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Sep 14, 2012
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Imagine a situation where you discovered everything you saw and heard was the exact opposite of the truth-all the facts,figures and witness testimony you read was manufactured and/or complete BS.
French philosopher Jean de la Bruyere said it best.


Between 1998 and 2008 I talked to Congolese,Tutsis and Hutus in Nairobi,Kampala,Kigali survivors,soldiers,warlords,rebels,local and foreign journos/aid workers and at least one senior regional CIA agent and visited a Hutu refugee camp in N Tz over the course of running down a E DRC timber concession and other projects in the region. I was lucky to read this book as it came out,written by an experienced ex US Navy intel player,Wayne Madsen.


It wasn't easy finding out I'd been lied to-the earth actually tilted for a nanosecond as I realised NOT ONLY HAD the bad guys successfully morphed themselves into the good guys but they still continued to victimise the victims.

Later I realised Tutsis trusted me-they identified me as one of them and laughed when I said I'm a Kikuyu Kenyan. I look muchhhh,like a twin bro of this dude,Michael Johnson ex US track star. A Kenyan at Sidney 2000 took my pic with much laughter.
Anyway,imo this is why they told me things they shouldn't have. Things I later found out were true.


I met my other doppelganger,a Burundese Tutsi at Ngara refugee camp a week after 911. He told me things confirmed by others that made me look again at the pulchritudinous Tutsis. There's a foundation of narcissism and dishonesty at the root of their common culture,an insistence on both outright force,cruelty and a racial arrogance. Instead of filling pages of proxy warfare,false flags,victim counts etc.etc I decided to examine this vastly overlooked subset of Rwanda as it informs most of their behaviour and is at the heart of what has befallen the entire region since the mid 90s. .
I looked into the original social setup and found a genuine apartheid structure:

“The punishment for rape depended on the social status of the person involved. Thus if a Hutu raped a Tutsi woman, he was put to death; if a Hutu woman was raped by a Tutsi, the matter would be settled by compensation” (James L. Gibbs Peoples of Africa 1965).

On the same hill the Tutsi occupied the hilltop while the Hutu lived in the valley. In the same church the Tutsi sat in front, the Hutu in the back.


First, a Hutu from a richer family accompanied a Tutsi neighbor for a visit to a poor relative. While there, the lady from the richer Hutu family was advised that she would eat alone after the others had finished because of her inferiority. And she was advised that while they ate “She was not allowed to look at the mouths of her [hosts]”(M.B. Umutesi 2000).

While working in Rwanda in the late 1990s, she organized a party at her residence and invited her colleagues both Hutu and Tutsi. And when the Tutsi arrived and found Hutu there the Tutsi walked away complaining that the host should have understood that Tutsi and Hutu don’t socialize together.

Even today the 2 rarely mix in Kigali,the Potemkin capital. In a small strictly hiererarchical society everyone knows everyone and intermarriage is extremely low,though surface level mixing takes place. My Burundian pal swore many married to Hutu men cucked them to get Tutsi kids! My first trip to Kigali a Hutu taxi driver declared it true,as did 3 Tutsi men.

Ugandans and Congolese repeated the same and I tried to find confirmation,short of DNA studies,difficult for such a subjective matter. I found some REALLY INTERESTING SHYT I'D HAVE SAID TO ANYONE "GTFOH!" IF THEY'D EVER TOLD ME.

What is disturbing if true subject to confirmation are stories that we are hearing in Burundi, DRC, Rwanda and Uganda that many Tutsi women who marry non-Tutsi men produce children with Tutsi men so that in the end Tutsi increase their numbers at the expense of other people.

“Since we cannot replace Hutu representatives just elected and put our own people in their place, let’s make them our friends. We must conquer them by offering them gifts, especially alcohol beverages that will allow us to win secrets out of them. Offer them our girls, and if necessary, do not hesitate to arrange marriages with them. They will not resist our daughters’ angelic beauty”.


At the largest Kigali NGO for survivors of 94 ,a receptionist quietly confirmed that yes,its a cultural imperative of Tutsi women to increase their numbers at the expense of their Hutu husbands.

It is also not true that there are intermarriages. Men have always been duped when ever they try to produce children with the tutsi women. Tutsi only produce among themselves and I know you know it.


They have told you that if you insist the children wont be yours and you will burst your head over that. Bantu marrying a tutsi is often just a BUBBLE.

These are neighbouring Ugandans who know what's up! Here it is! Info on gapfuruba ,the code word for the cucking. This is a local explaining the behaviour who learned English as a 4th language,but you get the drift.

These women were not only in power but also acted as intelligent of their own tribe. They collected and reported information to their relatives on regular basis. This ritual has been transferred from one generation to another to this day. That is what scrambled down the first Hutu kingdom and it is the same that ended the Hutu regime in 1994 and has worked throughout the region in Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, and DRC. It has also been used in western countries especially in USA and UK and has worked out perfectly. Going back to the Hutu kingdom of midi 1000 AD and its scramble it was because Hutu men married to Tutsi women who were not for love but for connections and networking purposes. They had a mission to strengthen their existence and access power through backdoor. When Hutu kings had Tutsi women as their wives now the Hutu kingdoms were slowly falling into the leadership of the minority Tutsis who like nor love anybody else but themselves. The Hutus apocalypse was drawing closer. Later the Tutsi scheme was realized smoothly. Here is how it all worked well for the Tutsis to take over power in Rwanda and later found Hutus becoming salves for Tutsis for the next 400 years since around 16th Century to the 20th Century.


