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The Untold story of Pakistan's Communist Movement.

Not sure what you want to say

My humble request is that UK settled Pakistanis should not support commie ideas in Pakistan while enjoying the fruits of big bad capitalist society.


It is hypocrisy

You eat good food three times a day, while tell others to drink poison

Hope you understand

I was being sarcastic mate. I don't support communism but i like some socialist ideas. Next time read more comments and understand what i was trying to say before running to conclusions.
I was being sarcastic mate. I don't support communism but i like some socialist ideas. Next time read more comments and understand what i was trying to say before running to conclusions.

Oh I understood allright when you said

"stands up for peasant and poor people are enemy for Pakistan's elite class."

When the original poster was referring to the despicable surkhposh movement

If you now want to hide behind the claim for "sarcasm", that's fine by me

But you say you have tendencies to love socialist ideas. Put your earlier statement in this context, then you were not sarcastic.

While living in UK

and supporting class warfare in Pakistan is hypocritical if not downright treacherous.

But then who knows you were sarcastic all along

Who the heck knows,

Oh I understood allright when you said

"stands up for peasant and poor people are enemy for Pakistan's elite class."

When the original poster was referring to the despicable surkhposh movement

If you now want to hide behind the claim for "sarcasm", that's fine by me

But you say you have tendencies to love socialist ideas. Put your earlier statement in this context, then you were not sarcastic.

While living in UK

and supporting class warfare in Pakistan is hypocritical if not downright treacherous.

But then who knows you were sarcastic all along

Who the heck knows,


Yes i do love some socialist ideas but Communism on the other hand goes too extreme. As for me supporting socialist ideas in Pakistan, then i ask why not? Do you know why Norway and Sweden are the best countries to live in terms of living standards?
Problem with your type self righteous Pakistani patriots is that you are so stuck up that some times you guys sound very amateur and childish. You think Pakistan only belongs to you? right? As if over seas Pakistanis have no right to be concerned about the state of Pakistan.
It wouldn't be surprising that many members here from Pakistan probably themselves belong to that same elite class of burger boys sitting in their air conditioned rooms and talking about human rights and the poor. No wonder it hurts them when someone says to topple the elite class.
Yes i do love some socialist ideas but Communism on the other hand goes too extreme. As for me supporting socialist ideas in Pakistan, then i ask why not? Do you know why Norway and Sweden are the best countries to live in terms of living standards?
Problem with your type self righteous Pakistani patriots is that you are so stuck up that some times you guys sound very amateur and childish. You think Pakistan only belongs to you? right? As if over seas Pakistanis have no right to be concerned about the state of Pakistan.
It wouldn't be surprising that many members here from Pakistan probably themselves belong to that same elite class of burger boys sitting in their air conditioned rooms and talking about human rights and the poor. No wonder it hurts them when someone says to topple the elite class.

Norway and Sweden population is?
--- Norway is 5 million

Their budget is?
--- Norway is $216 billion

If you want to have Show-Shaw-lism in Pakistan

Pakistan needs the budget of?
-- population 200 million
-- current budget $30 billion
-- to have show-shaw list style like norway we need $216 x 40 = 8640 billion dollars a year
that is 8 forking trillions

Sitting around and carelessly giving other people examples with zero consideration for the financial implications. .

So what's new in socialist show-shaw-list la la land? Spend what you don't have is an old show-shaw-list mantra.

What the heck is new
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Yes i do love some socialist ideas but Communism on the other hand goes too extreme. As for me supporting socialist ideas in Pakistan, then i ask why not? Do you know why Norway and Sweden are the best countries to live in terms of living standards?
Problem with your type self righteous Pakistani patriots is that you are so stuck up that some times you guys sound very amateur and childish. You think Pakistan only belongs to you? right? As if over seas Pakistanis have no right to be concerned about the state of Pakistan.
It wouldn't be surprising that many members here from Pakistan probably themselves belong to that same elite class of burger boys sitting in their air conditioned rooms and talking about human rights and the poor. No wonder it hurts them when someone says to topple the elite class.
leave him to his dilema he is typical fan of ayubism , & anyone who likes that scum ayub is the biggest enemy of Pakistan
ayub khan was the same who got an offer for a joint sino-pak attack on India by China & guess Ayub kutta refused it ! not only did he refused it, but instead offered an joint indo-pak defense ! he made a friendly USSR an enemy of Pakistan ! by giving bases to U.S for spying against USSR , plus he alienated the Bengalis & then he has the gals to accuse others of being anti-state
by the way @FaujHistorian did you witnessed the movement against ayub kutta ? when every body was calling your beloved leader ayub "kutta" khan a "kutta"
tera to nahin pata, par mujhe bara mazaa aya tha, meine to khub gali di use aur dill bhar ke !
yaad karta hoon to dil khus ho jata hai
leave him to his dilema he is typical fan of ayubism , & anyone who likes that scum ayub is the biggest enemy of Pakistan
ayub khan was the same who got an offer for a joint sino-pak attack on India by China & guess Ayub kutta refused it ! not only did he refused it, but instead offered an joint indo-pak defense ! he made a friendly USSR an enemy of Pakistan ! by giving bases to U.S for spying against USSR , plus he alienated the Bengalis & then he has the gals to accuse others of being anti-state
by the way @FaujHistorian did you witnessed the movement against ayub kutta ? when every body was calling your beloved leader ayub "kutta" khan a "kutta"
tera to nahin pata, par mujhe bara mazaa aya tha, meine to khub gali di use aur dill bhar ke !
yaad karta hoon to dil khus ho jata hai

you probably are totally ignorant of Pakistan or simply being facetious.

