I agree with this!- except the part about freedom and also somewhat about the money.
I don't believe in or care about the US's idea of "freedom". I don't think humans should be free to do whatever they want. I don't think individual freedom is the highest, most important value and I think this is a fundamentally selfish view.
I believe in the Sharia and I believe that we should follow whatever Sharia says. I don't believe humans have any right to insult Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or Islam. I don't believe humans have any right to commit adultery. I don't think humans have any right to practice homosexuality or witchcraft. I think whatever the Sharia says should be applied and anytime there is a contradiction between Sharia and "freedom"- Sharia must win.
I do want freedom to practice my religion, eat cow and freedom to do what is halal, though.
Also, I think the government should stop with the socialist-style stealing from my paycheck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However, I believe the government has every right to extract zakat from me.
I don't blame you for asking but to find out all the details I think would be too painful for me