When a Tutsi woman gets to the time of fertility and she is sure if she had sex she would become pregnant, there is this ritual that Tutsis do. The women always go back home when pregnant a spend around 3 months at their parents homes.


Usually, unknowingly to Hutus who were asleep then, when the king's wife was ovulating she usually could speak with her parents so that they organize one of her cousins to come and sleep with her. Tutsis are among few people who sleep with their immediate cousins in the region. Then during this time a wife would pretend that she is pregnant and ask for the husband a permission to go back to her parents so that her mother could take care of her during her morning sickness. In most of the cases Tutsi women married to Hutus could fake this morning sickness so that they get to go back home to their mothers and sleep with their cousins. This is what happened during the process that Tutsis called Ugupfubura.

I don't have stats,I can't say 30-50-70% of Tutsis women in mixed marriages do this but its common. A Burundese Hutu women told me of a running joke whenever the women walked away from husbands telling them,"no nigga,Jacqueline isn't yours! Neither are Paul or Umutsoni-go with Marie!" Imagine this shyt happening on the regular! The cumulative emotional trauma and psychological stress of betrayed men.

This is founded upon a Rwandese/Burundese subculture a tendency to lie,obfuscate and dissemble,taught from birth. The Germans first commented on it:

Ubwenge” is a form of education in which from childhood Rwandans, especially Tutsis are taught lying and misrepresentation:… For Tutsis, lying does not offend their moral concepts because, for them, it is a sign of nobility…”. Moreover, the Rwandans are taught to fool, to manipulate, to divert the attention of the curious so that they do not focus or find out what the Rwandans want to hide or lie about:

Imagine a situation where you discovered everything you saw and heard was the exact opposite of the truth-all the facts,figures and witness testimony you read was manufactured and/or complete BS.
French philosopher Jean de la Bruyere said it best.

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Between 1998 and 2008 I talked to Congolese,Tutsis and Hutus in Nairobi,Kampala,Kigali survivors,soldiers,warlords,rebels,local and foreign journos/aid workers and at least one senior regional CIA agent and visited a Hutu refugee camp in N Tz over the course of running down a E DRC timber concession and other projects in the region. I was lucky to read this book as it came out,written by an experienced ex US Navy intel player,Wayne Madsen.

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It wasn't easy finding out I'd been lied to-the earth actually tilted for a nanosecond as I realised NOT ONLY HAD the bad guys successfully morphed themselves into the good guys but they still continued to victimise the victims.

Later I realised Tutsis trusted me-they identified me as one of them and laughed when I said I'm a Kikuyu Kenyan. I look muchhhh,like a twin bro of this dude,Michael Johnson ex US track star. A Kenyan at Sidney 2000 took my pic with much laughter.
Anyway,imo this is why they told me things they shouldn't have. Things I later found out were true.

View attachment 587937

I met my other doppelganger,a Burundese Tutsi at Ngara refugee camp a week after 911. He told me things confirmed by others that made me look again at the pulchritudinous Tutsis. There's a foundation of narcissism and dishonesty at the root of their common culture,an insistence on both outright force,cruelty and a racial arrogance. Instead of filling pages of proxy warfare,false flags,victim counts etc.etc I decided to examine this vastly overlooked subset of Rwanda as it informs most of their behaviour and is at the heart of what has befallen the entire region since the mid 90s. .
I looked into the original social setup and found a genuine apartheid structure:

“The punishment for rape depended on the social status of the person involved. Thus if a Hutu raped a Tutsi woman, he was put to death; if a Hutu woman was raped by a Tutsi, the matter would be settled by compensation” (James L. Gibbs Peoples of Africa 1965).

On the same hill the Tutsi occupied the hilltop while the Hutu lived in the valley. In the same church the Tutsi sat in front, the Hutu in the back.


First, a Hutu from a richer family accompanied a Tutsi neighbor for a visit to a poor relative. While there, the lady from the richer Hutu family was advised that she would eat alone after the others had finished because of her inferiority. And she was advised that while they ate “She was not allowed to look at the mouths of her [hosts]”(M.B. Umutesi 2000).

While working in Rwanda in the late 1990s, she organized a party at her residence and invited her colleagues both Hutu and Tutsi. And when the Tutsi arrived and found Hutu there the Tutsi walked away complaining that the host should have understood that Tutsi and Hutu don’t socialize together.

Even today the 2 rarely mix in Kigali,the Potemkin capital. In a small strictly hiererarchical society everyone knows everyone and intermarriage is extremely low,though surface level mixing takes place. My Burundian pal swore many married to Hutu men cucked them to get Tutsi kids! My first trip to Kigali a Hutu taxi driver declared it true,as did 3 Tutsi men.

Ugandans and Congolese repeated the same and I tried to find confirmation,short of DNA studies,difficult for such a subjective matter. I found some REALLY INTERESTING SHYT I'D HAVE SAID TO ANYONE "GTFOH!" IF THEY'D EVER TOLD ME.

