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Theresa May is scrambling to secure the bad Brexit deal she didn't want

doubt labour will do any better... in negotiations...
I am a big fan of Corbyn as a person, but his policy ruin the economy of the country if elected.

I agree about the negociations, they are a poisoned chalice. Which is exactly why Labour are letting her die this slow death. Brexit is a foolish endeavour from the outset. The Tories (and their working class version UKIP) got so carried away blaming all of the countries ills on migrants and the EU they backed themselves into a corner with this referendum. Then they idiots who form the public voted in support of Brexit on the basis of false promises.

The english have this streak through them where they cannot truly be happy for someone else - it's a WASP problem actually. It creates this culture of "keeping up with the Jones's" and not talking about salaries, being suspicious of new people, being jealous of the neighbours extension or new car etc. This same streak is what led to Brexit. If Dave from Grimbsy can't get off his backside to make a better life for himself through Brexit, how dare Lukas from Poland benefit!

Now we have a sitation were we are leaving a FTA which was tied in with other political clauses and wanting to just have an FTA. In doing so we are reducing the political significance of the entity that created the conditions for the original FTA. They're never going to let it be easy - why would they? For the EU that would be like shooting your own foot.

If May concedes to the EU the right wing will be against her, if she stands up to them the Centre and those on the left will be against her. She has no real leverage, everyone knows she's a dead duck PM - the tail is truly wagging the dog in Britain at the moment.

I disagree about the economy though. I think Corbyn wants to change the economic model of the country. That will always result in a short term blip. Brexit will at the very least cause us a short term blip anyway - that's the best opportunity to change our economic course to have a more people friendly economy, rather than a greed focused economy.
I agree about the negociations, they are a poisoned chalice. Which is exactly why Labour are letting her die this slow death. Brexit is a foolish endeavour from the outset. The Tories (and their working class version UKIP) got so carried away blaming all of the countries ills on migrants and the EU they backed themselves into a corner with this referendum. Then they idiots who form the public voted in support of Brexit on the basis of false promises.

The english have this streak through them where they cannot truly be happy for someone else - it's a WASP problem actually. It creates this culture of "keeping up with the Jones's" and not talking about salaries, being suspicious of new people, being jealous of the neighbours extension or new car etc. This same streak is what led to Brexit. If Dave from Grimbsy can't get off his backside to make a better life for himself through Brexit, how dare Lukas from Poland benefit!

Now we have a sitation were we are leaving a FTA which was tied in with other political clauses and wanting to just have an FTA. In doing so we are reducing the political significance of the entity that created the conditions for the original FTA. They're never going to let it be easy - why would they? For the EU that would be like shooting your own foot.

If May concedes to the EU the right wing will be against her, if she stands up to them the Centre and those on the left will be against her. She has no real leverage, everyone knows she's a dead duck PM - the tail is truly wagging the dog in Britain at the moment.

I disagree about the economy though. I think Corbyn wants to change the economic model of the country. That will always result in a short term blip. Brexit will at the very least cause us a short term blip anyway - that's the best opportunity to change our economic course to have a more people friendly economy, rather than a greed focused economy.
I have not seen anything in labour manifesto that can improve wealth generation drastically.. in fact it will lead to reduction in tax revenue... without the city, UK govt anyway will have reduced tax revenue.
labour will borrow more money for welfare budget.
what exactly is Corbyn model? has it ever worked? Would labour have allowed night tube for example, under pressure from unions(which has led to more jobs and more business)
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