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This Indian Land Is Chinese Land

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British made a mistake! She shouldn't create India as a nation. Damn British! India should be split into several states as it should be and China will not have any dispute India. This is a joke!

Joke aside! This is a forum where all expression are made. Do not get so upset about it.

Currently, AP which is claimed by China is hold by India and Akshai Chin which is hold by China is claimed by India. In term of territory size, India had won big!

ha ha :cheers: nice one but this isn't abt territory wining or loosing. Its just to understand why there is all this claiming ?
To get to know each others point of view.
British made a mistake! She shouldn't create India as a nation. Damn British! India should be split into several states as it should be and China will not have any dispute India. This is a joke!

Joke aside! This is a forum where all expression are made. Do not get so upset about it.

Currently, AP which is claimed by China is hold by India and Akshai Chin which is hold by China is claimed by India. In term of territory size, India had won big!

:cheers: good joke mate... Jokes apart like u said...BUT reality is somewhat different...

Not India , it is China which has won too big.... why keep Tibet out of it....China got Tibet+akshai chin... AP was always with India since independence(it was and is and will be indian area always....)... ... so we didnt take anything..... u took TIbet+akshai by force later on.... U gained everything.... so its China who has won Too Big.... but its still not satisfied... what do u call this...

In this context i have to say...

GREED has always killed or destroyed the person who seeks too much of everything....:cheers:

but again what u take by force India accepted so u dont count it in any dispute with India.... U onlt count akshai chin + AP.... whereas AP was never ur business (it was and is and will be indian area always....)... chinese govt policy is seen through without any doubt.. it rakes up AP so as to claim Akshai Chin..... simple..... U know it doesnt belong to you but u make unjustified claims just to have a bargaining position...Indian should also have done the same to China with respect to Tibet......give them a dose of their own medicine... rake up Tibet as disputed from beginning and had India done that.... i bet TIbet today woyld have been recongised as disputed territory like akshai chin.....

the disputed area should have included Tibet + AP + Akshai Chin...
coz simple India shoiuld have claimed Tibet as part of AP.....It will keep Tibet as part of disputed area.... so good for India if TIbet is also part of dispute......
yes Tibet should have been a disputed teritory and India should not have accepted it as part of China....:cheers:

and also it has been proved by all the posts above that AP was and is part of India since ages........the proves are there for everyone to see in the above posts....please open your eyes and accept the facts...or just close your eyes and dont accept......nothing much can be done in that case........chinese govt doesnt have a point in AP at all....its all just loud noice and no substance by chinese govt to prove their claim...
Great job done by navtrek...:toast_sign:...u rock navtrek...:cheers:
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:cheers: good joke mate... Jokes apart like u said...BUT reality is somewhat different...

Not India , it is China which has won too big.... why keep Tibet out of it....China got Tibet+akshai chin... AP was always with India since independence(it was and is and will be indian area always....)... ... so we didnt take anything..... u took TIbet+akshai by force later on.... U gained everything.... so its China who has won Too Big.... but its still not satisfied... what do u call this...

In this context i have to say...

GREED has always killed or destroyed the person who seeks too much of everything....:cheers:

but again what u take by force India accepted so u dont count it in any dispute with India.... U onlt count akshai chin + AP.... whereas AP was never ur business (it was and is and will be indian area always....)... chinese govt policy is seen through without any doubt.. it rakes up AP so as to claim Akshai Chin..... simple..... U know it doesnt belong to you but u make unjustified claims just to have a bargaining position...Indian should also have done the same to China with respect to Tibet......give them a dose of their own medicine... rake up Tibet as disputed from beginning and had India done that.... i bet TIbet today woyld have been recongised as disputed territory like akshai chin.....

the disputed area should have included Tibet + AP + Akshai Chin...
coz simple India shoiuld have claimed Tibet as part of AP.....It will keep Tibet as part of disputed area.... so good for India if TIbet is also part of dispute......
yes Tibet should have been a disputed teritory and India should not have accepted it as part of China....:cheers:

and also it has been proved by all the posts above that AP was and is part of India since ages........the proves are there for everyone to see in the above posts....please open your eyes and accept the facts...or just close your eyes and dont accept......nothing much can be done in that case........chinese govt doesnt have a point in AP at all....its all just loud noice and no substance by chinese govt to prove their claim...
Great job done by navtrek...:toast_sign:...u rock navtrek...:cheers:

Lots of arguement and we are getting nowhere.


You have mentioned lot of "if" for India! We should have claim Tibet to make it a dispute territory! That's still a "if" not fact.

AP is still a dispute territory as listed in UN. That's a fact!

Unless India get into action and there will be lots of "if".

