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This is illegal/inhuman or whatever, India should respond more,f__k americans

Its a fake, this video was about police brutality against a usa citizen where she was forcibly strip searched, saw this video some years ago. Nice video mixing of audio with a clip of her news on the video of another woman.
I treat people the way they deserve to be treated. In your case it was just pleasure mixed with business.

Says more about you than all the aforesaid rantings could possibly do. The less said the better. Lets just leave it at that.

Further fact is that Ms. Richards has been paid in FULL as per the contract stating she will be paid $9.75 per hour. Only she worked for 60 hours and was paid for that much work.

One word.


"She has also been charged of paying the babysitter, Sangeeta Richard, just $537 a month, instead of the $4,500 per month according to the employment contract furnished for her visa. This amounts to just $3 an hour, which is much lower than the minimum wage of $9.75 per hour mandated by US laws.

Ms Khobragade has been charged of forcing Ms Richards to work more than 40 hours a week. "

Devyani Khobragade case: Charges against the Indian diplomat by US | NDTV.com

Article 47 waives off the requirement to meet with the labour laws of the host state.
Ms. richards employment was under article 47.

The US government is in accordance to article 43(1) which states the “consular officers and consular employees shall not be amenable to the jurisdiction of the judicial or administrative authorities of the receiving State in respect of acts performed in the exercise of consular functions.”

Which effectively in this case translates to and means that the appointment of personal employees by a consular official is not important to the execution of consular functions.

I realise legalese may not be your forte but "bitch please" .... do your homework

More LOL. Further proof you are a fool.
The Italian envoy first made an Direct appeal to the SC of India to free the marines and thus subject himself to Indian law. The Vienna convention is very clear that once the envoy submits to the Jurisdiction of the host nation then further judicial action can stem from there
Further more the envoy made a personal guarantee to the SC of India that the marines will be returend to India. Since it was clear that he would fail to honor that guarantee, he can then be jailed for breech of that guarantee. This is why the italians had no case and had to submit back to Indian demand. LOL at your knowledge of the law.

"The decision by the Supreme Court to block our ambassador from leaving the country without the court's permission constitutes an evident violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which codifies universally recognized principals," the ministry said Monday.

Article 31 of the convention states that a diplomat enjoys immunity from the criminal, civil and administrative jurisdictions of the receiving state, except in certain cases related to private property, succession and unofficial professional and commercial activities.
"The decision by the Supreme Court to block our ambassador from leaving the country without the court's permission constitutes an evident violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which codifies universally recognized principals," the ministry said Monday.

Article 31 of the convention states that a diplomat enjoys immunity from the criminal, civil and administrative jurisdictions of the receiving state, except in certain cases related to private property, succession and unofficial professional and commercial activities."

I guess we now know what kind of Fool you really are. ...... the retarded kind.

Again before extolling your virtues as a legal eagle, do your homework and save yourself from landing an egg on your face.

LOL. Dream away about what you need in India. We sure as hell do not need spineless boot licking cowards like you.
Now you are backing out from claiming that US has 'high moral ground'. This is what cowards do, back of from their own comments.

I clearly stated that
Legally, we do not have a case. Please refer back to to R Jethmalani's interview. While America maintains the legal high ground, it does score very poorly if you take basic civil decency and courtesy into the picture.

Got two suggestions. Follow either one or both as maybe the case :

a) Get an eye exam done. Himalaya does these for free
b) Enroll for basic language comprehension classes. You may have to shell out some money for that. Do have a look.

He was responsible to justifying the actions of his govt. and as such represents his govt. here. He is also guilty of denigrating India and attempts to downplay the seriousness of this incident. My replies have made it plain that neither approach is appreciated.
Of course you are too dumb and busy spreading your spittle to understand either.

He was being civil.

I decline to debase myself by commenting on the rest of the tripe.

Have a good day.

PS : The frequent abuse of lol, betrays your emotional age. We do get the "humor" you so desperately try and inject into your comments, without you having to resort to using the insanely hilarious punch line of your sentence, lol.

Its a fake, this video was about police brutality against a usa citizen where she was forcibly strip searched, saw this video some years ago. Nice video mixing of audio with a clip of her news on the video of another woman.

