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The war between USA and China can be avoided, but the war between India and China is inevitable

Do you think the war between China and India can be avoided?

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China needs to thrash someone (India) militarily to firmly stamp it's Super Power status.
We humiliate India badly by making their captured soldiers apologized like 5 years old kid, kneeling and pull their ears while repeat 100 times " We will not repeat the same mistake again " :enjoy:

If Modi is replaced by someone even more hindu nationalist like Yogi then it is very much possible India will try to establish "Akhand Bharat" or at least invade AJK, Aksai Chin and GB similar to Nazi Germany (who Modi and BJP love and praise).
Honestly speaking, I strongly recommended the indian, if they want war with us, better now or never as the gap between the two nation is widening everyday.

I see it from a different angle and by the way nobody wants war lets get this out of the way.. No two nations will lock horns in today's world unless the condition is right.. This is something most layman today don't understand nations will try their best to avoid conflict today because everyone wants to keep status instead of waste resoruces the risks outweigh the benefits but however if the economy collapses or natural disaster occurs this forces everyone to fight... Everyone will enter the territory of I have nothing to lose this is where the game begins.. Some nations may be wealthier than others but everyone is satisfied especially the elite and everyone has food on his table, running water, energy, WIFI, cars etc etc. There is no incentive for conflict.

As uncanny as this may sound to the grown ups this will be exactly like these stragetic war PC games you tried before the conflict will not stop until one true world hegemony ethablishes itself... When I talk about this I always mean in that context when everyone re-enters heat but sometimes I have been misunderstood because someone can assume you mean conflict or immediate miscalculation etc etc but that is not it just no hence miscalculation is not in the dictionary here.

Now that being said under the right circumstance The first sacrifice is ''INDIA'' under heat period aka when the referee blows his whistle when everyone have nothing to lose. The same with Pakistan, China, Central Asia, AFG, North Korea could potentially storm India on one fateful day if the circumstance bring itself forth. The allies forming in the region is not there for causing brainless miscalculation but it is there for last resort when this economy comes down crushing or somehow natural disaster comes out of the blue that is when it enters activation state
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Not a single goddamn reply in this thread related to the question posed.
Now on topic. War between china and India is obviously avoidable because despite India being very weak in comparison with china ,India is still a nuclear weapons state. If north Korea can exist in map just because of its nuclear weapons here it's India we are talking about.
Also Chinese are not stupid to invite a WW3 on their doorstep ,war with India brings many geo strategic and diplomatic implications for the countries concerned.
Last but not the least if war happens between china and India,India will definitely cease to exist but before that happens there are many deterrents in place which avoids war between the two.
The conflict between China and US is about challenge to American hegemony, which they called "rule based world order". It doesnt necessarily translate to physical war between two nations and more geared towards grey zone conflict.

China-India conflict, however, is about actual borders of the two nations, where India on her birth, was gifted Chinese territory by British colonial powers when China was week. Now China wants her territory back (just as in the case of Taiwan). Which in turn makes probability of war very high.
USA is going through worst. It too is experiencing huge demographic change but in terms of racial make up of country. America as we know it will not survive for long.

America as we know it is always disappearing and a more multi-racial America is constantly emerging. This is not the “worst”. America will assimilate people as everyone tries to achieve their economic dreams. America takes a long time to somewhat address the hardest internal problems, but eventually moves to address them (slowly).

America has cheap electricity, relatively cheap food, and hopefully soon will build more affordable housing. As long as the economy keeps growing these problems can be addressed or at least put off as people are busy improving their standard of living with the best jobs and pay they can get.

but back to the original topic, who ever stumbles economically could be caught up in internal problems before any war will get them.
We humiliate India badly by making their captured soldiers apologized like 5 years old kid, kneeling and pull their ears while repeat 100 times " We will not repeat the same mistake again " :enjoy:

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You need a war, be it limited, and thrash your opponent to submission to gain full super power status.

So far with Indians, you are having border skirmishes .. bullets, rockets and missiles yet to be fired from both sides.
You need a war, be it limited, and thrash your opponent to submission to gain full super power status.

