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This is illegal/inhuman or whatever, India should respond more,f__k americans

It's remarkable how close the OP video is to the video of Hope Steffey, back in 2006, isn't it?

The State Dept. has already denounced the OP vid "absolutely not footage of Ms. Khobragade." as a hoax: link

Hope Steffey sued the cops and the case was settled out-of-court in 2009, "on terms favorable to the plaintiff." link

Cases like Steffey are unusual and reprehensible. While American cops aren't perfect, justice can be done to miscreants, even if they are officialdom or law enforcement.
...she has suffered this indignity and humiliation in her LINE OF DUTY and has borne it with true grit and courage.
So the Indian gov't compelled Khobragade to undertake acts illegal under treaty and not covered by her immunity? Knowing that something like this could happen? The "indignity and humiliation" was all part of an Indian gov't plan?

If she wasn't ordered to do it by her superiors, she was acting on her own behalf and not in the line of duty. Should she still be hailed as a hero, then?
So the Indian gov't compelled Khobragade to undertake acts illegal under treaty and not covered by her immunity? Knowing that something like this could happen? The "indignity and humiliation" was all part of an Indian gov't plan?

If she wasn't ordered to do it by her superiors, she was acting on her own behalf and not in the line of duty. Should she still be hailed as a hero, then?

Every act of Dr. Khobragade was with sanctioned govt. permission with the FULL backing of the Indian state and Indian people.

All the false charges against Dr. Khobragade and ALL the illegal act she was subject too was with the express desire of the US govt.

This appears to be a part of an US plan to humiliate and denigrate India ?

As to what she did and why she did comes under the preview of the Indian govt. and as such the Indian govt. is VERY CLEAR on her status as a HERO and the US govt. as the villain in this particular drama.

The Indian govt. has very clearly and WITHOUT any ambiguity cleared her of ANY wrong doing and has charged the US govt. of illegality and as such that will continue to be and should be the position of any and ALL Indians.
Every act of Dr. Khobragade was with sanctioned govt. permission with the FULL backing of the Indian state and Indian people.
Her former boss wrote he warned her to "be careful". That doesn't sound like "FULL backing of the Indian state and Indian people" to me.

All the false charges against Dr. Khobragade and ALL the illegal act she was subject too was with the express desire of the US govt.
There are no "false charges" against Khobragade.

This appears to be a part of an US plan to humiliate and denigrate India ?
You're doing it all yourselves; there's very little sympathy for India in this matter.

The Indian govt. has very clearly and WITHOUT any ambiguity cleared her of ANY wrong doing and has charged the US govt. of illegality and as such that will continue to be and should be the position of any and ALL Indians.
WHat is said doesn't change the reality of what Khobragade did or what her status is/was. And we Americans do hear the voices of other Indians as well as those of the "upper crust". The prosecutor in the case was himself born in India and may even still hold an Indian passport!
Her former boss wrote he warned her to "be careful". That doesn't sound like "FULL backing of the Indian state and Indian people" to me.

Of course she has to be careful. She is a diplomat representing 1.2 billion Indians :lol:

But that being said, these 1.2 billion has FULL faith in her and has her Back. Let there be NO doubt about it.

There are no "false charges" against Khobragade.

All charges against her are false. In fact US has subverted the Judicial process in India and has demonstrated to Indians that it is not a nation that respects the Law.

You're doing it all yourselves; there's very little sympathy for India in this matter.

LOL. That is YOUR problem.

You better start worrying about how create sympathy for India. Our position is very clear on this whole issue.

WHat is said doesn't change the reality of what Khobragade did or what her status is/was. And we Americans do hear the voices of other Indians as well as those of the "upper crust". The prosecutor in the case was himself born in India and may even still hold an Indian passport!

:lol:.....we do not care if you americans claims to hear voices of jesus christ or Aliens.

We do not care if the prosecutor is an Indian born or mexican.

We do not care if you delude yourself into thinking of India as 'upper crust', lower crust or thin crust pizza.