What is disturbing if true subject to confirmation are stories that we are hearing in Burundi, DRC, Rwanda and Uganda that many Tutsi women who marry non-Tutsi men produce children with Tutsi men so that in the end Tutsi increase their numbers at the expense of other people.

“Since we cannot replace Hutu representatives just elected and put our own people in their place, let’s make them our friends. We must conquer them by offering them gifts, especially alcohol beverages that will allow us to win secrets out of them. Offer them our girls, and if necessary, do not hesitate to arrange marriages with them. They will not resist our daughters’ angelic beauty”.


At the largest Kigali NGO for survivors of 94 ,a receptionist quietly confirmed that yes,its a cultural imperative of Tutsi women to increase their numbers at the expense of their Hutu husbands.

It is also not true that there are intermarriages. Men have always been duped when ever they try to produce children with the tutsi women. Tutsi only produce among themselves and I know you know it.


They have told you that if you insist the children wont be yours and you will burst your head over that. Bantu marrying a tutsi is often just a BUBBLE.

These are neighbouring Ugandans who know what's up! Here it is! Info on gapfuruba ,the code word for the cucking. This is a local explaining the behaviour who learned English as a 4th language,but you get the drift.

These women were not only in power but also acted as intelligent of their own tribe. They collected and reported information to their relatives on regular basis. This ritual has been transferred from one generation to another to this day. That is what scrambled down the first Hutu kingdom and it is the same that ended the Hutu regime in 1994 and has worked throughout the region in Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, and DRC. It has also been used in western countries especially in USA and UK and has worked out perfectly. Going back to the Hutu kingdom of midi 1000 AD and its scramble it was because Hutu men married to Tutsi women who were not for love but for connections and networking purposes. They had a mission to strengthen their existence and access power through backdoor. When Hutu kings had Tutsi women as their wives now the Hutu kingdoms were slowly falling into the leadership of the minority Tutsis who like nor love anybody else but themselves. The Hutus apocalypse was drawing closer. Later the Tutsi scheme was realized smoothly. Here is how it all worked well for the Tutsis to take over power in Rwanda and later found Hutus becoming salves for Tutsis for the next 400 years since around 16th Century to the 20th Century.


When a Tutsi woman gets to the time of fertility and she is sure if she had sex she would become pregnant, there is this ritual that Tutsis do. The women always go back home when pregnant a spend around 3 months at their parents homes.


Usually, unknowingly to Hutus who were asleep then, when the king's wife was ovulating she usually could speak with her parents so that they organize one of her cousins to come and sleep with her. Tutsis are among few people who sleep with their immediate cousins in the region. Then during this time a wife would pretend that she is pregnant and ask for the husband a permission to go back to her parents so that her mother could take care of her during her morning sickness. In most of the cases Tutsi women married to Hutus could fake this morning sickness so that they get to go back home to their mothers and sleep with their cousins. This is what happened during the process that Tutsis called Ugupfubura.

I don't have stats,I can't say 30-50-70% of Tutsis women in mixed marriages do this but its common. A Burundese Hutu women told me of a running joke whenever the women walked away from husbands telling them,"no nigga,Jacqueline isn't yours! Neither are Paul or Umutsoni-go with Marie!" Imagine this shyt happening on the regular! The cumulative emotional trauma and psychological stress of betrayed men.

This is founded upon a Rwandese/Burundese subculture a tendency to lie,obfuscate and dissemble,taught from birth. The Germans first commented on it:

Ubwenge” is a form of education in which from childhood Rwandans, especially Tutsis are taught lying and misrepresentation:… For Tutsis, lying does not offend their moral concepts because, for them, it is a sign of nobility…”. Moreover, the Rwandans are taught to fool, to manipulate, to divert the attention of the curious so that they do not focus or find out what the Rwandans want to hide or lie about:


Interesting, I am kind of flabbergasted to be honest.
Imagine a situation where you discovered everything you saw and heard was the exact opposite of the truth-all the facts,figures and witness testimony you read was manufactured and/or complete BS.
French philosopher Jean de la Bruyere said it best.

View attachment 587932

Between 1998 and 2008 I talked to Congolese,Tutsis and Hutus in Nairobi,Kampala,Kigali survivors,soldiers,warlords,rebels,local and foreign journos/aid workers and at least one senior regional CIA agent and visited a Hutu refugee camp in N Tz over the course of running down a E DRC timber concession and other projects in the region. I was lucky to read this book as it came out,written by an experienced ex US Navy intel player,Wayne Madsen.

View attachment 587938

It wasn't easy finding out I'd been lied to-the earth actually tilted for a nanosecond as I realised NOT ONLY HAD the bad guys successfully morphed themselves into the good guys but they still continued to victimise the victims.

Later I realised Tutsis trusted me-they identified me as one of them and laughed when I said I'm a Kikuyu Kenyan. I look muchhhh,like a twin bro of this dude,Michael Johnson ex US track star. A Kenyan at Sidney 2000 took my pic with much laughter.
Anyway,imo this is why they told me things they shouldn't have. Things I later found out were true.

