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The USAF says waiting for the UAE to accept the transfer of F35As and MQ-9s

Well if the US is still waiting for the UAE to decide, that can only mean that the US has added a SIGNIFICANT amount of clauses and conditions pertaining to the use of the F-35 and all the other systems and drones and whatever else is in the packages if the EA/G-18 Growlers are still part of the package etc. which would only mean the UAE is taking its time reviewing all the effects the clauses would have on its abiulity to use all this $23 BILLION worth of equipment.

Usually when I pay someone $23 Billion in cash for weapons, I would like to be able to use it without much interference from the people selling me all that weaponry. But not the US and I am certain they have some CRAZY clauses in there that are causing the Emiratis to shake their heads and maybe tell themselves "you know what, these Americans are out of their minds if they thing we will agree to sell them our daughters and loan them our wives etc." And the deal falls through.

But I doubt the UAE will do that and will more than likely acquiesce to the conditions with a few requests for changes here and there and it will get done before the end of this year.

What makes me think is the leverage Egypt will need to use now that the UAE has opened the door on the US for its own purposes. That is what will be much more interesting to see and perhaps we're about to see a major degradation in US/Egyptian relationship that will turn very sour because of that dingdong Biden and his anti-Sisi sentiment. We need to go full Eurotrash and Russian and bag the US completely as it does us no good in the aviation sector for sure.
Well if the US is still waiting for the UAE to decide, that can only mean that the US has added a SIGNIFICANT amount of clauses and conditions pertaining to the use of the F-35 and all the other systems and drones and whatever else is in the packages if the EA/G-18 Growlers are still part of the package etc. which would only mean the UAE is taking its time reviewing all the effects the clauses would have on its abiulity to use all this $23 BILLION worth of equipment.

Usually when I pay someone $23 Billion in cash for weapons, I would like to be able to use it without much interference from the people selling me all that weaponry. But not the US and I am certain they have some CRAZY clauses in there that are causing the Emiratis to shake their heads and maybe tell themselves "you know what, these Americans are out of their minds if they thing we will agree to sell them our daughters and loan them our wives etc." And the deal falls through.

But I doubt the UAE will do that and will more than likely acquiesce to the conditions with a few requests for changes here and there and it will get done before the end of this year.

What makes me think is the leverage Egypt will need to use now that the UAE has opened the door on the US for its own purposes. That is what will be much more interesting to see and perhaps we're about to see a major degradation in US/Egyptian relationship that will turn very sour because of that dingdong Biden and his anti-Sisi sentiment. We need to go full Eurotrash and Russian and bag the US completely as it does us no good in the aviation sector for sure.

Could be due to clauses UAE is looking thru. Some clauses are just better to leave than others you never know.. Maybe UAE could be looking for better alternatives and there are better alternatives out of there today.. TFX, j20, MIUS, Checkmate and you name it.

Sisi had good relations with Trump but not Biden whereas Sisi has good relations with Macron and Italy. Alot of people liked to diss Trump but at the end of the day he was better than Biden when it comes to US foreign relations. Biden came out pushing friends away in the beginning and handing everything to china without them working for it. I think all his human rights bs was just hypocritical but he has slowed down with that currently
TFX, j20, MIUS, Checkmate and you name it.

Better than the F-35?!?! Titanium, I really enjoy your posts and for the most part, they make good sense but this one here is way out there beyond the realms of reality! As much as people hate the F-35 or think it has some kind of malfunction because of the stuff that has been written about it lately, it's still the MOST ADVANCED low observable aircraft with the most advanced sensor fusion software and equally impressive is its assistance in the various fields of integration and management and to even mention the painted plywood box called the TFX is an insult beyond imagination, my friend. PLEASE, I beg you (and I'll be the first to tell you I am 100% biased against anything from Gobble gobble turkey land but this really has nothing to do with it) and that there is no comparison whatsoever!!!!! Even the great LTS or Checkmate which is miles and miles and miles ahead of the turkey painted plywood box is still at least 5 years away from its first flight and at least that is a functioning ground testing prototype and not a plywood box!!!! So please, my brother, don't ever mention that again in the same context as the most veritable aircraft out there to date and that is simply the F-35 without a question!

