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They Hatin see us Rolling they hatin

No wonder this fellow always looks so angry


For most Pakistanis the image may not be familiar, but this man was the mover of your famous Lahore Resolution or "Pakistan" Resolution (though the word "Pakistan" was nowhere to be found in it!) in 1940 which promised "Muslim provinces" (not one but "provinces") to be carved out of British India which later your Qaid E Azam described to have been "printing mistakes".

PAKISTAN: Punjab; Afghania; Kashmir; Sindh; Balochistan.

From my understanding of this history, there was desire for many Muslims to have more than one Muslim province created from British India & the Indepedent Principalities: a Muslim province in the N.W zone; a Muslim province in the East zone; and a Muslim province in the Central/South zone. The British would only allow one and besides it would have been very difficult to achieve all three hence the East Zone joining the NW Zone.
So you are saying Pakistan existence is totally based on the decision and policies taking by some other nation or neighbours .Pathetic
No what we are saying that there will be no AKHAND BHARAT no matter what "No one can Undo Pakistan" .... And we are here to stay and we'll survive any problem or hardship that comes in our way One way or the other because All that matters is "Pakistan" :) Cheers
PAKISTAN: Punjab; Afghania; Kashmir; Sindh; Balochistan.

From my understanding of this history, there was desire for many Muslims to have more than one Muslim province created from British India & the Indepedent Principalities: a Muslim province in the N.W zone; a Muslim province in the East zone; and a Muslim province in the Central/South zone. The British would only allow one and besides it would have been very difficult to achieve all three hence the East Zone joining the NW Zone.

Rahmat Ali who coined the term "Pakistan" was a nobody at the time when Lahore Resolution came to be framed. The British Press and Congress deliberately attached the term Pakistan to defame Jinnah to which Jinnah reacted bitterly, saying it's a joint conspiracy of the British and Hindus to defame Indian Muslims and question their patriotism and desire of independence. It was only later that Jinnah accepted the word "Pakistan" and went to taunt Congress stating that "Pakistan" was a "gift from the Hindus". Please google your own country's history... You can say that Jinnah's statesmanship is visible from such actions and I being an Indian can say Jinnah was a cunning opportunist. But even with our own "understandings of history" we shouldn't deny facts.

And btw, if you have failed to recognize the man in the picture, as I believe most modern day Pakistanis will, he is Sher-e-Bangla A. K. Fazlul Huq who presented your "Pakistan" Resolution in 1940, and naturally felt betrayed when Jinnah failed to acknowledge the Muslim "provinces" as stated in the original Resolution.
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No what we are saying that there will be no AKHAND BHARAT no matter what "No one can Undo Pakistan" .... And we are here to stay and we'll survive any problem or hardship that comes in our way One way or the other because All that matters is "Pakistan" :) Cheers

I have been in this PDF for around 2 and halfyears .So far no Indians posted a thread like this because of the presence of Chinese or no Chinese posted a thread like this because of the US .
Forget about it .Obsession and insecurity can be only reduce ones won effort .Others cant change that.
But the fact that Pakistan that was crated in 1947 doesn't exist any more in it's entirety means it clearly did fail and the ideology that it was created upon?
Pakistani Flag will always fly high when we have compassionate people

Parveen Saeed


Saeed, the owner of Khana Ghar, started her business to provide hot meals for three rupees to low income individuals. It has become a lifeline for hundreds of poor men and women who are unable to make ends meet.

Mr Edhi

There will always be the folks willing to give up their lives to protect the young


There will always be brave souls who will aim for the impossible and not be afraid to chase their dream

Haris Suleman – teenage pilot

Haris Suleman is the 17-year-old boy who began his venture to fly around the world in 30 days to raise money for schools in Pakistan, and lost his life to the cause when his plane went down into the Pacific Ocean.

There will always be Pakistanis who will even venture into space


Salim is the first Pakistani to travel into space. She has officially been recognised as the ‘First Pakistani Astronaut’ by the government of Pakistan in 2006. She is also a peace activist and was conferred with Tamgha-e-Imtiaz in 2011.

Even if our TV channels are just showing political talk shows makiing super stars of corrupt politicians there will be Pakistanis breaking barriers in Science


Dr Syed is a globally acclaimed scientist of Pakistani origin and head of the Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy at the University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute in Canada. He is the first scientist to ‘connect brain cells to a silicon chip’. This is indeed a great honour for Pakistan.