ALL those are YOUR problems. You better learn to take care of it.
India is failing to release her from the Americans. seems to me, this harassment will go on. what amazes me is she is treated as a criminal.. quoting alien(American) laws and system where as the Indian embassy goes by our norms and values If I understand correctly.
Well this looks serious, truely disrespectful conduct

May be indian shoud bring forth a resolution in UN and see may be Pakistan would support that

Its truely against the norm of Diplomatic culture
Fake video.. Already been discredited in the media.. Lame Pakistani attempt on the forum to instigate verbal duels between Indian and American members.. Desperation is so evident :D
Of course she has to be careful. She is a diplomat representing 1.2 billion Indians
But that being said, these 1.2 billion has FULL faith in her and has her Back. Let there be NO doubt about it.

Buddy lets not be hypocrites. She was paying her maid less than the minimum legal wage and that is a crime. Ofcourse we are not condoning the strip search. That was way out of proportion, but the fact remains that she committed a federal crime in US territory while not being protected under that specific diplomatic immunity.

All charges against her are false. In fact US has subverted the Judicial process in India and has demonstrated to Indians that it is not a nation that respects the Law.

That is incorrect. She was guilty under US labor laws and the charges were upheld. Please google her trail procedures.

.....we do not care if you americans claims to hear voices of jesus christ or Aliens.
We do not care if the prosecutor is an Indian born or mexican.
We do not care if you delude yourself into thinking of India as 'upper crust', lower crust or thin crust pizza.
ALL those are YOUR problems. You better learn to take care of it

That is not very polite mate. The gentleman did not resort to personal attacks. He was politely putting forward his point. While you may not agree with him you certainly should not be rude. Gives all us Indians a bad name.

quoting alien(American) laws and system where as the Indian embassy goes by our norms and values If I understand correctly.

Legally, we do not have a case. Please refer back to to R Jethmalani's interview. While America maintains the legal high ground, it does score very poorly if you take basic civil decency and courtesy into the picture.

Lets not be afraid to call a spade a spade.

Just my 0.02cs
Buddy lets not be hypocrites. She was paying her maid less than the minimum legal wage and that is a crime. Ofcourse we are not condoning the strip search. That was way out of proportion, but the fact remains that she committed a federal crime in US territory while not being protected under that specific diplomatic immunity.

I am not you 'Buddy' and I am certainly not a 'Hypocrite'. Spare me your Foolish assessment.

The employment of the Maid was covered under Article 47 of the Vienna Convention. The Maid was required to be paid the minimum wage as per Indian Law, not US law.

The diplomat does not come under the US jurisdiction as per the Vienna Convention.

Certain cowards may be ok with bending over backwards to accommodate US bullying, count me and my country out of it.

That is incorrect. She was guilty under US labor laws and the charges were upheld. Please google her trail procedures.

She is not a US citizen to be covered by US labor laws. She is a Indian citizen AND and Indian diplomat and as such is covered under INDIAN Law and the Vienna convention treaty.

That is not very polite mate. The gentleman did not resort to personal attacks. He was politely putting forward his point. While you may not agree with him you certainly should not be rude. Gives all us Indians a bad name.

I do not plan to be polite to people of a nation who arrest Indian diplomats and humiliate my country.

I leave such growling to others who have no shame or self respect.

The next time you plan to give anyone a lesson in forum etiquette, makes sure you are qualified or you just end up making a fool of yourself. I guess soliciting 'free advice' is some people's specialty.

You are free to grovell and spit and polish US shoes to get a 'good name'. LOL. I have quite happy with my Name and as far as I am concered, the US better worry about getting themselves a good name.

Legally, we do not have a case. Please refer back to to R Jethmalani's interview. While America maintains the legal high ground, it does score very poorly if you take basic civil decency and courtesy into the picture.

As far as India is concerned, we do have a Legal case. The merits of the case is yet to be determined.

American has NO moral high ground here. LOL. Only propaganda and Fools who accept that illusion high ground.

Lets not be afraid to call a spade a spade.
Just my 0.02cs

I DO PLAN to call a Spade a spade, and that includes calling certain Indians spineless and foolish.

