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The Untold story of Pakistan's Communist Movement.

that is claimed, however the police was there to assist evacuate illegal occupation..

So the police assisted the land lord in killing peasants !! hope now u get what all this is about !!
Good question. It will take books to explain.

Marxists and leftists in Pakistan have spread their hateful ideas as follows:

1. Anti-Pakistani state
2. Anti Pakistan army
3. anti West (specially USA)
4. anti-industry
5. anti-business

Thank you.

1 : LIES ! the fist nationalist movement of Pakistan had the support of the Army Maj. Akbar Khan Rawalpindi conspiracy was coup with in the Army by a few greedy feudalist backed by the Malik Ghulam & led by the accursed bloc of ayub khan
2 : patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, tough luck & with the ilks of Ayub Khan & Zia ul Haq ,you cannot blame leftist for that remember Ayub became a dog over night & Zia was blown up in the air, we will not let you sit in peace let alone govern the country, Kal bhi Bhutto zinda tha aur Ajj bhi Bhutto zinada hai ! go do whatever you can
3 : & what about your anti soviet bull$h!t propaganda & the peshawar spy plane incident against the then U.S.S.R during ayub time ?
4: left is against feudalism & NOT industrialization remember U.S.S.R/Russia & China are highly industrialised nations !
5 : left is against feudalism & NOT against business
1 : LIES ! the fist nationalist movement of Pakistan had the support of the Army Maj. Akbar Khan Rawalpindi conspiracy was coup with in the Army by a few greedy feudalist backed by the Malik Ghulam & led by the accursed bloc of ayub khan
2 : patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, tough luck & with the ilks of Ayub Khan & Zia ul Haq ,you cannot blame leftist for that remember Ayub became a dog over night & Zia was blown up in the air, we will not let you sit in peace let alone govern the country, Kal bhi Bhutto zinda tha aur Ajj bhi Bhutto zinada hai ! go do whatever you can
3 : & what about your anti soviet bull$h!t propaganda & the peshawar spy plane incident against the then U.S.S.R during ayub time ?
4: left is against feudalism & NOT industrialization remember U.S.S.R/Russia & China are highly industrialised nations !
5 : left is against feudalism & NOT against business

Aur Nafees Bhai kaisee haiiin aaap ? :azn:
please bhai.

before you make these arguments, just read what the bloody socialists aka Mao and Stalin did to their own people.

Let's not get bogged down in this academic debate about numbers. They can be used to blame anyone and everyone.

Please read history.
Thank you

they did the right thing & their people were blessed to have them ! while our was the unfortunates one to have lantis like Ayub khan !
& if you don't want to debate to then don't post!

Yes, heros.

yes I love them ! now go cry me a river
these so called communists are the scum of all people..everyone kicks their sorry @ss.
There was this Communist Party of Turkey once upon a time with a Mustafa Saleh as thier leader i think.So Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Mustafa Kemal invited them back to turkey from Soviet Union.When they arrived,The Kemalists shot them ! lol
They are like Kurds,getting humiliated by everyone
they did the right thing & their people were blessed to have them ! while our was the unfortunates one to have lantis like Ayub khan !
& if you don't want to debate to then don't post!

hahahah,. What a childish comment.

Chinese dumped maosims and they have served big American corporations for the last 20 years

This is what Ayub was doing.

but in your childish attacks, you fail to see that you are aping 50 years old Maoism

while Chinese have ditched in favor of Ayubism

But there is no need to debate.

your religion is "marxism" as you follow Hazrat Karl Marx.

-- Tera dil to hay Marx-Ashna
-- Tujhay kiya milay ga China say

as Iqbal said many years ago
these so called communists are the scum of all people..everyone kicks their sorry @ss.
There was this Communist Party of Turkey once upon a time with a Mustafa Saleh as thier leader i think.So Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Mustafa Kemal invited them back to turkey from Soviet Union.When they arrived,The Kemalists shot them ! lol
They are like Kurds,getting humiliated by everyone

I supported Communism for long time. I still support some ideas of Communism. Pakistan's communists are unfortunately labeled as kafirs and atheists. Back in 1950s communist movement in Pakistan was quite strong. By the time of Zia Ul Lanti Pakistani communists had fled the country or had being jailed. There are still some old Pakistani communists living in exile in UK.

Pakistan's communists aka sorposhs aka ghafar khanis were traitors and anti-Pakistan, Pro-USSR- pro-Afghanistanis
Pakistan's communists aka sorposhs aka ghafar khanis were traitors and anti-Pakistan, Pro-USSR- pro-Afghanistanis

Just like Islamists,

Pakistani marxists are not loyal to the state of Pakistan or even the idea of a strong state of Pakistan

Yep anyone who stands up for peasant and poor people are enemy for Pakistan's elite class.

A person settled in UK is standing up for peasants of Pakistan.




It is our bad luck that so many Pakistanis settled in the West enjoy all the free market luxuries and
send us back the black plague of Islamism and red plague of communism

Hypocrisy at best.

Dare I say
A person settled in UK is standing up for peasants of Pakistan.




It is our bad luck that so many Pakistanis settled in the West enjoy all the free market luxuries and
send us back the black plague of Islamism and red plague of communism

Hypocrisy at best.

Dare I say

Damn us over seas Pakistanis. We have created such problems in the Land of Pure.
Damn us over seas Pakistanis. We have created such problems in the Land of Pure.

Not sure what you want to say

My humble request is that UK settled Pakistanis should not support commie ideas in Pakistan while enjoying the fruits of big bad capitalist society.


It is hypocrisy

You eat good food three times a day, while tell others to drink poison

Hope you understand
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