neighboring Virginia, including Senator Tim Kaine, who blamed Trump and Republicans for the shutdown of the government on Saturday.
“The Trump shutdown is due to the inability of the Republican Party to do basic governing, like making a budget,” he said to cheers.
Many of the protesters wore pink knit “pussy hats,” which were created for last year’s march as a reference to a comment made by Trump about female genitalia, The caps quickly became a symbol of women’s empowerment and opposition to the new president in the early days of his administration.
“We want to continue the fight to resist this president and the policies we’re against,” said Sara Piper, 59, a geologist from Reston, Virginia.

Some critics said this year’s march lacked a focus. Targeting an issue such as immigration would have greater impact, said Shikha Dalmia, a senior analyst at the Reason Foundation, a libertarian think tank.
“Beating the feminist drum just seems to me beside the point. Maybe they are trying to cast as wide a net as possible,” Dalmia said by telephone.
One of the biggest marches is expected in New York, where 37,000 people had signed up on the march’s Facebook page. But the number of participants in this year’s rallies is likely to fall well short of the estimated 5 million who marched on Jan. 21, 2017, and made that one of the largest mass protests in US history.
In Chicago, thousands of mostly female marchers gathered ahead of a rally in Grant Park, carrying signs that read “Strong women raising strong women” and “You can’t cure stupid but you can vote it out.”
Michelle Saunders, 41, a software saleswoman from Des Plaines, Illinois, came to the rally with her 14-year-old daughter Bailey. They attended last year’s march and anticipated that the crowd this year would not match the 250,000 that attended last year, but for them the message is just as strong.
“A smaller crowd will not mean people are any less angry,” Michelle Saunders said. “We are unhappy with the current administration and what it stands for and want our voices to be heard.”
Since last year’s march, women have become more vocal and that is a positive sign, said Cathy Mutz, 63, a retired nurse from Chanahan, Illinois.
“I think change will come from the midterm elections,” she said.
Organizers hope to build on the energy felt by Trump opponents after his surprise election victory in 2016 and channel it into gains for progressive candidates in November’s midterm elections, using the theme “Power to the Polls.”
Organizers want to register 1 million new voters and get more strong advocates for women’s rights into office.
Activists say Trump’s policies rolling back birth control and equal pay protections have propelled many women into activism for the first time. In Virginia state legislative polls, 11 of the 15 Democrats elected were women.
A White House spokesman did not respond to a request for comment on the marches.
The marches will be followed by more events on Sunday, including in Las Vegas, a key battleground state in the 2018 midterm congressional elections.
The voter registration campaign will target swing states held by Republicans, such as Nevada, and in districts considered a toss-up ahead of November’s midterm elections.
Even women are mass protesting against Trump. Who isn't opposed to this orange maniac?
. . .
Wow some still sore over Hillary’s loss.

Wait until they have that nutjob Elizabeth Warren run. They’ll be sore for 10 years.
Thousands of people and I barely see any hillary signs! This march is against misogynistic perverts.

Even women are mass protesting against Trump. Who isn't opposed to this orange maniac?
That's because he boasted about how he harasses women.
He also starts it all of with a tic tac the cheapest breath mint you can find.
. .
How normal People see this Protest : Thousands of Women protesting with play card ..
How Trump see this protest : lots of Pu$$ies to grab ..
How Trump's Supporters see this Protest : Hilary is evil , Lock her up, lock them up ..
Hillary's supporters are over her loss but trump's supporters just won't leave her alone.
. .
Wow. This guy is a true Trump fanatic.

I didn't support Trump. However like @Desert Fox can attest the Liberal Left (formerly the 1960's Cultural left vs the Traditional Reformist Left) are far more crazier than the Right ever was. They've gone beserk since Hillary lost.

Not everybody in the march was part of the Liberal Left obviously.

Reformist Left: Pragmatic approach to solving inequities. Long term strategy.
Cultural Left: Unpragmatic approach to solving inequities. All about Short term strategy. Just give people what they want and need right now to make them super happy and figure out how to pay for it later. Plus don't worry about the ramifications because they will all magically work themselves out.
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. .
Trump is a boob and the U.S has lost massive amounts of respect and prestige with this goof in power
I didn't support Trump. However like @Desert Fox can attest the Liberal Left (formerly the Cultural left vs the Reformist Left) are far more crazier than the Right. They've gone beserk since Hillary lost.

Not everybody in the march was part of the Liberal Left obviously.

Reformist Left: Pragmatic approach to solving inequities. Long term strategy.
Cultural Left: Unpragmatic approach to solving inequities. All about Short term strategy. Just give people what they want and need right now to make them super happy and figure out how to pay for it later. Plus don't worry about the ramifications because they will all magically work themselves out.

LOL in other words, the usual justifications from the right wing nutters.
LOL in other words, the usual justifications from the right wing nutters.

You will always be clueless since you understand nothing. I was an Obama supporter. He was a Reformist Leftist.

Trump won because Reformist leftists refused to vote for Hillary. They sat out.
The Non-Voters Who Decided The Election: Trump Won Because Of Lower Democratic Turnout

"An astonishing spectacle of the election aftermath is the false account of why Trump won. The accepted wisdom is that Trump succeeded in awakening a popular movement of anger and frustration among white, blue-collar, less educated, mostly male, voters, particularly in non-urban areas. Trump promised them jobs, safe borders, and dignity, and they responded by turning out in masses at his pre-election rallies and eventually at the ballots, carrying him to victory.

This story is mostly wrong. Trump did not win because he was more attractive to this base of white voters. He won because Hillary Clinton was less attractive to the traditional Democratic base of urban, minorities, and more educated voters. This is a profound fact"
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You will always be clueless since you understand nothing. I was an Obama supporter. He was a Reformist Leftist.

Sure thing buddy. You are always the victim and everyone except you is to be blamed.

Why don't you just blame some random enemy for the shutdown of your government. We will completely believe you.

The truth is for everyone to see on their TV screens. You Americans are eating each other. The divide is extremely bitter and you continue to worship Trump.
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Sure thing buddy. You are always the victim and everyone except you is to be blamed.

Why don't you just blame some random enemy for the shutdown of your government. We will completely believe you.

The truth is for everyone to see on their TV screens. You Americans are eating each other. The divide is extremely bitter and you continue to worship Trump.

It's being shutdown because the Democrats still think the Liberal Left is the majority of their voter base. So they are holding out on an illegal immigration issue (DACA, a Liberal Left agenda not a Reformist Left one) and causing a government shutdown. This is going to backfire because they are going to aggravate/allienate the Reformist Lefters (like me) who think this isn't an issue worth defending.

The Liberal Left is the Democrat's equivalent of the GOP's wacky Tea Party subgroup.
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