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The Type 055 will use the new 155mm gun

I always thought about making a cruiser about the same size as the Yamato, with modern radar, rounds, and stuff like that.

Japanese battleship Yamato - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Though no missiles or anti air, anti sub or any capability other than getting targets and rain fire and hell on the enemy at land.

One missile could cost millions, it's also big, one round of a 155, and 127, could be very small and cheap, relatively.

More of a land artillery. A couple of these firing for a couple of hours, and any bunker and what not are just done. Much cheaper than a few hundred missiles and fighter sorties.

The US used a similar one for Gulf war and it worked wonders, Saddam's bunkers were completely destroyed and it proved to be very effective compare to fighter bombings.


Yes, 12,000 tons of war making potential. Not as stealthy as DDG-1000, but more powerful with more weapons.

Starts building next year. All the others have let to this thing.
The Type 055 will have a standard displacement around 12000 tons, while the full load displacement will be close to 15000 tons, which is similar to Zumwalt.

But Zumwalt is ultra stealth with more emphasis of the sneak attack against enemy's land base, while the Type 055 will have a different role, thus it doesn't need as much of stealth, but only need more firepower to overwhelm the enemy.
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The Type 055 will have a standard displacement around 12000 tons, while the full load displacement will close to 15000 tons, which is similar to Zumwalt.

But Zumwalt is ultra stealth with more emphasis of the sneak attack against enemy's land base, while the Type 055 will have a different role, thus it doesn't need as much of stealth, but only need more firepower to overwhelm the enemy.

But why concentrate so much on stealth when radar technology will advance and make these stealth ships look unstealthy 10 years down the road?
But why concentrate so much on stealth when radar technology will advance and make these stealth ships look unstealthy 10 years down the road?

That be like saying why the Chinese making stealth fighter planes when radar has made it obsolete.o_O

It was a miscalculation by the Pentagon, while the US military corporations are using it as their money tree.

Right...keep thinking that.
That be like saying why the Chinese making stealth fighter planes when radar has made it obsolete.o_O

Right...keep thinking that.

Why make fighter jets when there are SAMs?

It was a miscalculation by the Pentagon, while the US military corporations are using it as their money tree.

Pentagon is very stupid.

I mean they lost to us in the Korean war with all the money and technology advantage on their side.
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