Policies create structures.
Structures breed functions.
Functions bear order.
What is policy?
Step 1: Demonstrate to ruling elites that they can make loads of money from Pak Aviation Industry i.e. through established and profit making aviation sector.
All these elites have to do is create a joint holding company to put 30% of their ill begotten gains in this holding and let the holding company establish operating companies with actual investments on the ground. Money Whitewashed and Pak people benefit too. Win-Win Paradigm. (Money problem solved. Elites remain filthy rich)
Step 2: Make law that henceforth all of PAF needs of new fighters will be answered by PAC alone. Be it under licenced proudction or JV or whatnot...PAC must be the sole Point of Producing/building PAF fighters i.e. JF17 model and making it more local gradually.
Step 3: Join the Supply Chain of Chinese civilian aircraft manufacturing industry. The Chinese would be producing thousands of these... great place to be partner for both revenues and expansion of industrial base.
Step 4: Join TFX as at least industrial partner and send all boys and girls for PAC over there and let them bring experience, knowledge and some business back home.
Step 5: All along with CPEC and around it create small and medium siezed civilian aviation infrastructure..airports and services. Pak aviation sector is underserved and it is going to see exponential growth. Plan today. Let the private sector build and operate such airports. Or start a company and float it on Karachi Stock Exchange
Goes without saying that PNS must follow the same policies.... it is in a sorry state. PNS must establish first and far most Naval Engineering & Manufacturing Infrastructure.. Afro-Asian Ocean is of strategic importance to both Pak and China...by 2030 this has to be almost exculsive lake or shared with partners lake for PNS.
Certainly, the focus has to be making A2A missiles as well. Radars for all three services have to be locally made even with ToT or licenced proudction.
All the above policies will create empolyment for Young Paks...and also add to Comprehensive National Strength.
And money is no issue at all. Will and Love of Pak is.
At the lower rate of 5% growth Pak GDP will be more than double for what it is today i.e. twice or more money available at that point.
Money never was a problem for PAK. Corruption and incompetence has been.
@messiach you are right about turbines on so many fronts... however, I do believe the policy has to be winning time first, establishing an industrial base with partnership with China and from then build towards truly native effort/capacity. Pak needs to become part of bigger industrial supply chains not only in this particular sector.