View attachment 587937

I met my other doppelganger,a Burundese Tutsi at Ngara refugee camp a week after 911. He told me things confirmed by others that made me look again at the pulchritudinous Tutsis. There's a foundation of narcissism and dishonesty at the root of their common culture,an insistence on both outright force,cruelty and a racial arrogance. Instead of filling pages of proxy warfare,false flags,victim counts etc.etc I decided to examine this vastly overlooked subset of Rwanda as it informs most of their behaviour and is at the heart of what has befallen the entire region since the mid 90s. .
I looked into the original social setup and found a genuine apartheid structure:

“The punishment for rape depended on the social status of the person involved. Thus if a Hutu raped a Tutsi woman, he was put to death; if a Hutu woman was raped by a Tutsi, the matter would be settled by compensation” (James L. Gibbs Peoples of Africa 1965).

On the same hill the Tutsi occupied the hilltop while the Hutu lived in the valley. In the same church the Tutsi sat in front, the Hutu in the back.


First, a Hutu from a richer family accompanied a Tutsi neighbor for a visit to a poor relative. While there, the lady from the richer Hutu family was advised that she would eat alone after the others had finished because of her inferiority. And she was advised that while they ate “She was not allowed to look at the mouths of her [hosts]”(M.B. Umutesi 2000).

While working in Rwanda in the late 1990s, she organized a party at her residence and invited her colleagues both Hutu and Tutsi. And when the Tutsi arrived and found Hutu there the Tutsi walked away complaining that the host should have understood that Tutsi and Hutu don’t socialize together.

Even today the 2 rarely mix in Kigali,the Potemkin capital. In a small strictly hiererarchical society everyone knows everyone and intermarriage is extremely low,though surface level mixing takes place. My Burundian pal swore many married to Hutu men cucked them to get Tutsi kids! My first trip to Kigali a Hutu taxi driver declared it true,as did 3 Tutsi men.

Ugandans and Congolese repeated the same and I tried to find confirmation,short of DNA studies,difficult for such a subjective matter. I found some REALLY INTERESTING SHYT I'D HAVE SAID TO ANYONE "GTFOH!" IF THEY'D EVER TOLD ME.

What is disturbing if true subject to confirmation are stories that we are hearing in Burundi, DRC, Rwanda and Uganda that many Tutsi women who marry non-Tutsi men produce children with Tutsi men so that in the end Tutsi increase their numbers at the expense of other people.

“Since we cannot replace Hutu representatives just elected and put our own people in their place, let’s make them our friends. We must conquer them by offering them gifts, especially alcohol beverages that will allow us to win secrets out of them. Offer them our girls, and if necessary, do not hesitate to arrange marriages with them. They will not resist our daughters’ angelic beauty”.


At the largest Kigali NGO for survivors of 94 ,a receptionist quietly confirmed that yes,its a cultural imperative of Tutsi women to increase their numbers at the expense of their Hutu husbands.

It is also not true that there are intermarriages. Men have always been duped when ever they try to produce children with the tutsi women. Tutsi only produce among themselves and I know you know it.


They have told you that if you insist the children wont be yours and you will burst your head over that. Bantu marrying a tutsi is often just a BUBBLE.

These are neighbouring Ugandans who know what's up! Here it is! Info on gapfuruba ,the code word for the cucking. This is a local explaining the behaviour who learned English as a 4th language,but you get the drift.

These women were not only in power but also acted as intelligent of their own tribe. They collected and reported information to their relatives on regular basis. This ritual has been transferred from one generation to another to this day. That is what scrambled down the first Hutu kingdom and it is the same that ended the Hutu regime in 1994 and has worked throughout the region in Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, and DRC. It has also been used in western countries especially in USA and UK and has worked out perfectly. Going back to the Hutu kingdom of midi 1000 AD and its scramble it was because Hutu men married to Tutsi women who were not for love but for connections and networking purposes. They had a mission to strengthen their existence and access power through backdoor. When Hutu kings had Tutsi women as their wives now the Hutu kingdoms were slowly falling into the leadership of the minority Tutsis who like nor love anybody else but themselves. The Hutus apocalypse was drawing closer. Later the Tutsi scheme was realized smoothly. Here is how it all worked well for the Tutsis to take over power in Rwanda and later found Hutus becoming salves for Tutsis for the next 400 years since around 16th Century to the 20th Century.


When a Tutsi woman gets to the time of fertility and she is sure if she had sex she would become pregnant, there is this ritual that Tutsis do. The women always go back home when pregnant a spend around 3 months at their parents homes.


Usually, unknowingly to Hutus who were asleep then, when the king's wife was ovulating she usually could speak with her parents so that they organize one of her cousins to come and sleep with her. Tutsis are among few people who sleep with their immediate cousins in the region. Then during this time a wife would pretend that she is pregnant and ask for the husband a permission to go back to her parents so that her mother could take care of her during her morning sickness. In most of the cases Tutsi women married to Hutus could fake this morning sickness so that they get to go back home to their mothers and sleep with their cousins. This is what happened during the process that Tutsis called Ugupfubura.

I don't have stats,I can't say 30-50-70% of Tutsis women in mixed marriages do this but its common. A Burundese Hutu women told me of a running joke whenever the women walked away from husbands telling them,"no nigga,Jacqueline isn't yours! Neither are Paul or Umutsoni-go with Marie!" Imagine this shyt happening on the regular! The cumulative emotional trauma and psychological stress of betrayed men.