There is also alot of posting here saying AP is not India. Look at the people there? Do they look by you?

I am not saying AP must belong to China but definitely it really do not fit into India.
Lots of arguement and we are getting nowhere.


You have mentioned lot of "if" for India! We should have claim Tibet to make it a dispute territory! That's still a "if" not fact.

AP is still a dispute territory as listed in UN. That's a fact!

Unless India get into action and there will be lots of "if".

There is also alot of posting here saying AP is not India. Look at the people there? Do they look by you?

I am not saying AP must belong to China but definitely it really do not fit into India.

so AP doesnt belong to China.. u finally accept it.... thanks bro.... u opened ur eyes and accepted the facts.... thanks to navtrek also for his great work....:toast_sign:

by this "but definitely it really do not fit into India" u mean to say that Chinese govt fighting india for Independence of AP......!!!!!!!!!

SO AP doesnt belong to China but chinese govt hurt by the fact that AP is part of India...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that even though AP doesnt belong to China but it just wants to separate it from India..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm.... See it is simple Indians must take note of this aggressive posture of China...as i said in my post above china raking up AP not because it beleives it has claims to it....... it is doing so because of Akshai chin and other strategic reasons.....India should also stand for Independence of Tibet...... but chinese govt is deeply flawed in its logic..... it is only creating ill will for itself everywhere because whats illogical is illogical......

that is why i have said it above...

GREED has always killed or destroyed the person who seeks too much of everything....:cheers:
(the logic that those who look like us so are part of us is a imperialistic mindset and a very dangerous one for peace and development and one which is full of greed...greed to expand greed to have more and more land... human rights and values have no value with such mindsets.... oppression is there all the time in the name of that u r like us..... so do as we say....u cant do anything as per your wish.....u cant have your traditions.... u cant have ur culture.... u look like us (the majority).... so follow our culture.. follow our traditions..... u have no rights......)

"Do they look by you?"
there is no "they"..... its "US".....we are all same- we are Indians.... got it.... a Punjabi in india is different from a Haryanvi in india who is differerent from a south Indian... who is different from someone from East India.... but we are one.....

ppl of UK look the same as US....US should attack Uk.....:agree:
U should also make a claim on Japan please do so.....they also look like you... try saying Japan is part of China and see the consequences on international stage for yourself...... :agree:

and Tibetans--- they must be different looking than u surely .. that is why i think they opposed u from the beginning of time.... :cheers:

"Do they look by you?"
everyone says we belong to India we are Indians..
its India since centuries.....
no one there wants to be with China...
China took it by force and killed tibetans in millions......

U decide for yourself..... just beacuse someone looks like u does that person becomes one of you..??????
sorry mate but this is the stupidiest logic to give in this world.... by this logic whole of Europe and US should be one country...

and i hope chinese govt not internally making plans to attacking and annexing Japan as chinese territory.....:cheers:

The thread should have its title......

"This Indian Land is Indian Land...China should righly recongise it and rectify its mistake of past....also it should vacate Tibet"

forget AP it always was Indain area.... also proved above...... Can u justify your claim on Tibet...????? except for the flimsy ground that there was some marriage between a king in China to someone in a royal family of Tibet(also i am ready to marry a Chinese girl... please if that makes China a part of India...:tup:)...... do u have any other claim....???? U dont... simple fact is China managed to get Tibet just by raising its voice.... and nothing else..... Chinese govt doesnt have any facts to support its claim on Tibet.....Tibet doent belong to China......if you have proofs than give it here...????
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so AP doesnt belong to China.. u finally accept it.... thanks bro.... u opened ur eyes and accepted the facts.... thanks to navtrek also for his great work....:toast_sign:

by this "but definitely it really do not fit into India" u mean to say that Chinese govt fighting india for Independence of AP......!!!!!!!!!

SO AP doesnt belong to China but chinese govt hurt by the fact that AP is part of India...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that even though AP doesnt belong to China but it just wants to separate it from India..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm.... See it is simple Indians must take note of this aggressive posture of China...as i said in my post above china raking up AP not because it beleives it has claims to it....... it is doing so because of Akshai chin and other strategic reasons.....India should also stand for Independence of Tibet...... but chinese govt is deeply flawed in its logic..... it is only creating ill will for itself everywhere because whats illogical is illogical......

that is why i have said it above...

GREED has always killed or destroyed the person who seeks too much of everything....:cheers:
(the logic that those who look like us so are part of us is a imperialistic mindset and a very dangerous one for peace and development and one which is full of greed...greed to expand greed to have more and more land... human rights and values have no value with such mindsets.... oppression is there all the time in the name of that u r like us..... so do as we say....u cant do anything as per your wish.....u cant have your traditions.... u cant have ur culture.... u look like us (the majority).... so follow our culture.. follow our traditions..... u have no rights......)