Until we see the su-57's capabilities and what they included in its surrounding warfare fleet besides its loyal wingman in the Okhotnik, I would rate that as the 2nd best choice to date followed by perhaps the J-20 since we need to see A LOT more of that aircraft and particularly its weapons systems to even put it in the same class as the veritable F-35. I know this will ruffle a lot of feathers out there, but let's NEVER include any plywood boxes in any discussion with arguably the greatest aircraft out there to date. Thank you, friend. :-)

Sisi had good relations with Trump but not Biden whereas Sisi has good relations with Macron and Italy. Alot of people liked to diss Trump but at the end of the day he was better than Biden when it comes to US foreign relations. Biden came out pushing friends away in the beginning and handing everything to china without them working for it. I think his all human rights bs was just hypocritical but he has slowed down with that currently

This I can't disagree with one bit. Trump was also a complete bafoon who was completely out of touch with reality. He agreed to provide the F-35 to not just Egypt, but I bet he offered it to Zimbabwe and Magagascar just so he can get gold courses on those islands but was completely out of touch with the way FMS and congress was in charge of making those final decisions.

He even betrayed Sisi and Egypt in his final speech when he tried to knock down the congressional plan to aid all Americans with financial assistance and part of that bill was the usual military aid of $1.3 Billion to Egypt as well as the $5.2 Billion to Israel but he never complained about Israel's aid despite it being almost twice as much and instead LIED about the Egyptian aid when he claimed that it would go to Egypt buying Russian aircraft LMFAO! Now, honestly, he is SO FRIGGIN' DUMB that I wouldn't be sure if he really didn't know how the aid money delivery was structured and that Egypt never sees any of that case except I believe around $300 million of it and the rest is automatically awarded to US military companies depending on what Egypt and the US would agree on what military equipment to buy. So it would be impossible for Egypt to take any of that aid money and go buy Russian aircraft with it like that baboon moron orangutan said! So he sucks just as much as Biden, maybe not as much but he did suck in that he lied out of his *** left and right and would turn his back on Sisi in a second if it didn't benefit him.
world should just focus on alternative fuels to screw the arabs.
Better than the F-35?!?! Titanium, I really enjoy your posts and for the most part, they make good sense but this one here is way out there beyond the realms of reality! As much as people hate the F-35 or think it has some kind of malfunction because of the stuff that has been written about it lately, it's still the MOST ADVANCED low observable aircraft with the most advanced sensor fusion software and equally impressive is its assistance in the various fields of integration and management and to even mention the painted plywood box called the TFX is an insult beyond imagination, my friend. PLEASE, I beg you (and I'll be the first to tell you I am 100% biased against anything from Gobble gobble turkey land but this really has nothing to do with it) and that there is no comparison whatsoever!!!!! Even the great LTS or Checkmate which is miles and miles and miles ahead of the turkey painted plywood box is still at least 5 years away from its first flight and at least that is a functioning ground testing prototype and not a plywood box!!!! So please, my brother, don't ever mention that again in the same context as the most veritable aircraft out there to date and that is simply the F-35 without a question!

Until we see the su-57's capabilities and what they included in its surrounding warfare fleet besides its loyal wingman in the Okhotnik, I would rate that as the 2nd best choice to date followed by perhaps the J-20 since we need to see A LOT more of that aircraft and particularly its weapons systems to even put it in the same class as the veritable F-35. I know this will ruffle a lot of feathers out there, but let's NEVER include any plywood boxes in any discussion with arguably the greatest aircraft out there to date. Thank you, friend. :-)

This I can't disagree with one bit. Trump was also a complete bafoon who was completely out of touch with reality. He agreed to provide the F-35 to not just Egypt, but I bet he offered it to Zimbabwe and Magagascar just so he can get gold courses on those islands but was completely out of touch with the way FMS and congress was in charge of making those final decisions.

He even betrayed Sisi and Egypt in his final speech when he tried to knock down the congressional plan to aid all Americans with financial assistance and part of that bill was the usual military aid of $1.3 Billion to Egypt as well as the $5.2 Billion to Israel but he never complained about Israel's aid despite it being almost twice as much and instead LIED about the Egyptian aid when he claimed that it would go to Egypt buying Russian aircraft LMFAO! Now, honestly, he is SO FRIGGIN' DUMB that I wouldn't be sure if he really didn't know how the aid money delivery was structured and that Egypt never sees any of that case except I believe around $300 million of it and the rest is automatically awarded to US military companies depending on what Egypt and the US would agree on what military equipment to buy. So it would be impossible for Egypt to take any of that aid money and go buy Russian aircraft with it like that baboon moron orangutan said! So he sucks just as much as Biden, maybe not as much but he did suck in that he lied out of his *** left and right and would turn his back on Sisi in a second if it didn't benefit him.

