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This 19-Year-Old Daughter Of A Slain Indian Army Captain Will Leave Muslim-Haters Red-Faced

This Article assume Indians have an irrational hate for Muslims and Pakistanis, which is just absolute bullcrap no matter how badly Pakistanis would like this to be true...

As excepted from Indian. Next thing will be all Indian are super humans and they didn't did any thing wrong.
Nope.. this is a recent trend that came up due to the rise of Hindu Nationalism under the BJP policies. not much different than any Trump supporter either. Similar phenomenon's exist in Pakistan , Iran and other places.. but in case of Indians its a more widespread phenomenon.

Its been recorded by the Indian intellectuals as well.
Fire is always in there and it will spread when situations rightly suited for it.
Very Funny .You couldnt see this much Indians in PDF if they hates you .
Muslims in India are our brothers .So you dont have any right to talk for them .
Neither we hates Pakistan nor loves her.
You should check the Indian Defence Forum.
Fire is always in there and it will spread when situations rightly suited for it.
Unless we speak up and stop it where it stands. I can do so for the nutjobs that prevail in my country and religion and it will hurt them because its from one of their own. But I wont be as effective against an Indian nutcase because to him I am alien.
Unless we speak up and stop it where it stands. I can do so for the nutjobs that prevail in my country and religion and it will hurt them because its from one of their own. But I wont be as effective against an Indian nutcase because to him I am alien.

They may be good in jingoism inside our nation .When they crosses the border ,then that will be a different story .
Fact is peoples are exercising their democratic rights .If left intelluctuals have the right to insult right wings .Then they also have that same right to return the same.
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