The only part I agree to was the 0.02 cents and you can keep that change with you.
I am not you 'Buddy' and I am certainly not a 'Hypocrite'. Spare me your Foolish assessment.
The employment of the Maid was covered under Article 47 of the Vienna Convention. The Maid was required to be paid the minimum wage as per Indian Law, not US law.
The diplomat does not come under the US jurisdiction as per the Vienna Convention.
Certain cowards may be ok with bending over backwards to accommodate US bullying, count me and my country out of it.
Looks like basic internet civility is not really your cup of tea. No matter.

a) Devyani commit a criminal offence. She fudged her maids visa.

"Kobragade prepared and electronically submitted an application for an A-3 visa through the website for the US department of state's consular electronic application center for an Indian national ("Witness-1"), who was to be the personal employee of Khobragade beginning in November 2012. The visa application stated that witness-1 was to be paid $4,500 per month in US dollars. Khobragade and witness-1 also signed an employment contract for witness-1 to bring to Witness-1's interview at the US embassy in India in connection with the visa application, which witness-1 did at Khobragade's direction. The first employment contract stated, among other things, that Khobragade would pay witness-1 the prevailing or minimum wage, whichever is greater, resulting in an hourly salary of $9.75.

The complaint said Khobragade knew that the first employment contract that she caused witness-1 to submit to the US state department in connection with witness-1's visa application contained materially false and fraudulent statements about, among other things, witness-1's hourly wage and hours worked. Prior to the signing of the first employment contract, Khobragade and witness-1 had allegedly agreed that she would pay Rs 30,000 per month, which at the time was equivalent to $573.07."

Indian diplomat in New York arrested for visa fraud, underpaying housekeeper - Times Of India

And as far as your precious Article 47, Devyani was not covered by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (VCCR) in this matter because “the Indian Deputy Consul General enjoys immunity from the jurisdiction of US courts only with respect to acts performed in the exercise of consular functions”

And to take this even further. YES, YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE. Let me explain why.

Your hackles were all raised and you went pious when an Indian diplomat was under fire. Pray, my good sir, under which couch where you hiding when we in India arrested and detained the Italian envoy and threatened to prosecute him in blatant disregard to the very Vienna convention you are thumping your chest with ???

Devyani Khobragade case: More than just a question of diplomatic immunity - Analysis - DNA

She is not a US citizen to be covered by US labor laws. She is a Indian citizen AND and Indian diplomat and as such is covered under INDIAN Law and the Vienna convention treaty.

Are you naive are are you just trying to be cute ? Expounding the Vienna convention when a clear documented case of fraud has been committed is just "chooo awwww".

Its like "mummy mummy, i stole some cookies, dont punish me, i'm wearing a blue dress see"

I do not plan to be polite to people of a nation who arrest Indian diplomats and humiliate my country.
I leave such growling to others who have no shame or self respect.
The next time you plan to give anyone a lesson in forum etiquette, makes sure you are qualified or you just end up making a fool of yourself. I guess soliciting 'free advice' is some people's specialty.
You are free to grovell and spit and polish US shoes to get a 'good name'. LOL. I have quite happy with my Name and as far as I am concered, the US better worry about getting themselves a good name.

What we don't need in India is ultra right wingers from the RSS and the VHP like you. We need folks who are stable and has the capacity of looking at a matter from all possible angles before baring fangs. Yes America does not have the higher moral ground in this case. I did say strip searching was way beyond the boundaries of professional etiquette.

My contention was the gentleman was not personally responsible for those actions. He was very politely putting his view across.You went ahead and insulted him for being an American. Internet chest thumpers like yourself do not do any one a favor.

Peace out.
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She is a human trafficker and slave owner!!Deserves far worse than this!
She is a human trafficker and slave owner!!Deserves far worse than this!

What a load of codswallop. We are having a debate. Rhetoric like that just exposes the fool that you are.
Looks like basic internet civility is not really your cup of tea. No matter.

I treat people the way they deserve to be treated. In your case it was just pleasure mixed with business.

a) Devyani commit a criminal offence. She fudged her maids visa.

