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This is how a Genius speaks.


This man's thinking is absolutely pathetic---what he is saying is that what I am sanding for is 'right'---my right is more right than Kashmala's 'right'---and I feel that I cannot compromise my 'right' and join others will similiar thinking.

Too many divisions-----if this is what pti is---then what a bunch of smart alec morons.
Mastan Khan is back , your observation is indeed welcomed. Btw Kashmala had her time to refute the argument which she was simply unable to by starting on the wrong footing.

There are those who are condemned and then there are those who have sinned---and then there are those who in their good faith have done their best under the circumstance----but it does not meet your standards.

You simply cannot put them in the same league and treat them in the same manner---. Now what is there to refute---the guy is saying silly outrageous things right from the gitgo---. That is not the way to run a party.

There are those who are condemned and then there are those who have sinned---and then there are those who in their good faith have done their best under the circumstance----but it does not meet your standards.

You simply cannot put them in the same league and treat them in the same manner---. Now what is there to refute---the guy is saying silly outrageous things right from the gitgo---. That is not the way to run a party.

Mastan Bhai

I have to agree with you.. based on what I just had to suffer in this video clip.
the argument from PTI chap was nothing more than a rhetorical speech. it lacked substance and was more of a chest thumping exercise. This self-praising was also used as a reason to reject Kashmala and the real reason was missed out (more on it later)

Kashmala the pretty face:
Her argument regarding PTI was very childish and laughable, but I don’t blame her. Actually I don’t blame any of the PMLn leadership because they don’t have to make any intelligent and eloquent arguments to win the votes.

Reason 1 is, because it doesn’t matter to them and reason 2 is it doesn’t matter to their core vote bank and current political system guarantees that they will get their votes on the tried and tested formula of “don’t fix it .. if its not broken”. Meaning what? Meaning that don’t waste your breath on anything meaningful regarding nation building and addressing issues that really matter to the company but stick to the usual political formula of mud -slinging, rhetoric and hallow slogans.

Kashmala’s thought process and reasoning is also eye wateringly simple, saying “if PTI doesn’t support MLn then it means it is backing the “establishment” (read Pak Army).. her comments also reminded me of President Bush declaration after 9/11 (if you are not with us, then you are with the terrorists)

She adds further saying that PTI and PMLn have common complaints towards PPP so bases this as an argument that PTI should come in PMLn's fold (coalition) to defeat PPP.
this argument is shallow, lacks thought and reeks of pure typical "ends justify the means" ... end in this case being winning the election and feasting on Pakistan.

Mr PTI dude Asad Umar
Well this chap’s performance is very lackluster. Instead of giving a thought before answering, he decides to use sarcasm and patronization in his argument against what Kashmala said.
He chooses point scoring instead of giving reasons why it’s a bad idea for PTI to be under the same banners as PMLn vs the PPP.
It’s a valid question that what made PMLn to have a change of heart after 3 years and decide that PPP was such a bad party although it had PPP members in the cabinet and both were singing each other’s praise in the beginning? This question is not the answer to Kashmala’s question and her invitation.

His second point can be used as an answer where he gave the reason for not joining hands with PMLn based on the opinion polls where he claims that PTI is leading so it doesn’t need PMLn. But this reason becomes weak because of his opening statement that only the real elections and counting of votes out of the ballot would decide who is leading.

The biggest disappointment
My biggest disappointment was when this dude failed to give the main reason which Imran Khan has repeated on almost every talkshow and political gathering. Saying that reason PTI wont join with these politicians is because they are all corrupt, part of a corrupt system of political mafias and political dynasties with only self interest an plundering.
So leading the opinion polls has nothing to do with the choice of joining a known corrupt party. Neither is what were PMLn’s previous partners in crime.
Maybe my understanding is wrong but instead of petty arguments and point scoring in the talkshows, PTI should make one blanket statement that it dismisses all these hypocrites and opportunist politicians who would do anything to get to power to plunder once again. Who would lick the feet of the generals and the Americans in the dark and then in the morning lead emotionally charged rallies chanting slogans against Americans and the army.
This guy got found out by seasoned politicians. Remember, this guy is not a politician, he was a CEO of Engro!!!

My friend---as I stated----there are those who are condemned and then there are those who have sinned. The sinned and the condemned cannot be and must not be dealt with the same hand---because you don't leave any option for redemption for those who want to be re-deemed and want to make a honest life out of them if given the choice and oppurtunity and that is not right.

