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This is so SAD !!! Sorry Turkiye and Malaysia. We were FORCED


Dec 1, 2015
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I am so angry right now....

I was the one who sided with Saudis all the time, bashed Iran a lot (for quite right reasons) but hey, Saudis have got quite bigger problems and looks like Pakistanis have to look after those as well - meaning eventually screwing our religious and national interests.

Pathetic. Khan has decided to not visit Malaysia and heard on TV that FM Mehmood Qureshi, instead, will be attending it. Postponed mean CANCELLED. We know that, right?

PM Khan’s Malaysia visit likely to be postponed: sources

A new Islamic bloc, is being sabotaged by Saudis....Looks like West/Israel is not happy with this new development/Islamic bloc....


Riyadh is believed to have been upset with the event being hosted by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and likely to be attended by leaders from Turkey, Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, and Indonesia.

The absence of Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies at the meeting, to be convened from Dec 18 to 21, and the presence of Turkey, Qatar and Iran – with whom Riyadh doesn’t have good relations – have raised eyebrows with observers seeing it as a move to create a new Islamic bloc.




Pakistan is backing an initiative of Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad to bring group of five Muslim nations (Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Qatar and, Malaysia) together to achieve socio-economic development, counter growing Islamophobia and to compete with non-Islamic countries in the world.



The summit is also being attended by leaders of Turkey, Qatar and Iran in addition to hosts Malaysia. Around 450 leaders, scholars, clerics, and thinkers from 52 countries are expected to attend the event.

This development has upset the Saudis, who are taking it as a challenge to their dominance in the politics of the Muslim world, the report added.



So, Saudis dropped us in FATF when American pressure came and we ended up in FATF grey list due to Saudis dancing to US tunes...... while our real allies; Turkiye and Malaysia continued supporting us in FATF without giving a damn to US.....And this is how we return the favor? We are not a thankful nation and we'll lose our real allies/friends. We will never achieve our full potential.

Americans, have tremendous influence over Saudis and this can be a big possibility that It is the Americans who are not happy with this summit and potential new bloc. Saudi rulers are just being typical losers/pawns over here...Sorry to say, I respect Arabs a lot but HATE their chicken/pawn rulers.

Saudis should have also participated in this new summit but hey, Turkiye, Iran and Qatar are there so we hate it and and only OIC is good as we are the king/boss over there.

Such childishness...

OIC is not worth of toilet paper, to be honest. Done absolutely nothing for Muslims...Heck not long ago, even invited Indians as well just to rub salt on Pakistan's wounds, obviously after Saudis consent.

A big SORRY to All Turks and Malaysians over here. Pakistani public FULLY supports this new initiative and our KHAN will give you support one way or other. I am sure about that.

You all are forgetting one thing.....Iran can be included in this new bloc, if majority of Muslim countries ended up joining this bloc that means DISUNITY and Sectarian Warfare within Muslim World can come to an end. Sunnis and Shias can be united, ending up in creating great economic and defense market/bloc, guarding our dignity and interests all together....Kind of EU....and it won't be dysfunctional as no saboteurs will be there.....Totally free from WESTERN influence meaning we can actually start taking free and bold steps...Imagine guys, imagine.

Sadly, only 4 brave major Muslim countries left: Turkiye, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran.

Sadly, my Pakistan is not in the list :( We are brave but but poor as well.

Say whatever about Iran, but man, they are independent and take their decisions fiercely. I hate Iran policies but this thing should be appreciated while Saudis are OCCUPIED.

What should Pakistan do now? Pakistan MUST tell Saudis that we can't take this anymore. Indians are also watching this closely.

We must tell Saudis that WE ARE NOT EGYPT. We will support this bloc as it has potential to unite Muslims...We are with Turks, Malaysians and Indonesians.

@Ali_Baba @RIWWIR @Riz @Path-Finder @ARMalik And others....
Appreciate the decision by the government of Pakistan to send Foreign Minister Qureshi to Kuala Lampur.

Mr. Qureshi will bring a balanced approach to the proceedings of the said forum.
This is sad indeed .. Pakistan should have sided with those who stood test of the time and confronted India not those who conferred Adolf Modi with the highest civilian awards.. sad sad sad...
First we ignored Turkey's conference on Kashmir, now we are ignoring this excellent initiative which is nothing but positive for Pakistan.

We want our old Imran Khan back, the one from the jalsas, not the one being fed by N and PPP spies.
Well, Turkey won't even doubt a second Pakistan's support for sure but still will upset the attenders of this new initiative.

Bro, you have our support all the way up to last of last times. Pakistanis are not coward or dumb...We know who is who.

Saudis and their masters will have to live with this new bloc.

LOL and here we were talking about future JVs.

We will do JV with Turks, no question about it.

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