"Kobragade prepared and electronically submitted an application for an A-3 visa through the website for the US department of state's consular electronic application center for an Indian national ("Witness-1"), who was to be the personal employee of Khobragade beginning in November 2012. The visa application stated that witness-1 was to be paid $4,500 per month in US dollars. Khobragade and witness-1 also signed an employment contract for witness-1 to bring to Witness-1's interview at the US embassy in India in connection with the visa application, which witness-1 did at Khobragade's direction. The first employment contract stated, among other things, that Khobragade would pay witness-1 the prevailing or minimum wage, whichever is greater, resulting in an hourly salary of $9.75.

LOL. The "witness-1" is Ms. Richards who is the one who filed the visa application stating she was to be paid $4,500 :lol: This itself is a proof that the applicant was LYING in her visa form. Her contract did not specify the number of hours she would work every month. LOL.

In fact in the same form the employers salary is also mentioned as $4,500 :lol: ..... in which case why did the US counsulate grant Ms. Richards the visa ?

Further fact is that Ms. Richards has been paid in FULL as per the contract stating she will be paid $9.75 per hour. Only she worked for 60 hours :lol: and was paid for that much work.

She was a part time employee who was paid ONLY for the hours she Worked. LOL.

The complaint said Khobragade knew that the first employment contract that she caused witness-1 to submit to the US state department in connection with witness-1's visa application contained materially false and fraudulent statements about, among other things, witness-1's hourly wage and hours worked. Prior to the signing of the first employment contract, Khobragade and witness-1 had allegedly agreed that she would pay Rs 30,000 per month, which at the time was equivalent to $573.07."

This IF true makes both Dr. Khobragade and Ms. richards GUILTY of the same crime. Which is LYING TO GET A VISA. So why was ms. richards made a witness and Dr. Khobragade charged ? :azn:

Besides this traslates to ~ 60 hrs a month. There is NO evidence that she worked more than 60 hrs in a month. After all she was a part time Nanny. LOL.

And as far as your precious Article 47, Devyani was not covered by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (VCCR) in this matter because “the Indian Deputy Consul General enjoys immunity from the jurisdiction of US courts only with respect to acts performed in the exercise of consular functions”


Article 47 waives off the requirement to meet with the labour laws of the host state. :lol:

Ms. richards employment was under article 47.

And to take this even further. YES YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE. Let me explain why.

Your hackles were all raised and you went pious went a Indian diplomat was under the fire. Pray, my good sir, under which couch where you hiding when we in India arrested and detained the Italian envoy and threatened to prosecute him in blatant disregard to the very Vienna convention you are thumping your chest with ???

Devyani Khobragade case: More than just a question of diplomatic immunity - Analysis - DNA

More LOL. Further proof you are a fool.

The Italian envoy first made an Direct appeal to the SC of India to free the marines and thus subject himself to Indian law. The Vienna convention is very clear that once the envoy submits to the Jurisdiction of the host nation then further judicial action can stem from there :lol:

Further more the envoy made a personal guarantee to the SC of India that the marines will be returend to India. Since it was clear that he would fail to honor that guarantee, he can then be jailed for breech of that guarantee. This is why the italians had no case and had to submit back to Indian demand. LOL at your knowledge of the law.

Are you naive are are you just trying to be cute ? Expounding the Vienna convention when a clear documented case of fraud has been committed is just "chooo awwww".

Its like "mummy mummy, i stole some cookies, dont punish me, i'm wearing a blue dress see"

I guess we now know what kind of Fool you really are. :P ...... the retarded kind.

What we don't need in India is ultra right wingers from the RSS and the VHP like you. We need folks who are stable and has the capacity of looking at a matter from all possible angles before baring fangs. Yes America does not have the higher moral ground in this case. I did say strip searching has way beyond within the boundaries of etiquette.

LOL. Dream away about what you need in India. We sure as hell do not need spineless boot licking cowards like you. :lol:

Now you are backing out from claiming that US has 'high moral ground'. This is what cowards do, back of from their own comments.

My contention was the gentleman was not personally responsible for those actions. He was very politely putting his view across.You went ahead and insulted him for being an American. Internet chest thumpers like yourself do not do any one a favor.

Peace out.

He was responsible to justifying the actions of his govt. and as such represents his govt. here. He is also guilty of denigrating India and attempts to downplay the seriousness of this incident. My replies have made it plain that neither approach is appreciated.

Of course you are too dumb and busy spreading your spittle to understand either.
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