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This is what the refugees are doing in Greece

Followers of religion of Peace arrived in masses to Europe and now they made it Europistan !!

This asylum charade won't last for long if this continues and sooner than later whole Europe will unite against this mass illegal immigration.

Too late! I thought about such a scenario the moment Austria, and then Germany, announced plans to welcome refugees. Such blanket welcomes have a way of attracting mainly the wrong kind of refugees rather than the genuine ones in need.

I shudder to think how many Al Qaeda or IS members might have already infiltrated those refugee groups in Europe!

While I have the utmost sympathy for genuinely desperate refugees fleeing wars and brutal regimes, the most hypocritical thing for me is how the rich middle eastern Muslims countries have almost totally given up helping their own neighbors and Muslim brethren. The same Muslims for who they stand up to fight when the enemy is non-Muslim, a la US/Russia in Iraq/Afghanistan. Where is that solidarity now?

I bet that in less than 2 years the refugees would form themselves a vote bank and demand/dictate to the main political parties in those host countries, come elections!
As a descendant of a sea refugee myself, I can empathize with what any refugee goes through when he leaves his ancestral home with nothing on his back and takes the hazardous journey by sea to a foreign land.

But honestly, I do not see this ending well.

We will see a bloodbath in our own lifetimes.

One that will make Bosnia look like a picnic.

Let me go a step further. It will start and spread from the very country which is the most welcoming today.

I do a lot of work in Germany. Visit often. I know Germans pretty well. As a people outside their office.

This is not going to be pretty.
We are not promoting any religious agenda.Kashmir has been a part of India from past & those who doesn't agree are considered as anti nationals..

but that is how the israelis feel about palestine the way you feel about kashmir.

and you are trolling by stating muslims are creating chaos.
They are doing, what they are good at... They are doing the same from last 1400 years...

for Hijrat...
Just because I use civil language does not mean I will ignore your flame-bait posts.

You, being an Indian, are also doing what you're good at: making chai in dirty cafeterias in GCC.

What about UAE, Qatar, SA, Bahrain and Kuwait?
GCC nations see themselves as different from the other Arabs esp N.African ones in Libya/Algeria etc.
They didn't welcome the Palestinians, why would they welcome Syrians (whom they have even less affiliation with, due to pro-Iranian Bashar)?
Just because I use civil language does not mean I will ignore your flame-bait posts.
You, being an Indian, are also doing what you're good at: making chai in dirty cafeterias in GCC.?
You are calm and serene shows you that you are powerful from inside... But what i said is not incorrect at all...
Further, Just look at the video.... Do they look like refugees to you...Now look at the facts and incidents which are happening... germany more than 800,000... Britain, Australia, Greece...
Do they look like refugees to you

Pertinent point made.

These are probably the best dressed, groomed and nourished refugees I have ever seen in my life to date.

This does not look like an exodus in panic.

This looks planned, organized, funded.

I do not see apathy, fear, hopelessness, hunger, lack of hygiene. All of which we in this part of the world associate with refugees.
Pertinent point made.

These are probably the best dressed, groomed and nourished refugees I have ever seen in my life to date.

This does not look like an exodus in panic.

This looks planned, organized, funded.

I do not see apathy, fear, hopelessness, hunger, lack of hygiene. All of which we in this part of the world associate with refugees.
Exactly sir, That's what I wanted to say :tup::tup: ... Thats why I said they are on Hijrat...
You are calm and serene shows you that you are powerful from inside... But what i said is not incorrect at all...
Further, Just look at the video.... Do they look like refugees to you...Now look at the facts and incidents which are happening... germany more than 800,000... Britain, Australia, Greece...
What does a refugee look like?

Someone could have been well-off before the war reached his doorstep.

Wrt numbers, people will always try to improve their financial situation when faced with difficulties. That's human nature
Very soon shia-sunni violence going to be a daily routine in most part of the europe and rest will be taken care by descendants of mugal / Turks / Arab emperors migrated from south asia.
And after 50 years they are going teach their children about how they conquered Whole Europe with their might.

I need to look up Hijrat on Google my young friend.
Sorry:oops::oops::oops:, Hijrat refers to migration (generally a happy waala migration to "their" motherland)...
you know, Initially I considered you as A Pakistani after watching you pic... My mistake....:smitten::smitten:
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