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The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

Russia will turn turkey into a glass and turks into tandoori chicken !!

Turkey is a pushover.Rothschild his anglo-jewish empire of USA,UK and Israel.Much bigger threat.They are the only guys who brought us on our knees in 1991 via subversion and sabotage.
Based on the analysis of several high level military analysts Turkey will be nuked in the future. It is also important to note that these analysts believe that NATO has no significance. Another important piece of information that was brought forward by these analysts was that they anticipate that the U.S will not respond to a nuclear strike targeting U.S cities which is bound to occur sometime in the near future.
dont no use talking to turks they are the most violent beast ,and they hate russia,sadly russia is thousand times much more peacefull and respects its minorities more than turkey ,and i thought turks were educated this thread proves they are just another mind fucked islamist ...
Haha damn thats some nice engrishu:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
It just makes ur point even more clear:rofl:
Based on the analysis of several high level military analysts Turkey will be nuked in the future. It is also important to note that these analysts believe that NATO has no significance. Another important piece of information that was brought forward by these analysts was that they anticipate that the U.S will not respond to a nuclear strike targeting U.S cities which is bound to occur sometime in the near future.

Turkey is a pushover.Rothschild his anglo-jewish empire of USA,UK and Israel.Much bigger threat.They are the only guys who brought us on our knees in 1991 via subversion and sabotage.
Americans brought you on your knees with cold war. The Turkics brought you on your knees with their boot up your arse.
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Americans brought you on your knees with cold war. The Turkics brought you on your knees with their boot up your arse

well, turks failed .And we know the turkic race was effectively genocided.Their conversion to islam was the biggest factor nd not America ,but the clique of international forces like Rothschild. Today,we control 80% of Russia formerly islamic territory.

We are making progress, at least you acknowledge your current state of Russian women. :D The Russian street prostitutes I saw and Russian women in discos searching for foreign mushroom tip didn't look Circassian to me. They all had slavic genes that are manipulated by Golden Horde to be promiscuous to survive

At least as not as many as circassians sold in ottoman harems and the ottoman slave market in 1864,when your ancestors to survive had to sell their women enmasse .


Looking at the women,very slavic to me.Not balkan variety ,but definitely cossack female type looking.Maybe cossacks impregnated their ancestors too. seems 1864 seems to be in their genes and collective conscious afterall they were ravished by cossacks in russia and then by turks in ottoman empire lol.


Looks slavic to me. So which was it ? were they slavic tribe or they were mass raped by cossacks?

Kazan turks begging for mercy from ivan the terrible:



and circassians being kicked out of circassia by cossacks:

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Russia will place a regiment of Tu-22M3 (about 30 aircrafts) in the Crimea until 2016 and Iskander missiles as well.
На аэродроме в Симферополе разместят ракетоносцы Ту-22М3 — Юрий Гаврилов — Российская газета
Tu-22's weapons currently include up to 3 X-22 or 10 X-15. Moderinization includes possibility to use X-555, X-101, Yakhont/Brahmos
Ту-22М3: варианты вооружения | Блог В. Мейлицева

Also ground forces will include Bastion complexes armed with Onyx/Yakhont/Bramhos missiles.

So no problem with NATO from the South.
Turks are a force. They have a good Army, but without NATO Russia would steamroll them. :coffee:

I would ratter say that without Turkey, Russia will stemroll NATO very easily, since the Turks were the toughest frontline soldiers in NATO history, Facts: Read about the Korean War and other instances.
well, turks failed .And we know the turkic race was effectively genocided.Their conversion to islam was the biggest factor nd not America ,but the clique of international forces like Rothschild. Today,we control 80% of Russia formerly islamic territory.

At least as not as many as circassians sold in ottoman harems and the ottoman slave market in 1864,when your ancestors to survive had to sell their women enmasse .


Looking at the women,very slavic to me.Not balkan variety ,but definitely cossack female type looking.Maybe cossacks impregnated their ancestors too. seems 1864 seems to be in their genes and collective conscious afterall they were ravished by cossacks in russia and then by turks in ottoman empire lol.


Looks slavic to me. So which was it ? were they slavic tribe or they were mass raped by cossacks?
Circassians look Slavic because they raided land of Rus with Tatar Turks :lol: You know we raided your homelands for centuries? We picked the best ones, the remaining were too ugly. So your ancestors have to had to bow down to us for you to exist and your female ancestors to ugly to be picked up by us. Russian girls still have this promiscuity gene that made them survive under our rule. It is outdated gene but you still have it. I think it is just matter of time that golden horde returns that is why Russian women still have this promiscuity gene :lol:
I would ratter say that without Turkey, Russia will stemroll NATO very easily, since the Turks were the toughest frontline soldiers in NATO history, Facts: Read about the Korean War and other instances.

I doubt that .USA is toughest guy in NATO and no pushover.IF they like they can seize eastern russia magadan oblast in event of war. Turkey is cannon fodder of nato .A pushover.The real threats and command center of NATO ,UK and USA.
again ,this is influence of lenin,trotsky and gorbachev all bloody jewish perverters of moral values and destroyer of cultures.You turks have better chances against us if you become tengri or jewish .These are the only two powers that defeated us successfully.As long as islam you will continue losing to us. And a lot of russians have cherkess,ossete and chechen haplogroup.Which means cossacks carried away a lot of circassian and chechen women and russian forces forcibly converted a lot of circassians .

Good enough.

Hello wannabe General Stalin, if Muslims wanted to conquer your north pole lands, they would have done it like they did to India that was supposed to be impregnable even by Alexander the great.
I dont like to generalize but from what i have seen is many Indians are sucking up to Russia and some other countrys like none else, they have limited knowledge about Eurasian policy but still dare to raise their mouth, just stop it allready if you dont want to humiliate yourselves.
What do you think on whose side Russia is on China-India conflicts, Russia will not give a damn about India, allweather friend my ***, there is no friendship in policy espacially not from Russian side for India against China...

Many of the Russian fanboys only argument is ''Russia will bomb Turkey to stone age'', just cut this shit allready.....

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