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The USS Abraham Lincoln

3 more years (2015) and the first Ford class carrier will enter service. Just a few of it's abilites will be Electromagnetic catapult, Increased power output (allowing for future high energy weapon upgrades), increased radar and communications ability, and a Plasma Arc Waste Destruction System.


3 more years (2015) and the first Ford class carrier will enter service. Just a few of it's abilites will be Electromagnetic catapult, Increased power output (allowing for future high energy weapon upgrades), increased radar and communications ability, and a Plasma Arc Waste Destruction System.

Yeah, but will it do the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs?
Can someone tell me , If half a dozen cruise missiles are fired from hundreds of kms away will the Aircraft carrier be a sitting duck easily taken down by atleast a couple of cruise missiles or does the ACC have complex anti missile systems to protect itself ?
Can someone tell me , If half a dozen cruise missiles are fired from hundreds of kms away will the Aircraft carrier be a sitting duck easily taken down by atleast a couple of cruise missiles or does the ACC have complex anti missile systems to protect itself ?

Half a dozen? doubt it.

Several dozen? chances go up depending on the missile's capabilities.

Only a fool would believe that ANY defensive system is 100% foolproof.
Half a dozen? doubt it.

Several dozen? chances go up depending on the missile's capabilities.

Generally Advanced cruise missiles itself are said as unstoppable by missile sheilds , say something like Supersonic Brahmos or subsonic Tomahawk ... What weapons do ACC carry to counter such advanced cruise missiles and that too if half a dozen are fired at it
Generally Advanced cruise missiles itself are said as unstoppable by missile sheilds , say something like Supersonic Brahmos or subsonic Tomahawk ... What weapons do ACC carry to counter such advanced cruise missiles and that too if half a dozen are fired at it

Horizon calculator - radar and visual

The longer the distance, the better the preparation for the defense.
Generally Advanced cruise missiles itself are said as unstoppable by missile sheilds , say something like Supersonic Brahmos or subsonic Tomahawk ... What weapons do ACC carry to counter such advanced cruise missiles and that too if half a dozen are fired at it

As others have stated no weapon system is 100% effective. But the ability to protect the carrier goes up exponentially when taking into account not just its own defensive ability (Sea RAM, ESSM, CWIS, ECT). But the defensive screen that surrounds a US carrier battle group including its net centric surveillance, and intelligence gathering abilities. These increase the distance that Gambit pointed out that missiles can be spotted. When a threat is spotted the Aegis Battle Management System kicks in. It will decide the nature of the threat, position, and angle of approach. If as an example it is decided that ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile) will be used. It assigns the ship relative to threat position, and if more than 1 shot is required depending on angle of approach.

To counter this defensive ability a enemy would need to try and overwhelm. Which isn't very likely since they would need to marshal a force large enough that it would be detected easily. Aegis can also track and handle hundreds of targets simultaneously. What would hinder it is how much ordinance is on hand to use.
How could the AC defend against the Iranian quasi ballistic missile called Persian gulf?
also what defence does it have against lets say against torpedo? like the Iranian hoot.

How could the AC defend against the Iranian quasi ballistic missile called Persian gulf?
also what defence does it have against lets say against torpedo? like the Iranian hoot.

Against ballistic missile? By moving. And please, no 'quasi' here. Against torpedoes? Other submarines.
Against ballistic missile? By moving. And please, no 'quasi' here. Against torpedoes? Other submarines.

No but if you look at the firing of the missile you will see it is a qausi.
here is the firing. you could actually see the missile itself hit the ship if you see the test in slow motion.

also It seem countries need to develop an anti torpedo system for their ships. something like a very fast underwater torpedo to counter a torpedo.

Well, I am sure the USS Abraham Lincoln is utterly defenceless against curses and spells. So there. Defeated! :lol:

what are you talking about?
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