Well, I don't know that anyone above has really said something of real interest. And most of the comments were in any case off topic since they did not address the points Eric Margolis had gone to so much trouble to make.
Anyway, back to basics. Who is in the process of winning the Afghan War? Why, the Resistance, of course. Had anyone expected any different? Who has lost the war? The invaders, of course. There, too, no surprises. The thing is, which no one ever seems to be willing to acknowledge, the Resistance has made mincemeat out of the foreign soldiers. A daily glance at their military bulletin should be enough to convince anyone of the fact. That the casualty figures are not generally known is all thanks to the sleight of hand practised by the MSM on a daily basis. But it will all come out over time. Afghanistan is not Iraq. See what Margolis says about the awesome valour of the Afghan warrior. For Iraq we now hear that over 73.000 US servicemen were killed, many more than in Vietnam. When figures for Afghanistan are finally revealed after the last foreign soldier alive has left that country, I predict casualties will be much, much higher than in Iraq. Then we'll see what everyone finds to say.