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Theories on Pakistan's origins

Dear Agno,

Hate is a state when someone is willing to or is
ready to take the fatal risk on his own existence, in order to harm others ,his vindictiveness has overtaken his ethical intellect .
and I think the behaviour of Pakistan signifies this.from Khalistani and Kashmiri Terrorist to Thugs like Dawood ibrahim has been sheltered in Pakistan
They have created the monsters of extremist Jehadis to hurt India and now these Ethically numb ppl have turned back on Pakistan itself .
To justify this behaviour ,you blame the Past and hence we both are struck in arrogance.

Its Naive to blame India for East Pakistan debacle .
Pakistan and its arrogance , its unwillingness to understand others , and use blind might to force its arrogance, is responsible for that breakup .
as of Balochistan - it is just a paranoia .. there is no Moral or materialistic support from india .

there cant be democracy without secularism because the basic fundamental of Democracy is Equality and freedom of Individual
to chose (and follow his faith) .Theocracy can never exists with democracy for a longer time specially when an individual decide
to change his faith ,his personal freedom will clash with Theocracy .

Lack of respect for others is lack of proper ethical teachings.which shall be tackled with education .
knoweldge and wisdom can teach any individual to understand and respect others.

AS PER your views about the problems in India - Existence of Problem is a normal in any human society, thats the part of dynamics of human mind but you shall always judge the society with the path taken by that society to deal with such problem .There will always be Klu Klux clan or Bajrang Dal in every society this deformity in Human intelligence will happen very often but that deformity shall never become part of political and social order .. or shall never intere with ethical justice .In India free press is there to raise the issue and independent( from theocracy and sword) Judiciary to deal with it .

I cant deny that there is no probelm in India .. but I know our press and Judicuary is free .

IF The process of Understanding self takes 60 years and you go back to same old stage again and again , from where you started
then there is Problem and the Problem is lack of courage to see inside .

I am sorry but i saw little bit of Taliban in Most of Pakistanis, some may take it to extreme as they did in Afganistan , others deny there past and beleive in superiority
of there faith over others .
I dont make my opinion about the society of Pakistan by its problem or by the extremist views of certain sections .. I will make my opinion by its the goal and the path
choosen by the collective consicnce of the society . for example there is KLu kluz clan in USA or so many right wing organisation who oppose
theory of evolution and have many other extremist views , but that society will be respected for the ethical laws which it implements to spread the equality and freedom .


The gist of your post is essentially that India is right while Pakistan is wrong - it is a continuation of the narrow mindedness that prevents the two sides from seeking rapprochement. There is nothing substantially different in what you express from what P2BP would say -save that your POV is biased towards India. Almost every argument you make against Pakistan can be equally, and correctly, applied against India , and that is what you fail to see in your short sightedness that this desire to come out trumps in a childish morality contest (quite similar to the endless blame game of the Israelis and the Palestinians) leads nowhere.

You can choose isolated incidents and misrepresent them however you like, but it does not do away with the reality that the relationship between India and Pakistan has been doomed to animosity by events since their independence, mostly by virtue of the Kashmir Dispute (Junagadh, Munavadh?) - and this has determined our nation's history and policies. On this issue the debate is endless, and has been conducted too often to repeat, and inconclusive. Yet you conveniently ignore the impact of such issues on the policies of our nations to somehow substantiate your "hate" hypothesis.

East Pakistan was Indian intervention in the sovereign affairs of another nation with aim to destroy/damage it, the support for Pashtun separatism was interference in a sovereign nations affairs with aims to destroy/damage it, the withholding of Pakistan's share of assets after independence was interference in another nations affairs to destroy/damage it, the support for Baluch separatism was interference in another nations affairs with the intent to destroy/damage it.

Rattling of lists of grievances to tarnish the other side is an exercise that can be conducted by both with vigor - and is completely pointless. I was hopeful that you would turn out to be more rational and "logical" than to indulge in unilateral finger pointing, but you choose not to. If you are unwilling to recognize the harms committed by both nations on each other, there is nothing to be gained with further discourse on this issue. I will consider your "unilateral Hate" hypothesis flawed and unproven.

