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There’s no Chinese aircraft carrier in Syria


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There’s no Chinese aircraft carrier in Syria
By J.E. Dyer on September 27, 2015 at 3:12 am


Glamour shot of the aircraft carrier Liaoning, having nothing whatsoever to do with Syria. (Image via Al Masdar)

China may deploy her navy to Syria in the coming days, but there are no reliable indications that any Chinese navy arrivals are imminent.

Taking the reports one by one:

1. The web has exploded in the last few days with relays of a vague report from Al Masdar News that Chinese military personnel are expected to arrive in Syria in the next six weeks. That could happen. Now that it’s clear U.S. power will not be used in any decisive way in Syria, China may indeed see utility in putting down a serious political stake in the outcome there. More on that at another time.

The Al Masdar report also says that a Chinese naval ship entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal on Tuesday, 22 September, with its destination unconfirmed.

Although it’s possible a warship made that transit, it appears unlikely at the moment. For one thing, it’s very doubtful that a Chinese warship is traveling by itself. (Breitbart’s article on this refers to “vessels” that allegedly went through the canal, but the original Al Masdar report speaks of a single ship. The Breitbart post links to a report from Generational Dynamics that appears to combine the information from Al Masdar with that of the Pravda report discussed below.)

For another, the Chinese naval ships known to be deployed in the region are on task elsewhere – and if there had been an additional deployment of a Chinese warship (or warships), outside of the known, announced task forces, it’s all but unthinkable that there wouldn’t have been any reporting of it from India.

That goes double for the aircraft carrier Liaoning. If the carrier had been through the Indian Ocean, we would all have known about it weeks ago. There is also absolutely no way the Liaoning could go through the Suez Canal without making front-page news. I’m confident the carrier is in China, either in port or in Chinese local waters conducting training.

I don’t exclude the possibility that another warship has entered the Mediterranean. But if a Chinese warship entered the Med four days ago with an unannounced purpose, I would expect to see images of it by now released through Israeli or Greek media. It would still be an unusual enough occurrence to warrant special notice of that kind (and would undoubtedly be kept under surveillance).

Deployed Chinese warships

At any rate, China has two naval “fleets,” or task forces, deployed to the western side of the Eurasian land mass. One is the current antipiracy task force operating in the Gulf of Aden. This task force, the 21st Fleet, comprises two frigates, the Liuzhou and the Sanya, along with a fleet supply ship. The 21st Fleet deployed in early August, and has been on station too little time to be heading off for other tasking.

While the antipiracy ships are performing escort duties, they are either running convoys or in the local area, conducting at-sea training or port visits, usually in Djibouti or Oman. They don’t go off station to make excursions into the Mediterranean.

(That has been their pattern to date. I don’t exclude the possibility that one or both of them might move to the Med, but it remains unlikely that a Chinese warship could make that transit without being seen and reported by someone.)

The other task force is the 20th Fleet, which was the antipiracy escort task force prior to the 21st Fleet’s arrival. The Chinese are calling the 20th Fleet the 152 Fleet now, after its flagship, the missile destroyer Jinan (hull number 152). Accompanying Jinan are the frigate Yiyang and a fleet supply ship.

What the 152 Fleet is doing is certainly interesting. But it also precludes the ships’ being anywhere near Syria. They’re proceeding on from their antipiracy patrol to conduct a round-the-world voyage described as follows:

During its global voyage lasting for more than five months and covering a total of more than 30,000 sea miles, the Chinese naval fleet will pay port calls to countries including Sudan, Egypt, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, the United States, Cuba, Mexico, Australia, East Timor and Indonesia.

The ships have completed their port visits in Sudan, Egypt, and Denmark, and arrived in Finland on Saturday, 26 September. Chinese navy ships have never been to the Baltic before, so this is exciting for everyone.

image: http://libertyunyield.wpengine.netd.../2015/09/Chinese-destroyer-Jinan-1024x603.jpg


Chinese destroyer 152 Jinan arrives in Finland on 26 Sep. (Image via Yle Uutiset)

At the moment, there are no good candidates to be the “Chinese naval vessel” that reportedly went through the Suez Canal on Tuesday.