"Do they look by you?"
there is no "they"..... its "US".....we are all same- we are Indians.... got it.... a Punjabi in india is different from a Haryanvi in india who is differerent from a south Indian... who is different from someone from East India.... but we are one.....

ppl of UK look the same as US....US should attack Uk.....:agree:
U should also make a claim on Japan please do so.....they also look like you... try saying Japan is part of China and see the consequences on international stage for yourself...... :agree:

and Tibetans--- they must be different looking than u surely .. that is why i think they opposed u from the beginning of time.... :cheers:

"Do they look by you?"
everyone says we belong to India we are Indians..
its India since centuries.....
no one there wants to be with China...
China took it by force and killed tibetans in millions......

U decide for yourself..... just beacuse someone looks like u does that person becomes one of you..??????
sorry mate but this is the stupidiest logic to give in this world.... by this logic whole of Europe and US should be one country...

and i hope chinese govt not internally making plans to attacking and annexing Japan as chinese territory.....:cheers:

The thread should have its title......

"This Indian Land is Indian Land...China should righly recongise it and rectify its mistake of past....also it should vacate Tibet"

forget AP it always was Indain area.... also proved above...... Can u justify your claim on Tibet...????? except for the flimsy ground that there was some marriage between a king in China to someone in a royal family of Tibet(also i am ready to marry a Chinese girl... please if that makes China a part of India...:tup:)...... do u have any other claim....???? U dont... simple fact is China managed to get Tibet just by raising its voice.... and nothing else..... Chinese govt doesnt have any facts to support its claim on Tibet.....Tibet doent belong to China......if you have proofs than give it here...????

lol! I am not Chinese government. I am pointing out my view that it is not necessary for China to claim AP as this may worsen the relationship with India.

India had no relationship with AP earlier. India it not a entity before 1947. British effort makes AP under Indian territory which China denied. That why we classified AP as disputed territory.

As for Tibet, please google some information yourself. It has control of Tibet since Yuen dynasty. Tibet is under China's administrative and security contol. China had governer there and dalai lama must be endosed by the emperor.

No country in the world contested China rights in Tibet. What about Indian governement and dalai lama?

I hope you can answer constructively and do not put words in my mouth just to prove that you win in the debate.

Pls post the link regarding the truce agreement ....

For studies from English side, see : Full text of "Himalayan Battleground Sino Indian Rivalry In Ladakh"

For summaries from Chinese side, see Öйú´Óδ³ÐÈÏÀ*´ï¿ËÊôÓÚÓ¢ÊôÓ¡¶È_ÍøÒ×ÐÂÎÅÖÐÐÄ (China has never admitted that Dalakh is part of British India)

An interesting point from the Chinese study is that, Dogra's belligerent mentality, false desire to be a second-rank British-ish imperialist, and therefore its hawkish wars against Tibet caused the Sikh Dynasty to be substantially weakened. When the evil British saw the opportunity, it annexed the dynasty relentlessly.

Today’s India must learn the lesson from Dogra history, and make peace with its neighbors. If it is to repeat Dogra’s behavior, the same unfortunate fate will also repeat.

I’ll find time to discuss two treaties that follow the Dogra Tibet War in 1841-1842, between Dogra and Tibet.

BTW, your laughable analysis of Dogra-Dalakh-Tibet stops at 1834.:lol: And you recklessly assert that you have proven something.:rofl:

However the Dogra region of Jammu remained under its Rajput rulers, the greatest of whom was Maharaja Gulab Singh whose General Zorawar Singh invaded Ladakh in 1834

so in the 18th and 19th century India regained what belonged to it again


And even funnier, in your next post, you incredibly and audaciously claimed that the whole 19 century is the Sikh rule of Dalakh, just very much like a British imperialist of 19 century.

Remind you again, there was only British India during that time, if you are not history illiterate.
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lol! I am not Chinese government. I am pointing out my view that it is not necessary for China to claim AP as this may worsen the relationship with India.

India had no relationship with AP earlier. India it not a entity before 1947. British effort makes AP under Indian territory which China denied. That why we classified AP as disputed territory.

As for Tibet, please google some information yourself. It has control of Tibet since Yuen dynasty. Tibet is under China's administrative and security contol. China had governer there and dalai lama must be endosed by the emperor.

No country in the world contested China rights in Tibet. What about Indian governement and dalai lama?

