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The U.S. Senate moved to pass new restrictions on aid to Pakistan

"...if we cannot stand on our own, then its better to die."

A man after my own heart. Count on ol' Clint to be your avatar. Everybody earns their place in this world. NO free lunch.

Right on. Finally.
"...if it wasnt pakistan, where would be US in war against terrorism in much deaper $hits then right now"

$10Billion richer than we are now?:D
"The only army privilleged to take on the chinese is an russian army."

Hmmm...last time you played as the visiting team the Vietnamese handed you your azzes in a basket or have you forgotten so quickly, Mr. War Professor?:lol:

Ever read real histories between china/'Nam? It's not just 30 years, try some numbers really big. Do you know how many times we have screwed them whenever they jump out in the middle of the road holding a really big *** sign:"we are here, come over and fcuk us."?

in history, whenver our army crossed over liang mountain, it's over for the viet king. didn't we cross that little dirt ridge in that little war?

not to mention our best troops were actually stationed on the china/russia border in the northeast with a good 1mil+..
"...if it wasnt pakistan, where would be US in war against terrorism in much deaper $hits then right now"

$10Billion richer than we are now?:D

noops 40-50 billion dollars poor, that we lost because of this damn war+++++++ dont forget the numerious thousand of casualties:hang2:
"...if we cannot stand on our own, then its better to die."

A man after my own heart. Count on ol' Clint to be your avatar. Everybody earns their place in this world. NO free lunch.

Right on. Finally.

keep the avatar thing aside, other then that every word, i agree with. and for your information the people of pakistan are fedup with free meals its only the govenment who still want to enjoy it, but this time the people will poison it before they can eat it.:pakistan: mark it.
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"in history, whenver our army crossed over liang mountain, it's over for the viet king."

Stay away from the absolutes like above. The PAVN handed you their lunch and weren't fighting with their best either, remember? Most of THOSE troops were in the process of kicking your lovely Khmer Rouge proxies on their azzes too.

Short memory lad. I got the lowdown in 1983 from a U.S. Army major fluent in Mandarin and serving as our Assistant Military Attache to Nepal in Kathmandu. HE got it from YOUR attache.

Not a highlight for the PLA.

Meanwhile, the Russians??:lol:

If you can't whip them you'll never stand a chance against us in a stand-up fight.

Oh, BTW, I'll be the first white boy you've ever met born in the Republic of China. Remember Dr. Hung Mao-Tien from the other night? Google his name. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Taiwan. LORD does he HATE you guys.

So do the rest of them...:agree:

"in history, whenver our army crossed over liang mountain, it's over for the viet king."

Stay away from the absolutes like above. The PAVN handed you their lunch and weren't fighting with their best either, remember? Most of THOSE troops were in the process of kicking your lovely Khmer Rouge proxies on their azzes too.

Short memory lad. I got the lowdown in 1983 from a U.S. Army major fluent in Mandarin and serving as our Assistant Military Attache to Nepal in Kathmandu. HE got it from YOUR attache.

Not a highlight for the PLA.

Meanwhile, the Russians??:lol:

If you can't whip them you'll never stand a chance against us in a stand-up fight.

Oh, BTW, I'll be the first white boy you've ever met born in the Republic of China. Remember Dr. Hung Mao-Tien from the other night? Google his name. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Taiwan. LORD does he HATE you guys.

So do the rest of them...:agree:


We did get their attention, didn't we? And what was the chinese mission in that war again? not much. Officially it's called "teach a lesson", which I found that's a pretty dumb title for a military mission. :lol:

After seeing Russians tank rolled into Georgia, you tell me why your macho vietcongs switched off their anti-China bs and silently switch on the china/vietnam bhai bhai crap? :rofl:

Russians? Did you enjoyed watching Obama's stiffi after finished talking to them Russians months back? I demand to see his trademark smile...:rofl:
"in history, whenver our army crossed over liang mountain, it's over for the viet king."

Stay away from the absolutes like above. The PAVN handed you their lunch and weren't fighting with their best either, remember? Most of THOSE troops were in the process of kicking your lovely Khmer Rouge proxies on their azzes too.

Short memory lad. I got the lowdown in 1983 from a U.S. Army major fluent in Mandarin and serving as our Assistant Military Attache to Nepal in Kathmandu. HE got it from YOUR attache.

Not a highlight for the PLA.

Meanwhile, the Russians??:lol:

If you can't whip them you'll never stand a chance against us in a stand-up fight.

Oh, BTW, I'll be the first white boy you've ever met born in the Republic of China. Remember Dr. Hung Mao-Tien from the other night? Google his name. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Taiwan. LORD does he HATE you guys.

So do the rest of them...:agree:


One more thing, do you seriously believe Taiwan is one of YOUR card? Be careful when you are dealing with the lord of illusiions. :smokin:
"We did get their attention, didn't we?"

In a matter of words, I suppose. Gave them something to do to pass the time. Some "lesson" taught. Don't think your foreign prestige can stand many of those. The PLA certanly left a forgettable impression on Hanoi.

We've never been closer to those boys, though.

