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The Total defeat of Israel in 33 days (Lebanon 2006)

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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A real Documentary (in Arabic) about the total Defeat of Israel in the Lebanon war of 2006, where Israel lost more than 100 Merkava (the supposedly Super top notch MBT of the world) along with its Top notch "Gilani" chief of staff's paratroopers Brigade and many more... have a fuss.








Iranian backed Hezbollah totally crushed Israel and liberated south Lebanon lands. However this was just the appetiser, if Israel is crazy enough to attack Iran (as many members here would love) then you will see the main course.
Any words from Israeli members????

Note: Youtube video not always tell truth. Propaganda is a tool of terrorists,
I can repost my message. Just facts:

The direct results of the war:

1) Hezbollah captured two bodies of IDF men (in raid that started the war). Israel captured 4 live Hezbollah men.
2) Hezbollah failed to capture even one inch of Israeli territory. Israel captured many villages and bunkers in Lebanon.
3) Hezbollah killed 121 Israeli soldiers (including two seized bodies, friendly fire incidents, crashes etc). Israel killed 500-600 Hezbollah men.
4) Hezbollah did not destroy any IDF object. Israel destroyed hundreds of Hezbollah objects.

Obviously Israel is victorious here.

The long term results:

1) Hezbollah was forced to stop attacks against Israel. For the first time since late 1960-es Israel's border with Lebanon border became calm.
2) Hezbollah lost free hand in South Lebanon, where large international force and Lebanese army were deployed (Hezbollah opposed the deployment of Lebanese army in South Lebanon before the war).
3) Hezbollah got one old murderer.
4) Israel occupied half of Rajar village.
5) Hezbollah leader keeps hiding like a rat under the ground.

Again obviously Israel is victorious here.
I can repost my message. Just facts:

The direct results of the war:

1) Hezbollah captured two bodies of IDF men (in raid that started the war). Israel captured 4 live Hezbollah men.
2) Hezbollah failed to capture even one inch of Israeli territory. Israel captured many villages and bunkers in Lebanon.
3) Hezbollah killed 121 Israeli soldiers (including two seized bodies, friendly fire incidents, crashes etc). Israel killed 500-600 Hezbollah men.
4) Hezbollah did not destroy any IDF object. Israel destroyed hundreds of Hezbollah objects.

Obviously Israel is victorious here.

The long term results:

1) Hezbollah was forced to stop attacks against Israel. For the first time since late 1960-es Israel's border with Lebanon border became calm.
2) Hezbollah lost free hand in South Lebanon, where large international force and Lebanese army were deployed (Hezbollah opposed the deployment of Lebanese army in South Lebanon before the war).
3) Hezbollah got one old murderer.
4) Israel occupied half of Rajar village.
5) Hezbollah leader keeps hiding like a rat under the ground.

Again obviously Israel is victorious here.

We are comparing IDF, with a small group called Hezbollah. For such a strong (coward, though) force like IDF, who had defeated everyone before, 33 days war was nothing but a decisive defeat.
Even if Hezbollah were totally annihilated, still that would be a moral victory for this great leader and his men.
Now look how Arab members pour here and say Hezbollah are terrorists and then sympathize with 40 Israeli citizens killed in the war,while ignoring 1200 Lebanese who were killed by IDF,Arabs are weird (SC I'm not talking about you :))

I noticed you guys are perfect at lying, I challenge you in front of all members here to prove that an Arab said what you claimed here. Shame on you. If you like them so much, why don't you dissolve Iranian army and create similar terrorist groups in Arabistan, Baluchistan,...ect to fight Americans "the biggest devil" next to your doors? Lebanon is a country that have an army and would be happy to have this militia weapons to defend the country as the only legitimate Institution illegible to posses such weapons.
Lebanon used to be a Christian country. There are still a lot of Christians living there who want nothing to do with Hezbullah.
I noticed you guys are perfect at lying, I challenge you in front of all members here to prove that an Arab said what you claimed here. Shame on you. If you like them so much, why don't you dissolve Iranian army and create similar terrorist groups in Arabistan, Baluchistan,...ect to fight Americans "the biggest devil" next to your doors? Lebanon is a country that have an army and would be happy to have this militia weapons to defend the country as the only legitimate Institution illegible to posses such weapons.

Shame one me?Really?
Didn't all of you in that other thread call Hezbollah terrorists and said they attacked Israeli citizens,so they are terrorists?Sure,I think those are all my imaginations.

Banana army is way better than Lebanese army,don't make us laugh please,Lebanese army is a total joke.
We love them and support them,because they were brave enough to actually fight Israel face to face,not just huffs and puffs like Arab monarchies.You can see them as terrorists,still doesn't change the facts and it's not even important.
Shame one me?Really?
Didn't all of you in that other thread call Hezbollah terrorists and said they attacked Israeli citizens,so they are terrorists?Sure,I think those are all my imaginations.

Banana army is way better than Lebanese army,don't make us laugh please,Lebanese army is a total joke.
We love them and support them,because they were brave enough to actually fight Israel face to face,not just huffs and puffs like Arab monarchies.You can see them as terrorists,still doesn't change the facts and it's not even important.
Hold on, quote the post that says that now.
Lebanon used to be a Christian country. There are still a lot of Christians living there who want nothing to do with Hezbullah.

All Lebanese sects and people hate them and want them disarmed except for this militia well known sect and a small Christian party led by Colonel Oon. They are called 8 march faction.
Funny the Jordanians are condemning Hezbollah and despise israel at the same time.Hezbollah proved to be much more brave than the Jordanian army which was defeated by Israel and hezbollah was the first to defeat the israeli army.Got to give it to the wahabbis ,they lose every war and make such bravado claims.

But yes ,next war with hezbollah ,israel will win hands down.It was Israel's arrogance that led to its defeat.This time IDF will be much more prepared to deal with hezbollah .
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