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There will be no voting tomorrow, Speaker will exercise his powers - Arshad Sharif

But the SC is being presented to be quite powerful to the Pentagon Boys! The Pindi Boys have got a sense of dark humor....

The illusion being played on Private Channels , played is because average Pakistani person is not aware of constitution play a small drama , where they argue , Supreme court has changed the outcome of National Assembly

@ Legal level , since President of Pakistan dissolved Assemblies on April 2nd , elections are due in 83 days

Military/ Intelligence / Soldiers / Federal Agencies all report to Prime Minister till next election in case a care taker alternative Prime Minister is not elected

Supreme court cannot dictate Prime Minister or President of Pakistan or even National Assembly Speaker
What else can we expect when judges are bought as well.
When father is aspiring for PM, son for CM and the daughters and sons of that political party are married within the SC judges families. Just because of this evil nexus US has still influence in Pakistan.
Otherwise, we all know what the general public sentiment is the Pakistani people has completely rejected any kind of US influence in this region.
So decide this evil alliance of few hundred will decide the future of Pakistan or the 220 million people of country who are the real owners of this nation.
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A good job....

The honorable folks need to be as brave as the maggots and scums - Victor Hugo

I'd advise you to keep your focus on showing solidarity with the whole of Pakistan and stay away from issuing blanket statements about Pakistani politics. Honour and Pakistani political apparatus is poles apart .

The other two major stake holders severely lack in media managing/burger/revolutionary vibes ,this one however excels at it hence the intense cyberspace hue and cry .

Ever watched an Anglo propaganda news segment where they usually put a sobbing maiden to "reveal grave instances of brown/black tyranny" ? Now couple her broadcasted plight with notes of depressed background music and it may literally make you feel guilty/cry even if you know it's a delusion.
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Even the Government's highest lawyer, the Attorney General of Pakistan, refused to defend the action of the Deputy Speaker NA

The rest of your comment notwithstanding, just a clarification here.

As you have said in the post yourself, the the AG represents the state of Pakistan (commonly regarded as the government), NOT the legislature or the Dy Speaker.

In the constitution, the govt and the speaker are two different entities.

What the AG meant by this was that he is not here to defend (replace defend with represent) the speaker, since the speaker has his own lawyer. He is here to represent the state and aid the court, not represent the speaker.
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We wouldn't be having this mess had the SC showed such urgency in deciding that presidential reference and deciding the fate of disqualification for the turn coats, and whether they can be allowed to cast a vote or not. The former was the major question though.
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Should have done the land reforms immediately after independence. This is a web which will be very difficult to pull apart. And unlike other countries who's elites are at least competent, ours have a 30 year track record of incompetence and malpractice and severe corruption. This country will remain 3rd world for the rest of this century no doubt.
This country will remain 3rd world for the rest of this century no doubt.

If you believe this former US State Department official, Pakistan has been and will remain a basket case as long as America decides.

A summary of the book
Honorable people need to be cunning and insidious

That's more kahunays then all the generals in the sepoy army of Big B

Corps Commanders silent as Bajwa forced an extension and then continued to live in a utopian fantasy in which our deterrence deficit with India (especially in the gray zone/under the threshold of conventional or open conflict) is at an all time and IOK is essentially gone forever.

What spineless clowns.


If you believe this former US State Department official, Pakistan has been and will remain a basket case as long as America decides.

A summary of the book
And one can only guess if IK was their preferred tool to ensure that or the army/judiciary/opposition...

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