This is founded upon a Rwandese/Burundese subculture a tendency to lie,obfuscate and dissemble,taught from birth. The Germans first commented on it:

Ubwenge” is a form of education in which from childhood Rwandans, especially Tutsis are taught lying and misrepresentation:… For Tutsis, lying does not offend their moral concepts because, for them, it is a sign of nobility…”. Moreover, the Rwandans are taught to fool, to manipulate, to divert the attention of the curious so that they do not focus or find out what the Rwandans want to hide or lie about:

Rafiki, wrong all over. This is a colonial insight and we both know how manipulative the powers have been overall; there is always a willingness by them especially any thing written by french/belgium to be out right bogus lies.
Rafiki, wrong all over. This is a colonial insight and we both know how manipulative the powers have been overall; there is always a willingness by them especially any thing written by french/belgium to be out right bogus lies.

REALLY? Which part? The cucking or the inherent dishonesty of their culture-I've spent time in the region and over the years have talked to many many knowledgeable insiders. I'm a Kenyan,a Kikuyu to be exact-why would I make up or fake anything?
Notice,its different people from the Germans to Congolese all saying the same thing about a nasty unknown facet of their culture-WHY??
REALLY? Which part? The cucking or the inherent dishonesty of their culture-I've spent time in the region and over the years have talked to many many knowledgeable insiders. I'm a Kenyan,a Kikuyu to be exact-why would I make up or fake anything?
Notice,its different people from the Germans to Congolese all saying the same thing about a nasty unknown facet of their culture-WHY??
i get the dishonesty - similarly with Somalis and nigerias ; looks like they are cut from the same cloth.

I spent many years in East Africa as well - between Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi and a few months in Kenya. I did not get a chance to travel to Rwanda or Burundi; but I do have acquaintances from there and did not find them in that order; i guess living there is a different challenge.

I meant about colonial writers; i find they tend to give a very colourful narrative which is not truely indicative of the culture.
i get the dishonesty - similarly with Somalis and nigerias ; looks like they are cut from the same cloth.

I spent many years in East Africa as well - between Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi and a few months in Kenya. I did not get a chance to travel to Rwanda or Burundi; but I do have acquaintances from there and did not find them in that order; i guess living there is a different challenge.

I meant about colonial writers; i find they tend to give a very colourful narrative which is not truely indicative of the culture.

Hahaha! Many different people say that! Tbh both tend to share the same attitude about their accomplishments in a way that's delusional! I've heard Naijjans declare Kenya is only Kibera/ the Mara and foreign investors while Somalis swear they own our economy thanks to their smuggling activities in their Eastleigh base.

Looking closer at Tutsi depradations,at risk of going full blown X Files conspiracy theory I recall Credo Mutwa's words on how certain people are manipulated by negative entities. How else would a 15% minority of a tiny country of 10 mn kill 4 or 5 different presidents (btw,our own then prez Moi was also meant to die at the last Arusha 'peace' meeting from which Habyrimana's plane was shot down),take the lives of at least 6 mn Hutus,Congolese and other innocents since 94 not counting the minimum 200,000 Ugandans dead since the other Tutsi Museveni began his bloody path to power in the early 70s.

This is C Africa:early 2000s Tutsis rebels were fighting in the worlds most forgotten country,the CAR!? That's when I began to srsly question the common narrative. The answer took shape like a lifting fog.


Apparently the Anglo Tutsi Elite based in Uganda and the West had made a pact of breathtaking hubris- to recolonise Africa and act as local suzerains for the Anglos;though this Colony 2.0 was to be fronted by the Global Corporatists,not Western nations. I disbelieved it til a regional CIA chief,a Rwandese swore it was true. Over 2 decades,local accomplices had been identified as far as Botswana who'd rule with limited responsibility while Tutsis would be the overlords answering directly to the foreign powers,mainly the Anglo global corporates/globalists.

This era was a decade or so before the 'net era but if you research a number of Western intellectuals were openly calling for 'recolonisation.' IIRC,around '94 a major UK broadsheet printed a story of Field Marshal Montgomery supporting continued colonisation of Africa.

Madsen's book I mentioned published 2001 had a startling passage-the Tutsis were openly saying then Kenyan prez Moi would go,"not necessarily by elections." This largely opened my eyes to the wider Tutsi agenda.

For now though the sun is rising:in 2014 the BBC finally broadcast the truth on 1994. The doc,Rwanda,the untold story was quickly scrubbed from youtube. The activities of their agents are under much closer scrutiny and their rapidly being exposed by a wider populace. One of their most active agents was expelled from Uganda recently.

One of the female spies allegedly sent by Rwanda who frequented Kampala in the recent past until her government regulated citizens’ movement into Uganda has been identified as Dianah Kenty.

Security describes Kenty as she prefers to be addressed as terribly beautiful woman who no man can resist.


Tanzania threw out the main Tutsi intel agent,Mike Rwalinda and hundreds of his female spies 2 years back!