Aye, the video is another classic example of a retard trying to seek attention through any means possible.

That this thread has received the very same kind of attention is a travesty in itself. :(
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Says more about you than all the aforesaid rantings could possibly do. The less said the better. Lets just leave it at that.

Yes it does. It tells others that I do not suffer fools gladly or cowards.

One word.


LOL. I can see that you have avoided answering any of my questions.

"She has also been charged of paying the babysitter, Sangeeta Richard, just $537 a month, instead of the $4,500 per month according to the employment contract furnished for her visa. This amounts to just $3 an hour, which is much lower than the minimum wage of $9.75 per hour mandated by US laws.

Ms Khobragade has been charged of forcing Ms Richards to work more than 40 hours a week. "

Devyani Khobragade case: Charges against the Indian diplomat by US | NDTV.com

LOL again. That VISA was filed by richards. Which means she is the one who CLAIMED she is going to get 4,500$ inspite of signing a separate agreement that promised her $537 a month :lol:

Dr. Devyani had NO ROLE in filing that Visa application.

US is free to charge DR. Devyani with anything :lol: including making richards work for 600 hrs a month :lol: ........they are free to charge anyone with anything. There is no shred of evidence that can show richards worked more than 60 hrs.

Your stupidity is duly noted.

So far the ONLY charge against the good Dr. is the same one that can be used to charge richards too. Which is lying to get a visa. :coffee:

One wonders why ms. richards was NOT charged for Lying to get a Visa. :sick:

The US government is in accordance to article 43(1) which states the “consular officers and consular employees shall not be amenable to the jurisdiction of the judicial or administrative authorities of the receiving State in respect of acts performed in the exercise of consular functions.”

Which effectively in this case translates to and means that the appointment of personal employees by a consular official is not important to the execution of consular functions.

I realise legalese may not be your forte but "bitch please" .... do your homework

American *** lickers better do their own homework.

All employees employed by the Indian consulate ONLY have to be paid as per INDIAN labor laws and are covered under article 47.

Article 43 DOES NOT cover employment, labor laws and wage laws of the host nation. Which is why there is a separate article 47 specifying the same BITCH. :tdown:

"The decision by the Supreme Court to block our ambassador from leaving the country without the court's permission constitutes an evident violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which codifies universally recognized principals," the ministry said Monday.

Article 31 of the convention states that a diplomat enjoys immunity from the criminal, civil and administrative jurisdictions of the receiving state, except in certain cases related to private property, succession and unofficial professional and commercial activities.
"The decision by the Supreme Court to block our ambassador from leaving the country without the court's permission constitutes an evident violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which codifies universally recognized principals," the ministry said Monday.

Article 31 of the convention states that a diplomat enjoys immunity from the criminal, civil and administrative jurisdictions of the receiving state, except in certain cases related to private property, succession and unofficial professional and commercial activities."
Again before extolling your virtues as a legal eagle, do your homework and save yourself from landing an egg on your face.

Of course the Italian minister is going to claim that BITCH :lol:

However the facts of the case remain as stated earlier which is why the Italians were FORCED to return the marines. They had diluted the protection provided by article 31 by subjecting themselves to Indian law and appealing to Indian courts BITCH.

That is why Dr. Devyani DID NOT approach US courts when richards fled her employment. She instead filed a court case in India. :coffee:

Got two suggestions. Follow either one or both as maybe the case :

a) Get an eye exam done. Himalaya does these for free
b) Enroll for basic language comprehension classes. You may have to shell out some money for that. Do have a look.

LOL. More free advice.

Your Inferiority complex needs a serious psychiatric treatment. Better start licking some more american *** so that you can treat yourself by the few cents they give you.

He was being civil.
I decline to debase myself by commenting on the rest of the tripe.
Have a good day.

You can continue to be his forum coolie. :pop:

PS : The frequent abuse of lol, betrays your emotional age. We do get the "humor" you so desperately try and inject into your comments, without you having to resort to using the insanely hilarious punch line of your sentence, lol.

I do enjoy the opportunity you provide to humiliate you repeatedly. :big_boss:
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