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The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

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its not good as some Turkish member preach that Iranian Azeris shall get independant or join Turkey. aspiration for other's land shall be controlled.

South Azerbaijian is a part of IRAN, no one van change it.

adopt iron hands on seperatists are no wrong.

Iranians must.be very awared of the Turkestan movement, it might destroy your country 's soverighty.
This isn't a seperatist issue. Iran's Turks have been a part of Iran for over a thousand years and considering the fluidity of state boundaries, goes back even further than that (A similar case with China too). Their history and heritage is tied to the lands in Iran. Half of Iran's Turks live outside predominantly Turkish counties and in multi ethnic areas so delineating where South Azerbaijan ends and Iran starts is impossible. The problem is their place within Iran today.

Iran is as much a Turkish country as it is Persian and Iranian Turkish should have equivalent status to Persian. There's no reason why it can't be done, many countries have more than one official language and in the past many Iranians regardless of ethnicity spoke both Turkish and Persian and their own dialects or languages. This Turko-Persian synthesis has been breached this past century and I would say this is why Iran is so sick. It can't restore its pride until this is restored.
This shouldn't be viewed as anti Iran by non Turkic Iranians, it's very much upping Iran by restoring the natural order and a culture of respect which will effect all Iranians regardless of ethnicity or region.

Instead of viewing their Turkic population as a problem that needs to be crushed or controlled some way, they should be given the respect to develop their identity. It's as much a problem of the authoritarian nature of the regimes that oppress them as it is about chauvinism of the dominate group in those states. Ultimately it affects everyone in those states in some way or other, not just the Turkic minorities.

I would love to see Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan and beyond become strong healthy countries and perhaps establish some kind of a West Asian community that can work together to establish a pole in a multipolar world. Achieving this s the greatest hope for peace in the region. How can European or American powers shitstir in the region if Turkey and Iran are strong, efficient and wealthy countries who work together?
This isn't a seperatist issue. Iran's Turks have been a part of Iran for over a thousand years and considering the fluidity of state boundaries, goes back even further than that (A similar case with China too). Their history and heritage is tied to the lands in Iran. Half of Iran's Turks live outside predominantly Turkish counties and in multi ethnic areas so delineating where South Azerbaijan ends and Iran starts is impossible. The problem is their place within Iran today.

Iran is as much a Turkish country as it is Persian and Iranian Turkish should have equivalent status to Persian. There's no reason why it can't be done, many countries have more than one official language and in the past many Iranians regardless of ethnicity spoke both Turkish and Persian and their own dialects or languages. This Turko-Persian synthesis has been breached this past century and I would say this is why Iran is so sick. It can't restore its pride until this is restored.
This shouldn't be viewed as anti Iran by non Turkic Iranians, it's very much upping Iran by restoring the natural order and a culture of respect which will effect all Iranians regardless of ethnicity or region.

Instead of viewing their Turkic population as a problem that needs to be crushed or controlled some way, they should be given the respect to develop their identity. It's as much a problem of the authoritarian nature of the regimes that oppress them as it is about chauvinism of the dominate group in those states. Ultimately it affects everyone in those states in some way or other, not just the Turkic minorities.

Great post. These are the exact thoughts I have regarding Iran’s other large minority, Sunni and Baluch population. They are Iranians.

I would love to see Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan and beyond become strong healthy countries and perhaps establish some kind of a West Asian community that can work together to establish a pole in a multipolar world. Achieving this s the greatest hope for peace in the region. How can European or American powers shitstir in the region if Turkey and Iran are strong, efficient and wealthy countries who work together?

Include Pakistan, and I will agree 100%.
This isn't a seperatist issue. Iran's Turks have been a part of Iran for over a thousand years and considering the fluidity of state boundaries, goes back even further than that (A similar case with China too). Their history and heritage is tied to the lands in Iran. Half of Iran's Turks live outside predominantly Turkish counties and in multi ethnic areas so delineating where South Azerbaijan ends and Iran starts is impossible. The problem is their place within Iran today.

