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The ultimate rifle: British snipers to be armed with supergun that pinpoint



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Nov 27, 2009
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The ultimate rifle: British snipers to be armed with supergun that pinpoints the enemy by 'hearing bullets'

Read more: The ultimate rifle: British supergun that 'hears bullets' to be rolled out to troops | Mail Online

A supergun that targets enemy snipers by the sound of their gunfire is being trialled by British soldiers, it emerged today.
The 'gunfire locator' is fitted next to the scopes of rifles which uses sonar to calculate an enemy's position within 1.3 seconds.
Paratroopers even field-tested the device by offering themselves as targets to Taliban insurgents last weekend in order to draw out the fire.

Deadly: The 'gunfire locator' is mounted to the rifle to detect the sound of enemy bullets being fired. Experts predict that the device could save the lives of hundreds of British troops

On target: The cross-hairs show the sniper the enemy gunman's position
Experts predict that the sensor - which alerts troops to bullets whizzing past their head - could save hundreds of lives if it is rolled out across the British forces.
Troops serving on the front line currently use telescopic lenses and scopes fitted to their rifled to pick off enemy soldiers.
But the rifle-mounted locator picks up the sound of the gun's muzzle when the bullet is fired and then track the waves of sound through the air.
The same technology used in Nintendo Wii games - where players use wireless controllers - has been used to develop the sensor.
A cross-hairs target on the device is able to display the enemy sniper's position using sensors that pick up the range and elevation. The soldier can then fire back with speed and precision accuracy.
'It enables you to run away in the right direction or take cover. You can also return fire accurately. We need to save lives, and you do that by knowing where the enemy is,' developer Colin Howard told The Sun.
The SAS and front line troops currently serving in Afghanistan will be the first to use the high-tech pods.

Engineer Trevor Wood, from the firm Ultra Electronics, said the idea to develop the sensor came from ships and submarines that use radars to detect object underwater.
He added: 'The idea came from watching the news and seeing soldiers in Afghanistan trouble-spots being shot at and not knowing which way to look. We thought, we're used to detecting things underwater, why not air?'
The company's website describes the high-tech weaponry as 'compact and lightweight'.

Defence: Frontline troops fighting in Afghanistan like those pictured here and SAS troops will be the first to be issued with the high-tech sensor which has already been field-tested by Paras fighting insurgents

It adds: 'Ultra Electronics Gunfire Locator is a compact, lightweight unit that detects and localises the source of incoming high velocity rounds.
'In response to the incoming fire it rapidly provides users with accurate target data for a more effective response with information of direction, distance and elevation.
'The first in a family of Gunfire Locators, the Rifle Mounted Gunfire Locator unit is currently in theatre for evaluation and the units are in production.'
The Ministry of Defence said: 'We are committed to giving our frontline troops the most advanced equipment.'

---------- Post added at 07:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ----------

its a shame that after a decade and wuth such high tech weapons they still couldnt defeat cave dwelling donkey riders.
I wonder how well it scales.

I mean it sounds like a good idea if there is 1 shooter, but what happens when there are bullets coming in from every direction?
I wonder how well it scales.

I mean it sounds like a good idea if there is 1 shooter, but what happens when there are bullets coming in from every direction?

same ad COD4?
Cave dwellers only. Everybody else has a gemtech or kac suppressor.
I wonder how well it scales.

I mean it sounds like a good idea if there is 1 shooter, but what happens when there are bullets coming in from every direction?

I'm sure they have taken into consideration this point. according to the product PDF it updates itself 10x every 1 sec and has a range up to 1200m. Currently it is undergoing trials in Afghanistan. We will see if it passes muster or not. I am sure the U.S. military is looking hard at it.

Cave dwellers only. Everybody else has a gemtech or kac suppressor.

Think it locates by the sonic boom as the bullets pass, and not the gunshot itself so suppressor wouldn't help.

Experts predict that the sensor - which alerts troops to bullets whizzing past their head - could save hundreds of lives if it is rolled out across the British forces.

That said I suspect experienced combat troops probably have already use the sound of the cracks and whizzes from bullets going by to judge where the enemy was. (Have read soldiers accounts in WWII of people being experienced to do this)
US army/Marines already field such tech and is fitted to all HUMVEES and MRAPs deployed abroad.
what? don't these soldiers have ears?

and also that system looks really expensive and fragile.
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