So far with Indians, you are having border skirmishes .. bullets, rockets and missiles yet to be fired from both sides.
It's the indian who refused to fight gun with us. They bring guns with them and even allow us to capture their guns without firing single shot despite badly maul by us in fist fight.
America as we know it is always disappearing and a more multi-racial America is constantly emerging. This is not the “worst”. America will assimilate people as everyone tries to achieve their economic dreams. America takes a long time to somewhat address the hardest internal problems, but eventually moves to address them (slowly).

America has cheap electricity, relatively cheap food, and hopefully soon will build more affordable housing. As long as the economy keeps growing these problems can be addressed or at least put off as people are busy improving their standard of living with the best jobs and pay they can get.

but back to the original topic, who ever stumbles economically could be caught up in internal problems before any war will get them.

Multi racial America if survives will no longer want to take on China. Because that America will know his past under the rule of white majority oppression.
india will only bounce up and down and dare to provoke china only when her pimp white master gives her confidence that he be there to help her but truth is USA will go home and china will be in heat and will blow dragon fire right into india crack hole. This war will disturb many asian neighbors, most who hate india.
India is still a nuclear weapons state. If north Korea can exist in map just because of its nuclear weapons here it's India we are talking about.
Good post! Yes let's stay on topic. I disagree nuclear being a factor here. As regarding Indian nuclear stockpile it's still atomic-bomb tech, it has not crossed fusion-tech threshold yet till nowadays, the firepower is too small to deter much larger powers which possess thermonuclear weapons (see the NTI data, note China's stockpile data was from 1990), not to mention delivery systems & strategic infrastructure also lag far behind. Geopolitically speaking China-India war is inevitable, it will be full-scale with clear geopolitical objective not border skirmishes, but conventional all the way no nukes involved, no one from either side wants an unilateral annihilation of India.


When it comes to North Korea, or even Iran which does not possess any nuke at all (at least now), perhaps we should take nuclear umbrella into consideration, cos that's might be a far bigger factor.
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Good post! Yes let's stay on topic. I disagree nuclear being a factor here. As regarding Indian nuclear stockpile it's still atomic-bomb tech, it has not crossed fusion-tech threshold yet till nowadays, the firepower is too small to deter much larger powers which possess thermonuclear weapons (see the NTI data, note China's stockpile data was from 1990), not to mention delivery systems & strategic infrastructure also lag far behind. Geopolitically speaking China-India war is inevitable, it will be full-scale with clear geopolitical objective not border skirmishes, but conventional all the way no nukes involved, no one from either side wants an unilateral annihilation of India.

When it comes to North Korea, or even Iran which does not possess any nuke at all (at least now), perhaps we should take nuclear umbrella into consideration, cos that's might be a far bigger factor.
With all the due respect I beg to differ here.
I highly doubt the truthfulness of the chart you shared above. It's no secret pakistan possess more nuclear weapons than India but the chart is telling a complete lie or perhaps it's an outdated one from 2009.
Secondly when nuclear weapon states go to a fullscale war it doesn't matter who possess more advanced nuclear weapons ,the war doesn't stay conventional. When it comes to survival there are very very high chances of pressing a nuclear button.
I think if China continues to stay strong or become stronger than it is now, then war with both will be avoided. But if China experiences a disaster, war with both will definitely happen.
With all the due respect I beg to differ here.
I highly doubt the truthfulness of the chart you shared above. It's no secret pakistan possess more nuclear weapons than India but the chart is telling a complete lie or perhaps it's an outdated one from 2009.
Secondly when nuclear weapon states go to a fullscale war it doesn't matter who possess more advanced nuclear weapons ,the war doesn't stay conventional. When it comes to survival there are very very high chances of pressing a nuclear button.
Yes that's from a 2009 report, by NTI/ICNND. Some data in the report could from earlier times, China's data were from 1990.

India claiming to be a "nuke power" is like Somalia claiming to be "air force power" after buying a few jets, it's not just about "have" and "have not", it's about what one has. Even if India is insane enough to press the button, their total firepower tops 1 MT (smaller than half of a single PLA 1st gen thermonuclear warhead) at best can hurt China, if they are lucky, but that means total annihilation of 1.4 billion Indians, for sure.

That's why I think China-India war will be conventional, with a clear objective to change its anti-Asia regime, and actively anticipate/mitigate any possibilities that someone in India will press the "suicidal" nuke button.
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