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The war between USA and China can be avoided, but the war between India and China is inevitable

Do you think the war between China and India can be avoided?

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Nov 10, 2020
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The United States and the Soviet Union did not fight during the Cold War. Today's China is much more powerful than the Soviet Union, and its economies are highly integrated with USA, so the war between China and the United States can be avoided.

However, the war between India and China is inevitable.

90% of all wars in human history have been fought over resources.

India's population is similar to China's and will surpass China's in the next 10 years. However, India is only 2.9 million sq km, less than a third of China's territory. India already has more people than its land can support. The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, which borders Xinjiang, is only 240,000 square kilometers, less than half the size of Sichuan province, but home to 200 million people.

In addition, India is a country with extreme water shortage. There are droughts in two out of every three years. And three of India's major rivers originate in China, accounting for 60% of the water in India's rivers. China has repeatedly said it will not cut off water supplies. But if China is willing to do so, it will be very easy. This is a serious security concern for India.

Overpopulation is a big reason why India is so polluted and chaotic. But India is a democracy and cannot have one child policy.

India is a very ambitious country and small countries around it have been bullied by India. India has always wanted to expand its territory in the east. During the border negotiations, India asked the PLA to withdraw from Tibet and Xinjiang to Sichuan.

The Indian Ocean is also important to China. Much of China's trade passes through the Indian Ocean. Most of the oil is imported through the Indian Ocean. India can easily cut off China's trade routes through the Indian Ocean.
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Classic Thucydides Trap, if it looks like the Chinese will keep growing beyond the point of collective capabilities of the US and her allies and looks like it will acts on the capabilities, then it’s possible the US will try to pre-empt their actions.

The US is hoping Economics, demographics, and internal fissures of China will destabilize it before then, like it did to the Soviets.
I agree with you TS. The Idea is to force the US out of the occasion and they themselves are willing to make a deal on it in return getting guaraante on no attack on Guam and other areas such as SK etc etc the US would take any deal that would spare them or leave them out of it. This sets the stage for India becoming a completely abandoned child in the middle with no friends but Sino allies and enemies everywhere. In the next world order India just doesn't fit into it for more than one regional entities I would even say at this point it is a regional consensus
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US ladyboys and their boyfriends arent gonna fight a war against russia + china. They can just sit back and devolve into civil war sooner or later. We have our eyes on exploring the solar system and not trying to start meaningless wars anyway.
India would not be that crazy and stupid to invade China. China is not interested in a large scale war with India too.

US is more dangerous than India. US may not peacefully accept losing No.1. Losing super power status may lead to catastrophic results to US.
India itself is responsible
for its current dilemma. If there is going to be a war it will be bcz West will be using India like canon fodders.
Honestly speaking, I strongly recommended the indian, if they want war with us, better now or never as the gap between the two nation is widening everyday.
India would not be that crazy and stupid to invade China. China is not interested in a large scale war with India too.

US is more dangerous than India. US may not peacefully accept losing No.1. Losing super power status may lead to catastrophic results to US.

东章瀑布 百度百科
I don’t think Indian have the guts to fight a bigger enemy, but war cannot be ruled out. Small border skirmish can spiral into a war, specially when there are egos and political face saving is involved.

I don’t think modi have the guts to declare war on China, but we never know. Quad thumb up Modi sarkar rear, he might tempted to do something stupid.
I don’t think Indian have the guts to fight a bigger enemy, but war cannot be ruled out. Small border skirmish can spiral into a war, specially when there are egos and political face saving is involved.

I don’t think modi have the guts to declare war on China, but we never know. Quad thumb up Modi sarkar rear, he might tempted to do something stupid.
If there is a conflict between China and the US, will India take the opportunity to start a war?

东章瀑布 百度百科
If there is a conflict between China and the US, will India take the opportunity to start a war?
Most likely. US will use India to launch offensive on disputed areas in Ladakh and ask India to block Gawadar and other Pakistani ports, so that China doesn’t have a back door access to sea.
China needs to thrash someone (India) militarily to firmly stamp it's Super Power status.
Classic Thucydides Trap, if it looks like the Chinese will keep growing beyond the point of collective capabilities of the US and her allies and looks like it will acts on the capabilities, then it’s possible the US will try to pre-empt their actions.

The US is hoping Economics, demographics, and internal fissures of China will destabilize it before then, like it did to the Soviets.

USA is going through worst. It too is experiencing huge demographic change but in terms of racial make up of country. America as we know it will not survive for long.
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