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Things are really bad after 21 days lockdown announcement

You being an idiot jumped into a response to the scum OP talking against Muslims (for that post he got negative rating too).

I've had COVID-19 and a family member in my house right now is recovering (Day 5). My brothers are doctors and my doctor friends are at frontline in Pakistan as well.

So please take this BS of you alone facing this elsewhere!

Death is inevitable. You being a doctor can't stop it. All you can do is treat and care for the sick, that's it. Instead of wasting energy on the forum getting all pissy over a response to someone else, piss off and do what you are boasting about!
Yeah whatever.
I am getting popular and finally people have started to like me. I got so many calls today of people who never before called me asking me how am I doing, how is my day going etc etc. :smokin:

Enjoy... a favourite!!! You are good lad!!!

here in Canada we have a lockdown for last two weeks and everyone knows all essential businesses will be open, yet I still find long queues of people standing outside every grocery store before they open.
I went to buy groceries. There were huge queues outside shops. One supermarket had half a kilometre queue

Everyone knew its going to happen. We did shoping 5 days ago as we were aware lockdown is going to be announced soon. Should have bought things before.
Everyone knew its going to happen. We did shoping 5 days ago as we were aware lockdown is going to be announced soon. Should have bought things before.
FYI India was already in a lockdown. And things were readily available. No one expected a 21 day announcement. When it was announced panic buyers emptied all shops
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FYI India was already in a lockdown. And things were readily available. No one expected a 21 day announcement. When it was announced panic buyers emptied all shops

We are in the second day and no information on where food is available to the hundreds of thousands of daily laborers who don't eat if they don't work.

Have you guys heard anything?
View attachment 617220

We are in the second day and no information on where food is available to the hundreds of thousands of daily laborers who don't eat if they don't work.

Have you guys heard anything?
Instead of trying to come to PDF for such answers, do look at news, govt websites for such details beforehand. Govt. is doing DBTs and is also trying to ensure stable food supplies. They have also released early pensions for people. There is no mass hoarding everywhere, isolated cases which cant be completely stopped. But atleast in my state of Odisha, the lockdown is going good. Essential services are open and there is stable supply. Also the govt. has subsidized the pulses and grains - Wheat at 2 Rs/kg and Rice at 3 Rupees /Kg.
Such lockdown in a country as huge and diverse as India cant be done in the same style as China. There will be problems and people will be careless. We should hope for a 80-90% compliance.
Instead of trying to come to PDF for such answers, do look at news, govt websites for such details beforehand. Govt. is doing DBTs and is also trying to ensure stable food supplies. They have also released early pensions for people. There is no mass hoarding everywhere, isolated cases which cant be completely stopped. But atleast in my state of Odisha, the lockdown is going good. Essential services are open and there is stable supply. Also the govt. has subsidized the pulses and grains - Wheat at 2 Rs/kg and Rice at 3 Rupees /Kg.
Such lockdown in a country as huge and diverse as India cant be done in the same style as China. There will be problems and people will be careless. We should hope for a 80-90% compliance.

You seem well informed.

Can you answer my question?
A package is ready for the poor who need immediate help like migrant workers and urban and rural poor. No one will go hungry. The package is worth Rs 1.7 lakh crore: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman

Can you answer my question with details on the ground.

Or should I tell the hundreds and thousands of daily wage workers without those 2 or 5 bucks to buy rice or kerosene to cook it on to go to Nirmala Sitharsman to find out where they should go to eat?

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