That reeks of arrogance and self-righteousnes.

Now PTI won't have people who had sinned in their party---what happened to forgiveness to those who expressed remorse---.7

If prophet Mohammad can forgive---who are we to say no---excluding Zardari and his cohort including the Ch brothers and Sharif and co---.

Mastani Ji….just keep yourself updated…..IK / PTI never refuses anyone to join their party …the rhetoric one often heard from them only appears when someone near to joins them abruptly turns towards other i.e. Marvi Memon, Amir Muqam etc….!!

As far as Kashmala’s arguments are concerned it bears more sanity to an ordinary man on the streets than to a so called weby’s intellectual whose views are already insignificant as far as Pakistani Power politics is concerned which basis to the fate of 180M people no matter anyone like it or not.

PMLN rightly highlighting this political aspects against which PTI havn’t yet develop any credible counter argument except cursing more vehemently against PMLN, which in itself is counterproductive and in fact directly playing into the PMLN hands as it will made easy for them to place PTI solely into the category’s of “Mushaffar’s Baqiat” alone who more resembles a defeatest and a spent force:coffee:

From the POV of Musharraf’s Baqiat the problem is not PTI but Musharraf and its APML itself, had the so called commando Musharraf retruns couregously in Pakistani political scene back in December there is simply no way Marvi or Muqam opted for PMLN or PMLQ rested with PPP, MQM not forced to lick its thrown out again and again, and their available more options for PTI to went into an alliance which possess more widespread force than PMLN and people asking the same question with PMLN what they are asking to PTI at this moment.......therefore before cursing anyone else first does it with Musharraf and Musharraf alone.
Mastani Ji….just keep yourself updated…..IK / PTI never refuses anyone to join their party …the rhetoric one often heard from them only appears when someone near to joins them abruptly turns towards other i.e. Marvi Memon, Amir Muqam etc….!!

As far as Kashmala’s arguments are concerned it bears more sanity to an ordinary man on the streets than to a so called weby’s intellectual whose views are already insignificant as far as Pakistani Power politics is concerned which basis to the fate of 180M people no matter anyone like it or not.

PMLN rightly highlighting this political aspects against which PTI havn’t yet develop any credible counter argument except cursing more vehemently against PMLN, which in itself is counterproductive and in fact directly playing into the PMLN hands as it will made easy for them to place PTI solely into the category’s of “Mushaffar’s Baqiat” alone who more resembles a defeatest and a spent force:coffee:

From the POV of Musharraf’s Baqiat the problem is not PTI but Musharraf and its APML itself, had the so called commando Musharraf retruns couregously in Pakistani political scene back in December there is simply no way Marvi or Muqam opted for PMLN or PMLQ rested with PPP, MQM not forced to lick its thrown out again and again, and their available more options for PTI to went into an alliance which possess more widespread force than PMLN and people asking the same question with PMLN what they are asking to PTI at this moment.......therefore before cursing anyone else first does it with Musharraf and Musharraf alone.
Kashamla was just talking crap and didn't had anything solid to say on the other man raised really solid points
Kashamla was just talking crap and didn't had anything solid to say on the other man raised really solid points

yaar gee.. did you read my post?

I agree that Kashmala was clueless but the PTI chap missed the chance giving the real reason why PTI wont cooperate with PMLn

their main slogan is movement for justice and they blame both PPP and PMLn for the mess due in the country that is the result from corruption, nepotism, mismanagement & personal greed of these main parties who have been in the government few times.

Didn't know that Kashmala Tariq have such a huge fanbase of old smokeys.:lol:
its realy stupid and shame full to se these politions to fight and expose them self on tv the guy on tv make alot of cash
its realy stupid and shame full to se these politions to fight and expose them self on tv the guy on tv make alot of cash

in this video .. this only applies to PMLn...
PTI guy has no history of corruption he just won with better cracking shots at Kashmala.

could have added on top that alliance with PMLn is out of question due to its tainted past and present.
Imran Khan is just another politician. Politicians have contributed zero to the society of the world. They sell lies to get elected. Imran khan will be no different.

Right now he is saying Pakistan needs to be a Islamic welfare state, well, last time Zia Ul Haq tried to create one, see what we, the new generation ended up with...eh.

Remember how Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto sold his 'Roti, Kapra, Makan' manifesto............40 years later, Pakistanis are still looking for Roti, Kapra and Makan....add Power and Gas on top of that.

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