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The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

Truth can be masked for some time not forever, Every ideology creates its extreme eventually . Its the policy of differentiation between individual , based on religion has led to Pakistan being on the verge of being labeled as defunct state . there policy created Taliban. how long will they keep on denying the truth depends on there respect for there future generation.

Time is very good judge and you can win battles with cunningness , war is always won by truth .

I think we have to question now whether India is a failed state. The disorganization and incompetence of Indian intelligence and security shows a nation falling apart. The arrest of an army officer for complicity in terrorist acts is a severe challenge to the state machinery.

"War is always won by truth" - I believe Kautilya would disagree with your assertion.
Its really funny watching the news channels who where showing little videos off a boat sailing from karachi and terrorist getting off and attacking bombay.
Then the indians blaming british born pakistanis which turned out to be totally untrue.
All this has made the news channels look stupid with then blaming pakistan for the attack and are now calling indians allegations "Knee jerk reaction"..."baseless allegation".

Nothing better the british media having to take back the headlines of british born terrorist attack bombay.

The one thing good that has come out of this attack is that the world media has seen first hand the rabid anti pakistan fools from india blame us for everything that goes wrong in india and are now holding the indians in low regard when it comes to getting the truth.
Yeah yeah yeah! we'll see when Muslims of India are labeled as terrorists again and the scenario of Gujraat is repeated again right the watch of the indian government. Only then will you realize how united you are with your Hindu brothers provided you are a muslim and not a wanna be in disguise.

I admit that mistakes have been made during the past, but, I believe that every mistake is a lesson for the future. And i must say to you that we Muslims are better in India than Hindus are in Pakistan, or for the matter of fact, even Muslims in Pakistan. And, I dont need any certificate from you to certify myself as a Muslim.
I admit that mistakes have been made during the past, but, I believe that every mistake is a lesson for the future. And i must say to you that we Muslims are better in India than Hindus are in Pakistan, or for the matter of fact, even Muslims in Pakistan. And, I dont need any certificate from you to certify myself as a Muslim.

great post bro. we are all indians and we are all in this together. the gunmen never distinguished between hindu and muslim when killing innocents. they are united in their hatred for us, and we should be united in our fighting against them.
great post bro. we are all indians and we are all in this together. the gunmen never distinguished between hindu and muslim when killing innocents. they are united in their hatred for us, and we should be united in our fighting against them.

Why do they kill kashmiri or Gujarati? Cause they are not Hindu?
I think we have to question now whether India is a failed state. The disorganization and incompetence of Indian intelligence and security shows a nation falling apart. The arrest of an army officer for complicity in terrorist acts is a severe challenge to the state machinery.

"War is always won by truth" - I believe Kautilya would disagree with your assertion.

9/11 or london bombing doesnt make a failed state .
failed states are those which doesnt have internal structure to generate better culture for economic and intellectual development for future.
states which are still confused , how to gevern themself .

and my dear unfortunate friend , in our culture every one who is charged in not guilty till he is proven guilty by the court .

you are too immature in your view to understand Kautilya
indians try to watch this for 10 min and turn off ndtv star plus ect.

part 1

part 2

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It is quite early to blame that Pakistan was involved in Mumbai attacks. Also, it has been the "popular opinion" so far in international press reports.

It is on the record that before Mumbai attacks GOP was trying to make every effort to develop good relations with India and was trying to change the default "conflict based ideology" between two countries that always existed. Even GOP took initiative by telling India that Pakistan was willing to commit not to "start" a nuclear war with India. Just few days before the Mumbai attacks, Interior Ministers of both countries met and discussed anti-terrorism efforts.

Even during the Mumbai attacks Pakistan FM was in India attending "joint anti-terror" meeting with his Indian counter part. It was never in interest of GOP, PA or ISI to conduct this operation and undermine developing relations between two countries. It is almost impossible that official elements, even with out approval of GOP would secretly train terrorist and send them in Mumbai to attack.

Unfortunately Indian media and government were quick to blame Pakistan with out any proofs. May be it was necessary for GOI to feed this dose to angry masses as it was the only way to lessen the impact of ever popular but politically harmful fact of "intelligence failure". Indian politicians also took full "advantage" of deteriorating situation. Nationalist BJP opposition published giant advertisements in local newspapers blaming GOI, led by the Congress, for surrendering to terror and accusing it of being "unable and unwilling to deal with terrorism.

What is the most probable outcome of this blame game by GOI and Indian media and who is to benefit ? Suppose situation escalates and tensions reach all time high between these two nuclear armed nations. India asks IAF to stay alert. Pakistan reacts defensively to this situation and calls for troops withdrawal from FATA for deployment on eastern border but in doing so Pakistan has lost all his efforts and achievements it had made in FATA against foreign funded terrorists of TTP and AQ. It took long time and great sacrifices by Pakistan Armed Forces to crush these militants to great extent.The ultimate beneficiary comes out to be TTP and AQ as they would now flourish unchecked in FATA.

So why this possibility doesn't exist that AQ conducted this whole Mumbai operation after carefully analyzing most probable out come. There is a strong possibility that AQ left all hints deliberately pointing to wards Pakistan. Moreover, the method used to conduct Mumbai operation is not the one used by local Jihadis of Pakistan but is exact match of AQ operations in Saudi Arabia and Russia (Chechnya).