2. The second report is from Pravda, and quotes a Russian official as follows:

Igor Morozov, member of the Russian Federation Committee on International Affairs claimed about the beginning of the military operation by China against the IS terrorists. “It is known, that China has joined our military operation in Syria, the Chinese cruiser has already entered the Mediterranean, aircraft carrier follows it,” Morozov said.

There is zero likelihood that the actual aircraft carrier Liaoning is even scheduled to go to the Mediterranean in the near future, much less that it is already there. Liaoning is not ready for such a deployment, and China wouldn’t just sling the ship over to the Med unannounced, with one escort.

China also has no cruisers, but we can assume that the reference to a cruiser is an artifact of translation. If there’s any validity in Morozov’s statement, it may be that a Chinese destroyer is to be dispatched to Syria. But if so, it would have to be a destroyer that still needs to make the voyage from China, or from somewhere near China. The ships in the Gulf of Aden are frigates.

Another possibility – again, supposing there is some validity in what Morozov says – is that China is sending a Type 071 amphibious assault ship, which, as a helicopter carrier, might in some cases be referred to as an “aircraft carrier.”

No Type 071s are known to be deployed currently to the waters of the Middle East or Med, but the Type 071 Changbaishan did deploy to the Med earlier this year, and was present for the big exercise with Russia. Changbaishan also conducted a high-profile port visit in Greece.

China has three Type 071s operational in her navy. There’s room for China to make such a deployment. If the deployment has already started, the Chinese don’t appear to have announced it.

3. The third report is from DEBKAfile, and asserts categorically that Liaoning “docked in the Syrian port of Tartus” on Friday, 25 September. I’m throwing the BS flag on this one.

If Liaoning had actually been transiting from China to Syria over the last month, we would have heard about it – at a minimum – when the ship went through the Strait of Malacca (or, less likely, by another route through the Indonesian Archipelago), when it was heading west south of India, when it was in the Gulf of Aden or Red Sea, and when it went through the Suez Canal. There would be images with verifiable reports from the nations along the route, and a high level of media chatter. There is no way Liaoning could sneak into the Med.

A note on the images zooming around the Internet. They’re file images, which can easily be traced with image searches to their sources. Some are of the Chinese ships that were in the Med in the spring of 2015. Some are simply of Chinese warships, deployed in various venues (e.g., the big exercise with Russia in the Sea of Japan in August 2015). The most common image of Liaoning is a Chinese navy happy snap, released months ago to the Chinese media and propagated from there.

My favorite is probably the one below, which has accompanied numerous tweets and blog posts, but is not of Chinese warships at all. It’s a group of smaller Russian ships (frigates and patrol ships) arrayed at dress ship, apparently for a ceremonial event. The give-away (besides the ship types) is the blue and white St. Andrew’s Cross flag – the flag of the Russian navy – flying from the main mast and stern of each vessel.

image: http://libertyunyield.wpengine.netd...ads/2015/09/Russian-patrol-ships-1024x503.jpg


Image of Russian ships being tweeted and embedded all over the web as “Chinese warships.”

Bottom line: there could be a plan to deploy Chinese naval assets to Syria. If a Chinese warship – including a Type 071 amphibious assault/helicopter carrier – were already in Syria, or in the Eastern Med, we would expect to have visual evidence of that by now. So I doubt it. And I’m quite sure the aircraft carrier Liaoning is not in the Med at all.

Note: See here and here for previous spin-ups about Chinese warships in the Eastern Med. The first one (from September 2013) raged like wildfire around the web, but was simply not true. In the second case, the Chinese warship did make a port visit in Cyprus, but never actually went to Syria.

Read more at There’s no Chinese aircraft carrier in Syria - Liberty Unyielding
The Liaoning CV-16, China's only aircraft carrier, isn't on its way to Syria, according to Zhang Junshe, a military expert and employee of the Research Institute of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Navy.
In an interview with the Chinese newspaper Huantsyu Shibao, Zhang rejected "false rumors" about the Liaoning CV-16 being en route to the Mediterranean.
The Liaoning CV-16, China's only aircraft carrier, isn't on its way to Syria, according to Zhang Junshe, a military expert and employee of the Research Institute of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Navy.
In an interview with the Chinese newspaper Huantsyu Shibao, Zhang rejected "false rumors" about the Liaoning CV-16 being en route to the Mediterranean.