How did Mike Rwalinda manage to stay in Tanzania all these years without being detected despite three major operations ran by the Tanzanian security services to outroot Tutsi spies in Tanzania

  • According to those who know Rwalinda were is that he was in charge of the 600 Tutsi women spies that Kagame had sent to Dodoma and Dar Es Salam to influence the Tanzanian legislatives policies toward Kagame led regime.
  • He was also in charge to assist a Rwandan Tutsi who was working in the Tanzanian army as a Tanzanian Military IT expert. This guy used to send all Tanzanian intelligence to Paul Kagame. This is what helped Kigali to send more than 600 Tutsi women working as "Espionage of Romance" or Spies of Passion. They use their beauty to lure rich Tanzanian politicians especially members of parliament to pass laws that favor Kigali and betray their Asili ya Ujama.

Anyway,I hope its now clear why and how the Tutsis do this ishyt-and get away with it.
Rafiki, wrong all over. This is a colonial insight and we both know how manipulative the powers have been overall; there is always a willingness by them especially any thing written by french/belgium to be out right bogus lies.

Didnt the colonials especially the french and belgium created unimaginable hate between tutsis and hutus ?
The class difference did exist before the Europeans came but it was not on the scale of genocide which started after the Europeans left the sub-saharan africa..

This video does a good job of highlighting the complexity of the war .. Showing that it is not just good vs bad but a more complex issue..
Didnt the colonials especially the french and belgium created unimaginable hate between tutsis and hutus ?
The class difference did exist before the Europeans came but it was not on the scale of genocide which started after the Europeans left the sub-saharan africa..

This video does a good job of highlighting the complexity of the war .. Showing that it is not just good vs bad but a more complex issue..
They did. Belgiums were the worst.

Hahaha! Many different people say that! Tbh both tend to share the same attitude about their accomplishments in a way that's delusional! I've heard Naijjans declare Kenya is only Kibera/ the Mara and foreign investors while Somalis swear they own our economy thanks to their smuggling activities in their Eastleigh base.

Looking closer at Tutsi depradations,at risk of going full blown X Files conspiracy theory I recall Credo Mutwa's words on how certain people are manipulated by negative entities. How else would a 15% minority of a tiny country of 10 mn kill 4 or 5 different presidents (btw,our own then prez Moi was also meant to die at the last Arusha 'peace' meeting from which Habyrimana's plane was shot down),take the lives of at least 6 mn Hutus,Congolese and other innocents since 94 not counting the minimum 200,000 Ugandans dead since the other Tutsi Museveni began his bloody path to power in the early 70s.

This is C Africa:early 2000s Tutsis rebels were fighting in the worlds most forgotten country,the CAR!? That's when I began to srsly question the common narrative. The answer took shape like a lifting fog.

View attachment 588099

Apparently the Anglo Tutsi Elite based in Uganda and the West had made a pact of breathtaking hubris- to recolonise Africa and act as local suzerains for the Anglos;though this Colony 2.0 was to be fronted by the Global Corporatists,not Western nations. I disbelieved it til a regional CIA chief,a Rwandese swore it was true. Over 2 decades,local accomplices had been identified as far as Botswana who'd rule with limited responsibility while Tutsis would be the overlords answering directly to the foreign powers,mainly the Anglo global corporates/globalists.

This era was a decade or so before the 'net era but if you research a number of Western intellectuals were openly calling for 'recolonisation.' IIRC,around '94 a major UK broadsheet printed a story of Field Marshal Montgomery supporting continued colonisation of Africa.

Madsen's book I mentioned published 2001 had a startling passage-the Tutsis were openly saying then Kenyan prez Moi would go,"not necessarily by elections." This largely opened my eyes to the wider Tutsi agenda.

For now though the sun is rising:in 2014 the BBC finally broadcast the truth on 1994. The doc,Rwanda,the untold story was quickly scrubbed from youtube. The activities of their agents are under much closer scrutiny and their rapidly being exposed by a wider populace. One of their most active agents was expelled from Uganda recently.

One of the female spies allegedly sent by Rwanda who frequented Kampala in the recent past until her government regulated citizens’ movement into Uganda has been identified as Dianah Kenty.

Security describes Kenty as she prefers to be addressed as terribly beautiful woman who no man can resist.

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Tanzania threw out the main Tutsi intel agent,Mike Rwalinda and hundreds of his female spies 2 years back!

How did Mike Rwalinda manage to stay in Tanzania all these years without being detected despite three major operations ran by the Tanzanian security services to outroot Tutsi spies in Tanzania

  • According to those who know Rwalinda were is that he was in charge of the 600 Tutsi women spies that Kagame had sent to Dodoma and Dar Es Salam to influence the Tanzanian legislatives policies toward Kagame led regime.
  • He was also in charge to assist a Rwandan Tutsi who was working in the Tanzanian army as a Tanzanian Military IT expert. This guy used to send all Tanzanian intelligence to Paul Kagame. This is what helped Kigali to send more than 600 Tutsi women working as "Espionage of Romance" or Spies of Passion. They use their beauty to lure rich Tanzanian politicians especially members of parliament to pass laws that favor Kigali and betray their Asili ya Ujama.