You have unfortunately summoned MMME:lol:.. I don't wanna dwell on that paticular part on your behalf in case you might dislike it we will gently leave at that but MMME will do that part once he arrives. this topic could quikcly change into aegean sea politics.

Trump was at times clueless but nonetheless he had good advisors who didn't cause issues to much in that case he was good but his interviews got him into issues. He use to travel alot and go to all these places whereas Biden doesn't make to often state visits. The funniest thing Biden did was get into war of words with Nigeria's president as soon as he came to office over gay-rights lmao I was baffled by that.. it was such a random war of words and it came out of nowhere. He managed somehow to change tho as he settled into office..

world should just focus on alternative fuels to screw the arabs.
They already are give it another few years and it’ll be a nail in the coffin to their economy.

I have been hearing this since 2000 the same stuff on repeat but here we are 21 years later I am still waiting for that to happen.. This is a broken record don't you get tired of this:lol: Not all are oil based economies except KSA and they are moving away from that moving into investments
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You have unfortunately summoned MMME:lol:.. I don't wanna dwell on that paticular part on your behalf in case you might dislike it we will gently leave at that but MMME will do that part once he arrives. this topic could quikcly change into aegean sea politics.

Trump was at times clueless but nonetheless he had good advisors who didn't cause issues to much in that case he was good but his interviews got him into issues. He use to travel alot and go to all these places whereas Biden doesn't make to often state visits. The funniest thing Biden did was get into war of words with Nigeria's president as soon as he came to office over gay-rights lmao I was baffled by that.. it was such a random war of words and it came out of nowhere. He managed somehow to change tho as he settled into office..

I have been hearing this since 2000 the same stuff on repeat but here we are 21 years later I am still waiting for that to happen.. This is a broken record don't you get tired of this:lol: Not all are oil based economies except KSA and they are moving away from that moving into investments
Let me add some spices to this thread.
You have unfortunately summoned MMME:lol:.. I don't wanna dwell on that paticular part on your behalf in case you might dislike it we will gently leave at that but MMME will do that part once he arrives. this topic could quikcly change into aegean sea politics.

Trump was at times clueless but nonetheless he had good advisors who didn't cause issues to much in that case he was good but his interviews got him into issues. He use to travel alot and go to all these places whereas Biden doesn't make to often state visits. The funniest thing Biden did was get into war of words with Nigeria's president as soon as he came to office over gay-rights lmao I was baffled by that.. it was such a random war of words and it came out of nowhere. He managed somehow to change tho as he settled into office..

I have been hearing this since 2000 the same stuff on repeat but here we are 21 years later I am still waiting for that to happen.. This is a broken record don't you get tired of this:lol: Not all are oil based economies except KSA and they are moving away from that moving into investments
As far as KSA is concerned, yes it has taken a hit in the past 5-6 years since the decline of oil rates globally. It has become difficult for expats to live in KSA as compared to a decade earlier and the trend will only intensify!

Even countries like Pakistan are pursuing a policy that all local cars would be EV based post 2025. More hydropower, nuclear power, electric power will affect GCC economies? How much no one can be sure!
Let me add some spices to this thread.

You mean turn it onto a worthless disaster. I love how people think a painted plywood box can even be mentioned in the same sentence as the F-35. It's unbelievable! Couldn't care less who you think will spice up anything, but that's nothing but a complete joke not worthy of another second of my time. Mods should definitely contain this baboonery before it gets out of hand.
As far as KSA is concerned, yes it has taken a hit in the past 5-6 years since the decline of oil rates globally. It has become difficult for expats to live in KSA as compared to a decade earlier and the trend will only intensify!

Even countries like Pakistan are pursuing a policy that all local cars would be EV based post 2025. More hydropower, nuclear power, electric power will affect GCC economies? How much no one can be sure!

