Covering face is clear order in Quran and Sunnah and that is why every women not just wives of PROPHET SAW used to cover their face after these orders came in Quran.
There is no order in the Quran regarding the face unless the women in your family have their faces stuck on their chest!
Stop making things you have no knowledge of as haram and stop making things you have no knowledge of as halal....
Now shut up and listen to this story as an example:
2 companions of the Prophet were told to meet the prophet at C where they will do Maghrib namaaz. So they started off their journey and were travelling from A to C (I forgot the name of the cities)....When they arrived at B it was time for Maghrib...1 companion said we need to pray right now for the one who prays early gets more thawaab...While the other companion said no prophet said we pray together at city C.....but they compromised in the sense 1 companion prayed while other didnt. Thy continued and met the prophet at C where they narrated what had happened. The prophet said BOTH ARE CORRECT...
He prayed early as per Islam to pray early get more thawaab the other waited as per the Prophet said to pray together at the one who had already prayed joined them still and that was added to his thawaaab
MORAL OF THE STORY: There is more than 1 way to see a good....Learn to accept difference of thinking if they show no harm
I am not saying twist something and make it evil like the terrorists...But if prophet can explain it with politeness and you cant, I believe you shouldnt attempt coz such attempts are spreading confusion which is fitnah!
Now the issue of the Niqab is not part of the Hijab otherwise my prophet was not joking when he pointed the face and 2 hands as covering for baligh women...
2ndly, if the niqab in the West makes men gaze at you more and is going to cause more staring to happen then it did not serve its purpose of "hiding/ concealing/ covering and protecting" you...coz the main purpose of the niqab was to hide/conceal/cover and protect you!
3rdly, since in Arabia the sand blows, the niqab done by the Arabian ladies benefits them and it was ALSO part of their culture before Islam came...The women used to cover their faces when they went on journey....
Now kindly quit bashing about and learn to accept ISLAM IS FOR EVERYONE hence it can not be as rigid as your mindset perceives it to be! And since there is no forcing in Islam, no matter how much tantrum you throw, it is not going to be made wajib that of which the prophet didnt (he said cover all EXCEPT the face and 2 hands)