Anyway,I hope its now clear why and how the Tutsis do this ishyt-and get away with it.
ah! Credo. he used to live not far from me - Lotlamoreng village outside Mafikeng. Met him many times
I am not sure if this is joke thread or not. Its hilarious. Come on guys ....no one can take this seriously can they....
I am not sure if this is joke thread or not. Its hilarious. Come on guys ....no one can take this seriously can they....

This seems to be true. This is the first time I read about hutu and tutsi and did some googling, seems credible.

Don't underestimate what primitive tribalistic societies are capable of. Look into tribal societies in Arabia, Afghanistan etc. We also have our own issues, but they are not as shit and as primitive as tribalism.
This seems to be true. This is the first time I read about hutu and tutsi and did some googling, seems credible.

Don't underestimate what primitive tribalistic societies are capable of. Look into tribal societies in Arabia, Afghanistan etc. We also have our own issues, but they are not as shit and as primitive as tribalism.

Tribalism regionalism racism classism and multitude of other isms ails all societies.

I just can quite find it credible that tutsi women in mixed marriages will go and have kids with cousins as a matter or course. It just is preposterous..... are hutus this dumb even if there was a grain of truth to it....
I am not sure if this is joke thread or not. Its hilarious. Come on guys ....no one can take this seriously can they....

What don't you get? The Tutsis and their proxies,the rebel groups have killed millions in the DRC. The figure was estimated down: The IRC said in response that it stands by its research, pointing out that it has been transparent about field sampling problems and assumptions about baseline mortality rates. IRC said in a written response that "5.4 million is our best estimate based on established methodology and conservative assumptions, but the real figure could be as low as 3 million or as high as 7.6 million."

That's the IRC,mind you! They didn't die in drone/F 16 bombing attacks on wedding parties or prayer meetings! They were shot/hacked/slashed and tortured to death in ways I can't say on this forum. They were murdered up close and personal by Tutsis and their numerous 'rebel' proxies.
Remember also the DRC has never had a real standing army-what could possibly excuse the civilian death toll? A Ugandan I asked told me "its the Tutsi nature." Several Congolese said the same. Fyi,the Tutsis are now resettling their own in the East so the mass killings may be a depopulation exercise.
Do normal people do this ishyt,srsly? What's the reason,the motivation to knowingly and willingly kill millions of innocents? Christians believe we can all open ourselves to evil when we abandon morality-once we open the door to bad things just a crack true demonic evil follows. If I'm not wrong Islam has a similar concept with jinns,pls correct me and accept me humbles apologies if wrong.
What don't you get? The Tutsis and their proxies,the rebel groups have killed millions in the DRC. The figure was estimated down: The IRC said in response that it stands by its research, pointing out that it has been transparent about field sampling problems and assumptions about baseline mortality rates. IRC said in a written response that "5.4 million is our best estimate based on established methodology and conservative assumptions, but the real figure could be as low as 3 million or as high as 7.6 million."

That's the IRC,mind you! They didn't die in drone/F 16 bombing attacks on wedding parties or prayer meetings! They were shot/hacked/slashed and tortured to death in ways I can't say on this forum. They were murdered up close and personal by Tutsis and their numerous 'rebel' proxies.
Remember also the DRC has never had a real standing army-what could possibly excuse the civilian death toll? A Ugandan I asked told me "its the Tutsi nature." Several Congolese said the same. Fyi,the Tutsis are now resettling their own in the East so the mass killings may be a depopulation exercise.
Do normal people do this ishyt,srsly? What's the reason,the motivation to knowingly and willingly kill millions of innocents? Christians believe we can all open ourselves to evil when we abandon morality-once we open the door to bad things just a crack true demonic evil follows. If I'm not wrong Islam has a similar concept with jinns,pls correct me and accept me humbles apologies if wrong.

I can not comment on the wars and casualties as i do not have much knowledge on the topic. I accept that there are rivalries and differing groups compete etc.

I do however having difficultu believing what you wrote about tutsi women cucking their husbands....come on dude seriously....i just can not believe that could be true and can possibly carry on generation after generation.

Also some questions...what are the respective origination of hutus and tutsis. How did they come into contact? Are both groups Christians? Does religion not override tribal loyalties? What are hutus and tutsies endgame? Can an equitable solution be found?
I can not comment on the wars and casualties as i do not have much knowledge on the topic. I accept that there are rivalries and differing groups compete etc.

I do however having difficultu believing what you wrote about tutsi women cucking their husbands....come on dude seriously....i just can not believe that could be true and can possibly carry on generation after generation.

Also some questions...what are the respective origination of hutus and tutsis. How did they come into contact? Are both groups Christians? Does religion not override tribal loyalties? What are hutus and tutsies endgame? Can an equitable solution be found?

I don't know what to say,my dude! Yes,I accept its difficult to believe which is why I had links from neutral observers and you must have noticed they even have a term for it,gupfuruba-why? Also sihonesty and lying is intrinsic to the culture.Their origins like most Africans are wayyyyy older than the MSM will ever admit. As such informed people say the first kingdoms in todays Rwanda existed as far back as 5000 bc. I don't have enough info to confirm this but will say a thousand years ago there was a clear Hutu/Tutsi dichotomy,a caste system with the apartheid system we can recognise today of Tutsis on top.
The kings,Mwamis,had life and death power over all even their own and would kill Hutus in the cruelest ways to exhibit their absolute power-he could order them if feeling the highland cold to walk into a fire or use their bare feet as a base for their spear points if in a lighter mood. In fact the Tutsi symbol,the Kalinga,sacred drum was decorated with wait for it-Hutu goolies! Yes,they displayed the remains of their despised enemies thusly.

