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This Is A Video EVERYONE Needs To See.


Jul 22, 2012
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This Is A Video EVERYONE Needs To See. For The First Time In My Life, I'm Speechless.

“This media we call social is anything but, when we open our computers and it’s our doors we shut”… This is one of the most vital messages that everyone needs to hear.

Look Up is a spoken word for the “online” generation. Written, performed and directed by Gary Turk, it is an extremely important life lesson for our youth. Children are growing up in a world where they don’t play outside or communicate with their friends. It seems today everything is done via text message or over the internet. It’s heartbreaking… I feel guilty myself. We need to spread this message before it’s too late. Please do your part and SHARE it with everyone you know.

@Informant @Marshmallow
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Good message. Chatting, texting and calling friends over the internet cannot be substitute of face to face contact of people in real world. Sometimes we ignore real life friends and close relative sitting with us in order to connect with people in virtual world. Its true that nowadays we are getting addict of technology i.e smart phones, laptop, TV, games consoles which affect our real life relationship and commitment . I remember whenever my few year old nephew come to our house and first thing he want from his grand mother is her smart phone so that he can play with it.
amazing - thanks for sharing .. i am inspired to change my ways from now. Going out for an hour - Now. and every day I will limit my existence on virtual social networks.
Well it is something to think about. It is a bad reality. But it is the reality that none of us can change. I remember when I was young and we used to go play outside with our friends everyday after finishing our homework and coming back when it was sundown. It was the best of times. But now the children sit at home and chat and used skype and play games on the tablet or computer or IPads.
The director made a good video, uploaded it on to youyube and shared it with others and if we also shafre it with others, then we are just using the same technology that the video is talking about to try to avoid. So as I wrote earlier, it is a reality we cannot avoid.

Well it is something to think about. It is a bad reality. But it is the reality that none of us can change. I remember when I was young and we used to go play outside with our friends everyday after finishing our homework and coming back when it was sundown. It was the best of times. But now the children sit at home and chat and used skype and play games on the tablet or computer or IPads.
The director made a good video, uploaded it on to youyube and shared it with others and if we also shafre it with others, then we are just using the same technology that the video is talking about to try to avoid. So as I wrote earlier, it is a reality we cannot avoid.

Well it is something to think about. It is a bad reality. But it is the reality that none of us can change. I remember when I was young and we used to go play outside with our friends everyday after finishing our homework and coming back when it was sundown. It was the best of times. But now the children sit at home and chat and used skype and play games on the tablet or computer or IPads.
The director made a good video, uploaded it on to youyube and shared it with others and if we also shafre it with others, then we are just using the same technology that the video is talking about to try to avoid. So as I wrote earlier, it is a reality we cannot avoid.
Well it is something to think about. It is a bad reality. But it is the reality that none of us can change. I remember when I was young and we used to go play outside with our friends everyday after finishing our homework and coming back when it was sundown. It was the best of times. But now the children sit at home and chat and used skype and play games on the tablet or computer or IPads.
The director made a good video, uploaded it on to youyube and shared it with others and if we also shafre it with others, then we are just using the same technology that the video is talking about to try to avoid. So as I wrote earlier, it is a reality we cannot avoid.

The director chose a way to get the msg and since it is true that IT is the way then that is the way...IT is not all that bad...it is an information hub...what he is pointing at is not use of IT but misuse...where we prefer our virtual life than our physical life..
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