Liaoning is not combat ready, it's still under research and will probably undergo deck modification to refit catapult launch system. Besides, China doesn't have anything to do there unless syria wanted to buy chinese tanks. Only Russian forces being deployed to syria to help assad retake Syria from isis.
There’s no Chinese aircraft carrier in Syria
By J.E. Dyer on September 27, 2015 at 3:12 am


Glamour shot of the aircraft carrier Liaoning, having nothing whatsoever to do with Syria. (Image via Al Masdar)

China may deploy her navy to Syria in the coming days, but there are no reliable indications that any Chinese navy arrivals are imminent.

Taking the reports one by one:

1. The web has exploded in the last few days with relays of a vague report from Al Masdar News that Chinese military personnel are expected to arrive in Syria in the next six weeks. That could happen. Now that it’s clear U.S. power will not be used in any decisive way in Syria, China may indeed see utility in putting down a serious political stake in the outcome there. More on that at another time.

The Al Masdar report also says that a Chinese naval ship entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal on Tuesday, 22 September, with its destination unconfirmed.

Although it’s possible a warship made that transit, it appears unlikely at the moment. For one thing, it’s very doubtful that a Chinese warship is traveling by itself. (Breitbart’s article on this refers to “vessels” that allegedly went through the canal, but the original Al Masdar report speaks of a single ship. The Breitbart post links to a report from Generational Dynamics that appears to combine the information from Al Masdar with that of the Pravda report discussed below.)

For another, the Chinese naval ships known to be deployed in the region are on task elsewhere – and if there had been an additional deployment of a Chinese warship (or warships), outside of the known, announced task forces, it’s all but unthinkable that there wouldn’t have been any reporting of it from India.

That goes double for the aircraft carrier Liaoning. If the carrier had been through the Indian Ocean, we would all have known about it weeks ago. There is also absolutely no way the Liaoning could go through the Suez Canal without making front-page news. I’m confident the carrier is in China, either in port or in Chinese local waters conducting training.

I don’t exclude the possibility that another warship has entered the Mediterranean. But if a Chinese warship entered the Med four days ago with an unannounced purpose, I would expect to see images of it by now released through Israeli or Greek media. It would still be an unusual enough occurrence to warrant special notice of that kind (and would undoubtedly be kept under surveillance).

Deployed Chinese warships

At any rate, China has two naval “fleets,” or task forces, deployed to the western side of the Eurasian land mass. One is the current antipiracy task force operating in the Gulf of Aden. This task force, the 21st Fleet, comprises two frigates, the Liuzhou and the Sanya, along with a fleet supply ship. The 21st Fleet deployed in early August, and has been on station too little time to be heading off for other tasking.

While the antipiracy ships are performing escort duties, they are either running convoys or in the local area, conducting at-sea training or port visits, usually in Djibouti or Oman. They don’t go off station to make excursions into the Mediterranean.

(That has been their pattern to date. I don’t exclude the possibility that one or both of them might move to the Med, but it remains unlikely that a Chinese warship could make that transit without being seen and reported by someone.)

The other task force is the 20th Fleet, which was the antipiracy escort task force prior to the 21st Fleet’s arrival. The Chinese are calling the 20th Fleet the 152 Fleet now, after its flagship, the missile destroyer Jinan (hull number 152). Accompanying Jinan are the frigate Yiyang and a fleet supply ship.

What the 152 Fleet is doing is certainly interesting. But it also precludes the ships’ being anywhere near Syria. They’re proceeding on from their antipiracy patrol to conduct a round-the-world voyage described as follows:

During its global voyage lasting for more than five months and covering a total of more than 30,000 sea miles, the Chinese naval fleet will pay port calls to countries including Sudan, Egypt, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, the United States, Cuba, Mexico, Australia, East Timor and Indonesia.

The ships have completed their port visits in Sudan, Egypt, and Denmark, and arrived in Finland on Saturday, 26 September. Chinese navy ships have never been to the Baltic before, so this is exciting for everyone.

image: http://libertyunyield.wpengine.netd.../2015/09/Chinese-destroyer-Jinan-1024x603.jpg


Chinese destroyer 152 Jinan arrives in Finland on 26 Sep. (Image via Yle Uutiset)

At the moment, there are no good candidates to be the “Chinese naval vessel” that reportedly went through the Suez Canal on Tuesday.

