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This is why God has Blessed Israel and Cursed Pakistan


Aug 3, 2008
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Half a million Israelis join latest protest against Netanyahu's judicial overhaul, organizers say

By Hadas Gold and Amir Tal, CNN
of the country's other branches of government.

The package of legislation would give Israel's parliament, the Knesset, the power to overrule Supreme Court decisions with a simple majority. It would also give the government the power to nominate judges, which currently rests with a committee composed of judges, legal experts and politicians. It would remove power and independence from government ministries' legal advisers, and take away the power of the courts to invalidate "unreasonable" government appointments, as the High Court did in January, forcing Netanyahu to fire Interior and Health Minister Aryeh Deri.

Demonstrators clash with police during protests in Tel Aviv on Saturday.
Demonstrators clash with police during protests in Tel Aviv on Saturday.

Critics accuse Netanyahu of pushing the legislation in order to get out of corruption trials he is currently facing. Netanyahu denies that, saying the trials are collapsing on their own, and that the changes are necessary after judicial overreach by unelected judges.

Israel does not have a written constitution, but a set of what are called Basic Laws.

"We are done being polite," said Shikma Bressler, an Israeli protest leader. "If the laws being suggested will pass, Israel will no longer be a democracy."

About two out of three (66%) Israelis believe the Supreme Court should have the power to strike down laws incompatible with Israel's Basic Laws, and about the same proportion (63%) say they support the current system of nominating judges, according to a poll last month for the Israel Democracy Institute.

"The only thing this government cares about is crushing Israeli democracy," opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid said.

CNN's Michael Schwartz and Matthias Somm contributed to this report

Pakistan Imran Khan Lahore protests fail for the Slave Dalit Nation of Pakistan as people just don't care... They love Mullah Diesel Gay Bilawal and corrupt Botox Maryam...
"Israeli democracy"


There is no such thing in "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan".

For democracy to exist there must first be Civilization, and there is Civilization when a power recognizes as Citizenship the population of the territory it controls.

Zionism is an ideology expressly based on a radical distinction between a dominant people and a subjugated population, similar to Sparta.

"Israeli democracy"


There is no such thing in "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan".

For democracy to exist there must first be Civilization, and there is Civilization when a power recognizes as Citizenship the population of the territory it controls.

Zionism is an ideology expressly based on a radical distinction between a dominant people and a subjugated population, similar to Sparta.

Still better than the Failed Banana Republic of Faujistan that terrorises its own people.

Israel is still better than Pakistan for its own people.

Mashallah Israelis standing up for their rights and freedoms

But the godforsaken country like Pakistan of Dalit slaves can't muster one protest for freedom...

Allah only helps those who help themselves.... This why Israel is better than Pakistan
Pakistan Imran Khan Lahore protests fail for the Slave Dalit Nation of Pakistan as people just don't care... They love Mullah Diesel Gay Bilawal and corrupt Botox Maryam...
Pakistan blessings and issue at the same time is food security. Pakistan is very much self sufficient in agriculture to feed it population. Which means regardless of economic or political situation people will find Roti on their table unlike many other countries. Until and unless, people people feel the kick on their belly, they will not rise up for revolt or revolution.

Pait full, qom aram sy so rahi hy.
Israeli army love its own People and defends every precious Israeli Jewish life. Whereas Pakistani Establishment Army murders, rapes, tortures, terrorises and makes sex tapes of its own people here in Pakistan and even Kenya.

This is why Israel is blessed. And Pakistan cursed.
you’re simplifying your argument. It’s early here for me, I will try to write something about subject later. Actually I’m the in the middle of writing another post about a certain issue I see in one of our neighbors and how they project this insecurity on Pakistan.

Half a million Israelis join latest protest against Netanyahu's judicial overhaul, organizers say

By Hadas Gold and Amir Tal, CNN
of the country's other branches of government.

The package of legislation would give Israel's parliament, the Knesset, the power to overrule Supreme Court decisions with a simple majority. It would also give the government the power to nominate judges, which currently rests with a committee composed of judges, legal experts and politicians. It would remove power and independence from government ministries' legal advisers, and take away the power of the courts to invalidate "unreasonable" government appointments, as the High Court did in January, forcing Netanyahu to fire Interior and Health Minister Aryeh Deri.

Demonstrators clash with police during protests in Tel Aviv on Saturday.
Demonstrators clash with police during protests in Tel Aviv on Saturday.

Critics accuse Netanyahu of pushing the legislation in order to get out of corruption trials he is currently facing. Netanyahu denies that, saying the trials are collapsing on their own, and that the changes are necessary after judicial overreach by unelected judges.

Israel does not have a written constitution, but a set of what are called Basic Laws.

"We are done being polite," said Shikma Bressler, an Israeli protest leader. "If the laws being suggested will pass, Israel will no longer be a democracy."

About two out of three (66%) Israelis believe the Supreme Court should have the power to strike down laws incompatible with Israel's Basic Laws, and about the same proportion (63%) say they support the current system of nominating judges, according to a poll last month for the Israel Democracy Institute.

"The only thing this government cares about is crushing Israeli democracy," opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid said.

CNN's Michael Schwartz and Matthias Somm contributed to this report

Pakistan Imran Khan Lahore protests fail for the Slave Dalit Nation of Pakistan as people just don't care... They love Mullah Diesel Gay Bilawal and corrupt Botox Maryam...
That's what happens when you live in your own delusional world. You and your lot wish to impose your thoughts onto all others and then try to create a storm in a teacup when you get disappointed. Fools in this lot think of themselves having absolute wisdom and all others being dummies. When their wishful thinking doesn't turn into reality then this mammy-papa burger production resorts to cursing the people of Pakistan. Since, this burger productions happen to have born with a silver spoon in their mouth, they are mostly active in the comfort of their drawing or study room. No wonders, this brainless creature is cut-off the ground reality in the country and is found mostly on the Internet/social media.

