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The unsolvable Korean problem

North Korea still exists, because once they are gone from the influence of the Soviet Union. However, alone stand against South Korea, behind which stands the United States - is also very difficult.
The Chinese Communist Party will not allow instead of the friendly North Korea appearing entire hostile peninsula ruled by the pro-Western government. And Russia is not intrested in such united Korea too.
So the Korean problem really is insoluble in the format of international relations, which we have at the moment.
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I've stopped reading after that as the zionists created bolchevism and not the reverse
Tsk, tsk. Those interested can read Winston Churchill's 1920 essay, "Zionism vs. Bolshevism". I don't agree with all of it - It exaggerates the pull of Bolshevism for Jews, for example - but he got some things right.

I note that you do not deny that you pulled Zionism into this subject as a "cheap shot"; certainly you don't attempt to return to the subject thread. I surmise, then, that your purpose is nothing less than to stir unjustifiable hatred of Jews among Koreans, both North and South.

Explain here and now why you are not ashamed of your conduct.
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