2. The second report is from Pravda, and quotes a Russian official as follows:

Igor Morozov, member of the Russian Federation Committee on International Affairs claimed about the beginning of the military operation by China against the IS terrorists. “It is known, that China has joined our military operation in Syria, the Chinese cruiser has already entered the Mediterranean, aircraft carrier follows it,” Morozov said.

There is zero likelihood that the actual aircraft carrier Liaoning is even scheduled to go to the Mediterranean in the near future, much less that it is already there. Liaoning is not ready for such a deployment, and China wouldn’t just sling the ship over to the Med unannounced, with one escort.

China also has no cruisers, but we can assume that the reference to a cruiser is an artifact of translation. If there’s any validity in Morozov’s statement, it may be that a Chinese destroyer is to be dispatched to Syria. But if so, it would have to be a destroyer that still needs to make the voyage from China, or from somewhere near China. The ships in the Gulf of Aden are frigates.

Another possibility – again, supposing there is some validity in what Morozov says – is that China is sending a Type 071 amphibious assault ship, which, as a helicopter carrier, might in some cases be referred to as an “aircraft carrier.”

No Type 071s are known to be deployed currently to the waters of the Middle East or Med, but the Type 071 Changbaishan did deploy to the Med earlier this year, and was present for the big exercise with Russia. Changbaishan also conducted a high-profile port visit in Greece.

China has three Type 071s operational in her navy. There’s room for China to make such a deployment. If the deployment has already started, the Chinese don’t appear to have announced it.

3. The third report is from DEBKAfile, and asserts categorically that Liaoning “docked in the Syrian port of Tartus” on Friday, 25 September. I’m throwing the BS flag on this one.

If Liaoning had actually been transiting from China to Syria over the last month, we would have heard about it – at a minimum – when the ship went through the Strait of Malacca (or, less likely, by another route through the Indonesian Archipelago), when it was heading west south of India, when it was in the Gulf of Aden or Red Sea, and when it went through the Suez Canal. There would be images with verifiable reports from the nations along the route, and a high level of media chatter. There is no way Liaoning could sneak into the Med.

A note on the images zooming around the Internet. They’re file images, which can easily be traced with image searches to their sources. Some are of the Chinese ships that were in the Med in the spring of 2015. Some are simply of Chinese warships, deployed in various venues (e.g., the big exercise with Russia in the Sea of Japan in August 2015). The most common image of Liaoning is a Chinese navy happy snap, released months ago to the Chinese media and propagated from there.

My favorite is probably the one below, which has accompanied numerous tweets and blog posts, but is not of Chinese warships at all. It’s a group of smaller Russian ships (frigates and patrol ships) arrayed at dress ship, apparently for a ceremonial event. The give-away (besides the ship types) is the blue and white St. Andrew’s Cross flag – the flag of the Russian navy – flying from the main mast and stern of each vessel.

image: http://libertyunyield.wpengine.netd...ads/2015/09/Russian-patrol-ships-1024x503.jpg


Image of Russian ships being tweeted and embedded all over the web as “Chinese warships.”

Bottom line: there could be a plan to deploy Chinese naval assets to Syria. If a Chinese warship – including a Type 071 amphibious assault/helicopter carrier – were already in Syria, or in the Eastern Med, we would expect to have visual evidence of that by now. So I doubt it. And I’m quite sure the aircraft carrier Liaoning is not in the Med at all.

Note: See here and here for previous spin-ups about Chinese warships in the Eastern Med. The first one (from September 2013) raged like wildfire around the web, but was simply not true. In the second case, the Chinese warship did make a port visit in Cyprus, but never actually went to Syria.

Read more at There’s no Chinese aircraft carrier in Syria - Liberty Unyielding
The PLA(N) is in no position to deploy their recently inducted carrier into live combat.
It would be a long way to reach the level that Russian positioned.
A global power.
It would be a long way to reach the level that Russian positioned.
A global power.

Depends on few factors, Americans didn't take long to become world power. Before ww2, they were behind the colony kings France, British, Germany. Soviet Union too was far behind having no air and naval power, was a feudal farming country. It took US and Soviet less than 10 years.