The rest of your post is more of a discourse about the compatibility of Religion with democracy and equality of rights, and while anyone can make grand statements about X and Y being incompatible, you fail to make any arguments in support of this particular contention of yours.

You do get it right that problems exist in every society - and as I pointed out, problems of inequity, inequality, discrimination and prejudice exist in both India and Pakistan equally for the most part (caste, ethnicity, biradri, race, social what have you...) despite the existence in India of a "Secular system" and per you a "secular education" (whatever that means - since Pakistani Math and Science textbooks don't attempt to substitute the Laws of Physics with Divine Instructions or influences either...). While the judiciary in Pakistan may not be free at this point, it is related to failure on our part to create a functioning system of government - which in turn returns the discussion to the circumstances and problems peculiar to Pakistan, which we are dealing with, and evolving as we do so. The press is freer than almost any other time in our history, despite the recent limited restrictions on some aspects of their reporting, but nothing that has limited their coverage of the issues that affect the majority of the citizenry (check out Aaj TV on line - criticism and highlighting of societal ills abounds). We have a robust and vocal civil society.

You mention "going back to the same place over and over again" - and once again I have to reiterate that this refers to only one facet of our evolution and development as a nation - there are only two "places" to choose from. One is the lasting democratic system we are attempting to create, and the other is autocracy. While we attempt to create the former, of course there will be failures, and the failures will take us back to an autocracy, what else do you expect to happen? You take failure in stride and keep trying - it is when you give up trying that you have failed - holds true for individuals and nations.

but that society will be respected for the ethical laws which it implements to spread the equality and freedom

And now you have finally come to the crux of the issue - it isn't all that hooey about "secularism" or "secular education" - what defines a "fair and progressive" nation and society are its laws. Those laws can have their basis in Faith or not. On that count we had a brief period where one man imposed his draconian and intolerant vision on Pakistan (Zia and Hudood Laws). The support of the Pakistani nation for such atrocities can be gaged from the complete lack of support from the electorate for parties ideologically similar to Zia, which never (until the aberration in 2002 - which could be linked more to the US invasion of Afghanistan than any support for that particular ideology) gained more than a few percent of the vote, and are now projected to fail again. We have made tremendous progress on repealing the majority of those draconian laws, and will continue to do so as the nation evolves. That is how I would argue one can view the "successful evolution" of the Pakistani nation - a continuation of "positive change".
Hon Jana,

My sincerest thanks for posting the pamphlet published by Chaudhry Rahmat Ali, wherein he coined the name of Pakistan.

I had previously come across references to it but not the full text. IMO it is a historic document of national importance. I have printed it and it would be a valuable addition to my personal library.

It is a pity that this great visionory never got the recognition he deserved and didnot settle in Pakistan. As a student in 1960's, I found out that he was buried at the New Market Road graveyard in Cambridge.

He was a true patriot and tried his best to bring the plight of the Indian Muslims to the world attention. When will Pakistanis learn to appreciate their great men??

With best regards,
Dear Agno

you are asking me to balance my opinion , just for the heck of it ?
modesty is good , but it shall never replace frank honesty .

No its not the question of Indian or Pakistani Superiority ..
no nation is inferior or superior .. we are not competing here ..
we are discussing here about the Origin or Pakistan and its subsequent progression ..
this progression ( or Lack of it )has lead to misery and death for many outside Pakistan ..
Most of Terrorosit acts all around the world can be traced back to Pakistan
I have lost my good friend in one of those terrorist acts ..(during 7/7 blasts in Mumbai)

And no i dont have any negative feelings for those Pakistani based Terror organisations who has masterminded it
but i feel pity ..for they have lost the path of humanity ..

what we , as citizen of world .. request is to tame and stop this barberic narrow mindedness ..
lets live in Peace .. there is too much in this life to share and relish together..

As you said , you are trying your best for the ever lasting Demoracy .. but then you fail to realise it again and again ...
demoracy has its orgin in the basic principle of respecting others view...and this overlaps with seculerism ..
you cannot have a theocratic state with democracy for long.. and no its not preaching .. its practicality ..
we shape our generations with our choice of ideology ..
lets choose -- respect and truth ... for our future generations
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