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This is America 🇺🇸

this is the result of socialist/marxist thinking infiltrating america

inner cities were long destroyed before recent drug epidemic

the “muh gibs” mentality and subsequent generational welfarism only made it worse

these people wont be able to do drugs if terror commie democrats werent protecting and supporting them

This has to do with liberals still thinking the US is full of low-skilled manufacturing jobs and welcoming unskilled people in with open arms...then sending them with vouchers (and no job) to rot in some inner-city neighborhood where they live in fear of their lives.
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Did you know that the average life expectancy in the U.S. is substantially lower than in China?In 2021, the average life expectancy in the U.S. will be 76.1 years, while the average life expectancy in China will be 78.2 years.

Are you aware that the US now has about the same literacy rate as India? India's literacy rate is 74%.

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are these Chinese who are so called educated free?

can they speak their minds ?

can they disagree with their government without being executed ?

you post worst photos of a nation and compared them to the best of yours ?

that is called trolling
are these Chinese who are so called educated free?

can they speak their minds ?

can they disagree with their government without being executed ?

you post worst photos of a nation and compared them to the best of yours ?

that is called trolling
Lol, they don't agree with the government , some for decades, did they get " executed" , what kind of brain do you have in your skull?

are these Chinese who are so called educated free?

can they speak their minds ?

can they disagree with their government without being executed ?

you post worst photos of a nation and compared them to the best of yours ?

that is called trolling

We Chinese have a lot more freedom than you think. For example, many PDF Chinese members, including myself, have repeatedly opposed and criticized Xi Jinping's move to get a third term in office by amending the constitution to delay retirement. There are also many PDF China members who used to oppose the COVID zero policy. These can be found at PDF.

It is my understanding that the FBI recently shot down an elderly man who was verbally abusing Biden on the internet. It is freedom American style. I can confirm that the Chinese government will never shoot you down for insulting Xi Jinping.

I was also told by an Indian netizen that in India, unless you are a member of parliament, a state legislator, a civil servant, a minister or a rich industrialist/businessman, a military man or a senior police officer, if you are just a common man and post scathing criticisms of India's political leaders on the internet, any leader, not just Modi. For example, compare them to clowns or ask him to step down. Once a cop comes to know that you are just a common civilian, he will happily file an FIR. then he writes to the passport office and you don't get a passport. He can blacklist you through a friendly SP or Home Secretary and you can never get a US visa, Schengen visa or Singapore visa. You will live in fear for 6 months to 3 years until the High Court puts the case to rest. Eventually, you'll be forced to apologize and admit you did something wrong. And the judge in India will fine you 10,000 rupees, but in the end you will pay 300,000 to 600,000 rupees or more for corruption.

btw: We have the freedom of being able to safely wander any corner of any city on any night. Do you have that freedom??

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Didn't find a good thread to put this information, so maybe here.

Here is a good thread. Plenty of train wrecks. :D

It's useless for you to have a place to go when you won't go. The issue here is not whether you have a place for these people to stay, the issue here is whether these people go to those places.

I personally know a guy I served with, he gone down badly after his second deployment. And he simply disappeared after he got out. A couple guys from our unit trying to find him and help him after we heard that his wife kicked him out of the house. And we literally found him under a bridge on one of those interstate overpass. Turns out he got hooked on Oxy and then the guy supplying him that get him hook on Meth and Opiate. We drove his pass out a$$ to one of those clean house (the get clean) ran by those veteran charity, hoping that he would be staying there and get clean up, but what happened was, over the next year, he left and we would find him on the same spot, then drove him back to that place to get clean only for him to leave again, and after doing that for 10 or 12th time, you sort of just give up on him, I don't even know what happened to him to this day.

Problem with addicted to drug is that you are constantly having to battle your own mind, and you are going to lose every time when you are awake, because as long as you live, your mind owns you, that's how human works. So every time he told us he is alright and the next week he would have been going back to that bridge again to get high because he lost his battle with his mind, and nobody can be your keeper but you. And I know this firsthand as I myself also got hooked on Oxy after I was wounded and got out, it's lucky that someone help me when it was still manageable, because you are literally gone once that go out of hand.
It’s so true that getting a patient addicted to drugs clean is very hard. For example getting a patient off of bentos have been done in Europe with “micro-dose” adjustments; 0.001 mg less everyday for lorazepam where a normal dose could be 1 mg, and it would mean a person would take years to get clean if they stick to it at best.

But in this situation, are these patient’s drug addicts? Even if they hypothetically are drug addicted they should be transported by ambulance to a warm building it which to stay the night and be discharged in the morning if they don’t want to stay, not sent to the streets at night in the cold. Perhaps if they sign themselves out AMA (against medical advise) they have the right to leave, but the staff should be escorting them out, at least jot when it’s freezing and it’s at night.

Frankly we need affordable (or better reimbursed) substance abuse rehab; for drugs, alcohol, as well as better outpatient mental health care.
Yeah That is USA:

1) School Shootings
2) Alcoholism
4) Lewinsky Scandal
5) Drugs like crack-cocaine
6) Dirt-extreme poverty and super rich people like BIll Gates

Lewinsky scandal - when was that :-)
1. There should be a country-wide awareness campaign against unprescribed drug use.
Wasn't in the States since 2010 so I don't know after that, but before that the last time we saw any awareness campaign is Reagen's "Say no to drug" campaign

From what I am seeing, most media are doing the opposite afterward, you have TV show like Soprano, House M.D (House is addicted to Pain Killer IIRC) and who can forget Breaking Bad, and the spin off Better Call Saul and El Chapo, Narco et el?

