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There will be no Israel, in 10 years, says Henry Kissinger !!

By whom? The worlds rising powers are not muslim, and expecially not Arab.

Turkey is a NATO member, and after Turkey there is Malaysia who probably wont invade Israel anytime soon.

its an unnatural occupation, whether we agree with Kissinger or not, eventually the zionist movement would die and with it, its designs that includes the occupation of Palestine, it is not necessary for the muslim world to terminate israeli problem.
its an unnatural occupation, whether we agree with Kissinger or not, eventually the zionist movement would die and with it, its designs that includes the occupation of Palestine, it is not necessary for the muslim world to terminate israeli problem.

Israel and Israelis have has much right as Pakistan or Pakistanis have to be on earth. There is nothing unnatural in it. If US and Australia (occupied lands of aborigines) are natural, Israel is more than natural.
Israel and Israelis have has much right as Pakistan or Pakistanis have to be on earth. There is nothing unnatural in it. If US and Australia (occupied lands of aborigines) are natural, Israel is more than natural.

Might as well add the turkish occupation of lands formerly belonging to the Greeks and Persians.
Israel and Israelis have has much right as Pakistan or Pakistanis have to be on earth. There is nothing unnatural in it. If US and Australia (occupied lands of aborigines) are natural, Israel is more than natural.

migration is something else.....
By whom? The worlds rising powers are not muslim, and expecially not Arab.

Turkey is a NATO member, and after Turkey there is Malaysia who probably wont invade Israel anytime soon.

How could you forget Pakistan?

migration is something else.....

Jews lived in those lands all along from the time before Mohammad. Islamic forces pushed them out to Europe and now they are back in their ancient lands.. It's not migration it's getting what was truly their's back..
migration is something else.....

Fine than think Israel has a migration or what ever you like. But Israel is going to stay


How could you forget Pakistan?

Jews lived in those lands all along from the time before Mohammad. Islamic forces pushed them out to Europe and now they are back in their ancient lands.. It's not migration it's getting what was their's back..

In fact most of the early Muslims are Jewies coverts.

How could you forget Pakistan?

Jews lived in those lands all along from the time before Mohammad. Islamic forces pushed them out to Europe and now they are back in their ancient lands.. It's not migration it's getting what was their's back..

In fact most of the early Muslims are Jewies coverts.
Jews lived in those lands all along from the time before Mohammad. Islamic forces pushed them out to Europe and now they are back in their ancient lands.. It's not migration it's getting what was truly their's back..

know some history before commenting, dont waste my time.... sho !!
For all those who are deluded that Israel will simply disappear, get into your mind that Israel is here to stay. Learn to deal with it than simply hoping that it will simply disappear

Anyway, what has Israel done to Pakistan for this kind of thinking from Pakistanis

their delusional brotherhood syndorme....Pakistan can not create brotherhood among their won Shia and Sunni sect in their own nation but they donot hesitate to ready to sympathze about brotherhood of Muslim cause...I am surprised..
know some history before commenting, dont waste my time.... sho !!

Yeah, now I need to learn your version of history.. The same person who is posting propaganda pics left, right and center to spread lies..
their delusional brotherhood syndorme....Pakistan can not create brotherhood among their won Shia and Sunni sect in their own nation but they donot hesitate to ready to sympathze about brotherhood of Muslim cause...I am surprised..

Unless Pakistanis put their nation first to their Islamic brotherhood, there can be no future for Pakistan. It is strange that this thinking is prevalent only in Pakistanis.

I haven't seen any Arab calling Pakistani a brother. They don't even touch a Pakistani with a barge pole.

their delusional brotherhood syndorme....Pakistan can not create brotherhood among their won Shia and Sunni sect in their own nation but they donot hesitate to ready to sympathze about brotherhood of Muslim cause...I am surprised..

Unless Pakistanis put their nation first to their Islamic brotherhood, there can be no future for Pakistan. It is strange that this thinking is prevalent only in Pakistanis.

I haven't seen any Arab calling Pakistani a brother. They don't even touch a Pakistani with a barge pole.
Unless Pakistanis put their nation first to their Islamic brotherhood, there can be no future for Pakistan. It is strange that this thinking is prevalent only in Pakistanis.

I haven't seen any Arab calling Pakistani a brother. They don't even touch a Pakistani with a barge pole.

Unless Pakistanis put their nation first to their Islamic brotherhood, there can be no future for Pakistan. It is strange that this thinking is prevalent only in Pakistanis.

I haven't seen any Arab calling Pakistani a brother. They don't even touch a Pakistani with a barge pole.

It is not right that we should put everyone of Pakistan as the same thought as some person in PDF....Sane person prevail in each nation and they only show the path of progress to future....I feel that If Imran Khan comes to power, politics in Pakistan will go for a big change....He is a big hope for most of the people from India too...
It is not right that we should put everyone of Pakistan as the same thought as some person in PDF....Sane person prevail in each nation and they only show the path of progress to future....I feel that If Imran Khan comes to power, politics in Pakistan will go for a big change....He is a big hope for most of the people from India too...

Dude, there is no hope until unless Army stop playing shots in Pakistan. Do you think Army will let Imran khan or whoever to do anything that is not in it's interest? I sincerely doubt that!!
Dude, there is no hope until unless Army stop playing shots in Pakistan. Do you think Army will let Imran khan or whoever to do anything that is not in it's interest? I sincerely doubt that!!

I am not an expert, but again Army of Zia Ul haq time is different than Army of today in Pakistan....I feel that Mr Kiyani is a person with whom people can count on....He is different...

Dude, there is no hope until unless Army stop playing shots in Pakistan. Do you think Army will let Imran khan or whoever to do anything that is not in it's interest? I sincerely doubt that!!

I am not an expert, but again Army of Zia Ul haq time is different than Army of today in Pakistan....I feel that Mr Kiyani is a person with whom people can count on....He is different...
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