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The Untold story of Pakistan's Communist Movement.

The concept of the so called the horror of horrors Islamic state is the worst thing considering 100's of years of experience,
let alone it collecting anything.

hope this helps.
I Don't get it.

Which caliphate are you referring to ???
He is not referring to any particular caliphate , he does not like Islamic system in general thats why he has founded a new political party , TMSP , kyon @FaujHistorian bhai ..;)

Thank you.

Since its foundation, it has dramatically increase to 4 man secular party and hence the new name FMSP :lol:

Some government insiders are telling me that FMSP may get banned so I may have to change the name to 4 Mullah secular party.

My brother (the co founder) has complained and says how come Mullah and secular can be combined in one name.

I told him

This is just like our constitution has been $hat upon by adding Islamic and Republic in the same name for Pakistan.

Thank you.

Since its foundation, it has dramatically increase to 4 man secular party and hence the new name FMSP :lol:

Some government insiders are telling me that FMSP may get banned so I may have to change the name to 4 Mullah secular party.

My brother says how come Mullah and secular can be combined in one name.

I told him

This is just like our constitution has been $hat upon by adding Islamic and Republic in the same name for Pakistan.


Read my views please and do consider me for a membership as well ...... ;)
This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan | Page 6

Anyways i think i owe you an answer ???

Read my views please and do consider me for a membership as well ...... ;)
This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan | Page 6

Absolutely Azlan bhai,

It will be an honor. and moreover we don't have to change the party acronym. at lease not yet. Five man secular party (FMSP) now.

But do remember bhai that our party menfesto is based on Adam Smith's economic approach, John Locke's philosophy, and Baron de Montesqueiu's idea of government system.

Will you be comfortable in this kind of 5 man club?

Thank you. .
Illegal occupants ??? The land belongs to the peasants , not feudal lords . And that is not what communism says only , Islam says the same ... The land belongs to Allah alone . This concept is supported by Quranic verses . But as you said that its not a cult meeting but a public forum , I wont quote them . Just you should know that the concept of common ownership of land is not new to Islam :
Before the advent of Islam in the tribal eco-structure the concept of private ownership of land was not much in vogue. The reason of this non-developed concept was that land was more or less a common source of subsistence. This was also characterised as Hima, the collective reserves for grazing of cattle. So, in the pre Islamic period Hima had generally become as privileged holding of a tribe or a rulling class. Concurrently as we have seen the concept of fay’ of the Muslim; hima also had a definite transformation from the hima of one particular tribe to the common hima of the Muslims. Consequently Hima was made a common land

The land belongs to owners. get a grip on Islamic laws before taking its cover. the primary right is always with the owner, not with peasants, and the relationship doesnot create common ownership, but tenant and landlord !
The land belongs to owners. get a grip on Islamic laws before taking its cover. the primary right is always with the owner, not with peasants, and the relationship doesnot create common ownership, but tenant and landlord !

You know about Islamic law only as it has reached you . What I said was "common ownership is not prohibited in Islam ", Infact the Medina Welfare State was a role model of Islamic Socialism . Try to study Islamic History in detail so you may understand
You know about Islamic law only as it has reached you . What I said was "common ownership is not prohibited in Islam ", Infact the Medina Welfare State was a role model of Islamic Socialism . Try to study Islamic History in detail so you may understand


if common ownership or commune existed somewhere in Pakistan. then it may be brought into the discussion

In my humble views,

Pakistan in general has had individual ownership.

Madina that I know does not have communes either.

Agricultural land or residential land was never given into a common ownership.

Perhaps a grazing hill or mountain may be. But never Agricultural land or residential land .

Hope this helps.,

You know about Islamic law only as it has reached you . What I said was "common ownership is not prohibited in Islam ", Infact the Medina Welfare State was a role model of Islamic Socialism . Try to study Islamic History in detail so you may understand

common ownership is usually for a meadows, well or a passage, not other property. if I own a property and I create tenancy, it doenot create common ownership.

the British created the shamnat property which is common property of the locals.

but the case we are discussing above in the thread is a clear cut violation of the law. hence police acted in compliance to the court orders to force out illegal occupants !

hence well done !
Absolutely must watch documentary by Ammar Aziz.
The Untold story of Pakistan's Communist Movement.

@Alpha1 @jaibi @RAMPAGE @danish falcon @FaujHistorian @Jazzbot @Mr Second @vostok and others ............

If you have read the manifesto then you clearly haven't researched the structure of government in the USSR. take a look at soviet Russia's constitution. Read up on the history of the power struggles within the party.the soviet constitution didn't outline any sort of government structure except for giving the party almost absolute authority, and even though it did well outlining individual rights and freedoms, there was no mechanism to keep the party from denying the people their rights. It's quite obvious to anyone who studies communism, that the vast majority of bad things about it, stem from the fact that the nation is controlled by one party and all others are outlawed.this leads to corruption,censorship,oppression, ignoring the social contract, genocide, incompetent bureaucracy and everything in between.

Marx stated many times that communism required democracy. The word "Soviet" means congress, or worker's council. Communism was supposed to be representative and directly democratic, with aspects of federalism and checks and balances. It was, essentially, supposed to be a new vision of democracy. instead we got this weird autocracy not too diferent from Fascism because Lenin got a little too paranoid about influence from other competing socialst parties. So he outlawed them and went around killing them. Then a really nasty narcissistic dictator took power after him amd took advantage of these mechanisms, and the whole idea has been fu-Cked up and misunderstood(for the better or worse) ever since because the dictators have used this perverted system and called it "Socialist Democracy".

Communism in Pakistan would be a catastrophy primarily because of the feudal elite who would enevitably cease power and instead of a utopia you'll end up with USSR 2.0, and that comrade, would essentially be the final nail in the coffin for Pakistan and it's people.Jo hai usi say kaam chalao.
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