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The video clip tells you why China can build subways fast, with good quality

SR 99 is also known as 'Bertha'. It seems Chinese think it is some kind of China only path breaking invention. History of TBM dates back to 1825. Sometimes US should 'export' Avataar cartoon to Chinese. Even that shows a TBM.

The problem is since they have just modernized recently they think everything must be super new tech. The reality is like you said these things have been around for a long time. Plus they haven't been exposed to it before say 1990 as high tech things weren't heavily publicized in their mainstream press.

For instance the US was building steel skyscrapers and subways (as you said TBM's in 1825) way back in the 1800's. Elevators in the late 1850's. Escalators in the 1890's. Cars were common in 1920 (almost 100 years ago). Air conditioned buildings in the 1920's. Maglev train stuff in the 1950's. Automatic sliding glass doors in buildings around 1960. Bar code scanners on items in the 1970's. I got my first cell phone and laptop in 1985. Toy Quadcopters and 3D QR codes in the 1990's.
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Psst! There is Japan and Korea as well and they make a lot of awesome stuff that all of the world uses. AND they did all the awesome things much much before China.

Not without unlimited support from the West. But even then they or NO OTHER NON-White nation can indigenously produce advanced high tech weapons systems comparable to Western and Russian standards like the Chinese can.
Your 'economic relationship' with USA is much older than that with China. I will wait for sometime before calling Chinese saints. Their track record in Africa and Sri Lanka leaves much to be desired.
Everyone knows how much progress we have made from these economic relations .Their so called war on terror ruined our economy completely.30 billion $ was the aid we received from America since 1948,But for these 5 billion $ we have lost more then150 billon $ and 50000 lives.
China have not done anything like that.And also I was not talking about Pakistan-US relations.I know you are a die hard US fan but sometimes it is better you should think before replying.
Psst! There is Japan and Korea as well and they make a lot of awesome stuff that all of the world uses. AND they did all the awesome things much much before China.
US has their troops stationed in Japan and Korea, to some extent, they are still under US occupation. They can't have fully independent foreign policies.Japan and Korea are still being controlled by the white people.

US help of Pakistan was to make the latter dependent on foreign aid, so Pakistan can be hooked by US forever. China's help is to let Pakistan to be self reliant and pave the way for future development, that's why you can see China's help lies mainly in infrastructure and energy sector cause we know those are the foundation for future growth.
Everyone knows how much progress we have made from these economic relations .Their so called war on terror ruined our economy completely.30 billion $ was the aid we received from America since 1948,But for these 5 billion $ we have lost more then150 billon $ and 50000 lives.

"Their so called war on terror"?

Or Saudi/UAE's unending stream of PetroDollars funding barbaric madrasas?

Along with Pakistan whoring itself out?
The video clip tells you why China can build subways fast, with good quality

The Efforts of Chinese Govt to bring progress and prosperity to all its citizens is a great move, there is lot to learn from you people, and improve to not make certian mistakes that you people did... Anyhow Hatsoff taking 1/6th of human population from poverty is no less work
One thing china should be praised of is mutual development.They progress but also help others to progress.They are not like Europeans or Americans having the superiority complex over others and building themselves over innocents blood.....i.e;they are like,Start a war and sell weapons no matter how much others suffer just think about the money we are making.

Trust me, its the Chinese with the superiority complex.
Several countries use tunnel bores that use prefabricated concrete modules to line their tunnels. China did not invent this. As for Japan there's a machine in Seattle, Washington built by them that does this.

As somebody mentioned they are usually custom built for the situation.

SR 99 Alaska Way Viaduct project is a freaking 2 mile long section of underground tunnel proposed in 2001 and scheduled to complete by July 2013. It is now delayed to 2019 with hundreds of millions cost overrun (over original budget $3.1 billion).
One thing I want to make clear :

- I am not deriding China or her achievements. All I am questioning is the overselling of Chinese achievement which is being done by Chinese nationalists -- like in this thread.

Coming to the use of Machines, as most of the things in the world, it depends. Europeans use them a lot, so do Americans.

Project completion is not just a function of mechanization but also a number of other factors as well. Chief is regulation and litigation: If CPC says a project will be done here and in this way, mostly it is done deal. Not in the USA. There are huge number of agencies which can stop you. Agreed some of them are stupid but a large number of them also help citizens to have a say in government's working and avoid things like ecological disaster in their cities etc.

Certainly US infrastructure is not what it used to be but then it is expected. It is OLD. Take Seattle for example: I know about this city because I lived there personally. There is a second Seattle beneath the current one. The old Seattle which is abondonded (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Underground). It took quite sometime for current Seattle to rise over this one. When will 'next iteration' of Seattle will happen is anyone's guess. I believe same is London. You are looking only one point in the time. Fifty years ago, it would have been totally different, Fifty years from now, it could again be a role reversal.

Do European or American or Japanese has this thing? This machine is invented by Chinese and owned only by Chinese.

High speed rail construction is not only about TBM but super heavy duty crane, road laying machine. All needs to take into consideration. I can assure, nobody can beat the Chinese in speed, cost and efficiency. Its good that you are banned and watch how we Chinese educated others about the truth of Chinese super HSR construction.
Oh BTW, comparing performance of a TBM is tricky. A TBM called Bartha operating in Seattle ran into some deep underground pipes that delayed the project. I do not know if that should be called its 'under performance' or simply the fact that people who planned tunneling didn't do their homework properly or may be just the fact that Seattle is as brownfield as it gets. If you are tunneling in Karachi you are less likely to run into such deep pipes compared to Seattle

Imagine running into an ancient IVC site and destroying all the historical artifact..and the damage is not discovered ever..until someone looks into the debris and say ..hey wait a minute..this looks like part of statue to me!
SR 99 Alaska Way Viaduct project is a freaking 2 mile long section of underground tunnel proposed in 2001 and scheduled to complete by July 2013. It is now delayed to 2019 with hundreds of millions cost overrun (over original budget $3.1 billion).

Yes, but that isn't the fault of Japan's Hitachi Zosen's TBM. I only mentioned that project because it showed Japan can make modern TBM's and is not stuck using the "old method".
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Yes, but that isn't the fault of Japan's Hitachi Zosen's TBM. I only mentioned that project because it showed Japan can make modern TBM's and is not stuck using the "old method".

TBM is certainly not new and I knew about it when I was in kindergarten, but building hundred subway lines in 40+ cities at the same time is something we have never seen before. The scale and the efficiency of China's infrastructure building are impressive, and I think that's the message OP tried to convey.
The problem is since they have just modernized recently they think everything must be super new tech. The reality is like you said these things have been around for a long time. Plus they haven't been exposed to it before say 1990 as high tech things weren't heavily publicized in their mainstream press.

For instance the US was building steel skyscrapers and subways (as you said TBM's in 1825) way back in the 1800's. Elevators in the late 1850's. Escalators in the 1890's. Cars were common in 1920 (almost 100 years ago). Air conditioned buildings in the 1920's. Maglev train stuff in the 1950's. Automatic sliding glass doors in buildings around 1960. Bar code scanners on items in the 1970's. I got my first cell phone and laptop in 1985. Toy Quadcopters and 3D QR codes in the 1990's.
WAS like in past tense
enough said
i m reading somewhere that China use quantity of concrete in 3 years which America uses from 2000-16
i m reading somewhere that China use quantity of concrete in 3 years which America uses from 2000-16


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