It is time to carefully think all the aspects before jumping on conclusions as time is running out.
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brilliantly written
and very likely to be the truth

It is the truth... :agree:

Indians are just denying the truth. All attacks in the past have been blamed on Pakistan and Indians are fools if they believe this.

It is injustice to 195 killed and it is just denying the problems in their land.
Another brilliant article from the Sikhs of India who explain the devious and fanatical hindu forces at work behind the scenes:

Dal Khalsa Press Early Release

'Don't Rule Out Hindutva Hand In Mumbai Terror'

While speculation mounts on the involvement of Islamist Jidhadist groups in Mumbai's carnage ,Dal Khalsa UK would like to point out that the Fanatical Hand of Hindutva could be behind the terrorist attacks in Mumbai and its Hotels.The hand of Hindutva groups and radical Hindu outfits like the Bajrang Dal,RSS, alongside ShivSena could well be behind the latest string of attacks,mostly aimed at the general public and tourists.
For the last 6 months the Indian Nation has been in World News Headlines regarding the on going genocide and ethnic cleansing of Christians in the North Eastern State of Orrisa,the Pope,EU and other World leaders have expressed their outrage to the Indian Govt about the brutal killings,rapes and destruction of Christian Chruches in Orissa by Fanatical Hindu Terror groups.

The word 'Hindu Terrorism' has also popped up in the Media in the last few weeks and leading newspapers like The Times UK and others are activley monitorinig Hindutva outfits like the RSS and Bajrang Dal and their activities in Orissa against Christians all this and pressure from activist groups in the UK have led to the RSS and Hindutva Terrorism in Orrisa to be discussed in the UK House Of Lords.Lord Patten(Conservative),with a whole host of Bishops have called on the UK Govt. to protest the killings and genocide and have also discussed a ban on these groups.

The Hindutva terrorism in Orrisa has given India a bad name in the international community,in order to take away the attention from Orissa Hindutva groups may well have engineered these attacks to take the attention away from 'Hindu Terrorism'which was reaching world headlines and back to Islamic Terrrorism.Its important to point out that in the last week at least 200 bodies have been recoverd dumped on a jungle in the state of Orrisa that just shows the magnitude of the killings in the North Eastern State.

Not only this the attacks could also have been carried out to have an influence on the outcome of India's next elections,as the Congress led Govt. is weak and is heavily opposed by most major Hindutva groups .In order to get into power once more through the BJP and to grab the votes of Hindu Nationalists these attacks may well have been enginered at just the right time.The reason for this is that 2 Leading officials who were leading the Investigation into 'Hindu Terror Cells' in Mumbai have been killed,it is improtant at this time to recall the arrest of the Hindu Sadhvi Pragya Thakur she was arrested for the Malegoan blasts and had alledged involvement in making bombs and bomb factories.The ATF Chief leading the investigation Hemant Karkare was killed a few days ago in the Mumbai Terror attacks along with another ATF senior member,Hindu radicals have celebrated his death as a blessing from God and have expressed their gratitude that he is now dead.This is evident from comments left on Indian News Blogs:

'Pragya’s heartfelt cry and prayer to Hindu Goddess Durga, that might have resulted in the killing of not only Hemant Karkare but also other members of ATS and the Marthi Police manoos.'

'Death of Hemant Karkare 1 ATS head Hemant Karkare’s demise was welcomed by Hindus as he was trying to create artificial Hindu terrorists'

' ATS head Hemant Karkare’s death is due to his illegal and immoral way of detaining a Hindu Sadhvi Pragya.'

http://www.expressbuzz.com/edition/story.a...ERROR ATTACKS

This leads us to ask the question as to why the head of a Govt agency who deals not with criminals but with terrorists was killed? Where was his security?Body armour? Its easy to say he was shot dead and so on,but would we see Metropolitan Chief Sir Paul Stephenson, on the front line in an attack like this in the UK?

There is the possibility the head of the ATF was killed of due to his exposure of Hindu Terrorism and the arrest of the Sadhvi,Hindutva groups were growing very hostile towards the ATF and their uncovering and use of the word Hindu Terrorism.The BJP/RSS has and continue to activley support the Sadhvi and all the suspects arressted in the Malegaon Blast cases,and they are highly critical of the ATF and its management.

With the attacks being blamed on Islamic Jihadists and Pakistan this may well be used as a reason to crack down on Muslims living within India,and one cannot rule out the chance of another 'Gujarat 2002'(Genocide) through the Right Wing propaganda of the RSS Hindutva terrorists. In 2002 as well Islamic Fanatics were blamed for the train bombing of Hindus ,but earlier this year it came to light that these attacks were themselves enginered by the Bajrang Dal and RSS ,this attack was used as a reason to attack Muslims and cause communal tensions all this was exposed by the Tehelka Network in an undercover sting opertion using hidden cameras and interviews of Hindutva leaders.

The Chinese Official Daily also says that Hindutva may have a hand in this horrific incident

China official daily says don’t rule out Hindu radicals

Dal Khalsa UK and the Sikh Community as a whole would like to at this time send its condolences to the families of the victims of this sickening attack on unarmed civilians and tourists who were going about their daily lives only for them to be tragicly ended by the terror of cowards and inhumane terrorists

We hope peace prevails and that the spirit of Humanity shines through these dark days.

Nanak Naam Chardi Kalla Tere Bhaneh Sarbat Da Bhalla
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