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The truth of Indian Economy since 1998

What explains the high FD during NDA and what explains low FD even there were lot of stimulus to econmy to push growth in the face of back to back recessions in 2008/09 and 2011/12?

One single reason. Sanctions. Also, do you understand, growth rate < inflation rate is a disaster? you just shot yourself in the foot with that statistic.

"Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt"

Wasn't it the congress person who inacted the reforms?

Yes under Narasimha Rao. Began in the early 1991. Manmohan was the Finance Minister. But, the guideline and realisation started under Rajeev Gandhi in 1985 with the LTFP (Long Term Fiscal Policy) paper.
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s are enough for you..
As you can see in graph that in 2004 when NDA left the Center everything was increasing fast but in UPA government after 2004 everything is decreasing fast.... Examine all this pictures :)

And I think this article will help you to understand more Click here

When was Sushma defeated in Delhi and what was the Potato price. :)

On a serious note, this is is how MSP has increased:

This is how energy prices has increased:


This is what is the food price movement worldwide:


With these international factors which affects India's globalized economy, the Percapita income has too grown. How?
Lets take a look:


I think, do you need any further explanation on this. do not return with some more false data. :)

hin are enough for you..
As you can see in graph that in 2004 when NDA left the Center everything was increasing fast but in UPA government after 2004 everything is decreasing fast.... Examine all this pictures :)

And I think this article will help you to understand more Click here

CAD was high because of Gold and Fuel import. I have shown how fuel price has increased over the years unlike NDA. And you know what is the price of Gold in 2004 and what is now? And do not blame UPA for that. We are importer of Gold.

But, here is the link of the latest CAD figure.

India Current-Account Gap Narrows to Four-Year Low on Gold - Bloomberg
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I think this are enough for you..
As you can see in graph that in 2004 when NDA left the Center everything was increasing fast but in UPA government after 2004 everything is decreasing fast.... Examine all this pictures :)

And I think this article will help you to understand more Click here

This data is FLSE. In last 3/4 years 17 million jobs have been created in service sector alone. This excludes job in constriction and industry.
17 million formal sector jobs created by UPA govt offers no employment benefits - Economic Times

This data do not take in account the employment generation in NAREGA which is roughly providing job to 5 crore families.

Most of the jobs which were created during NDA were farm sector and distress jobs. A lot of women and small age children were employed in employment during that time. During UPA 21 million women came out of farming. For the first time in history, farm employment declined during UPA and people shifted into construction industry.

Unemployment rate has also decreased below 6% which was above 8% during NDA.

think this are enough for you..
As you can see in graph that in 2004 when NDA left the Center everything was increasing fast but in UPA government after 2004 everything is decreasing fast.... Examine all this pictures :)

And I think this article will help you to understand more Click here

It is true that currency has fallen, but riding on weak rupee our export competitiveness has also increased. Though, it hurts us in the front of CAD through high crude and gold import bill. But, a dollar at 58 will be good for Indian economy.
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I have included all the years GDP....that is why it has come down to 7.6% across whole of UPA.
I do not subscribe to the idea. What kind of policy NDA brought that only can affect country after 6 years of NDA. Kindly elaborate.

Congress did not abandon the PMGSY. It built upon the good work and built 2.81 lakh KM of rural roads which was 4/5 times more what NDA built.

Look at the investment pattern in infrastructure. During NDA all the investment were by Public, very less private investment. During UPA most new investment was brought in by Pvt. sector. What does it say?
Do not say that NDA was dreaming and UPA reaped the benefit. :)

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I do not know about that. But, I know that Babula Bokhariya with three years of conviction still sits pretty under the shadow of MONA. Is that an example of Honesty?

In 2G no Congress guy has been charged.
In case of Adarsh BJP MP Sancheti is booked for owning 8 benami flats
So called coalgate MONA, Raman Singh were lobbying for pvt players. (I don not see this as corruption. but as you think it is corruption, I have to point it out)

Regarding Antony and his experience in defense, yes he is a failure as he was not as trained as Fernadese to blow bridges as terrorists.

PC is the best thing to happen to India. I always wanted him to be the PM, but he chose to retire from electoral politics.

I agree you about AK Antony.He only care about his image.He bought some weapons from outside.But he cant regulate training practice in our forces.In short Indian Navy and AirForce dont have much training in these high tech weapons.
But in some areas he was good.He pushed for indigenisation even if there partial success.5 billion$ deal of Akash systems
are his contribution.
Growth Performance

If you look at the macroeconomic picture of India since 1998 under two ideologically different Govt. at Delhi, you will be dumbfounded. It busts many myths which have been created deliberately to suit one ideology. Lest see what are the macroeconomic data I am referring to and how it actually busts the BALLOON that one ideology is holding onto.
View attachment 23112

With this credible perspective of Indian Economy at our disposal, it wont take rocket science to explain which ideology has done wonders for the county.

I think, only Inflation has been an Achilles hill of Congress, other wise be it:

  • FDI inflow - 10 times more
  • Annual GDP growth - 2% point high with two back to back global recessions
  • Performance of stock market - 3 times
  • Fiscal deficit - 1% point less with the with two back to back global recessions
For more read this great research document which busts a lot of myth whether the flavor of the month political ideology:

  • Suits private sector?
  • Are they reformists?
  • Can they perform better than the incumbent in power?

Do remember After 1990 Economical crisis, then Economical Sanctions and Kargil in 1999 and NDA came out woth 5.9 GDP is great. Also look at the Inflation!! If NDA was continuing at center after 2004 we would've had a greater GDP by now..
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