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The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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Sorry, it's not uncertain, Brexit WILL BE bad for our economy for the foreseeable future, we're just discussing how bad, slump or recession.

I guaranteed it last night, speaking to some acquaintances, I told them to get some snacks and watch carnage on the FTSE unfold the next morning and it did, worst performance in years, banks like barclays were down 30% at one point and are still down about 10%. I told them Scotland is probably going to get its independence, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon just announced that it's highly likely. I also said in that post you quoted that our growth forecast would need to be revised down. And not even hours in to day one of Brexit, and JP Morgan cuts forecasts for Britain. The Bank of England has been providing liquidity to markets all day, and it too is now expecting weak economic performance, talks about rate cuts perhaps and definitely some quantitative easing.
These aren't some profound visions of the future I had, these were obvious consequences that economists had talked about for months, anyone somewhat versed in economics would know this.

In regards to FTSE performance, majority of the firms and financial experts predicted remained winning. Therefore Leaving came as a surprise and caused a little mess, but the Bank of England, Chancellor and others are at it since last night to bring everything back to normal. Give it some time, Brexist implications when it comes to economy are still unpredictable even though experts are saying, it’s not looking good but these are the same experts that favoured remained campaign. In regards to Scotland, they voted to remain in UK. We will have to wait and see, like I said a year or 2 and we will have a better picture.
In regards to FTSE performance, majority of the firms and financial experts predicted remained winning. Therefore Leaving came as a surprise and caused a little mess, but the Bank of England, Chancellor and others are at it since last night to bring everything back to normal. Give it some time, Brexist implications when it comes to economy are still unpredictable even though experts are saying, it’s not looking good but these are the same experts that favoured remained campaign. In regards to Scotland, they voted to remain in UK. We will have to wait and see, like I said a year or 2 and we will have a better picture.

The market's response is the news story today, the real fallout is what economists are talking about. Also, your missing the point here, when the Bank of England talks about rate cuts and more QE, especially when rates are 0.5% already (!!!), that means that they expect a weak performing economy right from the word go, remember, uncertainty is nothing to celebrate, the sort of mentality that says uncertainty means some x percentage chance that Brexit goes well, that's not how it works.

Markets know this and uncertainty always sees them run for the hills.
Hey, how is this thing brexit being perceived in France?
I'm curious to know, fear, anger, disbelief, disappointment? Would love to hear from someone in France following this story.

Many french were in favor of the brexit. (According to polls,only 41% wanted the UK to remain.)
Wether it's to see Britain being kicked out for some reasons or because they wanted someone to open the path for more countries to follow thinking that the EU was a mistake and has no future. (Things like lack of democracy,immigration etc.)
As for politicians ;

Marine Le Pen and her party are very happy of the results and are also calling for a referendum to decide if we should stay or leave the European Union.
The major other parties and their officials are very disappointed by the results,but are saying that we should take lessons from it and refound the Union because,they fear a somewhat 'domino effect' and because the number of eurosceptics is growing.
In my opinion,those that are affected the most and that are very disappointed are the british expats in France.

Signs going up in England :rofl:
I dont think it makes much of a difference.
UK wasn't fully like EU before anyway, or atleast economically.
Bad move for Britain! Just what Scottish nationalists wanted.. just the oxygen needed to re-energize their stalled independence demand. Another referendum is not far away. Northern Ireland will try to gain something out of today's shock result. Downing street should have expected this before boldly announcing the referendum!

Then again.. Brussels won't be spared either. There will be wave of demands for referendum in other countries such as Netherlands, France, Denmark, Sweden etc.. Today's result is a lose-lose situation for both EU & UK!
I believe Northern Ireland will stay. 45% voted for #Brexit. And the Protestant community has shown little inclination to leave the United Kingdom to join a united Ireland.

Scotland will not leave so easily bhai . Read @waz 's posts
Many french were in favor of the brexit. (According to polls,only 41% wanted the UK to remain.)
Wether it's to see Britain being kicked out for some reasons or because they wanted someone to open the path for more countries to follow thinking that the EU was a mistake and has no future. (Things like lack of democracy,immigration etc.)
As for politicians ;

Marine Le Pen and her party are very happy of the results and are also calling for a referendum to decide if we should stay or leave the European Union.
The major other parties and their officials are very disappointed by the results,but are saying that we should take lessons from it and refound the Union because,they fear a somewhat 'domino effect' and because the number of eurosceptics is growing.
In my opinion,those that are affected the most and that are very disappointed are the british expats in France.
If you leave the EU...then EU should change its name to the Fourth Reich.
So do you prefer Boris and his clique instead ? :D

Why so ?
The only country that will have unparalleled control of the EU will be Germany...and we all know what happens when you put the three words Germany,control and Europe in one sentence!
So do you prefer Boris and his clique instead ? :D

Why so ?

God No. :o:

Boris is the type of fella who you'd go with for a Pint, not really someone I want to see as the PM. :lol:

The most likely scenario is an early election, but I am out of ideas on which party or politician should rule. I am fed up with all of them.

Corbyn too far left. Farage too far right. Conservatives are only good at cutting everything, while Labour are the opposites.

I am tempted to support a regional party, maybe we can push for a referendum on our succession and return to the age of petty kingdoms. :D
They are in power, but they don't have a majority in parliament. Yes they had 44.7% but that was against 55.3, statistically that is very hard to close. Europe is in dire straights at the moment. Other states will also vote against Scotland , do you know about the separatist problems in Spain? Spain has said they would boycott such membership. They would also have to adopt the Euro which they don't want to do and accept a whole raft of new legislation that the Scotts don't want.
Exactly what I've been telling everyone who talks of Irish reunification & Scottish Azadi Sir.

Firstly Northern Ireland:-
Northern Ireland has a very delicate community situation, Azadi is only possible when Catholics & Protestants BOTH want a poll
"Under the rules set down by the 1998 Good Friday peace deal there cannot be a poll on Irish unity or remaining within the UK unless the majority of political representatives of both communities in Northern Ireland demand it." - Theresa Villiers

& even if both communities support some sort of poll . The anti-EU vote is 45%. There must be around at least 5-7% who voted for Bremain who support being in the UK.

Read this too

& Scotland:-
What about their income?Oil prices have come down.
What about their currency?Will they be foolish to take the Euro & UK will let them have no say in the GBP when independent
& I heard their deficit is really bad & will become worse
& most important of all,will Spain or some other nation allow them entry in the EU knowing their Catalonia problem?

@JanjaWeed bhai

Statistically they need a swing of 6% as I said before, not a huge margin by any means. In the light of current events, that's a very manageable swing.

Once the UK is out of the EU, Spain's threats won't mean much. The UK is already out, so Scotland's entry would be an addition to the structure, I don't think there would be any opposition to that.
I don't think Spain would want a nation separated from the UK to join the EU until it receives massive pressure from the rest of the EU. That would give confidence & hope to the Catalonians.
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