In Pak politics every opponent is "kutta" or worse Kafir

If your dad is in politics, people will call him names too

Would you then come on the forum and use those bad names to prove the failure of your father?

Probably not

Ayub was no God

Nor was Bhutoo

But people who were alive will tell you that Pakistan had one of the fastest growing economy, PIA was number 1, we were strong and vigourous

Now tell me if any army general or a political mofo has been able to repeat that type of economic miracle,.

Thank you
you probably are totally ignorant of Pakistan or simply being facetious.

In Pak politics every opponent is "kutta" or worse Kafir

If your dad is in politics, people will call him names too

Would you then come on the forum and use those bad names to prove the failure of your father?

Probably not

Ayub was no God

Nor was Bhutoo

But people who were alive will tell you that Pakistan had one of the fastest growing economy, PIA was number 1, we were strong and vigourous

Now tell me if any army general or a political mofo has been able to repeat that type of economic miracle,.

Thank you
since you have bought in family into the discussion then listen up ayub kutta khan can be your dad not mine ! & had ayub "kutta" khan been my dad I would have committed suicide in shame !
& secondly that mardood (yak thookh) ayub "kutta" khan of yours, is not even worth being compared to Quaid-e-Awam Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's shoes ! oski jute ke barabar bhi nahin ata tera leader
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no one in Pakistan can be compared to Quaid but Bhutto is a different story, like everyone else he made mistakes but he made some good decisions as well.
you probably are totally ignorant of Pakistan or simply being facetious.

Bro try to read "Shahab Nama" by Qudratullah Shahab . Instead of blindly following "capitalist" mumbo jumbo , try to read a few things plz , before trying to preach your twisted philosophies here ;)

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have read it. What page number? what topic?

The Sino India war , he served as secretary to the president for 9 years . The chinese sent message to Ayub Khan but he did not pay any attention according to Qudratullah Shihab . Except for "Bimla Kumari" episode and "90 years old youth" , Shihab Nama is a classic book :)
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The Sino India war , he served as secretary to the president for 9 years . The chinese sent message to Ayub Khan but he did not pay any attention according to Qudratullah Shihab . Except for "Bimla Kumari" episode and "90 years old youth" , Shihab Nama is a classic book :)

it is classic bhai

But what doesn it have to do with communism?

Was Qudri a commie?
it is classic bhai

But what doesn it have to do with communism?

Was Qudri a commie?

He was a Islamist !!
That was in reference to Ayub Khan ignoring the chance to take away Kashmir from India , chance which we had during Sino India war ..

After the passing of 1962 constitution, I noticed something peculiar that in all the documents of the government, the word 'Islam' was not written with the name of Pakistan. First, I thought that it might be an error in the drafting, but after some days I came to know that the error was repeated several times and it seemed more intentional than unintentional. I wrote a note to President Ayub Khan to allow me to write a letter to all the ministries about this frequent error. One evening, He came to me and told me that it is not an error but we have taken this decision with a general consensus.

President Ayub Khan told me that the name of Pakistan will be "Republic of Pakistan" instead of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan". If I had the courage, I would have asked him : "Who are you to eliminate the word 'Islam' from the name of Pakistan?" However I came back home and wrote a two pages note, the summary of which is as following:

Pakistan has no escape from Islam. The history of this country is very old but its geography is new. The Red-cliff line between Pakistan and India was drawn for the purpose that we acquired this piece of land on the name of Islam. If now Islam is erased from the name of Pakistan, the limitation of this line will have no meaning. We became Pakistan for the sole reason that we are Muslims. If Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Iraq and Turkey eliminate Islam from their lives, they would still retain their identity as Afghans, Irani, Egyptian, Iraqi and Turks. But if we, Pakistanis, try to escape from Islam, Pakistan will not have any distinction of its own. Now, if Islam suits our luxurious life or not, Islam fits to our way of life or not, We personally follow Islam or not, the truth is that whether for the sake of saving our hereafter or for the worldly profit and selfishness, we are compelled to keep Pakistan and Islam parallel to each other for the sake of the long lasting of Pakistan. Due to the illiteracy of others, there is no need to go into the inferiority complex yourself.

In addition to this note, I also wrote a resignation letter to resign if this note is not accepted. Next Day President Ayub came to me to tell me something, He sat infront of me and took that note from my hand and started reading it. After reading few sentences, his facial expressions changed suddenly and he started reading from the beginning again.Then he said slowly: "Yes, Right You Are" and repeated this sentence again, and hence the word 'Islam' was added to the name of Pakistan.

(Excerpt from Shahabnama) ...............

I like him only because :

" Jab kahin inqalab hota hai..Qudratullah Shahab hota hai" Hafeez Jalandhri :)
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