Iran is as much a Turkish country as it is Persian and Iranian Turkish should have equivalent status to Persian. There's no reason why it can't be done, many countries have more than one official language and in the past many Iranians regardless of ethnicity spoke both Turkish and Persian and their own dialects or languages. This Turko-Persian synthesis has been breached this past century and I would say this is why Iran is so sick. It can't restore its pride until this is restored.
This shouldn't be viewed as anti Iran by non Turkic Iranians, it's very much upping Iran by restoring the natural order and a culture of respect which will effect all Iranians regardless of ethnicity or region.

Instead of viewing their Turkic population as a problem that needs to be crushed or controlled some way, they should be given the respect to develop their identity. It's as much a problem of the authoritarian nature of the regimes that oppress them as it is about chauvinism of the dominate group in those states. Ultimately it affects everyone in those states in some way or other, not just the Turkic minorities.

I would love to see Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan and beyond become strong healthy countries and perhaps establish some kind of a West Asian community that can work together to establish a pole in a multipolar world. Achieving this s the greatest hope for peace in the region. How can European or American powers shitstir in the region if Turkey and Iran are strong, efficient and wealthy countries who work together?
Iran is Persian majority country so the only official language should be Persian and these who don’t like it they are welcome to leave

Also nobody asking Turkey to make the Greek and Armenian as official langauges even though there is difference which the Greek and Armenians lived in Anatolia before the Turks unlike the Turks in Iran which they are a recent immigrant
Persians are also racist towards the Turks.

They have a saying its called Tork Khara which means Turkish Donkey.

Persians are the most racist in the Middle East.
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Tebriz, Bakı, Ankara! Biz hara, farslar hara!
Another example for the existential conditions of Turks in Southern Azerbaijan.

As Nader Gazipour, the representative of the people of Urmia, mentioned about discrimination against the Turks in ''Islamic parliament'' on Wednesday 16th of May 2018.

“40 million Turks do not even have a national television and newspaper in their mother language.”

Here is the recent example... “Madrasah schools must be in Turkish Language”, “Turkish Language should be Official Language“, “Article 15 of the Constitution should be applied” ,“We Want education in Mother Tongue” are some of the signs on the walls of the university of Urmia.



Urmiyə Universitetinin türk öyrənciləri universitetin həyətində divarlara ölkədə türk dilinin rəsmi dil olmasını tələb edən etiketlər yapışdırıblar.

Türk, fars və ingilis dillərində yazılan etiketlər oktyabrın 7-də divarlarda görünüb. Öyrəncilər ölkənin təkdilli təhsil sisteminə etiraz edərək məktəb və universitetlərdə türk dilinin tədris olunmasını tələb ediblər.

Etiketlərdə “Türk dilində mədrəsə - Olmalıdır hər kəsə”, “Türk dili rəsmi olsun”, “Konstitusiyanın 15-ci maddəsi icra olunmalıdır” və “Biz ana dilinin tədris olunmasını tələb edirik” şüarları dərc olunub.
The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...smi-dil-olmasini-teleb-edibler-goruntu-109652
Promoting separatism in Iran equals being a pawn of the US. Azeri know this too. Our common enemy (of this region) are Muslim brother hood islamists who are mindless pawns of the Americans.

Trolling or Identity confusion ...

The Mullah supports for decades to PKK terrorism and Islam abusers will to some extent answer to your trolling/indentity confusion, also some clue for Mullahs ethno-religious doctrine inside/outside.

As for the Turks of Southern Azerbaijan... The existential conditions of Turks in Southern Azerbaijan is primary concern for any human being or Turk as a result of ethno-religious doctrine of Mullahs, which is partly exposed in this thread.

Otherwise, what is the point of being a human or Turk.
The campaing ''A Turkish book to every student'' is spreading among Turks in Southern Azerbaijan, which is also an example for the existential conditions of Turks in Souther Azerbaijan.

Güneydə "hər türk şagirdə türkcə bir kitab" kampaniyası dördüncü həftədir davam edir

Keçən həftələrdə Ərdəbil, Xiyav (Meşkinşəhr) və Zəncan kimi şəhərlərdə təşkil olunan kampaniya bölgə əhalisindən əlavə, İranın başqa bölgələrində fəaliyyət göstərən qeyri-fars fəallar və mədəni qrupların da diqqətini cəlb edib.