Connecting brain cells to electronic chips opens up the potential to take artificial intelligence computing to the next stage and Dr Syed plays a leading role in this question
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Turkey has quadrupled her economy in 14 years under Reis Erdogan. InshaAllah you'll be able to do that too - just bring in a courageous leadership..

All thanks to Mustafa Kemal who abolished Abdulhamit II's (who is ironically in your display pic:woot:) frantic attempts to construct a so called "Caliphate" to save the dying and disintegrating Ottoman Empire. Pakistan sadly seems to be going in the opposite direction with masses attending Qadri's funerals and fundamentalist organisations establishing parallel Sharia courts. I wish there was an 'Ataturk' like figure for Pakistan, somebody unlike Jinnah, who could have actually materialized what he said!
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Rahmat Ali who coined the term "Pakistan" was a nobody at the time when Lahore Resolution came to be framed. The British Press and Congress deliberately attached the term Pakistan to defame Jinnah to which Jinnah reacted bitterly, saying it's a joint conspiracy of the British and Hindus to defame Indian Muslims and question their patriotism and desire of independence. It was only later that Jinnah accepted the word "Pakistan" and went to taunt Congress stating that "Pakistan" was a "gift from the Hindus". Please google your own country's history... You can say that Jinnah's statesmanship is visible from such actions and I being an Indian can say Jinnah was a cunning opportunist. But even with our own "understandings of history" we shouldn't deny facts.
But the desire of the Muslim masses cannot be denied: there was a desire for more than one Muslim province irrespective of the name(s). It was just not politically feasible at the time. True, Quaid - e Azaam initially did not like the idea of a(n) independent Muslim province(s): he was initially a proponent of Muslim-Vedantist unity! But he realized after spending quite some time with the Congress that this would not be possible and he was a liberal man. Can you imagine if the Congress was dominated by RSS types; perhaps there would have been more independent Muslim provinces by now?

Unfortunately there existed in the Vedantist community, (now more than ever with the rising influence of RSS types,) a desire to "purify" India and the liberal Mr Jinnah eventually recognized this and sought to defend Muslims against this.
But the desire of the Muslim masses cannot be denied: there was a desire for more than one Muslim province irrespective of the name(s). It was just not politically feasible at the time. True, Quaid - e Azaam initially did not like the idea of a(n) independent Muslim province(s): he was initially a proponent of Muslim-Vedantist unity! But he realized after spending quite some time with the Congress that this would not be possible and he was a liberal man. Can you imagine if the Congress was dominated by RSS types; perhaps there would have been more independent Muslim provinces by now?

Unfortunately there existed in the Vedantist community, (now more than ever with the rising influence of RSS types,) a desire to "purify" India and the liberal Mr Jinnah eventually recognized this and sought to defend Muslims against this.

I do agree to certain parts of your argument! :agree: Lets just agree to disagree!! :enjoy:
Check the list of the biggest reciever of US aid and come back with a smile :D

Check the list of biggest US aid receiver and come back with a smile :P :D

Oh you see, but we are smiling.

Sure overall we "have" received more aid than you guys but see unlike you lot we don't "currently" survive on this aid.

But the crux of the matter is, we have received a fraction of what you have in this 21st century i.e. lesser than $120 million every year, which for you guys is over a billion every year.
We are a BRIC nation for a reason.

That's a fact.:coffee:
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We would see weather we stay or our beloved neighbor survive because two can't stay together.
Dont worry Bharat will stay for ever, after separation from Bharat Pakistan came to existence and believe me, I as indian will never want Pakistan to collapse or break apart, because without its people this whole world is nothing, Pakistan will stay till the last Pakistani stays alive, believe me if we ever try to sort things out, US will always come in to save its market, the issue of kashmir is very complex and i dont want to discuss, it would be too exhaustive.....
Thank you
So you are saying Pakistan existence is totally based on the decision and policies taking by some other nation or neighbours .Pathetic

Certainly not. Pakistan exists INSPITE of the decisions and policies of other nations. Some of whom also happen to be the world's most powerful military and some who are many more times bigger than us with abundant access to the world's most sophisticated weapons. Pakistan has none of those privileges. Apart from Pakistan, no nation on earth or that has ever existed in the history of man has ever survived those odds. That is a miracle that no.Patriotic Pakistani will evet forget.

I want Pakistan divided so badly :lol:

Lol.......at least you're being honest. Credit where it's due.

Turkey has quadrupled her economy in 14 years under Reis Erdogan. InshaAllah you'll be able to do that too - just bring in a courageous leadership..

Mashallah. Turkey is a brother nation and an inspiration to all Pakistanis.
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