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The U.S. Senate moved to pass new restrictions on aid to Pakistan


May 5, 2009
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the U.S. Senate moved to pass new restrictions on aid to Pakistan in 2010 defense authorization bill

Before John Kerry could wind down from his whirlwind tour of South Asia this week, the U.S. Senate moved to pass new restrictions on aid to Pakistan, the thorny issue that required the senator to go to Islamabad in the first place.

Kerry was there to reassure Pakistanis that the U.S. was not infringing on their sovereignty after the botched rollout of the $7.5 billion Kerry-Lugar-Berman aid package angered many in Islamabad. Conditions on the relatively small proportion of military aid in that bill were not well received, and sparked a harsh reaction from both the Pakistani military and anti-American political elements there.

With that situation largely ameliorated, the Senate may have given Kerry a new headache today. There are several conditions on billions of dollars in U.S. aid to Pakistan found in the fiscal 2010 defense authorization bill that has just now gone to President Obama's desk for signing.

The conditions include monitoring of goods and services the U.S. is giving to Pakistan and reports by the U.S. administration certifying that the money is being spent in ways that contribute to U.S. interests.

Congressional Quarterly's John Donnelly dug out all the details

One provision affects the $1.6 billion the bill would authorize for a Coalition Support Fund to reimburse other countries, mostly Pakistan, for logistical and military support for counterinsurgency operations. The funds, like those for all the aid programs, are appropriated separately, in this case by the Defense spending measure (HR 3326), which a House-Senate conference is writing.

The Coalition Support Fund has accounted for 70 percent of the $12.3 billion in American military and non-military aid to Pakistan since Sept. 11, 2001 - money the U.S. government had little insight into or oversight of, according to a February report from the Government Accountability Office.

The defense authorization measure would require that, before any more such money is spent, the secretaries of Defense and State must certify that doing so is in the U.S. national interest and will not adversely affect the region's balance of power - a polite way of saying the money should not be spent on weapons aimed at India.

And in a provision that an aide said reflects congressional discontent with a lack of controls over the reimbursement program, the measure would require the administration to look for a new approach to garnering Pakistan's support for military operations.

Another certification is required before the Pentagon can begin spending any of the $700 million it might receive from requested State Department appropriations in the coming fiscal year for the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund. That program, begun in fiscal 2009, is meant to train and equip the Pakistani military to fight insurgents and terrorists on its territory.

The defense authorization bill would require that, before those funds start to flow, the Defense secretary must certify to Congress that Pakistan is making "concerted efforts" to fight al Qaeda and the Taliban on the basis that Pakistan sees such initiatives as in its own interest...

Finally, after the bill becomes law, the president would have to report to Congress every 180 days on "progress toward long-term security and stability in Pakistan," including the effectiveness of security assistance to Pakistan in contributing to the goal of defeating al Qaeda. The report would have to include goals, timelines and measures of progress.

If I were Kerry, I wouldn't put away my travel toothbrush just yet...
"If I were Kerry, I wouldn't put away my travel toothbrush just yet..."

I would.

This bill is the expression of the U.S. Congress and it's conditional willingness to help those willing to help themselves-not help those willing to help themselves to our money.

Those conditions have arisen as a result of countless hours of testimony and documents indicating a far less than forthright use of our aid by our so-called ally. The money is there and we're not asking for anything unreasonable by my view.

Talk of sovereign infringement is a laugh when weighed against the years of acquiescence to the sovereign infringements imposed by the Taliban, A.Q., Hekmatyar, and Haqqani on former Pakistani lands.

Talk of compensation for services rendered smacks of mercenary accomplices and all that entails. If Pakistan is at war for us and can't abide these terms-REJECT THE AID. All of it.

If at war for yourselves, reject or take it but accept that we'll evaluate the nature of it's use and weigh that evaluation against the intended purpose.

I DARE the Pakistani government and leaders to reject it. I DARE my government and leaders to not waffle on one word of the provisions. I DARE the PRC to fill the void, if so, and do so as generously and without condition. Hell, I DARE the PRC to pile on with its own long-absent civil and military aid package.

A buck is a buck and so too a yen is a yen. Where they've been in Pakistan's hour of need? Eating noodles and giggling?

Amazing how a real war with real consequences to your whole country and not just the troubled northwest can really sharpen the thinking, clarify the purpose, and add resolve to the backbone where previously none had existed.

This will be a long fight in Pakistan. Let's get this issue out of the way now one way or the other.
"We will not allow american agenda imposed on us through the americanised political baboons."

I presume you mean your governmental leaders?