The source: https://www.amerikaninsesi.org/a/gü...ası-dördüncü-həftədir-davam-edir/4613685.html

The same campaing in the city of Nir.


Təhsil müəssisələrinin açılışı günü “Hər azərbaycanlı şagird üçün türk dilində bir kitab” şüarı ilə başladılan kampaniya Nir şəhərində davam etdirilib.




The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...-nir-seherinde-davam-etdirilib-goruntu-109937
The campaing ''A Turkish book to every student'' is spreading among Turks in Southern Azerbaijan, which is also an example for the existential conditions of Turks in Souther Azerbaijan.

Güneydə "hər türk şagirdə türkcə bir kitab" kampaniyası dördüncü həftədir davam edir

Keçən həftələrdə Ərdəbil, Xiyav (Meşkinşəhr) və Zəncan kimi şəhərlərdə təşkil olunan kampaniya bölgə əhalisindən əlavə, İranın başqa bölgələrində fəaliyyət göstərən qeyri-fars fəallar və mədəni qrupların da diqqətini cəlb edib.



The source: https://www.amerikaninsesi.org/a/güneydə-hər-türk-şagirdə-türkcə-bir-kitab-kampaniyası-dördüncü-həftədir-davam-edir/4613685.html

The same campaing in the city of Nir.


Təhsil müəssisələrinin açılışı günü “Hər azərbaycanlı şagird üçün türk dilində bir kitab” şüarı ilə başladılan kampaniya Nir şəhərində davam etdirilib.




The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...-nir-seherinde-davam-etdirilib-goruntu-109937
The campaing ''A Turkish book to every student'' is spreading among Turks in Southern Azerbaijan, which is also an example for the existential conditions of Turks in Souther Azerbaijan.

Güneydə "hər türk şagirdə türkcə bir kitab" kampaniyası dördüncü həftədir davam edir

Keçən həftələrdə Ərdəbil, Xiyav (Meşkinşəhr) və Zəncan kimi şəhərlərdə təşkil olunan kampaniya bölgə əhalisindən əlavə, İranın başqa bölgələrində fəaliyyət göstərən qeyri-fars fəallar və mədəni qrupların da diqqətini cəlb edib.



The source: https://www.amerikaninsesi.org/a/güneydə-hər-türk-şagirdə-türkcə-bir-kitab-kampaniyası-dördüncü-həftədir-davam-edir/4613685.html

The same campaing in the city of Nir.


Təhsil müəssisələrinin açılışı günü “Hər azərbaycanlı şagird üçün türk dilində bir kitab” şüarı ilə başladılan kampaniya Nir şəhərində davam etdirilib.




The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...-nir-seherinde-davam-etdirilib-goruntu-109937
You talk about correct history yet you are lying openly and falsifying facts

The only azerbaijan is in Iran while the north fake part was called arran until Russians changed to claim the Iranian lands
The campaing ''A Turkish book to every student'' is spreading among Turks in Southern Azerbaijan, which is also an example for the existential conditions of Turks in Souther Azerbaijan.

Güneydə "hər türk şagirdə türkcə bir kitab" kampaniyası dördüncü həftədir davam edir

Keçən həftələrdə Ərdəbil, Xiyav (Meşkinşəhr) və Zəncan kimi şəhərlərdə təşkil olunan kampaniya bölgə əhalisindən əlavə, İranın başqa bölgələrində fəaliyyət göstərən qeyri-fars fəallar və mədəni qrupların da diqqətini cəlb edib.



The source: https://www.amerikaninsesi.org/a/güneydə-hər-türk-şagirdə-türkcə-bir-kitab-kampaniyası-dördüncü-həftədir-davam-edir/4613685.html

The same campaing in the city of Nir.


Təhsil müəssisələrinin açılışı günü “Hər azərbaycanlı şagird üçün türk dilində bir kitab” şüarı ilə başladılan kampaniya Nir şəhərində davam etdirilib.




The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...-nir-seherinde-davam-etdirilib-goruntu-109937
Hey they're Shia so no use of you trying hard these people will Prefer any Shia state than Erdogan the MB
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