I hope you can answer constructively and do not put words in my mouth just to prove that you win in the debate.

lol....India is there since older times than even Chinese... Indian culture is older than chinese culture.... Just because India got independence in 1947 doesnt mean it didnt exist before that....lol......so now u want to say even Delhi doesnt have any relation to India...coz India was not an entity before 1947....:rofl:

so plz dont say again that India has no relation with AP coz India not an entity beofre 1947.. India exists since ages.... it is the oldest civilisation on earth...

India it not a entity before 1947.

why has India recognised Tibet as chinese territory... better they change their mind about it when the chinese are having so many problems in accepting AP as part of India.... this will be good for India...u should treat the other person only as good as the other person treats you....

you are right the unnecessary and invalid Chinese claims will only worsen the relationship of China with India....coz AP is indian land.... chinese have no claims to it.... they dont even have any case for claims on Tibet even...please give some solid proofs why u make claim to Tibet...??? u took it by force and they dont want to be a part of China.... better vacate the region and let tibetans flourish.... they dont have anything in common with u in terms of culture and traditons......
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Be it Indian or China.....border disputes will always exist in our planet. Man always fought for 3 things.

lol....India is there since older times than even Chinese... Indian culture is older than chinese culture.... Just because India got independence in 1947 doesnt mean it didnt exist before that....lol......so now u want to say even Delhi doesnt have any relation to India...coz India was not an entity before 1947....:rofl:

so plz dont say again that India has no relation with AP coz India not an entity beofre 1947.. India exists since ages.... it is the oldest civilisation on earth...

why has India recognised Tibet as chinese territory... better they change their mind about it when the chinese are having so many problems in accepting AP as part of India.... this will be good for India...u should treat the other person only as good as the other person treats you....

you are right the unnecessary and invalid Chinese claims will only worsen the relationship of China with India....coz AP is indian land.... chinese have no claims to it.... they dont even have any case for claims on Tibet even...please give some solid proofs why u make claim to Tibet...??? u took it by force and they dont want to be a part of China.... better vacate the region and let tibetans flourish.... they dont have anything in common with u in terms of culture and traditons......

Indian had a rich and ancient culture and I do not argue on this issue. However, there is no India before 1947 as it consists of numerous kingdom before that.

Was India a British colony before? How did British took India? Yes, it is by military force! This happen to Tibet long time ago. As far as China is concern, she had not granted Tibet independence.

I hope you understand this simple language.
Indian had a rich and ancient culture and I do not argue on this issue. However, there is no India before 1947 as it consists of numerous kingdom before that.

Was India a British colony before? How did British took India? Yes, it is by military force! This happen to Tibet long time ago. As far as China is concern, she had not granted Tibet independence.

I hope you understand this simple language.

Go check out your history books..... u will come to know if India existed before 1947 or not....

now come to main point answer me the following... dont avoid...or give indirect replies...China didnt grant Tibet independence is no justification....:rofl::rofl:.....I dont give Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh freedom.... so they are part of India.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........i hope u understood this simple thing that this kind of logic doesnt hold... .....why u claim Tibet at all in the first place.....this is the question...

...please give some solid proofs why u make claim to Tibet...??? u took it by force and they dont want to be a part of China.... better vacate the region and let tibetans flourish.... they dont have anything in common with u in terms of culture and traditons......anwer this question...do not avoid it...

The point is chinese occupation of TIbet itself is illegal.... and they are suppressing their rights to practise their traditions and religion as per their own wish....which is grossly unjustified...China has no right to Tibet....by making flimsy reasons it is just pure dictatorship that China has thrust upon the peaceful Tibetans....
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Go check out your history books..... u will come to know if India existed before 1947 or not....

now come to main point answer me the following... dont avoid...or give indirect replies...China didnt grant Tibet independence is no justification....:rofl::rofl:.....I dont give Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh freedom.... so they are part of India.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........i hope u understood this simple thing that this kind of logic doesnt hold... .....why u claim Tibet at all in the first place.....this is the question...

...please give some solid proofs why u make claim to Tibet...??? u took it by force and they dont want to be a part of China.... better vacate the region and let tibetans flourish.... they dont have anything in common with u in terms of culture and traditons......anwer this question...do not avoid it...

The point is chinese occupation of TIbet itself is illegal.... and they are suppressing their rights to practise their traditions and religion as per their own wish....which is grossly unjustified...China has no right to Tibet....by making flimsy reasons it is just pure dictatorship that China has thrust upon the peaceful Tibetans....

Check your brain if it is damaged!!!!!:hitwall:
Remind you again, there was only British India during that time, if you are not history illiterate.

Till 1847 there is no British India, only East India Company was collecting taxes from princely states. England came into picture only after sepoy mutiny
India was a land of many kingdoms and independent states before independance. Unlike China which was one nation. Tibet is not China and should have always be Independent. FREE TIBET
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