So...what besides your keyboard warrior brave talk do you intend to do about this heinous affront to your ersatz dignity?

Write your congressman in Washington?:lol:
^^^its their AID, we can take it or go elsewhere - the equation is simple however "unfair" or "political" the conditions may be.
Kerry Lugar Bill should be rejected no doubt - and just take a loan from China for 6 billion , they have 2500 billion dollar in reserves , what is a 6 billion to them , they buy american dollars every year to save US dollar.

I mean Kerry Lugar bill is not good our nation's freedom -

Its a like Indirect NPT signature , while India gets free nuclear technology , mean while we can't expand our nuclear capabilities
unless we give info to US.

Nuclear technology and our scientist worth 6 billion I don't think so ....
"We will not allow american agenda imposed on us through the americanised political baboons."

I presume you mean your governmental leaders?

So...what besides your keyboard warrior brave talk do you intend to do about this heinous affront to your ersatz dignity?

Write your congressman in Washington?:lol:

this is just the beginning.

time 7:00- 9:53 Students at IIU protest against Rehman Malik Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz

the fate of all americansied political baboons will be the same in coming days.
"what is a 6 billion to them..."

More than worth giving as aid to their eternal friends, it would appear.:coffee:
"...the fate of all americansied political baboons will be the same in coming days."

Oooohhh, ominous.

You're a scary talker. Are you tough enough to crawl from behind your keyboard rifle and quit shooting digital bullets and take up arms against your own government?

Oh, remember, the Chinese did do one thing for your government. Transferred all that neat microsoft technology that will allow the GoP to monitor sites like this for threats to the nat'l gov't...

...like yourself.

Now you were saying about those Americanized political baboons?
"...the fate of all americansied political baboons will be the same in coming days."

Oooohhh, ominous.

You're a scary talker. Are you tough enough to crawl from behind your keyboard rifle and quit shooting digital bullets and take up arms against your own government?

Oh, remember, the Chinese did do one thing for your government. Transferred all that neat microsoft technology that will allow the GoP to monitor sites like this for threats to the nat'l gov't...

...like yourself.

Now you were saying about those Americanized political baboons?

"Chinese should send in her troops and kick all of you idiots out. Does that work for you?"

If it works for the PRC and PLA you know where we can be found. Nothing I could do about it from Portland, Oregon. Like your absent aid to Pakistan, your army is AWOL:lol:.

You, though, committing their sons to your insanity is nothing short of more armchair rattling of somebody else's sabre while you sit in some all-night noodle shop in NYC's Chinatown.

Meanwhile, have you noticed that everything about your vaunted and very untested PLA is mimicing ol' Uncle Sam's army in EVERY way-right down to decreasing size?

Everything, that is, except real world experience pulling triggers against anybody but your own citizens.:disagree:

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"Chinese should send in her troops and kick all of you idiots out. Does that work for you?"

If it works for the PRC and PLA you know where we can be found. Nothing I could do about from Portland, Oregon. Like your absent aid to Pakistan, your army is AWOL:lol:.

You, though, committing their sons to your insanity is nothing short of more armchair rattling of somebody else's sabre while you sit in some all-night noodle shop in NYC's Chinatown.

Meanwhile, have you noticed that everything about your vaunted and very untested PLA is mimicing ol' Uncle Sam's army in EVERY way-right down to decreasing size?

Everything, that is, except real world experience pulling triggers against anybody but your own citizens.:disagree:


Speechless, I should have known better. chinatown, noodles, nyc, ftw do have have anything to do with what i am saying?
Besides, PLA is never going to be your ******** christian army. Try NK, and see what happens, even they can kick your ***. You have yet to prove your soldiers are really war worthy.
The only army privilleged to take on the chinese is an russian army. Not up yours.

what's that two words again? tunnel vision?
"The only army privilleged to take on the chinese is an russian army."

Hmmm...last time you played as the visiting team the Vietnamese handed you your azzes in a basket or have you forgotten so quickly, Mr. War Professor?:lol:
Kerry Lugar Bill should be rejected no doubt - and just take a loan from China for 6 billion , they have 2500 billion dollar in reserves , what is a 6 billion to them , they buy american dollars every year to save US dollar.
why the hell we should ask chinese, and why the hell we should ask any one. if we cannot stand on our own, then its better to die. these damn aids have made us handicaps rather beggers. US can keep its money, and its time for her to move out of our internal affairs. and by the way S-2,if it wasnt pakistan, where would be US in war against terrorism:disagree: in much deaper $hits then right now, i guess:hitwall: so if you cant show some respect then shut the hell up:blah::blah::blah:
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