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There should be a Hazara Province also


Nov 17, 2009
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The Stance taken by Mian Nawaz Sharif, the leader of Pakistan Muslim League (N) is right and reasonable. The population of Hazara is ethnically, culturally and linguistically different from the Pashto speaking population mostly living along the Durand Line. Administratively too it would not be efficacious for this huge chunk of land to be administered and governed from Peshawar. The inhabitants of Hazara live in the scenic valleys of Swat, Dir, along the Indus River, in Abottabad, Garhi Habibullah, and Balakot and beyond that picturesque Kaghan valley. The Hazara Division if we may call it so borders on Punjab on one side, Azad Kashmir on the other and as well as panoramic Chitral valley. It touches the Pashto speaking area from river Indus at Nowshera. Between Nowshera in Peshawar, Hindko a mix of Pashto and Punjabi dialect is spoken. So Hazara is geographically larger area than the one where the Pashto or Dari speaking Pakistanis live.

As long as the British given name, North West Frontier Province ( NWFP) (a roundabout name to define the entire northern belt between the then Afghanistan’s territorial jurisdiction and the British colonized area), remains in vogue, it would be acceptable because it does not identify any particular race or ethnic community giving them a special distinction or edge over others. But to rename it as Pakhtunkhawa, means the land of Pashto speaking people which factually it is not. If this name is retained and the NWFP is renamed with Pakhtunkhawa, it is going to be a sure recipe for racial tension between the Pashto and non Pashto speaking areas and may also lead to serious administrative problems.

In a haste rather and taking a myopic view, the incumbent government has clearly ignored the people of Hazara and perhaps they were not taken into confidence and their consent was not acquired before taking such a momentous decision which patently would alter the demographic and ethnic balance and affinity thus far maintained, though visibly. It is surmised and presaged that the riots and agitations would sprout everywhere in the Hazara belt once this decision becomes a part of the constitution. If later a stark realization of the inherent flaw in the decision dawns upon the government, why not resolve it before it poses a severe crisis to the federation.

The rational or the pragmatic course is to divide the NWFP into two provinces: one should be nomenclatured as Pakhtunkhawa and the other Hazara province. Historically, the people of Hazara have not opposed the creation of Pakistan and rather overwhelmingly and enthusiastically supported it and rendered sacrifices for it. On the other hand the Pashto population was divided and the ANP (formerly NAP) and during the partition, the Red Shirts opposed and voted against the establishment of Pakistan. The credentials of ANP have remained dubious till they had no choice but to accept the reality of Pakistan and start talking about Pakistan as a country for the Muslims. This metamorphosis or change of heart is clearly manifest after the sway and advent of Taliban in NWFP and in Afghanistan that completely stymied the chances for ANP to fight on two fronts and keep on opposing Pakistan or at least accepting it with reservations. In the wake of the stupendous influence of Taliban and their irresistible murderous and savage style, entailing countless casualties of the ANP rank and file also, the party aligned itself with the PPP coalition government.

The ANP has suffered in all manners at the hands of the Taliban bands who almost virtually established their writ in Swat, Dir, Malakand, Mardan and in the tribal belt. For ANP this gubernatorial threat could not be countenanced and therefore they watched from the sideline the Pakistan army annihilating these ferocious and merciless fighters, with complete silence and avowed cooperation. Of late, it is amazing to watch the ANP leaders talking of the territorial integrity of Pakistan, the appreciation of Pakistan armed forces and the sanctity of the constitution on the media and otherwise. One may guess that ANP leadership has realized that their dream of keeping the NWFP on a rebellious course is no more practically possible so better get the name of the province changes that will somehow accord the Pashtuns a separate identity which in future can be cashed by reverting to the old ideological brinkmanship.

But all said and done, now when the PPP government is set on a course of swinging the political system to a parliamentary form and the coalition partners MQM and ANP and even the opposition parties are supporting this endeavor, the sentiments of the Hazara people need to be catered, respected and accommodated as far as possible. Also in other areas, where ethnic or linguistic divide is distinct such as the Saraiki belt, more provinces should be created for social harmony which is going to entrench and consolidate the poltical system and in return the federation.

The government should defer the decision of renaming the NWFP as Pakhtunkhawa and enter into parleys both with the Pashtuns and the Hazaras for an amicable solution which in this scenario is to create two provinces, each separately for two culturally and ethnically races. Otherwise the impostion of the decision of naming NWFP as Pakhtunkhawa on the entire region is fraught with foreseeable unrest, frustration and disturbance.

There should be a Hazara Province also
"The Stance taken by Mian Nawaz Sharif, the leader of Pakistan Muslim League (N) is right and reasonable."

Now you must have been corrected when Mr. Nawaz Sharif has betrayed Hazarawals on this issue. We should also realize that no one outside Hazara is going to fight for our cause. We will have to come on streets and " SURELY GET HAZARA PROVINCE"
Well, I was never in favour of name change of Frontier province. and also against splitting provinces into smaller entities.

This is only politician's demand to have more governers, cjs and their cabinets etc. to become ministers and all that.
look our major problem is not creation of provinces are problem is we need to implement the JHANG model of justice end of corruption all over pakistan! once the people get justice equality human rights fast tracked government work as well as job creation people will be satisfied! you can make 100 provinces and get no where if you don't give the people a better living condition!
look our major problem is not creation of provinces are problem is we need to implement the JHANG model of justice end of corruption all over pakistan! once the people get justice equality human rights fast tracked government work as well as job creation people will be satisfied! you can make 100 provinces and get no where if you don't give the people a better living condition!