Looking at present, more and more Americans and Europeans military manufacturers engineers been idling or left out of job due to less demand for expensive high end weapons such as fighters especially followed by subs, ships, tanks, big guns, missiles, etc. In US, there was once Rockwell, McDonnell Douglas, general dynamics, north american, fairchild, Northrop, Grumman, Lockheed Martin. Today, most of them either absorbed, merged or winded up with the remaining heavily downsized. This left many engineers amd researchers went to other lines leaving their military machines dream burried. Same cases happened in Europe and Russia.

As long as China has money, china could persuade these engineers to work on china project at high pay while Chinese engineers learned from them and added their ideas.
Depends on few factors, Americans didn't take long to become world power. Before ww2, they were behind the colony kings France, British, Germany. Soviet Union too was far behind having no air and naval power, was a feudal farming country. It took US and Soviet less than 10 years.

Looking at present, more and more Americans and Europeans military manufacturers engineers been idling or left out of job due to less demand for expensive high end weapons such as fighters especially followed by subs, ships, tanks, big guns, missiles, etc. In US, there was once Rockwell, McDonnell Douglas, general dynamics, north american, fairchild, Northrop, Grumman, Lockheed Martin. Today, most of them either absorbed, merged or winded up with the remaining heavily downsized. This left many engineers amd researchers went to other lines leaving their military machines dream burried. Same cases happened in Europe and Russia.

As long as China has money, china could persuade these engineers to work on china project at high pay while Chinese engineers learned from them and added their ideas.

We will count 1 when China completes an operational flat top by themselves for the first time..
We will count 1 when China completes an operational flat top by themselves for the first time..

Sure, we will start counting by then. China needed a bigger fight deck carrier. The j15 is far bigger than f14b. The varyag based liaoning carrier is just narrow and short compared to Nimitz class carrier. Quite cramped even with a dozen j15 on deck.

British Queen Elizabeth carrier is about same length but much wider with more deck area giving ample space to f35b to operate.

Not advisable to cramp the fighters with little space on carrier deck. Remember the case zuni rocket fired itself when an f4b started engine and hit an A4 skyhawk on US carrier? The fire spread fast because the aircrafts park too close creating serious damage on deck and casualties.
The last time the Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier crossed the Mediterrainean sea was in 2001, 14 years ago.
There’s no Chinese aircraft carrier in Syria
By J.E. Dyer on September 27, 2015 at 3:12 am


The only Chinese navy that's deploy-able right now, comes in the shape of X-Box games and PS-3 Naval Warfare games. The rest of the REAL Chinese Navy, is limited to being closer to the Chinese ocean / SCS!!
The only Chinese navy that's deploy-able right now, comes in the shape of X-Box games and PS-3 Naval Warfare games. The rest of the REAL Chinese Navy, is limited to being closer to the Chinese ocean / SCS!!
PLAN is very active in Indian Ocean with fleet of destroyer, LDP, frigate and tanker plus submarine.

Its not abt not able to. Its more abt the need to.
Sure, we will start counting by then. China needed a bigger fight deck carrier. The j15 is far bigger than f14b. The varyag based liaoning carrier is just narrow and short compared to Nimitz class carrier. Quite cramped even with a dozen j15 on deck.

British Queen Elizabeth carrier is about same length but much wider with more deck area giving ample space to f35b to operate.

Not advisable to cramp the fighters with little space on carrier deck. Remember the case zuni rocket fired itself when an f4b started engine and hit an A4 skyhawk on US carrier? The fire spread fast because the aircrafts park too close creating serious damage on deck and casualties.

So ten years from now, China could deploy an aircraft carrier to where they want to ?
So ten years from now, China could deploy an aircraft carrier to where they want to ?

Islands far apart or allies homeland to provide air support/cover. As for vietnamese, they should put down the past hatred created by the bunch of pro~Mao supporters. The Chinese too should put away the hatred because those rotten mao politicians have been disposed of long ago. China leaders should offer an apology explaining that Chinese were against the sino-vietmam war that was ordered by pro-Mao supporters. Chinese~Vietnamese should be brothers again and took over spratlys in joint venture 50~50 share make money out of it. Also in return china would invest in vietnam turning Vietnam into developed nation. By then vietnam gets their pride where french and Americans would treat vietnam like how they look high on japan.
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