Probably explains why you don't have the pull with the DPRK like once upon a long time ago. They are careful observers, aren't they?

"We did get their attention, didn't we?"

In a matter of words, I suppose. Gave them something to do to pass the time. Some "lesson" taught. Don't think your foreign prestige can stand many of those. The PLA certanly left a forgettable impression on Hanoi.

We've never been closer to those boys, though.

Probably explains why you don't have the pull with the DPRK like once upon a long time ago. They are careful observers, aren't they?


DPRK I don't know. What's Rand talking about them? After all, those lobster knawing milk sucking gays are your think tanks... :lol:

Strategically, which is your pick, you are on an offense by illusion or on a defence by reality?
"...those lobster knawing milk sucking gays"


I actually endorse homosexuality. Every man chasing another man is one less man chasing a woman.

Works for me. Don't let it upset you so long as you know where you stand personally.

"you are on an offense by illusion or on a defence by reality?"

Sleigh of hand being quicker than the eye.

Actually we endorse for mankind the notion of better living through modern chemistry.:agree:

"you are on an offense by illusion or on a defence by reality?"


I actually endorse homosexuality. Every man chasing another man is one less man chasing a woman.

Works for me. Don't let it upset you so long as you know where you stand personally.

Sleigh of hand being quicker than the eye.

Actually we endorse for mankind the notion of better living through modern chemistry.:agree:


I have to say we would be partially convinced should you have zero notion about what ur preaching here, you could have thrown your 4 nukes at us in 1950. And won't bother to work against the Russians when they threatened to nuke China.

But lately, what you have done in Iraq has certainly brought doubt in my mind... :agree:
this is actually great news most pakistanis don't want U.S aid now zardari will have less excuse when he sells out and the americans will have much less leverage over pakistan.
"And won't bother to work against the Russians when they threatened to nuke China."


The good ol' PRC just ain't what it used to be though. With each passing day you've more to lose as we insidiously co-opt you into a mercantilist global economic trading system. You're getting softer with each new car you buy and/or sell.

Less barefoot doctors everyday.

I've tried to tell everybody when they go off on imperialist America that we've ONE global objective and that's the perpetuation and expansion of the global trading system...

...free and open markets for everybody means that balance of power discussions are replaced by balance of trade discussions. As example, CAR- yeah, we want their energy but not necessarily for ourselves. We get what we need from our enemy Venezuela, Canada, and Mexico. That which we don't provide for ourselves anyway.

We'd like those republics, though, to have market choices so that their energy isn't forcibly sold only to one customer. Wouldn't work for them at all if Russia, India, or you became their sole customer with a monopoly on their goods and services.

Therein Afghanistan begins to take on an importance beyond sheer revenge and, equally, requires stabilization to see that through. Having the ability to ship their LNG and oil south to Pakistani or Iranian ports for shipment throughout the world helps CAR...

...and Afghanistan too.

Our navy has one over-riding primary objective-keep sealanes open...

...for everybody.

When Iran threatens to shut down the straits of Hormuz it hurts us terribly-not because we're dependant upon that energy but because our primary trade partners like you, Japan, S. Korea and others are.

THAT hurts us when/if it hurts you.

We're happy to cut your throats...in straightforward economic competition-so long as it's transparent and aboveboard. When it is so it's been proven that today's losers are often tomorrow's winners by virtue of rolling up their sleeves and getting more competitive.

All of that is a good thing.

American foreign policy in a nutshell.

"...if it wasnt pakistan, where would be US in war against terrorism in much deaper $hits then right now"

$10Billion richer than we are now?:D

Well i couldn't stop myself posting a response becoz I have seen you many times whining about the 10Billion US$ aid to Pakistan & the usual crying that its american taxpayers dollars & they need to know about it & this & that, all shitty talk.

So, i have prepared a thread for your viewing to see about the reaility of aid & the aid given to & performance of USofA in Afghanistan only, Iraq i believe would be a much much huge task to compile & study then US efforts in Afghanistan.

And the 10B$ aid that you always whine about, billions have went back to the US itself through many ways. The articles in the thread can give you a good idea of HOW.

And as for the 1.5B$ per year Kerry-Lugar Bill, less then 800M$ would be coming to Pakistan, the rest will go to US itself, in the shape of heavy salaries of US employees, their stay in 5 star hotels, their business class airfares, their traveling & stay allowances, security arrangements, huge SUVs to travel in, contracts to US companies etc etc etc.

I believe you & your nation & the tax payers should be more concerned & asking the govt about the performance of US & US aid in Afghanistan / Iraq other then whining always about the 10B$ aid to Pakistan in which billions have went to US itself. 10B$ is a very very small share of the pie, a pie which consists of hundreds & hundreds of US Billions dollars, in which hundreds of Billions have gone through the black hole or holeswhich are much bigger then the one present in Pakistan only.

Off course US & its tax payers have the right to know about each & every dollar spent & given by its govt, but the priority should be in an unbiased manner not the way as you & US congress & US senators always whine about.

Taliban are being supported by your taxpayers money more then anyone here on this side of the border can think of or manage.

here is the link to the thread specially created for your viewing to have a better perspective other then just abusing Pakistan.


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