Having visited (and lived in) a lot of countries, I have found the people of Pakistan indeed as one of the smartest nations. Of course, we, as a country, have not developed to the level expected of such a smart people and reasons being some domestic shortcomings and also some external exploits. However, the biggest problem, to my understanding, is the suicidal interference of institutions (military, judiciary, and bureaucracy, etc.) into the political process. Democracy has a built-in filtering system that weeds out filth and trash from the political stream but only when it is allowed to work unhindered. Alas, our short-sighted and greedy generals, khain and criminals having judges' gown on their shoulders, and un-serving and un-controlled civil servants have ruled this nation for a better part of its life so far. The political engineering done in the last one decade to impose a notoriously sick-minded drug-edict, utterly corrupt (both morally and financially) person on this nation is enough for any person having some dignity and self-respect to bow his head with deep shame. All those who brought that filth to the power are now facing deep humiliation in the filthy hands of their own created filth. But we certainly haven't lost our hopes and we'll re-bound with even more strength. We have turned the tide several times in the past and we'll do that yet once again for the sake of our survival.
What a blessed country:-

Israeli beats disabled man with his own crutch after hitting his car​

The 21-year-old Israeli resident of Bat Yam can be seen beating a man with his own crutch and leaving him lying on the street as cars continued to drive past.​


Published: APRIL 2, 2023 13:33
Updated: APRIL 2, 2023 15:53
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An road-rage attack on a disabled Israeli man is shown in this footage taken on April 2, 2023 (ISRAEL POLICE)

A 21-year-old was indicted on Sunday for crashing into a car driven by a disabled driver in Bat Yam and then proceeding to attack the driver with one of his own crutches.

The defendant's detention in police custody has been extended by the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court.

The assault took place on March 9 and footage was shared by the police.

How did the assault happen?

According to the indictment, the assault started when the driver came out to try and exchange insurance details with the defendant.

In the footage, the defendant and her brother can be seen grappling with the victim and stealing his crutch before throwing the victim to the ground. The defendant then proceeded to repeatedly strike the victim with the crutch.

 Police at the scene where a man killed after being stabbed during a road rage incident in Holon, on November 23, 2022 (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
Police at the scene where a man killed after being stabbed during a road rage incident in Holon, on November 23, 2022 (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
After assaulting the victim, the defendant and her brother drove away wildly with the victim still lying down on the street, endangering his life as cars continued to drive by.

Road rage in Israel

The violent incident comes amid renewed focus on repeated acts of road rage throughout Israel.

Many of these incidents turned violent and led to deaths, such as the stabbing of Yuri Volkov in Holon in November.

Tags crime bat yam Car Crash road safety assault car
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Half a million Israelis join latest protest against Netanyahu's judicial overhaul, organizers say

By Hadas Gold and Amir Tal, CNN
of the country's other branches of government.

The package of legislation would give Israel's parliament, the Knesset, the power to overrule Supreme Court decisions with a simple majority. It would also give the government the power to nominate judges, which currently rests with a committee composed of judges, legal experts and politicians. It would remove power and independence from government ministries' legal advisers, and take away the power of the courts to invalidate "unreasonable" government appointments, as the High Court did in January, forcing Netanyahu to fire Interior and Health Minister Aryeh Deri.

Demonstrators clash with police during protests in Tel Aviv on Saturday.
Demonstrators clash with police during protests in Tel Aviv on Saturday.

Critics accuse Netanyahu of pushing the legislation in order to get out of corruption trials he is currently facing. Netanyahu denies that, saying the trials are collapsing on their own, and that the changes are necessary after judicial overreach by unelected judges.

Israel does not have a written constitution, but a set of what are called Basic Laws.

"We are done being polite," said Shikma Bressler, an Israeli protest leader. "If the laws being suggested will pass, Israel will no longer be a democracy."

About two out of three (66%) Israelis believe the Supreme Court should have the power to strike down laws incompatible with Israel's Basic Laws, and about the same proportion (63%) say they support the current system of nominating judges, according to a poll last month for the Israel Democracy Institute.

"The only thing this government cares about is crushing Israeli democracy," opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid said.

CNN's Michael Schwartz and Matthias Somm contributed to this report

Pakistan Imran Khan Lahore protests fail for the Slave Dalit Nation of Pakistan as people just don't care... They love Mullah Diesel Gay Bilawal and corrupt Botox Maryam...
Stupid post from a stupid person. I think you are that guy Fateh from Canada.
@Jango kuch zaida he azadi ka joosh char gaya hain. Lagta hain, aj ka roza bhari par gaya is ko.
@Jango kuch zaida he azadi ka joosh char gaya hain. Lagta hain, aj ka roza bhari par gaya is ko.

The hyperboles and correlations are in full flow!

Although the general idea of rule of law and public cognizance of rights is very valid, the parallels drawn with Israel are bonkers.
Pakistan is an Islamic republic.. people love and practice Islam…
However the contradiction is that it is the most corrupt nation on earth, politicians get elected to fill their pockets, public accept their corruption and vote them back in, judges are corrupt and have no integrity, army full of corruption and serve themselves and not the nation,adultery of foodstuffs is common shamelessly, journalists are liars and paid by corrupt politicians and have no morality…

What is Islamic about the Islamic republic of Pakistan… should drop the world Islamic, it’s an insult to Islam…
Comparing Israel with Pakistan is itself an insult to Israel, you have hurt the Israel more than hitler lol
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