By 2025 is unrealistic not only for Pakistan but worldwide. EW won't be regular on streets until 2050 the reason being is that it is logistically impossible to conduct long distance travel with them.. unless thurim based cars arrive or energy via the natural medium is ethbalished which will mean cars drive without charging with the thurim and natural medium energy part but won't be possible until the next 100 years and as far as EW goes it is also for political lipservice global warming politics.. EW cars can't do long distance travel hence they are logistically not sound or viable option regardless what some politicians or developers say
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By 2025 is unrealistic not only for Pakistan but worldwide. EW won't be regular on streets until 2050 the reason being is that it is logistically impossible to conduct long distance travel with them.. unless thurim based cars arrive or energy via the natural medium is ethbalished which will mean cars drive without charging with the thurim and natural medium energy part but won't be possible until the next 100 years and as far as EW goes it is also for political lipservice global warming politics.. EW cars can't do long distance travel hence they are logistically not sound or viable option regardless what some politicians or developers say
Since I am personally involved in this Govt. policy, so i can say with confidence that the govt. has put enormous pressure on Auto Industry for 2025 target. They (Big 3 of Auto Industry) are insisting on hybrid for a deacde and then EV but so far the govt. is standing its ground. What happens next only Allah knows.

We must remember that we have lots of Electricity production(installed) capacity which is not being utilized and the govt. has to make capacity payments to them. Its better that instead of spending dollars on crude imports, we force the nation towards EV and thus also avoid capacity payments.

On a side note at Bhera, EV charging station has been installed. Now one can travle easily between Lahore and Islamabad. EV charging boom would be similar to the CNG boom 2 decades ago.
Since I am personally involved in this Govt. policy, so i can say with confidence that the govt. has put enormous pressure on Auto Industry for 2025 target. They (Big 3 of Auto Industry) are insisting on hybrid for a deacde and then EV but so far the govt. is standing its ground. What happens next only Allah knows.

We must remember that we have lots of Electricity production(installed) capacity which is not being utilized and the govt. has to make capacity payments to them. Its better that instead of spending dollars on crude imports, we force the nation towards EV and thus also avoid capacity payments.

On a side note at Bhera, EV charging station has been installed. Now one can travle easily between Lahore and Islamabad. EV charging boom would be similar to the CNG boom 2 decades ago.

Travelling from lahore to Islambad that is not a long distance but even that is impossible you gotta stop up if you run out of energy. The government can stand it's ground as much as it wants but the decision is with the customers and they won't view that as alternative because it doesn't offer them longevity nor long distance journey safety..
You have unfortunately summoned MMME:lol:..

Bro we Turks really dont care about what Egypt,Greece,The Uae are saying/doing

painted plywood box TB-2 kicked all enemies in Syria,Libya and Nagorno Karabakh

soon another painted plywood box MIUS with stealth capability will advantage against Rafale , MIG-29M2 , SU-35 , F-15 ..... because of 4th gen Fighter Jets with bigger RCS

If first MIUS detect the enemy Fighter Jets then press the kill button and game over in BVR combat

about the TFX and MIUS

wait and see what will happen in 2025
The Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology, Mustafa Varank said when MIUS is on the market
The world will show interest in Turkey's MIUS unmanned stealth Fighter Jet , not in the F-35

The MIUS will be able to fight against the highest capacity Fighter Jets , as well as it will open new horizons in air combat through its advantages of unmanned combat, autonomy provided by artificial intelligence and cost-effectiveness

in addition to possessing the same advanced characteristics as 5th-generation stealth Fighters

-- MIUS will have stealth capability with Internal weapon stations
-- MIUS will have AESA Radar - data link for cooperative engagement capability to use 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radar and 450 km CAFRAD naval AESA Radar to detect Rafale or SU-35 and to guide GOKHAN ramjet engine long range air to air missiles on Rafale or SU-35

stealth MIUS can detect Rafale , MIG-29M2 , SU-35 , F-15 , before they detect MIUS and game over in BVR combat

Endurance : 5 Hours
Service ceiling : 40,000 ft
Cruise speed : supersonic 1,4 mach
Payload : 1.5 Tons

-- AESA radar and next-generation avionics, sensor fusion
-- Internal weapon stations
-- Digital camouflage
-- Stealth flight capability
-- The ability to hide from Radars
-- Aggressive maneuverability with delta canard and vertical stabilizers
-- Smart fleet autonomy equipped with artificial intelligence
-- AI 25 turbofan engine
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