Yes, they get Bryan Cranston come out and do an Anti-Drug PSA but how much that is gonna do when you have 6 series of Breaking Bad??

2. There should be a country-wide crack down on unprescribed drug use.

Tried that, not working.

In fact, in term of law, US is probably one of the most stringent countries on earth. Most countries punish carrier and trafficking, US punishes procession, you are going to get a slap on the wrist even in death penalty country like Indonesia or Singapore if you have a small procession (a few gram, not enough for trafficking) but in the US, 3 procession charges and you get automatic life in prison.

3. People who are addicted should be forcefully put in high security drug rehabilitation compounds for reformation until they are deemed fit to return.

It's not the issue to get clean, the issue here is to stay clean, again, it's very hard to describe to you when you did not ever addicted to anything (which is good, and you should stay that way)

Yes, you can get over that withdrawal stage, problem is, whatever affecting you in that environment is still going to be there, the people you hang out with, the guy you get your Oxy from, is still there, and more importantly, the need to take it in the first place is still there, and all that combine, and it only need 1 moment of weakness, and you are going to relapse. That's almost guaranteed it WILL happen.

4. Police should be empowered to tackle illegal drugs sellers.

They do, but then it won't work when there are more street corner dealer than cops.....

But Blue States are doing the opposite.

And what about CIA? A fairly proficient drug dealer in itself.
Tough on drug is just one of the issue, it wouldn't stop drug from coming across the border, the core issue is that we need better border security, our border are like a sieve, you get thousands if not tens of thousands of illegal coming across daily, and even 10% of them comes to the US with drugs, you are going to get flooded.

That, I think, was the main issue.
It’s so true that getting a patient addicted to drugs clean is very hard. For example getting a patient off of bentos have been done in Europe with “micro-dose” adjustments; 0.001 mg less everyday for lorazepam where a normal dose could be 1 mg, and it would mean a person would take years to get clean if they stick to it at best.

But in this situation, are these patient’s drug addicts? Even if they hypothetically are drug addicted they should be transported by ambulance to a warm building it which to stay the night and be discharged in the morning if they don’t want to stay, not sent to the streets at night in the cold. Perhaps if they sign themselves out AMA (against medical advise) they have the right to leave, but the staff should be escorting them out, at least jot when it’s freezing and it’s at night.

Frankly we need affordable (or better reimbursed) substance abuse rehab; for drugs, alcohol, as well as better outpatient mental health care.
It's because they committed themselves voluntarily. And hospital or rehab don't have the authority to "detain" them unless it is a court ordered rehab, and that is hardly issued by district court unless you are a celebrity. In most cases, when i was a cop, if that person wasn't publicly intox (so you see them drinking and taking drug publicly, not after getting high) or harassing anyone, the best you can do is to offer to drive them home or somewhere they can go, if they won't, then there are nothing to hold them.

Even if they do, the best we can do is put them in a drunk tank and put them on 24 hrs watch, and then release them the next day. Or if they did anything (misdemeanor or felony stuff) then they get send to court and that's the sheriff problem.

Problem here, is that America need law to compel someone for treatment. And cop can do drug test without probable clause. You had to have a clause to put everything in motion, and if you are just depending on voluntary treatment, it's not going to work
America has descended into a near 3rd world country (not in a literal sense, but for 1st world standards things are bad), the neat infrastructure and stable central government gives off an illusion of development and order. Every suburb and town is packed with illegals outbreeding the local populace and running down the area, the cost of living has shot up beyond epic proportions and even quite a lot of people making $100k a year are forced to live hand-by-mouth, law & order has gotten out of hand and the police can only do so much, and property developers have turned historical towns into an eyesore with their overdevelopment and cookie cutter townhouse/apartment communities. Back in the day, you were able to live a comfortable life and buy a house making $40k a year.
I have seen a rise in Black young boys/girls robbing luxury brands stores in broad day light, they are going in numbers to just steal from stores and walk out without any consequences.
You thought the Blacks are trouble? Try the Latinos with their 15 children per family, 50 family members crowding up in each house and dropping property values, their children running amok and trashing up local parks and schools, and mostly growing up to be drug dealers/gang members or welfare recipients who will continue on the cycle. Blacks are a minor nuisance compared to that, most of their filthy behavior is confined to the ghettos they dwell.
if you are just depending on voluntary treatment, it's not going to work
that’s true. Many people won’t go.

Dr. Drew, a famous LA doctor and radio show host, tried to champion a law in California to commit people without their expressed permission if they were in no condition (mostly unresponsive) to take care of themselves, to drug rehab. I don’t recall how far that got. It’s the Benzo and Opoid combo that’s kills a lot of people. A lot of it starts from overprescribing which is slowly starting to be addressed but to many people will just have to live their lives with their brain chemistry altered and struggling to keep it under control.

When people get cut off from prescription drugs they switch to street drugs and dealers that make home made pills “cut” (mix) them with fentanyl and other crap that kills so many. I knew of an ambulance in staten island that would wait in a parking lot to race to opioid overdoses all shift long, they went through a whole box of narcan in a shift and had to go back to the hospital to get more narcan before the end of their shifts. :(

The last 30 years of the opioid crisis started in the 90s when doctors were criminally threatened if they didn’t prescribe sufficient opioid pain meds, because people were claiming their pain was not being seriously addressed.

Side note, opioids weren’t prescribed as much in the African American community and so you can see the disparity 30 years down the line. Dave Chappelle even referenced it about “poor white” and the heroin crisis, and compared it to African Americans and the crack epidemic in the 80s. Now both communities can look at the epidemics that have ravaged each other as diseases and not completely as moral failures.
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