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The typical Chinese adult is now richer than the typical European adult, a new wealth report finds

I love China, without China. We cannot enjoy alot of hobbies out of reach during my childhood times. Electronics are so affordable now. I still remember childhood times, things are dominate by Japanese electronic which good and usable one will always cost a bomb. Bicycle with decent spec can cost an arm or leg.

Now plenty of fanciful stuff, ebike, mountain bike , airsoft, electronic gadgets, computer are so affordable. And can easily satisfy my interest.

High IQ clearly on display here. Price of technology goes down with time sparky, nothing to do with where it is manufactured. Electronics were expensive when they were made in Japan because it was new technology at the time. How much does iphone 14 cost now? And how much will it cost in 10 years? Please use high iq and tell me that.
High IQ clearly on display here. Price of technology goes down with time sparky, nothing to do with where it is manufactured. Electronics were expensive when they were made in Japan because it was new technology at the time. How much does iphone 14 cost now? And how much will it cost in 10 years? Please use high iq and tell me that.
Lol.. there u display your IQ here. I guess maybe u r just born ytd. There is no such things called electronic goes down over the time. New electronic are coming up.

Tell me , why the lastest laptop of that era in early 2000 cost twice the price now? And I haven't even factor in inflation. Which makes laptop era of making in Japan or Singapore highly expensive in today's context.

Even you can troll here is all becos of China making electronic affordable to allow billions of Indian access a smartphone. So that they can post fake news or troll here to make their point. Be gracious and thank one who helps you :enjoy:
Tell me , why the lastest laptop of that era in early 2000 cost twice the price now? And I haven't even factor in inflation. Which makes laptop era of making in Japan or Singapore highly expensive in today's context.
LOL because it was new technology mr high iq. Did you know the first quartz watch(made in japan) was thousands of dolalrs? Now you can get made in Japan quartz watches for even $20. Price of technology goes down with time.
LOL because it was new technology mr high iq. Did you know the first quartz watch(made in japan) was thousands of dolalrs? Now you can get made in Japan quartz watches for even $20. Price of technology goes down with time.
And tell me why most quartz watch are made in China and not Japan? Why not made in India?

According to your low IQ. Making at any place don't affect the price. Tell me, I want to hear your explanation?
No countries can massively bring down the price of consumer goods like China did, made in China products do make this world a more affordable one.

"Whatever you can make, China can make it cheaper".
No countries can massively bring down the price of consumer goods like China did, made in China products do make this world a more affordable one.
But low IQ indian don't understand this concept and you know why Indiam GDP per Capita can still stuck at third worlds level...
And tell me why most quartz watch are made in China and not Japan? Why not made in India?

According to your low IQ. Making at any place don't affect the price. Tell me, I want to hear your explanation?

Most quartz watches are still made in Japan sparky :lol:. Casio and Seiko account for most watches in the low price tiers and they are made in Japan, luxury watches(above $2000) are dominated by swiss brands. Swatch group and Seiko are the biggest watch companies in the world, all manufactured in Japan or Switzerland.
Most quartz watches are still made in Japan sparky :lol:. Casio and Seiko account for most watches in the low price tiers and they are made in Japan, luxury watches(above $2000) are dominated by swiss brands. Swatch group and Seiko are the biggest watch companies in the world, all manufactured in Japan or Switzerland.

Most quartz watches are still made in Japan sparky :lol:.

Where did you pull this info out from? From your rear? Flip your Casio and Seiko watches and see the made in China labelling there. I am a watch collector and I know this market well. Don't make a fool of yourself. No wonder India is always a third world country. :lol:

Where did you pull this info out from? From your rear? Flip your Casio and Seiko watches and see the made in China labelling there. I am a watch collector and I know this market well. Don't make a fool of yourself. No wonder India is always a third world country. :lol:

You are a watch collector and you collect Seiko and Casio? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl:
Struggling is relative. Our median household income is $67,000. If people had to truly hunker down and give up silly things like their Netflix (74% of households), premium cable channel packages, and $47,000 SUV's struggling wouldn't be as bad.
You still need to buy cars( since US public transport is so bad) and houses. Children still need to go school and university. Dont tell me these are considered redundant?
You still need to buy cars( since US public transport is so bad) and houses. Children still need to go school and university. Dont tell me these are considered redundant?

People don't need to buy a $47,000 SUV, they can be like the Chinese and buy a much smaller car...like a $13,600 Chevy Spark. They certainly wouldn't want to do that (sales numbers of small cars in the US are pitiful)....again the definition of struggling is all relative to people's expected lifestyle.

Schools in the US are free up until the age of 18.
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You are a watch collector and you collect Seiko and Casio? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl:
First of all, you should understand that in addition to labor-intensive enterprises, other manufacturing costs mainly come from warehousing and logistics. This is why Indian salaries are only 20% of Chinese salaries, but the cost of Indian goods is much higher.

That is to say, the commodity cost is mainly determined by the improvement and maturity of the industrial chain.

Now you should understand why Trump's increase in tariffs on Chinese goods will also lead to a sharp increase in the prices of non Chinese goods? Because the industrial chain of these goods mainly comes from China. Including what watch you said.
2022 marks the downfall of Europe, it will slip into 3rd world in less than a decade, America will soon follow.
Another Chinese Trumper. ^

While Europe was trying to have peace and integrate Russia into the EU economy. Trump to "own" Europe, let the secret out Russia would wage war on Europe (NATO needs to spend more on defense) and Russia would use gas prices to destroy the EU economy (EU should not be dependent on Russian oil and gas). Because Putin and Trump are buddies with the same goals.

So the Trumpers in China that want to punish the EU for EU trade with China, EU defending China from Trump, EU defending China from Trump lies about COVID... deserve their fuhrers of Trump and Putin.
China’s economy is already far larger than the US. At least by 25% or more. The current nominal gdp figures are a farce and a product of unlimited dollar printing.

US already knows this. That is common knowledge from many years ago. China was to be shut down years ago by the US, yet the PNAC Republicans (who are the main group that do the wars) were weak. They could not even attack Iran. The Obama eight years let Iran and China build up militarily. Trump was/is the candidate to take down China. There are dozens of other Republicans and perhaps some Democrats who are the PNAC type to take down China and Iran. While Chinese Trumpers are excited over the Trumpers/Putinites weakening the EU and global economy, the PNAC (Project for the New American Century) goal to eliminate the EU is underway. Using zio-bot Putin. One of the end goals is to have every currency collapse and have the Trumper currency of bitcoin be the only global currency, no national currencies. As the Chinese Trumpers are excited over whitey suffering, there is cia victory after cia victory with Putin destroying the globalist pro-Chinese economy and the planned replacement with a Trump economy of only bitcoin and a rules based order with no China, Iran and EU.

The buyers of bitcoin are creepy wall streeters, creepy trumpers, creepy Qanoners, and other creeps. These are the main owners/buyers of bitcoin, the cia types. I am on forums with them, they are Trump idiots. That is what China is cheering for, a global economy trainwreck with Trump as victor.
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