To this effect, the ritualists would attach to the dynastic drums mummified testicles of the enemies, Hutu kings killed during military expeditions.


thankfully,this post colonial Kalionga has no Hutu remains!

This sadism is based on a huge secret Tutsis will never even whisper to a foreigner-homoism!? Their one of the very very few Africans to have normalised same sex relationships or rather male homosexuality.

In the old Kingdom of Rwanda, male homosexuality was common among young Hutus and Tutsis. In 1986, a 19-year-old Tutsi man was recorded as saying that "traditionally, in his tribe, there was an extended period during which boys lived apart from the rest of the village while they are training to be warriors, during which very emotional, and often sexual, relationships were struck up... Sometimes these relationships lasted beyond adolescence into adulthood. Watusi still have a reputation for bisexuality in the cities of East Africa." Tutsi boys training at court would often be made sexually available to guests. Homosexuals were referred to as umuswezi or umukonotsi, which literally translate to "sodomite".


Btw,my Burundese doppelganger I mentioned earlier was a rabid homo-I had no idea!? Also in the flyspotted 2 or 3 table bars in the tiny dusty towns in the countryside its not uncommon to find a Tutsi siting in the lap of his boyfriend sharing a Primus!? Unthinkable anywhere else. In the old days the Mwamis had their own harem of boys,the Intore,to learn court etiquette and um,err dancing.




Yuhi Musinga,the last mwami,a notorious boy lover.


Ofc,he's the 7 footer in the middle.
Lookin at the deep patholigies,I doubt there'll ever be a normal relationship between them. Too much has been done for far too long without retribution.

For now I don't know if the Tutsi have given up on conquering the Great lakes for Western global corporates. The plan had been at the least delayed but I doubt its been totally abandoned:the DRC ahs escaped their hands but not totally with the election of Tshisekedi and they control the huge eastern part of the nation.

Wow!This post is longer than I thought and its Saturday night-bye for now!


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I don't know what to say,my dude! Yes,I accept its difficult to believe which is why I had links from neutral observers and you must have noticed they even have a term for it,gupfuruba-why? Also sihonesty and lying is intrinsic to the culture.Their origins like most Africans are wayyyyy older than the MSM will ever admit. As such informed people say the first kingdoms in todays Rwanda existed as far back as 5000 bc. I don't have enough info to confirm this but will say a thousand years ago there was a clear Hutu/Tutsi dichotomy,a caste system with the apartheid system we can recognise today of Tutsis on top.
The kings,Mwamis,had life and death power over all even their own and would kill Hutus in the cruelest ways to exhibit their absolute power-he could order them if feeling the highland cold to walk into a fire or use their bare feet as a base for their spear points if in a lighter mood. In fact the Tutsi symbol,the Kalinga,sacred drum was decorated with wait for it-Hutu goolies! Yes,they displayed the remains of their despised enemies thusly.

To this effect, the ritualists would attach to the dynastic drums mummified testicles of the enemies, Hutu kings killed during military expeditions.

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thankfully,this post colonial Kalionga has no Hutu remains!

This sadism is based on a huge secret Tutsis will never even whisper to a foreigner-homoism!? Their one of the very very few Africans to have normalised same sex relationships or rather male homosexuality.

In the old Kingdom of Rwanda, male homosexuality was common among young Hutus and Tutsis. In 1986, a 19-year-old Tutsi man was recorded as saying that "traditionally, in his tribe, there was an extended period during which boys lived apart from the rest of the village while they are training to be warriors, during which very emotional, and often sexual, relationships were struck up... Sometimes these relationships lasted beyond adolescence into adulthood. Watusi still have a reputation for bisexuality in the cities of East Africa." Tutsi boys training at court would often be made sexually available to guests. Homosexuals were referred to as umuswezi or umukonotsi, which literally translate to "sodomite".


Btw,my Burundese doppelganger I mentioned earlier was a rabid homo-I had no idea!? Also in the flyspotted 2 or 3 table bars in the tiny dusty towns in the countryside its not uncommon to find a Tutsi siting in the lap of his boyfriend sharing a Primus!? Unthinkable anywhere else. In the old days the Mwamis had their own harem of boys,the Intore,to learn court etiquette and um,err dancing.


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Yuhi Musinga,the last mwami,a notorious boy lover.

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Ofc,he's the 7 footer in the middle.
Lookin at the deep patholigies,I doubt there'll ever be a normal relationship between them. Too much has been done for far too long without retribution.

For now I don't know if the Tutsi have given up on conquering the Great lakes for Western global corporates. The plan had been at the least delayed but I doubt its been totally abandoned:the DRC ahs escaped their hands but not totally with the election of Tshisekedi and they control the huge eastern part of the nation.

Wow!This post is longer than I thought and its Saturday night-bye for now!

I bow before your superior knowledge on this topic.
I suppose differing parts of the world have different histories and differing norms that coming from my particular viewpoint would seem strange. One needs to be more open.
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