Creation/renaming of provinces is not because of administrative issues(as per my understanding) at present. It is all to do with ethnic/language clashes/demands or whatever you call it. do you think ANP want to rename the provice on Administrative needs or ethnic desires? Even Bilour one of the ministers called for a Bangladeshi model if their demand is not met, although i think that was an idiotic comment by one of the senior members of the government, but that is how it is. To prevent more problems and promotion of mistrust between citizens, they need to create more provinces. If NWFP is renamed to K.Pakhtunkhwa, then the Hazarawals will feel left out, and that will be a recipe for disaster, unless they name the provice to Hazara Pakhtunkhwa which will satisfy everyone.
It seems that everyone is anti Pakhtoon you need a chance to harm Pakhtoons. Everyone is so much in favour of creating a province in the smallest province. All the Punjabis are togather to destroy Pakhtoons we are seen as traitors. ANP is a political party not the Pakhtoons itself we have done all for the country and people of the province 7 out of 19 chief ministers of Pukhtoonkhwa were Hazarewals the 10% of this province. There is no non Sindhi CM in Sindh, non Baluch in Balochistan or non Punjabi in Punjab. We are openhearted and democratic but we need to change to save ourselve and our nation from attacks from everywehere and leave this fighting for the whole of Muslims and Pakistanis we are being labeled as traitors by everyone. Pakistan has to decide we are traitors or not. This Anit Pakhtoon mentality should change forever or we will change.............
It seems that everyone is anti Pakhtoon you need a chance to harm Pakhtoons. Everyone is so much in favour of creating a province in the smallest province. All the Punjabis are togather to destroy Pakhtoons we are seen as traitors. ANP is a political party not the Pakhtoons itself we have done all for the country and people of the province 7 out of 19 chief ministers of Pukhtoonkhwa were Hazarewals the 10% of this province. There is no non Sindhi CM in Sindh, non Baluch in Balochistan or non Punjabi in Punjab. We are openhearted and democratic but we need to change to save ourselve and our nation from attacks from everywehere and leave this fighting for the whole of Muslims and Pakistanis we are being labeled as traitors by everyone. Pakistan has to decide we are traitors or not. This Anit Pakhtoon mentality should change forever or we will change.............

Pakhtoons vote for PPP , PML and JUI not only for ANP so they are as Pakistani as any. Nationalist always vote for one party and ANP doesn't get 100% vote from the province.
They are not traitors or nationalist under one party. They are 35% of Pak Army.
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"The Stance taken by Mian Nawaz Sharif, the leader of Pakistan Muslim League (N) is right and reasonable."

Now you must have been corrected when Mr. Nawaz Sharif has betrayed Hazarawals on this issue. We should also realize that no one outside Hazara is going to fight for our cause. We will have to come on streets and " SURELY GET HAZARA PROVINCE"

Nawaz Sharif in my opion is a good person but i don't expect that statement from him.

The definition for distribution land is for better governance we don't distribute land by race. I give u very good example in India they have Punjab and haryana state and in both state the people lived is punjabi speaking.

Last but not the least we have to make more then 8 province for better governance, because more people you handle more problem and less people less problem.

I remember Allama Iqbal this suggestion in Berlin and whole expert appreciate that concept and said that Allama is very smart and Allama replied " This is suggestion of Our Prophet P.B.U.H"
Hazara can be mereged in Punjab ,our culture and language is same .
How different Hindko and Panjabi languages are? I have met a few Hindko families through my family, they were very good, educated, and respectable people.
It seems that everyone is anti Pakhtoon you need a chance to harm Pakhtoons. Everyone is so much in favour of creating a province in the smallest province. All the Punjabis are togather to destroy Pakhtoons we are seen as traitors. ANP is a political party not the Pakhtoons itself we have done all for the country and people of the province 7 out of 19 chief ministers of Pukhtoonkhwa were Hazarewals the 10% of this province. There is no non Sindhi CM in Sindh, non Baluch in Balochistan or non Punjabi in Punjab. We are openhearted and democratic but we need to change to save ourselve and our nation from attacks from everywehere and leave this fighting for the whole of Muslims and Pakistanis we are being labeled as traitors by everyone. Pakistan has to decide we are traitors or not. This Anit Pakhtoon mentality should change forever or we will change.............

Dont be paraniod my friend, if Sindis and Panjabis were against Pakhtoons, then the pakhtoons wouldnt have been able to settel in Panjab and Sind in large numbers, while we dont see such Sindi and Panjabi settlements in Peshawar and FATA.
How different Hindko and Panjabi languages are? I have met a few Hindko families through my family, they were very good, educated, and respectable people.

Pushto,Saraiki,Punjabi,Hindko basically emerged from Indo- european group

The languages of the Indo-European group are spoken by approximately three billion native speakers, the largest number for recognised languages families. Of the top 20 contemporary languages in terms of native speakers according to SIL Ethnologue, 12 are Indo-European: Spanish, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, German, Marathi, French, Italian, Punjabi and Urdu, accounting for over 1.6 billion native speakers.[2
Pushto,Saraiki,Punjabi,Hindko basically emerged from Indo- european group

The languages of the Indo-European group are spoken by approximately three billion native speakers, the largest number for recognised languages families. Of the top 20 contemporary languages in terms of native speakers according to SIL Ethnologue, 12 are Indo-European: Spanish, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, German, Marathi, French, Italian, Punjabi and Urdu, accounting for over 1.6 billion native speakers.[2

I was talking about Hindko and Panjabi, regardelss of their origin, how similiar and different they are on day to day business.
These things are done in times of stability and not in times of Zardari. For now there should just be a name change. I favor the creation of new provinces but, only when stability with 4 provinces has been achieved.

The whole parliament and senate are divided amongst so many interests and parties. Why not divide Punjab into Siraikistan? And why not divide Siraikistan separating Bahawalpur?

This should be a slow, 10-20 year process. Division of resources should be figured out.
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